Ash's return from Kalos

Ash stood in front of his house, looking at it and grinning. " Well, Pikachu. We're back. I'm sad our journey in Kalos is finished, but it just means a new one is about to start!"

" Pika pika pika!"

Suddenly his house's door burst open, and a certain orange haired girl ran out of the house, arms wide.

" ASH YOU'RE BACK!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him.

Ash, though surprised, laughed and caught her. " Hiya Misty!"

Professor Oak, Delia, Tracey, and even Gary had stepped out too. Tracey, Delia and Oak were watching, while Gary leaned on the house's doorframe, smirking.

" How was your journey?" She asked as Ash set her down.

Ash linked his arm in hers. " I'll tell you all about it. Come on! I'm staaaaaaarving."

Misty raised a brow. " You're taking a bath."

" But I-"

" You're. Taking. A. Bath."

Ash groaned but knew better than to argue with Misty when she used that tone. "Fine, fine! But after the bath, I get food. Deal?"

Misty smirked and crossed her arms. "Deal. But if you smell like you’ve been living in a cave, I’m adding extra soap."

Ash laughed and shook his head, walking inside with Pikachu perched on his shoulder. Delia greeted him with a warm hug. "Welcome home, sweetheart. We’ve all missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Mom," Ash said with a grin, giving her an extra squeeze.

Gary, still leaning against the doorframe, chuckled. "So, Ashy-boy, did you finally learn a thing or two about battling in Kalos, or are you still winging it?"

Ash shot him a playful glare. "Keep talking, Gary, and I’ll take you on right now. Pikachu and I are ready!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed, sparks flying from its cheeks.

Misty quickly stepped between them, rolling her eyes. "Not inside, you two. The last thing we need is a thunderbolt ruining Delia’s couch."

"Thank you, Misty," Delia said with a smile. "Ash, the bathroom’s ready for you. Go clean up, and I’ll have some food ready by the time you’re done."

Ash sighed dramatically. "Fine. But this better be the best meal ever, Mom!"

As Ash trudged toward the bathroom, Misty called after him, "And don’t forget to wash behind your ears!"

Ash groaned. " I know!"

" Ash, stop eating like a barbarian! You too, Pikachu!" Misty sighed as she watched her boyfriend and his Pikachu stuff their mouths.

" I haven't had food since four in the morning." He mumbled.

" But would it hurt for you to eat like a civilized person?"

" If I eat like that I'll lose my appetite."

" Pika pi!"

Misty raised a brow. " You're stress eating aren't you?"

" No." He said, stuffing his mouth with rice.

Misty leaned in, smirking. " Yes you are." She said in a sing song tone.

" I'm not."

Misty leaned closer. " Yeah, r-"

" I SAID I'M NOT STRESS EATING!" Ash shouted, slamming the table with his fist.

Everyone stared at him.

" Okay okay." Misty muttered. " Calm down."

Ash huffed and grabbed his bowl. " I'm going outside. Don't come looking for me."

Ash stormed out of the house with his bowl of rice in hand, Pikachu hesitating before following him. He muttered under his breath as he walked to the edge of the garden, settling down under a tree. Pikachu hopped onto his lap, looking up at him with concerned eyes.

“Pika… pi?” Pikachu quizzed softly, nudging Ash’s hand.

Ash sighed and set the bowl down. “I’m fine, Pikachu. Really. It’s just…” He paused, staring up at the sky. “It’s hard, you know? Coming back after everything in Kalos. After everything with Greninja, Alain, and… her.”

Pikachu tilted his head, ears twitching.

“I know I should be happy to be home,” Ash continued, his voice quiet. “And I am. But part of me feels like I left something behind. Like I didn’t finish what I was supposed to do.”

Pikachu quacked sympathetically, patting Ash’s arm with his tiny paw.

Ash smiled faintly. “Thanks, buddy. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Back in the house, Misty stood by the window, watching Ash from a distance. Her arms were crossed, but her usual fiery demeanor was softened by a flicker of worry in her eyes.

“He’s got a lot on his mind,” Professor Oak said, stepping up beside her.

Misty sighed. “I know. I just… I don’t like seeing him like this.”

Gary, leaning casually against the wall, smirked. “Ashy-boy? Moody? Now there’s something you don’t see every day.”

“Not helping, Gary,” Misty snapped, glaring at him.

Gary raised his hands in mock surrender. “Relax, redhead. I’m just saying, maybe someone should go talk to him before he broods himself into oblivion.”

Misty glanced back out the window, debating whether to give Ash some space or follow him. Finally, she grabbed a blanket from the couch. “I’ll go. You guys stay here.”

“Good luck,” Tracey said with an encouraging smile.

