Ash's birthday

Lol he's gonna turn ten

He's ten.

Turning ten

.... It's complicated

Tho idk how the Pokemon ppl do it

Lol look how buff the dude is


Supar buff


Misty would be like ash ew! Ew! No!

" Ash, hey Ash....." Someone gently murmured as they shook the sleeping ten year old boy. " Ash, time to wake up."

" Coming mom." Ash muttered.

" I prefer the term ' girlfriend ' or ' future wife'." The person replied

Ash groaned. " Coming Mommy."

The person sighed. " Ash, Brock is making pancakes....."

Ash turned over. " You got a pokemon called Broccoli? You should take it to-"

" Ash! I'm not your mom!" The person exclaimed.

" Okay grandma." Ash snored.

The person sighed again and hit his arm softly. " Ash, please."

Ash sat up and groaned. " Grandma, I don't se-" he yelped as he saw the person and backed away. " Misty?! What are you doing here?!"

Misty rolled her eyes. " This is my house too, you know."

" And Brock's." Ash added. " I'm glad Brock's not a gym leader anymore. He's better as a pokemon doctor and a cook."

Misty nodded. " I'm so happy for Forest."

Ash nodded, remembering Brock's oldest younger brother, who had become the gym leader of the Pewter Gym. " Yeah. It's so cool. Hey, how's your gym going?"

Misty giggled. " It's not my gym anymore, silly! Well, not anymore. Daisy's taken over the whole Gym, and she's running it suprisinly well. Of course, Tracey helps."

Ash sighed and thought of their artist friend. " Sometimes I think those two are meant for each other."

Misty let out a soft chuckle as she sat on his bed, her legs dangling off. " Remember the first time someone told us we were lovebirds?"

Ash laughed. " Yeah. Who woulda thought James would known?"

" Well, James wasn't really bad." Misty pointed out. " Neither was Meowth or Jessie."

Ash sighed and nodded. " Now they're living happily in the country, raising Pokemon. And maybe keeping a few for themselves. Maybe."

Misty leaned back, her head resting on Ash's shoulder. " Ah, I miss those days."

" Me too. But hey. At least Pikachu's safe and can't be kidnapped."

" Except from your mom." Misty giggled as she pointed to the window.

" Huh?" Ash climbed over to the ladder, climbed down, and walked to his window." What is Pikachu doing?!"

Misty looked. " Watering the plants."

" But why?!"

" Because he.... Likes plants?" Misty shrugged. " I dunno. Anyway, Brock's made a special pancake meal for the birthday boy!!"

Ash grinned. " Great! Let me get ready, I'll meet you in a bit."

" Ummm, these are really good!" Ash exclaimed as he took a big bite of chocolate and strawberry pancakes with chocolate chips and maple syrup drizzled on top and a large helping of whipped cream on top of that.

" Pi pikachu!" Pikachu agreed.

Brock laughed. " Ash, chill out! There's enough for you, I promise! Just stop eating like a hobo!*

Misty sighed and took a civilized bits. " That's impossible. Ash is always a hobo."

Ash shot her a look. " What was that?"

" Nothing, nothing." Misty said as a sweatdrop appeared.

Ash gave her a look but returned to eating.

" At least this ten year old still has his appetite." Brock joked.

Ash looked up for a second. " Hm?"

" Nothing, nothing. I was just saying how it's amazing you're ten and you still have an appetite."

Ash Shrugged. " I've always liked food." He said with a mouthful of pancakes.

Misty leaned back. " That was good, Brock."

" Yeah, so good!" Ash exclaimed.

Misty laughed as she raised a brow. " You know, if you keep eating, you're gonna be full. You won't have fun today."

" True...." Ash mumbled as he swallowed his last pancake. " Okay done!"

Misty laughed and walked to Ash, kissing his cheek. " Happy birthday love."

Ash grinned. " Thanks Misty."

" It's my little Pokemon Master's birthday." Someone said from the door.

Ash jumped and ran to his mom. " Mom!"

Delia wrapped her arms around him. " Happy birthday, my sweet baby boy."

Ash grinned. " Thanks mom!"

" Would you like me to make my Double deep dish pizza pot pie for dinner?"

Ash was bouncing with joy. " Yes! Thank you, mom! Thank you so much!"

" Pi pikachu!"

Delia laughed. " Anything for my little boy. Now, go out and enjoy your day!"

Ash nodded. " I will. Thanks!"

He ran to the door, yanked it open, and took in the fresh smell of Pallet Town.

" Hello pallet town!"

Misty and Brock came running out, laughing.

