Gary, rival from the past
Chapter 25
It had been a long bus ride. Keeping in mind that stopping to relieve oneself was a luxury not granted Ash had refrained from even drinking anything. However maybe it had not been such a good idea to eat so many salty stuff on the way to Rhagous town.
Ash felt that his tongue had turned to sand paper. He had stealthily stashed away the remainder of the chips back in his bag after a while but he suspected he had been spotted by Pikachu. The mouse rarely missed these sorts of situations.
It was not that he was embarrassed that he had messed up. It was just that after all his effort to look mature in the eyes of Misty and the others he had messed up like the kid they called him so often.
Misty on the other hand had smartly gotten something to balance out everything. Chips and some gummi snacks to keep her along with cornflakes.
He had to be the only doofus that got chips, popcorn, peanuts, crisps and pretzels. He thought he had been so smart to be keeping his liquid intake to a minimum. Yet again he was showing, even in a small way how far away he was from an adult level.
Looking over Misty’s shoulder to the outside, Ash could see how orange the outside looked. Evening was coming and they finally made it into the town. It was a long ride he guessed because of the detours that they had gone through.
Though not really detours but the scenic ride. If it had been a straight route they would have made it to Rhagous town a long time ago.
Misty was silently contemplating the area outside a contemplative look on her face. Ash was not bothered because he fine with her silence. It was not like that silence that made one itch to fill it needlessly.
It was more like a silence you could bask in and use the time to settle and really think. Pikachu stretched himself out Misty’s lap causing Ash to cast a look at him.
He was not bothered or jealous, but Pikachu’s blatant preference for Misty was going to cause problems eventually. When boarding the bus to come back May had remarked on it. It had been waved away but Ash knew that it was in the back of everyone’s minds.
Pikachu never exerted such behaviour. Ever. Not once with the girls. Sort of with his mom but Pikachu always came back quickly. Pikachu’s preference for Misty was almost something he could not wrap his head around.
It could not be a case of wanting to switch trainers. Ash knew that the thought had bothered him a bit. This kind of behaviour was abnormal.
It was one thing to miss a friend but Pikachu had never been the clingy type even as like Ash he hated to say goodbye.
Watching the mouse roll over and curl around Misty’s Pokémon egg protectively Ash was left thinking some more.
Those two had always had a suspicious relationship but it was becoming even more suspicious. Thinking harder Ash heard echoing in his mind something Misty and Professor Oak had said repeatedly.
Pokémon when with a trainer a lot start acting just like their trainers, taking on their characteristics.
Ash glanced towards Pikachu again. Could it be that Pikachu was so much like him now that this was something new. Maybe if he was in Pikachu’s position he would be like that. Or Pikachu was showing what he was thinking.
He did not want to lose her again. He wanted her in sight where he could see her and touch her. Hold her or be held. Just like they used to.
The bus jerked to a halt surprising Ash. He never even noticed that they had made it to the Pokémon centre.
Sitting up and stretching he glanced around to see the other passengers in various stages of readying for disembarking. Some had gotten up bags in hand some were like him stretching.
Looking around Ash spotted his group stuck between ready to leave with no apologies like Drew and Paul. Stretching like Dawn and May and not even noticing that the bus had even stopped, just like Cilan and Iris.
Shaking his head Ash reached over to wake up Pikachu. Cilan and Iris was something his brain did not even want to understand. He was having enough headaches as it was.
It only took a few moments to be outside breathing in cool mountain air again. Ash’s group was releasing sighs of relief and savouring the air as they began to trek towards the Pokémon centre.
Signing in, some food and a bed was the direct order for him. Somehow he was feeling the weight of the day on his shoulders. All this deep thinking, he was not a deep thinking guy action with no plan as stupid as it was, was Ash’s style.
Stepping back to allow the girls to enter the Centre first Ash’s gaze was drawn to look for the rather familiar figure of Nurse Joy.
Scanning the desk area he felt a frown form as he saw it was empty. Walking up to the desk Ash was going to comment on the lack of a Joy even though he knew the others could see the nurse was MIA from the desk.
He was going to be fore he saw the nurse round the corner in deep discussion with someone. All Ash saw was messy stand-up brown hair, a polite face housing eager black eyes and a body in a black and blue shirt and a long lab coat.
