Saving Ash's Misty
" Go Misty!" Ash yelled as he gave a thumbs up to his girlfriend, and she smiled and waved back nervously.
" Don't worry, it's okay Ash.... Ash who I haven't seen in, like forever... With another girl.... Seeing my underwater performance...." Misty muttered.
But suddenly she slipped her mermaid tail making everything slippery. With a thunk, she hit the diving board and blacked out
Everyone gasped, and Ash grabbed the railing. " Misty!"
He turned to Serena and shoved Pikachu into her arms. " Hold Pikachu."
" Huh?" Serena asked, confused. " Where are you-"
But Ash was already too far to notice.
A security guy, who was ordering people around, saw Ash running their way and held a hand up. " I'm sorry, but this is ristric-"
Ash shoved the guy out of his way. " Excuse me!"
" ... Ted area."
Ash turned his cap backwards. " Hold on, Misty!"
Then he dove in.
Meanwhile, Misty was sinking, not even knowing she was sinking. She was in the verge of losing air when someone grabbed her hand.
He pulled her hand towards his body and grabbed her waist, pulling her to his body and swimming back up.
There, a medic helped Ash get Misty out of the pool. He coughed and gasped for air, looking at Misty as the medic felt her pulse.
Ash pulled his body onto land. " Misty?!"
The medic looked at him. " Go on that side." He ordered
Ash obeyed.
" Okay,. let's walk you through this. Tilt her head back. Immediately after I stop pumping, you breathe!"
Ash blinked as the medic did CPR on her chest.
Everyone watched.
" BREATHE!" the medic yelled
Ash took a deep breath and put his lips over hers, just like he had done so many more times before.
Serena watched. " Eh....?"
Then she fainted.
Meanwhile, the medic held a hand up. " Okay, let's try that again."
" A.. again.... In front of all these people....?"
Then he looked at hks girlfriend and nodded. " Okay."
They did it again.
Ash looked at Misty with tears in his eyes, hands clenched on knees. " Misty...."
Then Misty shot up, coughing the water out.
" Misty!!"
Misty didn't even have time to react before Ash grabbed her body and pulled her in tightly. Misty blinked and side hugged back, smiling at the concerned medic
" You should know he touched your lips." The medic whispered.
Misty didn't even flinch. " Oh, that's fine."
Ash blinked tears and turned Misty's face so she could face him. " Don't you dare do that again!"
Misty gave Ash a weak smile. " Oh, Ash. I'm fine."
Ash shook his head. " No, you're not. As soon as all these people are gone I'm taking you to the clinic."
" Bu-"
Ash put a finger on his lips. " Shush. You're not going to argue."
Misty blinked sheepishly. _ what about that girl?"
" Oh, you mean Serena?"
" Yeah. Don't you like her now?"
Ash grabbed Misty's hands. " Misty, I always loved you. Always have, always will. Isn't that what I told you before I left for Kalos?"
Misty smiled. " Yes, I suppose it is."
She turned to the audience and waved a hand. " Everyone, I have an announcement!"
Everyone turned silent.
" See this amazing boy next to me? The one who saved my life?"
Misty gestured toward Ash with a radiant smile, despite her weak state. The crowd's murmurs died down, and everyone focused on the pair.
“This amazing boy here,” Misty continued, her voice growing stronger, “is not just my savior. He’s my boyfriend. Always has been, always will be.”
The audience erupted in cheers and applause, though some gasps of surprise rippled through. Among the crowd, Serena blinked, still holding Pikachu, who gave her a sympathetic pat on the head.
Ash’s face turned beet red as he scratched the back of his head, grinning nervously. “Uh... thanks, Misty... but, uh, maybe we should focus on you resting?”
Misty shook her head, squeezing his hand. “No, Ash. You deserve to be recognized for everything you do—for me, for everyone.” She turned back to the crowd. “I fell into that pool today, but this guy didn’t hesitate for a second to dive in and save me. He risked himself, just like he always does, without a second thought.”
Ash opened his mouth to argue, but Misty placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. “Don’t you ‘but, Misty’ me, Ash Ketchum. I mean every word.”
The audience began chanting, “Ash! Ash! Ash!” He looked like he wanted to melt into the ground, but Misty just laughed, clearly enjoying his discomfort.
Meanwhile, Serena had recovered from her fainting spell and was staring at the scene with wide eyes. “Boyfriend?” she muttered to Pikachu, who nodded solemnly. “Since when?!”
As the applause died down, Misty turned back to Ash and whispered, “I love you, Ash.”
Ash blinked, his eyes wide. Then he smiled, a rare look of pure sincerity crossing his face. “I love you too, Misty.”
The crowd "aww’d" in unison, and Pikachu leaped from Serena’s arms to land on Ash’s shoulder, sparking slightly in excitement. “Pika-Pikachu!”
