Celam P.O.V
"hey cheek it out!" I said
"look at all the gym leaders!" jake said
"yay!" bonnie said as she hold Z1 and Z2
"not a moment too soon" blaziken mask said
"sorry to keep you waiting!" korrina said with her Lucario by her side
"i'd say that thing wont stop even if we ask it nicely" diantha said
"it is sure is big. NOW don't get distracted grant" viola said to grant
"yeah but it would make a good wall to climb" grant said
"those plants are really strong, lets go gogoat" ramos said to his pokemon, gogoat nodded
"horrendous energy is everywhere" Valerie said and gasped
"it must not make contact with the sundial" Olympia said as she flout in the air with her pokemon
"then that means go full throttle" wulfric said with his abomasnow
"that didn't slow it down" diantha said as the rock keep moveing
"lets fall back and come up with a different plan" tess said me, jake nodded
"we all know the situation, rescuing chespie and {name} is our first priority" diantha said
"right" steven said
"lets use the pokemon' moves to get inside the rock" jake said
"the target is that water shuriken" tess added pointing at the shuriken
"we'll attack with our combined power along with are new champion travel buddy and there pokemon" diantha said looking at tess and jake
"we will be happy to" jake said as he punch his fist
"let do this! the faster we go the close to saving that chespin and our {name}!" tess said as she punch the air
"we couldn't asked for a stronger group!" the professor said and me and jake smiled
"I bet 20$ I could take down more vines then you" I said
"in your dreams brother from a different mother!" jake replied as we bumped head playfully
"everyone, your looking at the final lines of defese" diatha said
"we can not let it come in contact with the sundial remember that" serena said
"lets go houndoom" malva said as she relist her houndoom
we all stood to wait for the giant rock to come closer and gerninja, and chesnaght and I stood next to serena and I know this would I never forget
then we all started to running to the giant rock (and btw gerninja is still {name}-gerninja just to let you know)
"chesnaught use pin missal and gerninja use cut" I said as gerninja use cut and knocking some of the vines that came our way
"use flamethrower!" alain said and his mega chaziard burned thought some of the vines an me, alain, chesnaught, and gerninja started to run on thw vines
"use flamethrower!" tess, blaziken mask, malva, and alain shouted and malva's mega houndoom blaziken mask's blaziken alain's charziard and tess's salamence all blast thought the vines and as more vines blocked our path again Olympia and Valerie's pokemon black it
"thanks" I said as we passed them but then a vine wrapped around Valerie
"Valerie!" I called out
"don't worry about me!" she said
"i'll help ot here go and save that chespin and {name}!" Olympia said and we ran off
Charizard used another flamethrower and chestnaught used hammer arm and gerninja used the move cut knocking more vines but one was about yo hit gerninja but mega Lucario block it out of the way
"korrina!" I yelled as korrina's Lucario got hit into her
"you guys need to turn around and run!" she said and we ran
as we ran ramos jumped in front of us on his gogout
"gogoat use grass knot!" ramos yelled and his gogoat knotted the vines together making a path for us but then vines wrapped around ramos
"oh no ramos!" I said
"now it up to you celam!" ramos yelled and we stared to run again
we had trouble dodging the vines and then tess and jake came with there pokemon, mega salamence and vaporon
"use ice beam!" jake said as his vaporon use ice beam on the vines that freezed
"use flamethrower!" tess said as her salamence burned the vines that were in ice but then two vines grabbed them
"tess!jake!no!" I said as I saw two of {name}'s friend got grabbed with there pokemon
"you need to turn around and run!" jake yelled as the vines take him away with his vaporeon
"burn that thing to the ground!" tess yelled as the same thing with jake happened to her with her mega salamence
we kept running we got caught in the vines but then viola and her vivillon ran or fly over and destroyed the vines and when more vines came at us grant and his tyrunt use rock tome and it made a wall trapping some of the vines inside it but both grant and viola got caught in the vines too
