
" How much lo-ho-honger?" Misty groaned. " My legs are killing meeeee."

Ash looked at the map. " Not very far.... I think?"

Misty looked up. " You THINK?!"

A sweatdrop appeared on Ash's head. " Uh...."

Misty groaned. " Ash! We're lost, aren't we?"

Ash, who was looking around with a hand over his eyes, said, " We're not lost.... We've just lost our way."

Misty groaned. " That's a fancy way of saying we're lost, ya know."

" No it's not!"

" Yes it is!"

" Pikaaaaa!" Pikachu exclaimed, worried.

" We're lost because YOU wanted to lead!" Misty said, pointing at Ash.

" Well you were the one who TOLD me!" Ash argued back.

" Why you-"


The fighting couple were shot with Pikachu's thunderbolt.




" Chu?"

Ash and Misty toppled on the ground.

" Pikachu.... please don't do that again...." Ash groaned.

" Make that double." Misty muttered.

" Pika. Chu."

Ash sighed and got up, helping Misty up as well. " Fine. Misty, you lead. And I'll..... uh..... look for gyms!"

Misty sighed, but she knew it was the best she was ever going to get out of HIM.

" Fine." Misty sighed. " Let's go."

" Misty, not to burst your bubble or anything, but.... this doesn't look right." Ash said as he looked around the dark forest.

" Uh.... we must have made a wrong turn somewhere." Misty muttered as she traced a line.

Then she gasped. " Uh oh."

" Uh oh?! What uh oh?!"

Misty looked back with a sheepish grin. " We've been holding the map... upside down."

Ash's jaw dropped. "Upside down?! Misty, no wonder we've been wandering in circles!"

Misty clutched the map, her face red with embarrassment. "Well, maybe if someone hadn't argued with me about every turn, I might've noticed sooner!"

"Hey! You were the one with the map! This is your fault!" Ash shot back.

"My fault?! You're the one who—"

"Pikaaaaa!" Pikachu interrupted, its ears twitching. It pointed to the bushes nearby, eyes narrowing.

Misty blinked. "What's wrong, Pikachu?"

A low rustling sound filled the air, sending shivers down their spines. Ash and Misty froze as tiny pairs of glowing red eyes appeared in the darkness.

"Uh, Ash?" Misty whispered. "Tell me those are Caterpie and not something... worse."

Ash squinted. "I mean... they could be Caterpie. Or, you know, Beedrill."

Misty's face paled. "Beedrill?! You've got to be kidding me!"

As if on cue, a loud buzzing echoed through the forest. The glowing eyes moved closer, revealing swarms of Bug Pokémon—Caterpie, Weedle, Spinarak, and, worst of all, a few very angry Beedrill hovering just above the ground.

"Okay, Misty, this time we're really in trouble," Ash said, backing up.

Misty grabbed his arm, trembling. "This is your fault, Ash Ketchum! You brought me into a forest of BUGS!"

"My fault?! You're the one who got us lost with the upside-down map!" Ash shot back.

"Pikaaaaaa!" Pikachu yelled, leaping onto Ash's shoulder and sparking its cheeks.

"Wait, Pikachu! Don't—"

But Pikachu let loose a Thunderbolt, zapping the ground and sending the bugs scattering... for a moment. The Beedrill, however, weren't deterred. They buzzed angrily, now zeroing in on the group.

Misty screamed. "RUN!"

Ash didn't need to be told twice. Grabbing Misty's hand, he bolted through the forest with Pikachu hanging on for dear life. The buzzing grew louder, the Beedrill relentless in their pursuit.

"Left!" Ash shouted, yanking Misty down a narrow path.

"No, right!" Misty corrected, trying to steer them.

"Do you even know where we're going?!"

"No! But it's not toward the Beedrill!"

The two skidded to a stop when they came to a dead end—a wall of thick trees and vines.

Ash turned to Misty, panic in his eyes. "Great. Now what?!"

Misty looked around, her breathing heavy. "Climb! We have to climb!"

Ash groaned but didn't argue. He hoisted Pikachu onto a branch before scrambling up himself. Misty followed quickly, her legs shaking as she pulled herself higher.

The Beedrill reached the base of the tree, their stingers glinting menacingly in the moonlight. They swarmed, buzzing angrily as they tried to reach the branches.

"We're gonna be stuck up here forever!" Ash moaned, clutching Pikachu.

Misty glared at him. "Forever is better than getting stung by those things!"

Just as it seemed the Beedrill might find a way up, a roar echoed through the forest. The ground shook, and a bright beam of light shot through the trees, scattering the Beedrill and other bug Pokémon.

