Top Ten Best Pokemon Fanfiction Authors on Wattpad (According to Our Critics)

Hey there, reader, and welcome to the first Wattpad list done by the GRA! For our first one, we have decided to have our members each make their own individual ranking of who they consider to be their ten favorite Pokemon fanfic authors :) Enjoy!

Ivy (@RiverIvy)'s List:

10) FloralArtistry - I think that this author has a brilliantly intriguing and realistic way of starting and developing romances. Her battle scenes are also action-packed and amazing, too. Her book, Flaming Dreams, was one of the first to get me into Pokemon Fanfiction, and also one that gave me hope in Pokemon Romances :)

9) ChronaLilly - She's really so good at creating twists and just has such a mind-blowing plot. Filled with awesome revelations, heart-twisting scenes, and at the same time perfect grammar and biting wit, her book Hearts of Gold and its sequel Second Chances are not stories to miss out on.

8) Darker_X - How couldn't I include him :D His plots are very unique, his writing has a very majestic and striking feel to it, and every single chapter of his books leave you at the edge of your seat. Currently, his book "A Tale of Many: Splashing Shores" is my favorite of his works.

7) PikaChick - Probably Wattpad's most renowned Pokemon Fanfic writer. Although I've read Blue Lightning a long while ago, it still sticks with me as a very thrilling and unique book. I've got to say though, if I had to pick, The Messengers of Alph was most likely her best, in my opinion :)

6) PokeBroncoFan - This author will probably hate me for not putting him in the first place! Lol, jokes aside about PBF's ego, his books are masterpieces. An Account of Tribal Hoenn was a  seriously jaw-dropping series. I absolutely adore all the action and the tension and the plot twists and the cliffhangers, not to mention creating a very rich and vivid history of the Pokemon that we know about was an absolutely marvelous way to fill in the blanks of a world we so love.

5) d_s_t_e - Without a doubt my biggest role model on Wattpad. Her books "Getting out of Fuchsia" and "The Girl with the Chikorita" were one of the most awe-inspiring in that they managed to be funny, suspenseful, fascinating, unique, deep, sad, and terrifically entertaining all at once. Hands down one of the best Pokefics on Wattpad.

4) DachshundPiano - Underdog was...words can't express how terrific of a read it was. Going through that book was like taking a ride on the biggest, baddest, fastest, most heart-stopping roller coaster ever created. Every chapter was a blaze and you get so damn attached to the characters; a truly unimaginably fantastic story.

3) CuteKirlia - The fact that this writer is relatively unknown in the fanfic community brings tears to my eyes. Such lovely talent, yet no one can see! Her book, Forests of Secrets, was haunting  beyond what could be explained through words. Filled with such vivid realism and striking characters, one of the best plots I've come across, such unseen of themes, beautiful description - and so, so much more that I could name. Her book is easily ten times better than many books I know that are five times more popular.Ending this unusual, eerie, mesmerizing read left me with such an odd sensation. I remember craving updates. I 100% recommend this book to anyone, ANYONE who's a fan of reading - and not only Pokemon fans.

2) SGMijumaru - Though I so far only read two of this author's books, his talent and immense imagination is very clear to me already. Pokemon Chronicles: Wrath of the Crystal Queen 1 and 2 were such in depth-books filled with every single aspect and emotion you could think of: thrilling, deep, meaningful, spectacular characters, great development, mind-blowing plot, twists at every turn, tragedy and emotion, description, good grammar - they are just too good. Extremely deserving of this place on my list.

And, before we go to number one, some honorable mentions...  Grenineon, Alko-Hitch, AnonymouslyDedicated, mawile_xoxo, blue___22, DragonsRose, Scarlet_Regnar, and Quirky_Atlas (;-; she would've been included in the list if only she wrote more *cries because missing her books*)

And, finally, number one!...

1) Vespin - I don't think a lot of people would be surprised by this :P The Golden Throne is easily one of the best - no, THE best - Pokemon Fanfiction on Wattpad. It's a true shame that there are so few people reading it.What? You want to know why it's so good?


Then go and find out. Read it, by the orders of I, dictatoress of the GRA! :3

Emerald (Chansey-)'s list:

#10: FloralArtistry

So, here is an author who I think deserves to be a part of this list. Although (DISCLAIMER) she is not active anymore, she has a really good book to say the least. And she is a good person to be with!

Read her book: Flaming Dreams

#9: RainyFantasy

Here is another author! She has a bubbly and fun personality, and likes the rain. Obviously. :3 She, along with Flora, are great artists also! Her book is also good, I recommend you read it.