" Hey Misty where's Togepi?"

" She wanted to be with your mom so I left her with her."

Ash nodded. " Okay! Now, who's ready for some fun?!"

Misty giggled. " Ash, maybe you should go see the Professor."

" Why?" Ash asked, tilting his head.

" Because he might want to say happy birthday...?" Brock prompted.

" Oh yeah. I was thinking about going to my Pokemon first... Hmm....".

Misty groaned. " Ash your Pokemon are at the Oak household. AKA their lab."

" Oh yeah. Okay look out Observatory we're gonna register!"

" Register.... For what?" Brock asked

" For the Oak League, of course!" Ash said cheerfully.

Misty blinked. " He's losing it."

" Yeah." Brock replied.

" Chuu..... "

" Ash, there's no league." Misty pointed out.

" Then why are we going to the Oak laboratory?"

Misty groaned. " To see the professor!"

" But what about my Pokemon?!"

Misty sighed.

" Good morning my boy. Happy birthday!"

Ash grinned. " Hey, thanks professor!"

" So, what do you plan on doing?"

Ash Shrugged. " I dunno. We'll just see how the day goes."

" Well, there's a certain someone who wanted to wish you. Gary, here's here!"

There was a loud sound of glass shattering from upstairs. Ash winced

" GARY ARE YOU OKAY?" Oak called

" Yeah I'm fine!" A distant voice yelled back.

Ash blinked. " What's gotten him so excited about?"

Oak shrugged, but then he heard another glass break. Ash bolted to the stairs.

" Gary what are you doing?!"

" Nothing!"

Two more glass shattering, and yells

" Would you please stay still?!"

" No! Don't touch that!"

" Get back here you!"

Ash frowned, but before he could question, a singed Gary came out of his room.

" Uh.... Gary?" Ash asked hesitantly. " Are you.... Okay?"

Gary nodded, dazed. " Uh huh. Here you go."

He handed him a small gift bag. Ash grinned. " Thanks Gary!"

He turned to Oak. " You guys are coming for dinner at my house right?"

Oak nodded. " Yep. Six o'clock sharp."

Ash nodded, and looked at Gary. " Hey Gary want to join?"

" In a bit. I have to finish something up."

Ash grinned. " Okay! Say hi to your Umbreon for me!"

Gary nodded. " Will do."

Ash waved as he, Brock and Misty exited the house.

" So, what now?" Misty asked

Ash grinned. " Hey, I know!"

" So.... We're just supposed to... Sit here and.... Enjoy the lake?* Misty asked as she looked at Ash, who was paddling the canoe

Ash nodded. " Yep!*

" And if you want to catch any...?"

" I have Squirtle and Pikachu." Ash replied.

" What's your plan?" Brock asked.

Ash looked at the water and relaxed. " Well, they're gonna- you'll see."

Misty and Brock shrugged.

" What should we do in the meantime?" Brock asked.

" Watch the water." Ash replied.

Misty groaned. " You're the worst."

Ash shot Misty a look. " You're welcome."

Misty sighed, but before she could say anything, something jumped out of the water.

A piplip.

Except it looked different

Instead of a dark blue head it had a lighter colored head

Ash grinned. " Pikachu thunderbolt!"

" Piika... CHUUUUU!"

" Piplup!" The piplup yelled weakly as it fell

Ash hurled the Pokeball. " Pokeball, gooooo!"

It absorbed the Pokemon.

It fell into the water and bobbed on the surface.


Twice .....

Three times....

The button turned green.

Ash grinned and picked it up. " Yeaaaaah!"

He turned to the rest. " I caught a Piplip!"

" Pi pikachu!"

" I wonder why it was so differently colored?" Brock asked.

Ash grinned. " That's an easy one. It's like my Noctowl."

" Wow Ash. You have three Shiny Pokemon. A Noctowl, Gible, and now Piplip!"

Ash nodded, and turned to Squirtle. " Okay buddy you deserve to have some fun. Go play!"

" Squirtle!" The Pokemon exclaimed as it jumped into the water.

Suddenly, a Pink Wooper hopped onto Squirtle's shell

" Squirtle, water gun! Then, Pikachu, you know what to do!"

Squirtle spun around in the water, using a swift Water Gun to knock the shiny pink Wooper off its shell. The little Wooper landed back in the water with a splash, its bright pink color glistening under the sun.

Ash stood up in the canoe, pointing dramatically. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...CHUUUUU!" Pikachu unleashed a dazzling bolt of electricity that arced over the water, striking the Wooper. The electric attack sent ripples across the lake, stunning the pink Wooper but not harming it too much due to its partial Ground typing.

