chapter 21 plans changing

{name} P.O.V

I looked down to see clement,clembot and blaziken mask battling two team flare people 

'huh? where tess and serena?' I thought as I started to panick. I looked around to see where tess and serena where they could have gone of to from the sky with my psychic power

"do you see them?" I asked gerninja and absol as they fly with me

'no sorry do you want us to get closer if you want?'asbsol ask me I shook my head and turned my attention back to clement,clembot,jake and blaziken mask's battle

"great job you guys!" I shouted as I saw clembot tie up the two team flare members.the three trainers and robot looked up at me as I slowly flew down with psychic power and with my two pokemon

"have you seen celam and alain?" clement asked I nodded

"they are battling Lysander" I replied

 "have you seen tess and serena or mairin?" I asked

"yeah prof.sycamore and mairin was here a few minutes ago they when with tess and serena to go and collect chespie from Lysander labs" jake answered I sighed in relief.suddenly I heard a screech

"zygarde.....bonnie" I muttered then quietly use my powers fly up

"im going to help zygarde if I can" I said looking  at clement,jake and blaziken mask while clembot was continuing tightening the knot that held the two team flare members

"i'll keep a eye on bonnie and the rest" I said clement,jake and blaziken mask nodded,with that done I flew with gerninja and sent ou talontflame to pick up absol and we went to find zygarde


"there!" I said pointing at the ground where bonnie was standing by Z1 also know as squishy according to my dictionary (and remember YOU are keeping care of zygarde squishy or what every you what to call him just to let you know) I landed next to bonnie with absol gerninja and talontflame. I put talontflame,and absol back in there pokeball

"{name}!" bonnie exclaimed with a worried look on her face

"are you alright?" I asked bonnie nodded

"but squishy isn't" bonnie said pointing at prism tower which had a strange red light glowing

"the mega evolution energy" I gasped recognizing the red glow. before I know it the red beam hit squishy\zygarde

"NO!" I yelled out as I saw squishy who stared to absorb the red light and his scales stared to turn red which was mixed with mega evolution energy that trapped the legendary pokemon.vines stared to grow more faster.

"watch out!" I cried out in warning as a few vines came to bonnie just before the vines touch her I saw blaziken mask's megs blaziken carried her away just in time I gave a sigh in relief

"gerninja use water shuriken at the vines!" I ordered gerninja nodded his head and sent a large water shuriken at the vines causing them to break and let us past before more can grow

"this is much more then what I expected" I huffed and grab gerninja pokeball as I tried to put him back in his pokeball he kept jumping away (like Pikachu when he don't want to go in his pokeball)

"why don't you want do go in its for the best for you!" I said as I tried to put my stubbornly ninja pokemon kept on moving away from the red light.

"I don't want to!" he said as he kept jumping away from the red light

"why?! this is not the time to be stubborn gerninja!" I yelled as I stopped trying to put him in the pokeball

' want to speed more time with you because I love you' gerninja said as he look down my eyes widen 'h-he love me'

"I never know gerninja I so sorry why didn't you tell me sooner?" I ask my partner as he look down to see me (btw you shorter then gerninja)

'because I thought you will think it will be weird if a pokemon will love their there trainer' he said as I hugged him


"now lets go and save the world and if I leave you out you will go to of our friend if something happened to me right?" I said as we let go of the hug and he nodded 

"bonnie!blaziken mask! are you two okay?"i shouted both of them gave a thumbs up and blaziken mask crouched down to talk to bonnie who seemed to be out of breath 

I just remembered that clement said something out prof.sycamore and the others went to Lysander labs

'what if they ran into trouble there!?!' suddenly a sharped pain in my head snapped me out of my thoughts I looked around to see zygarde trying to get back in control of his own body again

"we need to go to Lysander labs" gerninja said as I nodded yes

"blaziken mask will you keep care of bonnie will you?!" I shouted as I put the song that I sang for zygarde when I was a kid  in bonnie's head(and again the sang that bonnie sang for zygarde)

it was hard to see blaziken mask is feeling but he nodded his yes I sent out talontflame to give me a ride and told him that I had a bad headache so it going to be hard to use my powers to fly and he nodded and also tlanontflame is super strong to carry me and gerninja to the lab


"fancy seeing you here steven" I said I meet steven when I was going to hoenn reagon for a little brack from being champion from roria

"fancy seeing seeing you here to {name}!use meteor mash!" he said as he gestured his hand at the women with glasses with a weavile.fortunataly for them they move out the why in time

"the hoenn champion...steven and the roria and kalos champion...{name}" I herd the women mutter

"oh nice of you to know us" I said as talonflame growled at her and gerninja nodded his head and get into his battle stands 

"Lysander fooled me alright but he fooled the hole world after all" steven said I sighed 'so alain was not the only one'

"well let end team flare" I said to steven who nodded

"oh I don't think so" the women said as more team flare members appered with pokeballs in there hands

"prof.cypress?! how did you came back?!" I said as recognized the former team eclipse leader among the team flare members.his eyes meet with my {eye color} eyes

"oh miss me? when you bring back that traitor I some how came back! and I join this team! and soon I will free all pokemon!" prof.cypress said as I shook my head

"what are you doing among them?!" I said he just looked at me

"I said I will free all pokemon from your hands" he said and I glared at him

"I bagsy this trainer" I claimed raising my hand like how students would do in a class room to ask the teacher a question.steven nodded