Read her book: Ability

#8: Darker_X

This person is a very intelligent and good Erudite. He is one of my favorites mainly because he is a good friend. And he is a good author too! Check him out!

Read his book: A Tale Of Many

#7: Grenineon

She's a Feebas waiting to evolve, and good in arts and colors. A cheerful person who is fun to be with definitely.

Read her book: Lights

#6: Luminiscence22

Mostly known as AnonymouslyDedicated, she is one of my favorite authors now only for her writing skills but because she is a great girl.

Read her book: Zombified

#5: Serena_Daniels

This is the part where I release my fangirl spirit. Her books are amazing to read. I highly recommend you to follow her and start reading her books.

Read her book: To Steal The Heart Of A Thief

#4: d_s_t_e

I like her books so much because they're well-made and amazing. She is a good person to talk to, and she does book reviews like us!

Read her book: Getting Out Of Fushcia and The Girl With The Chikorita (I can't choose which is better)

#3: arvin12pascual

We were really great friends a long time ago, although I don't think he remembers me. XD Just like Helsu, he is inactive too. But I want you to read his books because they are awesome. And especially the emotion and deaths... ;-;I'm just joking, there aren't any. XD But seriously, check him out.

Read his book: You Don't Know Me

#2: Master_of_Illusions

Umber is amazing, enough said. Though she is... I don't know, snappish? She has phenomenal Pokemon books that I recommend you need to read. I used to cry as a child reading them. Just go and add her books to your library, ok? :) And by the way, if you like Attack On Titan, then go now. And #PreciousMetalShipping

Read her book: I Hate Everything About You

Honorable Mentions: PikaChick AttractiveSkitteh Aviora Pyro_Maniac Juuzouu iipotato Charowak The_Magical_Yoshi Vespin PokeBroncoFan

And my number one favorite PokeFic author is...


Who saw this coming? Let me just say how amazing the admin of GRA is. Like, wow. Enough said, not only is she the type of person who is fun to be around, her books are amazing.

Read her book: The Secret of Absol

Scarlet (Scarlet_Regnar)'s list:

1.  d_s_t_e: Read everything by her! Seriously, d_s_t_e has one of the most polished writing styles of any online writer I've read material by, and this gives her ficsan appeal to those who love good writing. Make sure you read her Fuschia Trilogy, as it is one of the best series of fanfiction I have ever read. Besides her polish, she excelsin creating characters who you really grow to care about and also creating humor through her meta-satire of the Pokemon series as a whole.

2. RolfTheAbra: If d_s_t_e is the queen of Polished Metanarrative, Rolf is the king of Theological Narrative; his book, "A Spirit's Journey", not only is one of the few fics that I have read that properly, in my mind, portray the pantheon of Legendary Pokemon, but it also is richly inspired by religious philosophyand the quest to explain morality. Pop in one of the greatest antihero protagonists I have ever read and a great understanding of characterization and setting, and you have an awesome book. He also made two spinoff stories, although incomplete, that show that he's not just a one-trick Ponyta and can easily switch genres or chapter length.

3. riolu17: I've only recently read "Deceitful", but he has proven to be great at Character Interaction; although his fic does rely on action scenes (wonderfully written, I might add), the main writing focus of the book is character interactions and creating rich personalities with motive and mantras. I hope to be able to read his other works soon.

4.PuddleofFire: Both of the two works by her that I've read, "Some Wounds Never Heal" and "The Moments of My Life" do a really great job of making the reader feel the somberness of the situations. Sure, there's been plenty serious moments in a lot of other books, but her writing, especially her use of flashbacks as contrast, explores really serious subjects well.

5. AttractiveSkitteh: As you might know, I'm not the biggest fan of Romance stories, but his "A Leaf in the Wind" was one of the first Romance fics I actually thoroughly enjoyed becauseof the strong characterization of Leaf and N. His sequel, "Another Pokemon Story" is good too, but I highly recommend you read "Leaf" first as the romantic gravity carries over into "another".

6. Charowak: If you've read any of my stuff, you know I'm a huge Pokemon Ranger Fan, and her "One Day" is one of my favorite Ranger fics as it isn't afraid to mess with the canon.She includes a lot of slang, musical references, and more realistic dialogue for characters, and I think that the story improves because of the update. She also does a good job establishing subplots that enhance the canon storyline. (Plus she supports my headcanon that Kellyn's little sister is named Lilly).