Misty found Ash still sitting under the tree, Pikachu curled up in his lap. She approached quietly, draping the blanket over his shoulders before sitting down beside him.

Ash glanced at her, surprised. “Misty? What are you doing out here?”

“You looked like you needed company,” she said simply, hugging her knees to her chest.

Ash chuckled softly. “You don’t have to worry about me, you know. I’m fine.”

Misty raised an eyebrow. “Ash, I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re not fine. So spill it. What’s really going on?”

Ash hesitated, his hands tightening around the bowl. “I guess… I just feel like I’m stuck. Like no matter how many battles I win or how many regions I travel to, I’m always chasing something I can’t quite reach.”

Misty frowned. “Ash… you’ve done so much already. You’ve inspired so many people—including me. Isn’t that worth something?”

Ash looked at her, his expression softening. “You really mean that?”

“Of course I do, you idiot,” Misty said with a small smile. “You’re Ash Ketchum. The kid who never gives up, no matter what. You’ll figure out what you’re looking for eventually. And when you do, you’ll catch it—just like every other dream you’ve chased.”

Ash stared at her for a moment before smiling. “Thanks, Misty. I needed that.”

Misty smirked. “You’re welcome. Now, are you going to finish that rice, or am I going to have to drag you back inside?”

Ash laughed, the tension finally lifting. “Alright, alright. I’ll come back. But only if you promise not to nag me about eating too fast.”

“No promises,” Misty teased, standing up and offering him a hand.

As they ate dinner ( what you saw before was lunch), there was a knock on the door.

Ash, in the middle of eating his rice, stood up. " I'll get it."

He opened the door to be tackled by a green Pokemon. " Bay, baaaaay!"

" Bayleef!" Ash said happily as the Pokemon nuzzled her favorite person in the whole world.

" Baaaaay!"

Bayleef handed Ash a basket with oranges and a bunch of other fruits.

" Is this from your garden?"

" Baaaaay!"

" Thanks Bayleef. Wow, they look nice."

" Baaaaay!"

Then she walked in. Ash laughed, closing the door and standing up. " Oh Bayleef."

When he walked to the dining table and sat down, he noticed Bayleef was staring at Gary and Professor Oak, Tracey and Misty and Delia with a death stare.

" Don't worry, Bayleef. You're still one of my favorites." Ash reassured the Pokemon, petting her head.

" Baaaaay!" Bayleef nuzzled him.

Misty leaned in to the others. " Bayleef has a liiiitle crush on Ash."

Tracey grinned. " It's not a little one, Misty. It's a big one. Just look at her."

Bayleef was now practically glued to Ash’s side, her leafy tail wagging furiously as she continued to nuzzle him. Ash, oblivious to her affection beyond simple friendship, chuckled and scratched her behind the leaf.

“You’re so excited today, Bayleef. Did something good happen?”

“Baaaay!” Bayleef cooed, leaning into his hand even more.

Misty rolled her eyes. “Ash, you really don’t see it, do you?”

“See what?” Ash asked, genuinely confused as he looked at Misty, still petting Bayleef.

“Bayleef adores you. Like, more than a Pokémon usually adores its Trainer,” Misty explained, gesturing to the lovesick look in Bayleef’s eyes.

Gary snickered, arms crossed. “Honestly, Ashy-boy, I’m surprised you haven’t noticed. Bayleef’s been head over heels for you since she was a Chikorita.”

“Really?” Ash blinked, tilting his head as he looked at Bayleef, who was now gazing up at him with a dreamy expression. “I mean… I knew she liked me, but I didn’t think it was like that.”

“Baaaay…” Bayleef sighed, clearly enjoying all the attention from Ash.

Professor Oak chuckled, stroking his chin. “It’s not uncommon for Pokémon to form strong bonds with their Trainers, but Bayleef’s affection does seem rather… unique.”

“Unique is one way to put it,” Tracey said, grinning.

“Alright, alright,” Ash said, waving his hands. “So Bayleef likes me. That’s not a bad thing, is it?”

“Of course not,” Delia said with a gentle smile. “It just means you’ve done a wonderful job as her Trainer. She trusts you completely.”

Misty leaned her cheek on her hand, smirking. “Yeah, but if you ever start dating, Ash, I think Bayleef might have a few things to say about it.”

Ash blushed furiously. “Misty! Don’t say stuff like that!”

“Baaaay!” Bayleef suddenly wrapped her vine-like arms around Ash, pulling him into a hug as if to say, “He’s mine!”

Gary burst out laughing. “See? She’s not letting you go anytime soon, Ashy-boy.”