It could not be, why would it be?
“Hey look!” Ash said his voice not carrying very far. “It’s it’s it’s...”
“Gary!” Misty cried out happily leaping forward. Gary’s head snapped up in surprise at his name focusing instantly on the group and Misty.
“Hey it’s Ash! And Red!” Gary laughed out abandoning Nurse Joy to hurry forward arms outstretched.
What a time for a rival to turn up.
Iris watched in surprise as a the guy who looked around Ash’s age or just a bit older ran forward to them. Laughing he enthusiastically hugged Misty and Ash together leaving her confused.
“Gary.” Cilan mused next to her making her glance up at him. “I’ve heard that name before.”
“He’s professor Oak’s grandson Gary, a researcher.” Dawn said stepping forward into Gary’s line of sight. Glancing up Gary smiled in Dawn’s direction before swinging Misty and Ash around so he was between them.
“At least you’re not calling me the poetry man’s grandson like you used to.” He said flicking his gaze so he took in everyone.
“Gary was Ash’s rival before. Actually I think in some ways they still are.” Misty laughed looking up at Gary. “But what are you doing here Gary?”
Glancing back at Nurse Joy Gary winced before turning back to her side. “I’m sorry Nurse Joy about this. Actually Red, I was on my way to meet up with you guys and Brock. I wanted to be able to spend your birthday with you again.”
Misty coloured lightly. “That’s so sweet Gary. You really keep changing.”
“Again?” Ash asked narrowing his eyes.
“Yeah, last year I was in cerulean and I convinced Misty to close the gym on her birthday and hang with me.”
“We had a good time too! Even my sisters came along. But you didn’t tell us what was going on here.”
“I can explain.” Nurse Joy quietly injected causing all attention to turn to her. “Gary is researching a rare phenomenon and he needed more information. It is a very private project so he can only look into one clue at a time so right now he was asking me some questions.”
“But thanks for your help though Nurse Joy.” Gary said looking back at the Centre desk. “I know you are busy so I’ll take it from here.”
Nodding Nurse Joy made her way back to her desk. “I know Ash is slow on the uptake when it comes to manners but Red I expected better.” Gary said to Misty. “Now they know who I am but I’m fairly certain I don’t know who some these people are.”
“Let’s sign in first then get to introductions.” Ash said shifting his weight. Iris watched as he gently guided Misty towards the desk. “It’s been a long day you know.”
Even though he now had as much food and drink as he could want Ash barely touched it. Paul and Drew had been silently contemplating Gary while May, Cilan and Iris was keeping an eye on Misty.
“Gary, this.” Misty said pointing to May. “Is May a coordinator and she used to travel with Ash around Hoenn. The one over there is Drew, her rival and also a coordinator.”
“That explains why I’ve never seen you.” Gary said aiming a smile at May. “When I ran into Ash finally. Ashy boy was ready to follow me to Sinnoh.”
“I didn’t follow you anywhere!” Ash said angrily. He had not been following Gary at all he was just trying his best and going down the path that had been revealed to him.
“Whatever whatever.” Gary laughed as he sat back. “Anyway that explains why I’ve met Dawn and not May. Even though I’ve heard a lot about you May. You have a little brother too right? Max?”
“Yeah, that’s my little brother.”
“I’ve met him.” Gary said causing May to look at him face full of confusion.
“You have?”
“Yeah, not too long ago, I was doing something for Professor Rowan and he was doing something for professor Birch. Cool kid. Good relations with Pokémon too.”
“He is going to be a good gym leader someday.” Misty added smiling.
“After having you and Ash as his idols course he will.” Gary said rolling his eyes. Looking at Drew he continued his voice less playful more thoughtful. “I’ve heard about you before though and I watched a contest you were in.”
“Really.” Drew replied.
“Yeah, you know how to bring out the strength in your Pokémon. I was impressed.”
“Thanks. But it’s the coordinators job to do that.”
“But it takes skills to do it so well.” Gary said drawing a smile from Drew.
“You are right there.”
Misty stifled a giggle next to Ash causing him a bit of confusion. Dawn was doing it too which was even more puzzling. He was missing some sort of inside joke and he did not even know who or what it was about so he could muddle through on his own.