7. Hikarmine: Although this fic writer isn't on Wattpad anymore, I was able to find her story on Deviantart ("Find You" by Hikarmine). The best part of the very short one-shot is that Hikarmine was able to squeeze so much Philosophical commentary into a one-page interior monologue story. I don't know why, but it really inspires me each time I read it, and one of my long-term-projects-for-the-future is to write a companion one-shot, but instead of Reshiram as the main character, I would use Zekrom's POV. I really recommend this to people to show how a one-page story can be really great.

8. DauchshunPiano: "Underdog" was one of the first fanfics I read on Wattpad, and upon reading the first chapter I could tell that this story was going to be hilarious.She does a great job at using contrast and dialogue to build her humor, as the whole story's about a guy who tries to steal a powerful starter Pokemon and ends up with an Igglybuff.Although she excels at humor, Doxie also does a great job with going from completely funny to eerily serious, so check her and "Underdog" out!

9. Mya Latii: I realize I'm kind of cheating with this one, as technically she had an account on Wattpad, but the story's all on However, her story's high up there on the list of best fics ever writtenand the reason is innovation. In "Speak Up", she takes Red's journey, one done a thousand times, and makes it so much more complex by making Red mute. Besides the wonderful writing, her featuring of mute Red and the challenges he faces allowed me to think more about how disabled people interact with the world. Definitely check this out here:

10. KimcGray95: I only just read "Fly Wingull Fly," but I already love it. It has a very polished style; it's a bit more slice of life than a lot of the fics, which is quite refreshing; and it also uses fanfiction as a platform for environmentalism and inspiring environmental change. It doesn't seem ham-fisted and fits really well with a world focused on animals.

X (Darker_X)'s list:

10. SGMijumaru - The last of my favorite authors, but still one of my favorites, SGMijumaru's books are as expansive as Kalos, but they're entertaining, considering how much detail and color are put into them. His stories go slow, the character histories and the plotlines growing as the story progresses. If you have superhuman patience and a proclivity for taking delight in detail, I definitely recommend this author's books.

9. Quirky_Atlas - The sad truth about Quirky_Atlas is the fact that she hasn't updated for a long while now. An up-and-coming author in early times, her works have crisp grammar that make English professors look like first graders, with a detail and a narration that is simply mind-blowing , almost utopian and perfect. I hope she writes more when she gets the chance, and I'll be silently waiting for the books when she does.

8. eri_quin - An author whose books I haven't gotten the opportunity to read, eri_quin has a way of writing books that tickle the funny bone. "Loyal to the Game" is by far the only book that's ever broke me down in laughter, and her unique, out-of-the-mainstream themes makes her an author whose books should be checked out when the chance presents itself in front of you.

7. Dragons_Rose - I came acquainted with Dragons_Rose's works from the GRA's Water Tournament, and it's obvious that this is one talented writer. More than the grammar, Dragons_Rose writes in a fascinating way that gets readers hooked to the book, without any substantial effort. All the features of her writing are well-balanced, and I definitely hope I get to read more of them, and I definitely recommend new authors to get acquainted with her writing.

6. RiverIvy - No list of mine has ever been complete without RiverIvy's presence in it, because more than grammar, mystery, plotlines, romance or the many myriad qualities a book possesses, Ivy writes with a wave of emotion that is astonishingly powerful. You can literally feel the character's moods and associate with their likes and dislikes, and whether you're working on a romance novel, a psychological novel or any novel involving the intricacies of human behavior, look no further.

5. d_s_t_e - The hallmark of d_s_t_e's works is the fact that she makes simple ideas into brilliant plotlines involving twists and turns which could occur at any time(Shedinja with pebbles!). Well-paced and well-written, d_s_t_e's books provide a spartan, ascetic perspective of how the best fanfictions should be- beginner writers and readers should make it a point to follow and read her works.

4. PikaChick - Curiously enough, while PikaChick's books are unfairly short, they're closer to perfection than most of the other authors under the sun of the Pokemon world. A writer who pens books of one goal, one purpose and one task, PikaChick is a brilliantly talented writer whose books have to be read at somepoint in someone's Wattpad life in Pokemon fanfictions.

3. PokeBroncoFanOne - Of the only authors I've seen in Wattpad who writes fanfictions based on actual fantasy, rather than romance or other commonly related genres, PBF's books are intense, vivid and has plot twists that could have Arceus consult him for some spice in the Pokemon universe. PokeBroncoFan is one talented author, and anyone who wishes to learn from the best about fantasy, has to read his books.   