Ash and Misty froze, clinging to the tree. "What... was that?" Ash whispered.

A giant silhouette emerged from the shadows. As it stepped into the moonlight, Ash's eyes lit up. "It's... a Charizard!"

The wild Charizard roared again, its flames lighting up the area. The remaining Beedrill fled in terror, leaving the forest eerily quiet.

Misty slumped against the tree trunk, breathing heavily. "I take back everything I said about forests. I never want to see another bug as long as I live."

Ash grinned, looking at the Charizard below. "Well, that was lucky."

Pikachu nodded. "Pika-pi!"

Charizard snorted, giving them a look that seemed to say, You owe me.

Ash chuckled nervously. "Uh, thanks, buddy. We'll just, uh, be going now."

Misty glared at Ash. "When we get back, you're leading us out of this forest."

"Me?! You're the one with the map!"

"Don't push me, Ash Ketchum."

Ash sighed. "Fine, fine. Let's just hope this Charizard doesn't have a grudge."

As they carefully climbed down, Misty muttered, "Next time, we're bringing Brock. He never gets us lost."

Ash groaned. "Don't remind me..."

" Uh, Ash?"

Ash, who was walking with his hands behind his head, turned to Misty. " Yeah?"

" Well, if there's a blue line, should we go towards it or away from it?"

" Uh.... towards?"

Misty looked at Ash with a sweatdrop. " You don't know, do you?"

Ash shrugged. " That's debatable."

Misty groaned, dragging a hand down her face. "Debatable?! Ash, we're literally using the map right now. How is it debatable?"

Ash grinned sheepishly. "Well, you know, maps are open to interpretation. It's all about perspective."

Misty stared at him, deadpan. "Perspective. Ash, this isn't abstract art. It's a map."

"Yeah, but if you think about it," Ash began, now clearly stalling, "a blue line could mean a river, or maybe a trail, or—"

"—Or maybe you're just stalling because you have no clue what you're doing," Misty finished, crossing her arms.

Ash blinked. "Okay, fine. I don't know what the blue line means. But it looks cool, so we should follow it!"

Misty groaned. "We're doomed."

"Aw, come on, Misty. What's the worst that could happen? We follow it, and we find something awesome, like a gym or a rare Pokémon!"

"Or we fall into a river and get swept away!" Misty snapped.

Pikachu, perched on Ash's shoulder, tilted its head. "Pika?"

Ash patted Pikachu. "See, Pikachu agrees with me. Right, buddy?"

Pikachu looked at Misty, then at Ash, and shrugged. "Pika pika."

Misty threw her hands in the air. "Fine. Let's follow the blue line. But if this turns into another bug-filled disaster, I'm blaming you."

Ash grinned, giving her a thumbs-up. "Trust me, Misty. What could possibly go wrong?"

They followed the blue line on the map, winding through a dense part of the forest. The path narrowed, and soon, the sound of rushing water grew louder.

Misty narrowed her eyes at Ash. "I knew it was a river!"

Ash looked ahead, his grin faltering. "Well, uh, maybe we're supposed to cross it?"

Misty raised an eyebrow. "And how do you suggest we do that, genius? Swim? Build a raft?"

Ash scratched the back of his head. "Maybe there's a bridge?"

They pushed through some bushes and reached the riverbank. The blue line on the map had indeed led them to a fast-flowing river... but there was no bridge in sight.

Misty crossed her arms, glaring at Ash. "So, Mr. 'It'll Be Awesome,' what now?"

Ash frowned, scanning the area. "Okay, maybe this was a bad idea. But it's not like we're stuck! We just have to figure out how to cross."

"Brilliant," Misty deadpanned. "And I suppose you're going to suggest Pikachu carry us one at a time?"

Pikachu gave her an unimpressed look. "Pika..."

Ash spotted something downstream. "Hey, look! There's a fallen tree! We can use it as a bridge!"

Misty followed his gaze, squinting. "That looks super slippery, Ash. What if we fall?"

"Then we'll get wet," Ash said matter-of-factly. "It's just water."

Misty groaned. "Sometimes I wonder if you even have a survival instinct."

Ash grinned. "Of course I do! It's just very... situational."

Misty sighed. "Fine. But if we fall, you're pulling me out of the water."

"Deal!" Ash said, already heading for the makeshift bridge.

The tree trunk was, as Misty predicted, slippery and unstable. Ash went first, arms outstretched for balance, while Pikachu clung to his shoulder.