“Ash was travelling through the Unova region with Cilan and Iris. Paul was Ash’s rival in Sinnoh.” May said casting a suspicious look towards Misty.
“I heard from Brock you are pretty decent at cooking.” Gary said to Cilan. “Gramps told me you want to be top class too, and that you used to be a gym leader.”
“That’s right.” Cilan said smiling.
“I heard that one day YOU are going to be a gym leader too.” Gary told Iris.
“Hopefully.” Iris said keeping her eye on Gary.
Keeping an eye on Paul Gary murmured gently. “Gramps told me along with Professor Rowan a little about you. I’m not judging but you do need to choose a path. I was there before and trust me, what may look like the easy way out is never the smart choice.”
Paul just watched Gary in silence. “So what?”
“Just telling you that I was there too, I chose the hard path because I was too embarrassed to take the easy one.”
“And when things got hard.” Misty said resting a hand on Gary’s. “He even considered giving up.”
“But Gramps wouldn’t let me. When you choose you have to stick with it.” Gary said laughing. “Like Ash you have to follow it even when you fall over and over. Keep going until you hit a wall then break the wall down or crawl over it.”
The table fell silent, mostly because everyone was taking in what Gary had said. Ash considered what he was hearing and seeing. As usual, Gary had gotten older on him. But this relationship with Misty was something new.
Not only to him, Pikachu was also watching the two of them in confusion as well. Before those two had barely spoke far less got along. Misty had hated Gary’s attitude in the beginning and then kept a simple greeting.
It seemed that the moment he had turned his back, all sort of anomalies had occurred. To think all the times he had run into Gary and the guy had never once mentioned Misty. Not that he had to or that he should. If their relationship had remained the same, but considering they had reached this level of buddy friendship Gary should have mentioned something.
“I don’t mind travelling with you guys, my work is pretty much finished up here anywhere.” Gary was saying when Ash tuned back into the conversation.
“Hey!” Misty gasped suddenly causing attention to fly towards her. “The egg! It’s glowing!”
“About time.” Drew said looking highly interested. “I was beginning to think that it would never show signs of hatching.”
The egg glowed brightly in its container drawing the gaze of those at the table and surrounding it. Misty held the egg in the air watching as the light began to slowly dim again.
“Hmm.” Gary said keeping his gaze contemplative. “He got it exactly right.”
“Gary, don’t you know what kind of Pokémon it is going to be from your research?” Dawn asked leaning over to address Gary. Gary in response hesitated before gently taking the egg from Misty.
“I know what it is, not only from all the research I have conducted, but because Brock told me.”
“He didn’t tell us!” May snapped looking dejected.
“Humph, no big surprises there, Misty would have known about what it was the third day into the journey. You can’t keep secrets May.” Drew said gaining nods from Paul and Misty.
“Not true I can keep secrets very well Drew! If I wanted to keep something from you....” May trailed off before quickly glancing at the coordinators face. Drew narrowed his eyes at May.
“Yes May, do we REALLY want to go there now?” Drew said flicking his hair back as he kept his gaze fixed on May. May swallowed before casting her gaze to the table. With a smirk Drew continued.
“At least this way all of us are curious even if we say nothing.” Drew finished.
“Well, I’ve my suspicions.” Dawn said slowly. “But we won’t be sure until it hatches.”
“When it hatches.” Gary said as he examined the egg. “I’d say about two days at the most. Or three making it land on your birthday.”
“We better make a move on then.” Cilan said from his map book. “It’s always a good idea to have your Pokémon egg hatch among professional help, and I know none of us are professionals when it comes to this.”
“Well I’ve had a few Pokémon eggs before.” Ash spoke up thinking back.
“But you had people around you who had a general idea of what to do. Presides, if we leave early in the morning we can get a good head start and manage to catch the night train to Crossek City. Then it is just the case of waiting on Brock to turn up.”
“I’m with that.” Drew said while Paul just gave a brief nod.
“Me too!” Dawn said
“I’m not a big fan about waking up early.” May said slowly. “But I’m with this if anything I can nap on the bus or something.”