2. Vespin - I think it's a well-decided, unanimous agreement by many of us that "The Golden Throne" was one of the best things to happen to Wattpad's Pokemon fandom. Vespin writes how the best professionals in the world of novels would, and has a giant book of three parts, the third still uncompleted, to prove it. This is an author everyone in the fandom should read- just to see how good the most brilliant books in Wattpad can get.

1. ChanYungXi - I've said it before, and I'll say it again- ChanYungXi is the best writer I have ever encountered in Pokemon fanfictions. Once you start reading her works, you cannot simply stop, for the life of it- intense, mediocre-to-fast paced, enigmatic and with amazing narration, this author's books simply have no contestant, bar none. Anyone who steps inside Wattpad should make it a point to delve into her works, because they're majestic.

Gren (Grenineon)'s list:

1. d_s_t_e - Her book, Getting Out of Fuchsia, was exceptional. Not only was the writing and everything involving that perfect, the story/plot was original and excellent.

2.  Serena-Daniels - The book To Steal the Heart of a Thief is probably one of the best-written books out there. Along with the author's unique style of writing, the plots and messages in each book are powerful. Other great books: Castelia City Lights, Undesirables, and It Consumes.

3. Dragons_Rose - One word: Plot. The way she makes the readers so immersed in her story, The Hacker, and then suddenly, she turns your emotions into a wreck is fascinating and respected. Her other work, Passing By, is wonderful.

4.  PokeBroncoFan - Originality and perfect writing are part of his heart-wrenching, emotional story, Fiery Lands and Stormy Seas. Not only is the third-person writing one of the best I have ever read, the uniqueness in the plot is astounding.

5. Vespin - The Golden Throne is deserving of an award. The plot, writing, and characters with their development; magnificent and dignified.

6. RiverIvy - Her writing is so rich with detail, so vivid in emotion, and perfect with grammar and spelling, the works she has are mind-blowing. Besides her full, breathtaking novels, The Secret of Absol and The Secret of the Outlaw, her other stories Gym of the Rattata and Crescent Moon at Dawn are incredible as well.

7.  NyxAbsol - The writing in her book, Fallen Fairy, is so detailed and smooth it's insane. Her vocabulary is extremely vivid, and there are no repetitions of words

8.  blue___22 - I personally love how she involves real-life things in her Pokemon books, like the press and their bothersome questions, etcetera, into her story, A Champion in Disguise. Her writing is perfectly detailed, and the plots are great

9.  LycidiaraEnta - Her perfect grammar and beautiful style of writing is why she's on this list. Project Hailstorm is an amazing book that's unlike any other Pokéfic.

10.  AnimeOxime - The details and vocabulary in her stories Wonderland Daze and Scarred Smiles is intense. Just from reading one paragraph, you're hooked from the start.

Lostie (Lostie-P)'s list:

1. Swiftie-S - she's my "sister", and we've been best friends for two years. Why wouldn't she be my favourite Pokemon author?

2. Pyro_Maniac - she wrote the first Pokemon Fanfiction I ever read here, and many of my favorite stories here. She's also an amazing friend!

3. Serena-Daniels - Again, she's written many of my favourite books

4. Scarlet_Regnar - Again, Trivial Disobedience is one of my all time favorite Pokemon fanfictions

5. RiteMeowRed - Her Pokespe Spoofs book was hilarious, and she's a great friend. Also, even if she doesn't ever update, I love all her I completed books XD

6. DemonShinju - How could I not love her? She writes great, and she's a hilarious and kind person.

7. NyxAbsol - She's written so many books, and I've loved all of them. She's a nice person, a big inspiration, and a great friend.

8.  Grenineon - An AMAZING cover maker, a great author, and one of my closest friends. Her books are definitely some of my favorites.

9. VanillaWind - My best BUDDEH, and an amazing cover maker and author. I love her to death!

10. Dragons_Rose - Though I don't know her well, her story "The Hacker" was debatably my favorite Pokemon Fanfiction on this website.

1) Swiftie-S: I Didn't Want it This Way
2) Pyro-Maniac: I'll Smile For You
3) Serena-Daniels: To Steal the Heart of a Thief
4) Scarlet_Regnar: Trivial Disobedience
5) RiteMeowRed: The Bad Bad World
6) Demon_Shinju: The Promise we Made That Day
7) NyxAbsol: Fallen Fairy
8) Grenineon: Spread Your Wings
9) VanillaWind: Strings Attached
10) Dragons_Rose: The Hacker

* * *

That's all for today, we hope you've enjoyed this little idea of ours. Perhaps we'll do more of these in the future, so look out for them!

Also, the next review is coming very soon, I promise - VERY sorry for the extreme delay ]:

Have a fantastic day!


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