The moment was interrupted by the medic, who cleared his throat. “Sorry to ruin the romance, but she does need to get checked out, Ash.”
Ash nodded quickly. “Right, right. Let’s get you to the clinic.”
Misty sighed but leaned on Ash as he helped her to her feet. “Fine. But only because you’re asking nicely.”
As they walked off toward the medic’s station, the crowd began dispersing, still buzzing with excitement over what they had witnessed. Serena, still rooted in place, stared after them.
Brock appeared out of nowhere, clapping Serena on the shoulder. “Tough break, huh?”
Serena blinked at him. “I... I didn’t even know they were together.”
Brock shrugged, a knowing smile on his face. “Trust me, it’s been written in the stars since day one. You just happened to meet him in the middle of their story.”
Serena pouted, crossing her arms. “Well, that’s... unfair.”
Brock chuckled. “Yeah, love often is.” He walked away, leaving Serena alone with her thoughts.
Meanwhile, Misty, leaning on Ash, whispered, “You really meant what you said back there?”
Ash smiled down at her, his eyes warm. “Every word.”
Misty grinned. “Good. Because I’m not letting you go, Ash Ketchum.”
Ash laughed. “Deal.”
Misty took Ash's hand, raising it as she smiled, her voice ringing out across the silent crowd. “He’s my boyfriend! Always has been, always will be!”
A collective gasp rippled through the audience, followed by murmurs of surprise. Serena, who had just regained consciousness, froze as if someone had poured cold water on her. “Wha—?!” she sputtered, still holding Pikachu. “Boyfriend?!”
Ash’s cheeks turned as red as a Tamato Berry. “Misty, you didn’t have to announce it like that!”
Misty grinned slyly. “Why not? It’s true, isn’t it?”
The crowd erupted into applause and cheers. Someone yelled, “That was the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen!”
Meanwhile, Serena stumbled forward, still in disbelief. “Wait, wait, wait! You two are… together? But you never said anything, Ash!”
Ash rubbed the back of his neck, still blushing furiously. “Well… it wasn’t exactly a secret. I thought you knew.”
Serena gawked at him. “No, I did not know!”
Misty, sitting up with Ash’s arm around her, gave Serena a small, apologetic smile. “Sorry, Serena. I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
Serena took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “No, it’s fine. I’m just… processing.”
The medic, sensing the tension, clapped his hands together. “Okay, folks, let’s clear the area! The young lady needs some rest after what she’s been through. Show’s over!”
As the crowd began dispersing, Misty turned to Ash, her expression softening. “Thank you, Ash. For everything.”
Ash squeezed her hand. “I’d do it a hundred times over, Misty. You’re my everything.”
Misty smiled, leaning her head against his shoulder. “And you’re mine.”
Serena watched them from a distance, a mixture of emotions flashing across her face. Pikachu patted her arm comfortingly, giving her a sympathetic “Pika pika.”
She sighed, forcing a smile. “Well, I guess you can’t win them all, huh, Pikachu?”
Pikachu nodded solemnly, hopping down from her arms and scampering back to Ash and Misty. Ash grinned as Pikachu jumped into his lap, nuzzling him affectionately.
Misty glanced at Ash with a playful smirk. “So… about that clinic trip?”
Ash immediately turned serious. “Oh, don’t think you’re getting out of it. You scared me half to death, Misty.”
Misty laughed softly. “Fine, but only because you saved my life and made me look like a damsel in distress.”
Ash chuckled. “You’re no damsel, Misty. You’re a mermaid. My mermaid.”
Her cheeks turned pink, and she leaned closer. “You’re hopeless, Ash.”
“And you’re stuck with me,” he replied, grinning.
As they left the pool area hand-in-hand, Serena watched them go, her heart heavy but her resolve stronger. “Well,” she muttered to herself, “time to find my own path. Maybe it’s for the best.”
With that, Serena turned and walked away, the applause and cheers of the audience still echoing faintly in the distance.
Misty grinned at Ash, her voice steady despite the earlier panic. "This boy right here? He's the one who has always had my heart. The one who’s been there for me through thick and thin."
The crowd, who had been watching in stunned silence, started to murmur. Serena, who had just regained consciousness, blinked in confusion as she stood up from the fainting spot.
Ash looked at Misty with wide eyes, his face turning a deep shade of red. "Misty, you... you don’t have to say all that... I just—"
Misty winked at him, cutting him off. "No, Ash, I have to. Because you were my hero today, and I want the world to know that. No one else could’ve saved me like you did."
Ash’s heart skipped a beat. "Misty, I..." He was at a loss for words, trying to process everything. His grip on her hand tightened, as if the realization of her feelings was finally sinking in.
Serena, still rubbing her head, looked between the two, a hesitant smile forming on her face. "I, uh... didn’t know this was a thing," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and maybe a little jealousy. "I thought... I thought Ash and I were closer, but I see now that... things have changed."