"See? Easy!" Ash said, halfway across.

Misty reluctantly followed, holding Togepi tightly. She wobbled with every step, muttering under her breath about how much she hated forests, rivers, and, most of all, Ash's terrible sense of direction.

Just as they reached the middle of the trunk, a loud cracking sound echoed through the forest.

Misty froze. "Ash... what was that?"

Ash turned back to her, his face pale. "Uh... probably nothing?"

The trunk creaked ominously.

Misty's eyes widened. "ASH!"

"RUN!" Ash yelled, sprinting for the other side.

"RUN?! Where am I supposed to run, Ash?!" Misty screamed, clutching Togepi as the trunk started to splinter.

Ash made it to the other side just as the trunk gave way. Misty screamed as the log collapsed, plunging her toward the river.

"PIKA!" Pikachu leaped from Ash's shoulder, shooting a Thunderbolt into the water below. The electricity scared off a group of Pokémon swimming near Misty, allowing Ash to grab a vine and swing out over the river.

"Hold on, Misty!" Ash yelled, reaching for her.

Misty, soaked but still clutching Togepi, looked up. "Ash, if you drop me, I swear—"

Ash grabbed her arm and pulled her up. They landed in a heap on the riverbank, both of them gasping for breath.

Misty sat up, water dripping from her hair. She glared at Ash. "I told you this was a bad idea!"

Ash laughed nervously. "Hey, at least we didn't get swept away, right?"

"ASH!" Misty yelled, launching a handful of wet leaves at him.

Pikachu and Togepi exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying the chaos.

Suddenly, they heard the low, guttural growl.

Both Ash and Misty froze.

 Slowly, they turned toward the sound, their eyes widening in horror.

An Ursaring stood there, its massive claws gleaming in the faint light and its eyes glaring at them with unmistakable irritation. It snarled again, taking a threatening step forward.

"Uh... nice Ursaring... we didn't mean to disturb you," Ash stammered, holding up his hands.

Misty clutched Togepi tightly, her voice a terrified whisper. "Ash... what do we do?"

The Ursaring roared, making its stance crystal clear: it wasn't in the mood for negotiations.

"We run!" Ash yelled, leaping to his feet. Without a second thought, he grabbed Misty by the waist, slung her over his shoulder like a bag, and bolted.

"ASH KETCHUM, PUT ME DOWN!" Misty screamed, flailing her arms. "I'm not a sack of potatoes!"

"Would you rather be Ursaring's snack?!" Ash shot back, sprinting through the trees.

Togepi chirped in alarm, gripping tightly to Misty as she bounced along. Pikachu clung to Ash's shoulder, occasionally glancing back at the roaring Ursaring, which was now chasing them with terrifying speed.

"ASH, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU IF WE SURVIVE THIS!" Misty yelled, her face red with both anger and embarrassment.

"YEAH, WELL, THAT'S A BIG IF RIGHT NOW!" Ash hollered, dodging branches and tree roots.

The Ursaring's heavy footsteps thundered behind them, getting closer and closer. Pikachu sparked its cheeks, preparing to attack.

"Not yet, Pikachu!" Ash yelled. "If you miss, we're toast!"

Misty finally stopped flailing, realizing they needed a plan—and fast. "Ash, look for something we can use to slow it down!"

"Like what?! A 'No Entry' sign?!" Ash panted, his legs burning as he pushed forward.

Suddenly, Misty spotted a fallen log ahead, leaning precariously over a hill. "There! That log! If we can push it, it might block the path!"

Ash adjusted his grip on Misty—who let out a fresh round of protests—and veered toward the log. He skidded to a stop and dropped Misty onto the ground unceremoniously.

"Oof! Ash!" she yelled, rubbing her side.

"No time for complaints! Help me push!" Ash said, already straining against the log.

Misty scrambled to her feet, Togepi still in her arms, and shoved against the other side. The Ursaring was nearly upon them, its roars deafening.

"Pikachu, give us a hand!" Ash grunted.

"Pika-piiii!" Pikachu jumped down and zapped the base of the log with a jolt of electricity. The log shifted slightly but didn't budge.

"IT'S NOT MOVING!" Misty cried, panic in her voice.

"KEEP TRYING!" Ash yelled, putting all his weight into the effort.

Finally, with one last push, the log tipped over the edge. It tumbled down the hill, crashing into rocks and trees, creating a massive barrier in the Ursaring's path. The giant bear skidded to a halt, roaring in frustration as it clawed at the debris.