"Perfect timing, Pikachu! Pokéball, goooo!" Ash threw another Pokéball with pinpoint precision, and it hit the Wooper squarely. The ball opened, pulling the Wooper inside in a flash of red light.

The Pokéball floated on the water, rocking side to side.



Three times...


Ash pumped his fist in the air. "Yeah! I caught a Wooper—and it’s shiny too!"

Misty groaned, though a small smile crept onto her face. "Do you ever stop catching Pokémon? You can’t even enjoy a peaceful lake trip without adding another to your collection."

Ash grinned sheepishly. "Hey, what can I say? It’s my dream to catch 'em all!"

"Well, this one’s special," Brock said as he leaned closer to examine the shiny Pokéball Ash held. "Shiny Pokémon are super rare. You've got a knack for finding them."

Ash opened the Pokéball to release Wooper, letting it rest on the canoe’s edge. The pink Pokémon looked up at him with curious, wide eyes and gave a cheerful, "Wooop-woo!"

Misty crossed her arms. "That Wooper seems a little too cheerful, even after being caught."

Ash smiled and crouched to pet it. "That just means it likes me already!" He turned to Misty and Brock. "Looks like today’s my lucky day!"

Suddenly, Squirtle splashed back onto the canoe, looking exhausted but happy. It gestured toward the water, where several other Pokémon had gathered. Ash squinted to see a variety of water Pokémon swimming nearby, as if they had been drawn to all the action.

Misty’s eyes lit up. "Hey, look! There’s a shiny Magikarp in that group too!"

Ash jumped to his feet, nearly tipping the canoe. "Another shiny? No way! Pikachu, get ready!"

"Pika pika!" Pikachu prepared another Thunderbolt, sparks dancing on its cheeks.

Misty rolled her eyes but smirked. "You just can’t help yourself, can you?"

"Of course not!" Ash replied, his excitement shining brighter than the sun above.

" Let's see.... You caught a Magicarp a Wooper a Piplup a Quagsire a Quaxly an Spheal a Bellossom a Hophip a Snom an Emolga a Wingull.... Wow Ash that's a lot of Pokemon." Gary complimented as Oak checked each one of them.

" Thanks Gary."

Misty sighed. " Why can you never stop catching Pokemon?"

" Because I like to make new friends!"

Misty blinked. " Oh you've got to be serious. Just.... Keep the Bug away from me."

Ash groaned. " Misty it can't even harm you!!"

" You never know!"

Ash sighed. " Unbelievable." He muttered.

Oak looked at Ash. " Well, they're all healthy. They should be ready to join your other Pokemon in my Backyard."

Ash nodded. " Thanks!"

Misty looked at Ash with a weary look. " Where to now?"

" The forest."

Misty sighed. " I was afraid of that....."

" Combee, Nincada, Vivillion, Frosmoth, Ledian, Spinarack, Sudowudo, Seedot Nuzleaf, Slakoth, Skitty, Shedinja, Duskull.... I'm impressed young man." Oak complimented.

Misty was hiding behind the couch. " Just.... Get the bugs awaaaaay!"

Ash shook his head, sighing as he leaned against the wall of the lab. “Misty, they’re just Pokémon. They’re not going to do anything to you.”

Misty peeked over the couch, her face pale. “Easy for you to say! You don’t have to worry about *Spinarak* crawling up your leg!”

Brock chuckled, crossing his arms. “Misty, you’ve traveled through forests with Ash before. You’ve been around Bug-types countless times.”

Misty huffed. “That doesn’t mean I like it! They give me the creeps!”

Gary leaned against the counter, smirking. “You know, Misty, Bug-types are some of the most fascinating Pokémon. Shedinja, for instance, is said to have a mysterious hole on its back that can steal your soul if you look inside it.”

Misty shrieked and ducked fully behind the couch, glaring at Gary. “Not helping, Gary!”

Ash laughed as Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder, shaking its head. “Pikachu, pika-pi.”

Professor Oak smiled warmly, looking over Ash’s latest catches. “You’ve certainly been busy, Ash. It’s incredible how diverse your collection is becoming. You’ve always had a knack for befriending Pokémon.”

Ash grinned proudly. “Well, I can’t take all the credit. It’s all about building trust and making a connection with them.”

Misty, still hiding, muttered, “It’s also about you being a magnet for weird encounters.”

Ash turned to her with a teasing grin. “Oh, come on, Misty. You’ve got to admit, catching all these Pokémon is pretty cool.”