Misty chuckled lightly, shooting Serena a playful smile. "Don’t worry, Serena. Ash and I have been through so much together. We’ve known each other since we were kids. But I appreciate you being there for him, especially when we were apart."
Ash shifted awkwardly, stepping between them with a half-laugh. "Wait, hold on, I didn’t mean to make this awkward. I—"
"No, Ash," Misty said, giving him a knowing look. "This is how it should be. After all, it’s been a long time coming."
The audience was watching them intently, and the medics, who had finished assisting Misty, were now taking a step back. One of the medics leaned over to the other, whispering, "Well, that was a turn of events. First a life saved, then a love confession."
"Yeah," the other medic murmured. "Guess that’s one way to get a romantic scene at the pool."
Meanwhile, Brock had appeared, looking slightly exhausted from managing the crowd. He stepped forward, his voice booming with authority, "Okay, everyone, please clear the area. There’s nothing to see here. Go on and enjoy the rest of the event!"
As the crowd slowly began to disperse, Ash and Misty remained at the center, surrounded by a small group of people who had witnessed the dramatic moment. Ash's face was still flushed, but now there was a soft smile on his lips. "So... that was unexpected."
Misty laughed, gently nudging him. "Yeah, I’m just glad you were there for me, Ash. I’m lucky to have you."
"And I’m lucky to have you," Ash replied, his voice sincere. "I mean, who else would let me mess up so many times and still put up with me?"
Misty smiled warmly, her eyes softening. "Someone who knows you too well to stay away."
They both turned toward the now-departing Serena, who gave them a small, encouraging wave. "I think you two are good," she called out. "I’ll just... uh, go grab some ice cream or something."
Ash and Misty watched her go, the tension easing between them.
Misty, still a little weak but fully recovered, leaned against Ash as they both watched the remaining people leave. "You really did save me today, Ash," she murmured, her voice now quieter, more tender.
Ash glanced at her and smiled. "I’d do it again in a heartbeat."
With a sigh, Misty rested her head on his shoulder, both of them finally able to take a moment to themselves.
Ash cleared his throat. "Just don’t scare me like that again, okay?" He added, his voice soft but filled with concern.
"I won’t, Ash," Misty promised, squeezing his hand. "I’ll always be there."
" Forever."
Misty took a deep breath, still a little shaken but clearly determined, and stood up with Ash by her side. She gripped his hand tightly and faced the audience.
"See this amazing boy next to me? The one who saved my life?" she asked, her voice steady despite the lingering tremors from the shock. "This is Ash Ketchum. And I just want everyone to know..." She paused for a moment, smiling softly at Ash, "He's always been the one. No matter where I go, no matter who I meet, he's always been the one who's been there for me. And I don't care how many people think otherwise or how many girls come and go in his life—this boy right here..." She pointed at Ash, her voice filled with emotion, "is the love of my life."
The crowd was silent, eyes wide as they took in her words. Ash blinked, his face turning bright red, not used to being the center of such attention. The medic, who had been quietly watching the whole scene unfold, smiled at the couple before stepping back to give them some space.
Serena, still recovering from fainting, stood shakily and glanced between Ash and Misty. Her face flushed with a mix of confusion and understanding as she silently processed the situation.
Misty's gaze softened as she looked at Serena, her smile now one of understanding. "Serena, I know you've been around Ash a lot. And you’re a great person, really. But Ash and I... we’ve been through a lot together. And that bond? It’s something I wouldn’t trade for anything."
Serena blinked, her eyes starting to clear as she processed Misty’s words. She took a deep breath and nodded slowly. “I get it, Misty. I... I do. I just wanted to see if Ash was happy, you know? But I see now that he’s happy with you. And that’s all that matters.”
Ash, still holding Misty's hand, let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. "Thanks, Serena," he said, giving her a grateful look. "And Misty... I’m never letting you go again. You scared me half to death."
Misty smirked weakly, still in his arms. “I know, Ash. And I’m sorry for making you worry. But you don’t need to worry about me anymore. I’m not going anywhere.”
Just then, Brock, who had been quietly observing from the sidelines, stepped forward, his arms crossed with a smile. "Well, that was certainly an eventful performance, huh? Ash, you got a lot of explaining to do, but for now..." He clapped his hands, drawing attention to himself. "Let’s all head somewhere less crowded, huh? You two need some time to breathe."
Ash nodded gratefully, giving Misty one last, reassuring squeeze before they began walking off the stage. Misty’s heart swelled with affection for Ash, knowing that, no matter what the future held, they would always be there for each other.
"Let’s go," Misty murmured to Ash, her voice soft and calm.
"Yeah," Ash said, glancing back at the crowd, his face still flushed but filled with love for Misty. "Let’s go. Together."
And with that, they walked off, hand in hand, ready to face whatever came next—together.
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