“Yeah.” Dawn said thinking about it. “I’m not all that happy about getting up so early.”
“You could always..........Go to sleep earlier.” Drew sighed. “Instead of staying up late forever gossiping or whatsnot just go to sleep. Would it kill you to do so?”
May rolled her eyes. “I still have to wake up early. Outside will still be pitch black. It will still be early, going to sleep early has nothing to do with it.”
Gary stifled a laugh. “Well early stuff is no problem for me.”
“Because certain Pokémon only comes out at certain times of the day and night right?” Dawn said looking like she had accomplished some great feat.
“Exactly, so you have to get up before or at the same time as them to seek them out.” Gary said as he returned Misty’s egg to her. “There are so many Pokémon that we do not know much about or have never seen before, Pokémon from legends that no one have ever met.”
“Except for Ash.” Misty pointed out.
“Yup, except for Ash.” May agreed.
“Certainly true there.” Dawn agreed.
“Wait, you mean he.” Paul drawled out pointing at Ash. “Has met rare and legendary Pokémon?”
“Yup, he sure has.” Misty answered. “Remember Ross? When I met him with Ash and Brock we got caught up with this problem concerning Latios and Latias which happens to be legendary Pokémon.”
Paul blinked slowly at that. “But that would mean that not just he has met legendary Pokémon, you have too.”
“But Ash has met more than us, and he usually has a better relationship with them than us. Like with the time we met Mew. When we were trying to save the tree.” May pointed out.
“That was mainly Pikachu’s work that got Mew so casual with me.” Ash felt compelled to point out.
“Latias had really liked you Ash.” Misty winked at him.
“And Giratina had been really fond of you, Zorua too!” Dawn continued.
“No getting away from it Ash, Legendary Pokémon really do have a soft spot for you, some people have never even seen them. And let us not forget of all of us, you have seen Ho-Oh. More than once too.” Misty continued ignoring Iris’s, Cilan’s and Paul’s blatant shock.
“Yeah, I know I have all those different times but it was not just me that connected with these Pokémon. There were times that you guys were doing a better job than me. Like Max and Jirachi and that time with you and Shaymin Dawn. Same with you too May that time with the whole people of the water stuff.” Ash paused before sighing.
“I can’t let you guys be saying that I’m something so special when you are usually right next to me helping me out. Pikachu is my buddy and we face these problems together. Misty back in the orange Islands I might have been named to Chosen One for the disaster, but I still needed your help somewhat. I still needed May to cool my head when I let words get to me when we were trying to save the tree. Dawn Shaymin and I didn’t have a good relationship you know until you stepped in.”
Ash grinned at the table that had fell silent. “So we saw something no one has seen before, but remember who was at my side when we saw it. You guys. So don’t get too caught up in the fact that I got along with the legendary Pokémon.”
“That’s Ash alright, humble only when it comes to Pokémon.” Gary sighed.
“Don’t be jealous that you haven’t seen any Gary.”
“I have seen one. Suicune. “ Gary said quietly. “And I saw it entirely by accident, it seemed to have quite a fondness for Cerulean City.”
“Or it could be that because the water is sure pure it likes that.”
“Or it could be the Suicune that we met before in Johto Misty and it wanted to see you.” Ash said with Pikachu heavily agreeing.
“I think I would be the last person that Suicune would want to see so no.” Misty answered with quick shakes of her head.
“But maybe it could be that.” Ash argued.
“Or it could maybe be just the water.” Misty said shaking her head. “The water is what attracts it, our water is very very clean. We have strict littering and dumping laws now.”
“Anyway.” Gary interrupted. “I saw Suicune running around Cerulean one early morning when I went to visit Misty. I’ve only seen it twice since then, and it never let me get close to it. But I have seen it walking with Misty.”
“Because.” Misty huffed before Ash could get a word in. “I love water Pokémon and it knows I am no harm to it or that I won’t try to study or catch it.”
“Or maybe it just remembers you.” Ash rushed in happy his point had been proven.
“Or just maybe, my water Pokémon loving personality just attracted it.” Misty said slowly her irritation beginning to show.
Ash glanced at a highly amused Gary. Gary grinned before turning back to Misty. “Or maybe it just remembers you.” They said simultaneously.