Ash and Misty collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. Pikachu climbed onto Ash's chest, equally out of breath.

Misty glared at Ash through disheveled bangs. "You're never leading us anywhere ever again."

Ash laughed nervously, lying flat on the ground. "I mean... it all worked out, right?"

Misty groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Togepi, remind me why I deal with this idiot."

"Toge... pri!" Togepi chirped, smiling.

Ash grinned, holding up a thumbs-up. "See? Togepi gets it."

Misty sat up and flicked Ash's forehead. "You're lucky I don't leave you here for Ursaring to find."

Pikachu tilted its head, listening. "Pika?"

They all froze as the distant sound of the Ursaring's roar reached their ears. It was still trying to climb over the log.

Ash scrambled to his feet. "Uh, maybe we should keep running. You know, just in case."

Misty stood up with a groan, glaring at him. "Fine. But this time, I'm leading."

Ash sighed in relief. "Works for me. Let's just go before something worse shows up."

As they hurried away, Misty muttered under her breath, "I'm never going into a forest again. Ever."

Ash stumbled into the Pokémon Center, dragging his feet with Pikachu perched on his shoulder, equally exhausted. Misty followed close behind, cradling Togepi, her face flushed and her hair a tangled mess.

"We... made it..." Ash wheezed, collapsing onto a bench. "Pikachu... you okay?"

"Pika... chu..." Pikachu groaned, slumping next to him.

Misty flopped down beside Ash, glaring at him. "I don't know... if I'm more mad... at you... or that Ursaring..."

"Hey, I got us here, didn't I?" Ash shot back, though his voice lacked its usual energy.

Misty rolled her eyes but didn't argue. Instead, she handed Togepi to Nurse Joy, who took the baby Pokémon for a quick check-up. Ash dragged himself to the nearby videophone and punched in Professor Oak's number.

The screen flickered, and instead of Oak's familiar face, Gary appeared, smirking as usual. "Well, well, look who it is. Ashy-boy! What happened to you? Lose another battle?"

Ash opened his mouth but all that came out was a strangled gasp. He doubled over, still trying to catch his breath.

"Uh... Gary..." Misty panted, leaning into the frame, her face red. "We didn't—huff—battle anyone!"

Gary raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "What's with the heavy breathing? You sound like you just ran a marathon."

"Ursaring..." Ash managed to choke out.

Gary blinked. "Wait, you ran into an Ursaring? And you didn't catch it? Man, you're slacking more than usual, Ashy-boy."

Misty glared at the screen, too winded to properly argue. "We—huff—almost died, Gary!"

"Oh, please," Gary said, crossing his arms. "You probably scared it off with your screaming."

Ash slammed his fist onto the console, still gasping. "Gary! Listen! We were chased! It almost ate us!"

Gary burst out laughing. "Wow, Ash. You couldn't even outsmart a wild Ursaring? No wonder you're always losing badges."

Misty, now catching her breath, jabbed a finger at the screen. "Listen here, Gary! We were lucky to even make it out alive! Maybe if you were there, Ursaring would've eaten you instead!"

Gary smirked, leaning back. "Please, Misty. If I were there, I'd have caught it in seconds. Unlike Ash, I know how to handle myself."

Ash, still fuming, pointed at Gary. "Why are you even answering Professor Oak's phone, anyway? Shouldn't you be off polishing your ego?"

Gary shrugged. "Gramps is busy with research, so I'm helping out. Besides, someone has to deal with your constant emergencies."

Misty facepalmed. "Can we just talk to Professor Oak, please?"

Gary leaned toward the screen with a smirk. "Why? So he can scold Ash for being a terrible trainer?"

Ash groaned. "Gary, we're too tired for this. Just—"

"Just admit I'm better than you, and maybe I'll consider it," Gary interrupted smugly.

Misty growled. "Gary Oak, if you don't put Professor Oak on this call right now, I swear—"

Before she could finish, Pikachu hopped up onto the console and zapped the screen with a small Thunderbolt. The image of Gary flickered and went black.

Ash blinked at Pikachu. "Uh... thanks, buddy?"

"Pika pika," Pikachu said with a smug grin, folding its tiny arms.

Nurse Joy approached with Togepi, looking concerned. "You two look like you've been through a lot. Maybe you should rest before calling again?"

Misty sighed, nodding. "Yeah... probably a good idea."

Ash leaned back on the bench, exhausted. "Remind me to never trust a map again."

Misty rolled her eyes but smiled faintly. "Remind me to never trust you again."

Ash grinned despite himself. "Fair enough."

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