"are you two okay?" I asked
"just get past that wall!" grant yelled
"do it know!" viola yelled as the being carried away by the vines as we started to clime the wall vines clime up the wall
"ice shard go!" wulfric said and his mega abomasnow as it froze the vines
"hurry up young ones!" he said as vines got him and his abomasnow too as we got to the top we where really close to the giant rock
"we need to make a path!" malva said
"take care of chespie and {name}!" professor scamore said
"we will take care of this!" diantha said
"no doubt" clemont said and they ran past us
"dark pulse go!" malva said and her mega houndoom destroy some the vines
"dragon rage!" professor scamore said and his mega garchomp did the same thing and we ran past them but then the professor and malva got trapped in the vines
"professor!" alain yelled
"just go!" professor yelled
"we wont let you down count on it!" celam said and ran up ahead
a vine rose in front of us bit before it could hit a seed bomb hit it and I saw team rocket in a helicopter
"don't just stand there twerp!" jessie said
"chespie and {name} are waiting! step on it!" james said as a vine hit their helicopter causing them to fall out but them diantha's gardevoir caught them as we ran and moved more vines came at us but steven and diantha's pokemon destroy them
"don't worry about the vines!" steven said
"keep moving forward!" diantha said
"our future depends on it!" diantha said
"use psychic!" steven and diantha yelled gardevoir and metagross use psychic and did so and twisted the vines together making a straight path
"over there!" I said as we approaching the center
"chesnaught use vine wipe! and gerninja use water shuriken" I said
"flamethrower" alain said and everyone was ready to attack
"lets go!" viola yelled
"lets go!" grant yelled out
"let's go!" korrina yelled
"over there!" ramos shouted
"hurry up!" Valerie yelled
"let's go!" Olympia shouted
"do it know!" wulfric yelled
"let's go!" steven shouted
"let's go!" professor yelled out
"let's go!" malva yelled
"let's go!" clement shouted
"let's go!" blaziken mask yelled
"let's go!" diantha shouted
"use the dragon power!" tess yelled
"wash it away!" jake shouted
"go full power!" {name} said
"burn it!" serena yelled
"let's go!" I yelled
"let's go!" alain yelled
gerninja, chestnaught, and Charizard attacked at the same time and made a whole to go through and we jumped in
Alain P.O.V
we jumped in the giant rock to see that the rocks are glowing red and one was holding chespie and {name}
"chespie!{name}!" I said and started to ran up but before I got even close some red crystals grew in front of me and I backflipped away from it
"we will cover you alain ill go get chespie and you go get {name}!" celam said
"Charizard help me out" celam said and Charizard nodded
"come on!" he said as they ran behind me and celam told gerninja to use his tong to get chespie and did so and got chespie and all we need is {name} and rock came to me
"chestnught use pin missal! and gerninja use cut" celam yelled and both pokemon destroy the rock and I kept running a more rock came to me
"use flamethrower!" celam said and the rock where destroyed
I jump to get {name}
'{name} it's alain we came to get you out of here let's go back to our friend together' I thought and I grabbed {name} and we jumped on out of here
we felt the rock stopped gerninja, chestnught jump on out first and me and celam rid on Charizard's back
"it's celam, alain and {name}!" serena and mairin said
"chespie!" mairin said as she saw her pokemon
"that what I call a success" wulfric said as we went passed by everyone
"celam, alain you did it!" clement said as korrina jump up and down with her Lucario
"good job guys!" jake and tess said and look at each other giving the look jinx
soon celam give chespie back to mairin and soon {name} woke up
"{name}!" all of us said
"im fine" {name} gave us a tumes up
"chespie I got you" she said crying and looked up at me
"thank you so much" she said
{name} P.O.V
we all turned to the motionless giant rock
"all that left is what in front of us!"steven said and we all stood side by side
"let's all attack together!"diatha said