Misty rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress a small smile. “Yeah, yeah. Just keep your creepy crawlies away from me.”

Gary straightened up. “So, Ash, what’s the plan now? Gonna head into the forest for more training or maybe challenge some trainers?”

Ash looked thoughtful. “Actually, I was thinking of exploring the southern part of the forest. I heard there’s a waterfall there that’s supposed to be really beautiful.”

Brock’s eyes lit up. “Waterfalls? That’s a perfect spot for some Pokémon photography and maybe even a picnic.”

Misty raised an eyebrow. “As long as there aren’t any Bug-types, I’m in.”

Ash laughed, adjusting his hat. “I can’t promise that, Misty, but it’ll be fun. Let’s get moving!”

As they headed out, Pikachu perched happily on Ash’s shoulder, Misty trailed cautiously behind the group, casting wary glances at the treetops. Brock, as always, had his trusty cookware in hand, ready for anything. 

As the group made their way into the forest, the serene atmosphere was filled with the sounds of chirping Pokémon and rustling leaves. The path was dappled with sunlight streaming through the canopy, and Ash was in high spirits, pointing out various Pokémon to Gary and Brock.

"This forest is amazing," Gary said, glancing around with a smirk. "Who knows, maybe I'll even catch a new Pokémon myself."

Ash grinned. "You’ll have to keep up with me, Gary. I’ve got my eyes on a few Bug-types already."

Misty groaned from the back of the group, clutching Togepi tightly to her chest. “Why do we always end up in forests? And why do there always have to be bugs?”

Gary turned to her with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Because bugs are awesome, Misty. You should give them a chance.”

Misty narrowed her eyes. “I’ll give them a chance—when they stop being creepy and crawly.”

The group pushed further into the forest, the path narrowing as the trees became denser. Suddenly, Ash froze, his eyes lighting up. “Look at that!”

Perched on a low branch was a Butterfree, its wings glimmering in the sunlight. Surrounding it were several Combee, busily buzzing around a nearby flower patch.

“Wow, Butterfree!” Gary said, pulling out his Pokédex to scan it. “You don’t see one that beautiful every day.”

Brock nodded in agreement. “It must be gathering nectar before heading back to its nest.”

Ash stepped forward, already reaching for a Pokéball. “Let’s see if it wants to battle—”

Before he could finish, the bushes to their left rustled, and an entire swarm of Wurmple, Spinarak, and Combee emerged, scattering across the path.

Misty’s face turned pale, and then she let out a blood-curdling scream. “BUUUUUGS! BUGS EVERYWHERE!”

She scrambled backward, tripping over a rock and landing behind Brock, who tried to stifle a laugh. Togepi squealed in her arms, startled by her reaction.

“Misty, calm down!” Ash shouted, trying not to laugh himself as a Wurmple inched toward her foot. “They’re not going to hurt you!”

Gary, leaning against a tree with a smirk, chimed in. “You’re gonna scare the Pokémon away with all that screaming, Misty.”

Misty glared at him, her voice trembling. “I don’t care! Just get them away from me!”

Ash sighed, crouching down to gently scoop up the Wurmple. “See? It’s harmless.” He held it out to her, but Misty recoiled, shaking her head furiously.

“Keep it away! Far away!”

Brock stepped in, patting Misty on the shoulder. “Maybe you should take a break while the rest of us explore.”

Gary chuckled, crossing his arms. “Or she could just face her fears. How about it, Misty? Want to catch your very own Bug-type?”

Misty shot him a death glare. “Not in a million years.”

Meanwhile, Pikachu hopped down from Ash’s shoulder and darted over to the swarm, cheerfully greeting the Bug-types with a cheerful “Pika-pika!”

Ash turned to Misty, grinning. “Well, Misty, looks like this forest is gonna be an adventure after all.”

Misty groaned, burying her face in her hands. “I was afraid of that…”

Professor Oak chuckled as he looked over the assortment of Pokémon Ash had caught in a single day. “Wurmple, Grookey, Poochyena, Cresselia, Solosis, Lunatone, Gardevoir, even a Drowzee? Ash, your birthday certainly has brought a lot of Pokémon! I’ve never seen you catch so many in just one day!”

Ash sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, grinning. “Oh, Professor, it’s all cool. I couldn’t resist making a few new friends.”

Gary smirked, crossing his arms. “A few? You’ve practically doubled the population of Pallet Town with all these Pokémon.”

Ash shrugged, still smiling. “What can I say? They just keep showing up.”