“Let’s cut it right there.” Cilan said quickly as he leaned over the table to rest a calming hand on Misty’s. “We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow so let’s get to sleep.”
“Good idea.” Gary said, all signs of teasing vanishing. “I want to make a quick call before I go to sleep so you guys can go ahead.”
“I’m not ready for sleep so the girls can head off.” Drew said lazily eyeing May. “I won’t have any trouble getting up tomorrow that is for sure.”
“I’m going to pretend you said nothing.” Was May’s response as she and Dawn got up then herded Misty to do the same.
“I’m off too!” Iris laughed before scrambling out of the seat leaving the boys the only ones at the table.
“So.” Drew said lazily. “You are spending Misty’s day with us too huh.”
“Not only me.” Gary said leaning back and eyeing the others. Ash was surprised how easily Gary was able to switch. He was a bit more guarded without the girls there.
“Ash’s rival huh.” Paul said slowly.
“And friend.” Gary said smirking. “To the very end best of friends even though we really don’t see eye to eye.”
“Or very often.” Cilan added on.
“It happens when you are chasing your dream, can’t be together forever.”
“If you have something to say.” Drew said as he paused halfway in his normal hair flick. “Just say it.”
“I was just thinking how familiar the whole scene looks to me. Cilan, Iris, Paul. If you had met Paul in Unova, I would have said it was like you were starting your Pokémon journey from the beginning all over again.”
“Huh?” Ash questioned. Gary was not making any sense.
“It’s so familiar when you look at it, Cilan is like Brock. The former gym leader pursuing a dream who can cook very well but is like the guide and in some cases the leader. Iris is the girl out to become a type Master in her own right who tags along for whatever reason. Her goal is also to take over the gym of her dreams and works hard towards that goal, showing off her surprising skill from time to time. Just like Misty.” Gary mused.
“If you had met Paul in Unova like I said, I would have said he is the old me. Except he is more rough than I am. I bet the way he treated you was similar though. But still its eerie just how close you got to your original journey.” Gary laughed even as Paul frowned.
“So I don’t come into the equation?” Drew asked eyeing Gary.
“I’d say we are similar too.” Gary admitted. “But the position Paul was in is much closer to me than yours. If I was May’s rival then yes you would be like me, but I wanted to be a champion not a coordinator.”
“You seem to know a lot.” Cilan spoke up.
“I have to. I’m a researcher, and presides back in Pallet Town. It’s hard not to hear the gossip. And Ash is my friend, mostly I was just picking up the slack for him. keeping an eye on Red for him.”
“What? Wait I don’t know what you are talking about Gary!” Ash flushed realizing where this was going.
“Red really has grown up Ash. You know what I’m talking about. Everyone was talking about it since you first starting hanging out travelling together. Your Mom gives her extra special treatment at the house. She watches your League battle from beginning to end cheering you on. Whether you want to admit it or not Red is something.”
“That means what to you?”
“Nothing. I admit that she’s really cute, smart and really good to hang with. It’s been great getting to know her and all but that’s one thing of yours I’ll leave alone Ash.” Gary said stretching and pushing away from the table. Turning around he contemplated Ash.
“We’ve gotten close, we have a lot in common but I won’t ever take your place. I’m still behind you and Brock in her affections. Maybe even beneath or right next to Tracey. The original crew can’t be replaced so easily. No offers or fans or fanatics can change that.”
“Wait what offers Gary?” Ash said rising on his own. Gary watched him before letting a smile escape.
“Some things Red likes keeping to herself. I guess you will find out eventually so chill Ashy boy. You can’t expect to know everything and she knows so little.”
Ash gritted his teeth. This was the annoying Gary he remembered. “Tell me.”
“When it’s time. I’ve got some stuff to do before I leave with you guys in the morning. Pity Dawn is not here. She would love this one I have for you. To achieve a dream you must give up a treasured possession. To take your place but not lose face, wait on a friend so they can both reach the end. And that Ash is something you can explode your brain over.” Gary finished as he walked away.
“Gary! Hey Gary!” Ash called to no avail. Gary was not looking back his back straight. Just like before, minus the arrogance. Now it was determination fuelling him. Could it be that they were rivals again?
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