"its time to prove you wrong but this time a real pokemon battle" I smirked

"steven,{name}!" I heard mairin shouted out

"we're glad you guys are here!" prof.sycamore said

"{name}?what are you doing here?" tess asked I truned to face tess and serena

"well I came here after I left blaziken mask and bonnie to deal with squishy and Z2" I answerd "I thought you might you needed some help" I said

"you left Z2 with bonnie and blaziken mask?!" tess exclaimed I nodded

"I know they can.i give bonnie the song that I sing to him when I was young and plus it not just Z2 now.Z1 is fighting to gain back his control" I said and tess hit me on top of the head

"and I thought you were the smart one!" tess retorted I rubbed the top of my head

"owie..fine I let you decise next time!" I pouted and she hit me again

"there will be hopefully next time!" tess yelles I huffed

 'just like old times' I turned to prof.sycamore who was explaining why they where here with mairin to steven 

 "mairin's chespin is inside and so is the giant rock"prof.sycamore explained 

"right" steven nodded

"oh that rock.."i muttered when I was sent by looker to find the rock with steven 

"i'll handle this.Get going" steven said turning back to team flare Prof.sycamore mairin tess and serena nodded then ran into a building

"I cant believe that you left zygarde to two other pathetic people" prof.cypress muttered

"HEY! I heard that!Quit talking and lets battle!" I yelled steven chuckled 

"what so funny!" I ask with a poker face  ._. <~~

"now who talking?" prof.cypress said as he sent out his blastoise

"talontflame use steel wing!" I said suddenly

"HEY! that not fare!" prof.cypress said

"surprise!" I said as I stuck out my tongue at him and the three other team flare members sent out two houndooms and one sneael

"weevil!now ice shard!" the women with blue hair said

"use dark pulse" the team flare members shouted in syc 'creepy'

"blastoise use aquajet!" prof.cypress commanded

"talontflame use bravebird!" I ordered

"use flash cannon!" steven shout 'this is going to be fun'

Tess P.O.V

"look out!" I said as I ducked as an mud shot hit through the corridors of team flare's base; hitting the TV crew instead

"are you alright?" serena asked the TV crew are the trio groaned as they stood back up

"come on! you need a prior approval for an interview" a women with purple hair and lipstick snickered

"WHY YOU!" the tv crew women yelled

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" the man waved his arms frantically above his head

"YOUR GLASSES ARE CHOKING YOUR BRAIN!" the cat-face man shouted.suddenly the trio threw off there clothes revealing that the cat-faced man was a meowth and a wobbuffet and other two was now dressed in white and black with a big 'R' on their shirt 

'what a surprise' I thought sarcastically 'it was pretty obvious that they weren't part of lumiose TV crew'

"team rocket!" serena said

"you keep on appearing like a bad dream" the purple haired women muttered who seemed to be annoyed

"now get going" the magenta haired women said (jesse)

"go and save your precious pokemon" the lavender haired male added (james)

"any enemy of our enemy is a good buddy to us" the meowth smiled 'a meowth that can talk...werid'

"we have no intention handling this world to you thugs" the team rocket male glared

"it's a team rocket world" the team rocket female crossed her arms

"it's really the boss's world" meowth therw his arms in the air (literally!)

"stop the babble its so boring!" the purple haired women waved her hand

"I know you are!" the dark pink haired women gave her a looked"gourgeist use seed bomb!" she said as she trow her pokeball

"inkay!use psybeam!" the male shouted

"drapion!use sludge bomb!" the team flare member yelled as the attacks from team rocket was shot

"we better hurry!" prof.sycamore said without hesitation we stared to run


"thank goodness! chespie sake!" mairin said when she saw chespie.'so that chespie  and im guessing that green light is from zygarde's power' I thought as prof.sycamore picked up mairin's chespin gently

"lets bring chespie back to my lab" prof.sycamore suggested

"how chespie?" serena asked as me mairin and prof.sycamore came out of the room

"he's fine!see!" mairin nodded serena looked and chespie then gave a small smile

"thank goodness!" she replied

"now how do we get out of this situation?" prof.sycamore questioned himself as a lot of team flare members in front of us

"how did you get here so quick!?" I said suddenly a blue light surrounded the team flare members causing them to float up.

"oh come on you don't want to get hurt do you?" steven smiled 

"steven!" mairin cheered 

"hump..that should teach he a lesson.." I heard someone mumble

"{name}!" I said as I saw my traveling buddy as she walk out of the shadows with gerninja and a sylveon by her side"nice to see you still have your old team" I said as I look at the white and pink fairy pokemon and {name} look up and smiled

"is everyone alright?" she asked everyone nodded

{name} P.O.V

"is everyone alright?" I asked everyone nodded suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head and I grew stonger 

'humans are weak..humans are foolish! they don't deserve to live in this world...' a dark voise rang in my head

"{name}?" it was tess"are you okay?" she asked I looked up and nodded wincing a bit

'he mega evolution trying to control you' sylveon said worriedly I shook my head

"you know that it will take more then that to control me!" I thought sylveon sighted

'but you know that it's the energy that's trying to control don't really have a proper choice' sylveon said

"every since you evolved all those years ago you're acting like an adult now" I smiled after that sylveon huffed and didnt speak to me as they where walking I felt somehow relieved.

'bonnie and blaziken mask did it! they saved Z1...I just know it!' I smiled 'all we need to do is save Z2 then we will win! mom dad I hop your proud'

Me: sorry I not been uploading that much

Ayla: ya super sorry guys

Cherry: yep and the wep worriors are to busy kicking bad guy butts


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