Misty snickered as Ash struggled to gently pry Bayleef off. “Good luck explaining this one to Pikachu.”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu said from the table, clearly amused by the scene unfolding before him.

Ash finally managed to free himself, patting Bayleef on the head. “Okay, okay! I get it, Bayleef. You’re happy to see me, and I’m happy to see you too. But can I eat my dinner now?”

Bayleef hesitated for a moment before nodding, though she didn’t move far, choosing instead to sit right next to him with her head resting on his shoulder.

As Ash awkwardly tried to resume eating, Misty grinned mischievously. “You better get used to this, Ash. Bayleef’s not going anywhere.”

Ash sighed, though he couldn’t help but smile at his affectionate Pokémon. “Yeah, I guess not. Right, Bayleef?”

“Bay! Baaaay!” Bayleef replied, nuzzling him once more, completely content.

Ash, his eyes wide with surprise, turned on the faucet and began washing his hands. He was just starting to relax after his meal when—


He froze, soap dripping from his hands as he looked up into the bathroom mirror. There, standing in the doorway, was Bayleef.

"Bayleef?" Ash stammered, his heart racing. "What are you doing here?!"

Bayleef didn’t respond; she just stared at him with those wide, innocent eyes, unblinking, her tail flicking gently.

Ash quickly turned, glancing at the small window in the bathroom, wondering if there was any chance of escape. But the door was closed, and there was no way he could sneak past Bayleef without making a scene. He gulped. "Uh... Bayleef, I—"

Before he could finish, Bayleef plodded into the bathroom, taking a seat right by the door, blocking it completely. She looked at him expectantly, still staring with that same eerie, loving gaze.

Ash wiped his hands on a towel, nervously backing away. "Okay, okay, I know you’re excited, but maybe... maybe I just need a minute alone?"

“Baaaay...” Bayleef sighed happily, as if she had no intention of leaving anytime soon.

Ash turned to leave, but Bayleef followed him, tail wagging. He glanced over his shoulder. “Bayleef, seriously! I’m just going to the living room!”

Bayleef followed, her footsteps light but determined, her eyes never leaving Ash for a second. She was like a shadow, only way more affectionate.

Misty, who had been sitting on the couch, raised an eyebrow as Ash stepped out of the hallway. "Uh, Ash? What’s going on with Bayleef?"

"I— I don’t know!" Ash shouted, his hands thrown up in exasperation. "She’s following me everywhere! I can't get a single moment alone! She's like... like a stalker!"

Bayleef proudly trotted up next to Ash, sitting beside him and leaning against his leg.

Misty couldn’t suppress a chuckle. "Well, Ash, looks like you've got yourself a really devoted Pokémon."

“Devoted?” Ash repeated. "She’s following me everywhere! The bathroom, the hallway, even the kitchen!" He gestured wildly to the living room. “What’s next? The shower?”

“Baaaaay!” Bayleef chirped, as if suggesting that indeed, she might just follow him there too.

Misty’s grin only widened. "Guess you better get used to it, huh? She’s clearly in love with you."

Ash groaned, slumping down into the nearest chair. "This is insane. I can’t even go to the bathroom without her showing up!"

Gary, overhearing the commotion, sauntered in, leaning casually against the doorframe. "What’s this? Ash getting chased around by a Bayleef now? I gotta say, this is a new one."

“Thanks, Gary,” Ash muttered, rubbing his temples. "I’m just trying to have some peace, and Bayleef's acting like I'm her favorite snack. And I’m not even that good of a cook!"

"Looks like you're in for a long ride, buddy," Gary teased, smirking at Ash's increasingly agitated expression. "She’s all in for you, whether you want it or not."

"Great," Ash groaned. "Now I can’t even take a nap without my Pokémon watching me."

Misty, now sitting beside Ash, patted his back. “Well, maybe this is good for you, Ash. Maybe you need a little attention. Bayleef’s definitely giving you that.”

Ash sighed dramatically. “Yeah, I guess I’ve got to deal with this... unless I plan to move to a new house every time Bayleef gets too clingy.”

Just as he thought it couldn't get worse, Bayleef nuzzled him again, practically making him topple over.

“See?” Misty said, grinning. “She’s already got you wrapped around her leaf.”

Ash flopped onto the couch, Bayleef happily sitting right next to him. "Well, I guess I’m stuck with you, huh, Bayleef?" he sighed.

“Baaaaay!” Bayleef cheerfully agreed, leaning her head on his lap.

"Perfect," Ash muttered, rubbing his face. "I’m officially a prisoner of my own Pokémon."

"At least she’s a cute prisoner," Misty teased, nudging him.

Ash sighed again, resigned to his fate. "Yeah, a very cute one..."

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