"now!" she said and I told gerninja to use water shuiken and all the pokemon's hit the giant rock and started to fall
"did it work?" celam asked but then it rose back up fast and we stared in shock when we saw someone on it's head
"it can be!" alain gasped
"I know but how?!" celam asked
"it not possible!" serena gasped
"Lysander" malva said
"even if you somehow able to stop me i'll still destroy the world count on that!" Lysander said and the giant rock roared
"lyasnder!" celam said angrily
"YOU!!!" me and tess said and jake had to hold us back even if I can use my power put I don't want to turn into a demon or something
"the count down to destruction will not stop!" Lysander said as a machine on his arm opened and giant rock stared to glow signaling a attack
"light screen quick!" valrie said and chestnught got in fround of me and celam and I earth psychic thing to help chestnught out it block the attack but everyone was knock off their feet
"are you guys okay?" I asked gerninja, celam, chestnught
'yep' gerninja said
'yes im good' chestnught said
"we are just fine" celam said with a nodded but then the giant rock stared to move again
"it's still moving!" jake said
"how do we make it stop?" serena asked
"everyone listen to me, the power that moving it has to do something with the device on Lysander's arm!" clement said
"then it must be destroyed" alain said
"that will stop it?" celam asked
"we have to try anything!" I said
"we give everything we got!" tess said
"it's are only chance" jake said
"right" we all said and stared to run to the rock and Lysander but then Z1 told me to follow him
'I am zygarde defender of order' Z1 and Z2 said
'and im {name} the child of ninja villeg and zygarde' I said
'we will show you are true power!' we all said and Z1 and Z2 became one
I transform into a shiny xerneas 'cool'
"and still you both hid this from, you both had must have been seeing the world the way I was have you not felt that?!" Lysander asked
"if I had not raised my objections the world would have continued on its warped path but now you both chose to appear what could possibly be left to defend? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!!!!" he shouted
'if it is a right you speak of this world belongs to them' Z1, Z2, and I said at the same time
'I have place my hopes in humanity, they have always protected me' we said
'she kept her promise not to leave my side' Z1 said looking at me
'my friends and zygarde protected me even if they didn't knew me from the start' I said looking at my friends and Z1 and Z2
'now it is our turn!' Z1 and I said
"I will incinerate the both of you!" Lysander yelled and the giant rock sent out two attacks one at me and one at zygarde and me and zygarde flew in different whys I blast my with the power of air then zygarde and I hit the giant rock making it fall back a bit
"fools!" Lysander said
"chestnought use pin missal!" celam said
" Charizard use flamethrower" alain said
"use psybeam!" serena said
"dragon rage now!" tess said
"hydro pump!" jake said
"gerninja water shuiken!" I said and the pokemon jump up and attack the broke the device on Lysander's hand
"it cant be! it must be a miske! my meticulous planning was perfect!" Lysander said zygarde and I struck the giant rock again this time going straight thought it
"NO!!" Lysander shouted
'kalos we will protect you!' Z1 and I flew above the giant rock and got ready to attack
"squishy and {name} go for it!!" my friends shouted zygarde made a Z over the rock and I made F/S (fav shape) over it
"NO, NOT YET IT'S NOT OVER YET!!!" Lysander yelled as he dissapeard in the green and F/C (fav color) and I turn into my normal form and stand next to my friends
"squishy thanks a lot" I thank him
'{name} I only did what you have done for my it is who I should thank you' Z1 said and flew up and fix the sky and got ride of the vines
"is this goodbye?" I asked
'I think ill be in the sun resting im tired' he said
"I love you squishy! I love you!" I said
'I love you too {name} see you soon' he said and flew off
Me: *about to cry*
Ayla: sa-er cookie you okie?
Me: im fine it just the story is about to make me cry
Spider-man: *pats my back* there, there cookie, it ok, it is ok, let it all out
Scarlet: *jelly*
Cherry: JELLY!!!
Scarlet: shut up
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