Misty, however, was sitting far away from the group, clearly agitated. Her arms were crossed, and her eyes flicked nervously toward the Pokémon, especially the Drowzee and Wurmple, which seemed to inch closer to her with every passing second.

Ash glanced over at her and sighed. “It’s that one I’m worried about,” he muttered, tilting his head in Misty’s direction.

Professor Oak raised an eyebrow, watching as Misty shrank back when Wurmple started to crawl closer. “Ah, I see,” he said knowingly. “Misty’s never been too fond of Bug-types, has she?”

“That’s an understatement,” Ash replied, rubbing his temples. “She’s been screaming her head off all day.”

Gary chuckled. “Can you blame her? Wurmple is...well, it’s a lot to handle if you’re not a Bug fan.”

Misty glared at the group from her spot, clutching Togepi tightly to her chest. “I can hear you, you know! And I’m not afraid of all bugs—just the creepy, crawly, disgusting ones that won’t leave me alone!”

“Wurmple’s not disgusting!” Ash retorted, holding up the little caterpillar Pokémon. “It’s cute! Look at its little face.”

Misty groaned. “I’m looking, and I still don’t like it.”

Professor Oak chuckled again, patting Ash on the shoulder. “Well, it looks like you’ve had quite the birthday adventure. Let’s get these new Pokémon settled in the ranch for now. As for Misty…” He glanced over at her with a smile. “Maybe give her a break from the Bug-types for a while.”

Ash nodded. “Yeah, probably a good idea. But she’s gonna have to face her fears someday.” He turned to Misty. “Right, Misty?”

Misty huffed. “Not today, Ash. Not today.”

Togepi wriggled in Misty’s arms, clearly restless as the commotion around the Pokémon continued.

“Easy, Togepi,” Misty said, gently bouncing her baby Pokémon. “You’re safe with me.”

But Togepi had other plans. With a playful squeal, it suddenly leaped out of Misty’s arms and waddled toward Ash, giggling mischievously.

“Togepi, come back here!” Misty called, scrambling to her feet.

Ash turned just in time to catch Togepi crawling up his leg, chirping happily. “Whoa, Togepi, what’s the rush?” he asked, lifting it onto his lap.

Togepi cooed innocently, but as Ash tried to figure out what it wanted, it reached up and grabbed a fistful of his hair.

“Ah! Hey, Togepi!” Ash winced as Togepi gave his hair an enthusiastic tug. “What are you doing?!”

Misty gasped. “Togepi! Get out of your father’s hair!” She marched over, arms flailing.

Gary burst out laughing, leaning against the counter. “Well, this is entertaining. You sure your kid isn’t trying to groom you, Ash?”

“Not funny, Gary!” Ash groaned, trying to gently pry Togepi’s tiny hands from his hair. “Ow, ow—Misty, help!”

Misty reached for Togepi, but the little Pokémon giggled and held on tighter, treating Ash’s hair like it was a jungle gym.

“Togepi, this isn’t funny!” Misty scolded, her face red with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. “You’re going to pull all of his hair out!”

“Yeah, I noticed!” Ash retorted, grimacing as Togepi gave another tug. “Why is it so strong?!”

“Togepi, let go of Daddy’s hair this instant!” Misty pleaded, her hands hovering, unsure how to intervene without making things worse.

Togepi paused, tilting its head at Misty’s tone. Then, as if testing her resolve, it gave one last, determined yank.

“OW!” Ash yelped, rubbing his scalp as Togepi finally released him and flopped into his arms, giggling like it had just won a prize.

Gary was in stitches now, doubled over. “I’ve gotta say, Ash, your kid’s got spirit! Maybe it’s trying to teach you something about strength!”

Misty shot Gary a glare. “You’re not helping!”

Professor Oak cleared his throat, stepping in with a knowing smile. “Togepi seems to have a playful side. It might be expressing affection in its own unique way.”

Ash slumped back, holding Togepi at arm’s length. “Well, could it express affection in a way that doesn’t involve pain?”

Togepi chirped sweetly, patting Ash’s cheek with its tiny hands.

Misty crossed her arms, a mixture of relief and exasperation on her face. “Togepi, you’re impossible.”

Ash gave a weary smile, adjusting Togepi in his arms. “Yeah, well, I guess it gets that from its mom.”

Misty’s jaw dropped. “Excuse me?! I am nothing like that!”

Gary smirked, ready to jump in. “Actually, Misty—”

“Don’t you dare, Gary!” Misty snapped, pointing a finger at him.

As the room descended into chaos, Professor Oak chuckled to himself, stepping aside to jot down notes. “Another typical day with Ash and his friends,” he murmured, shaking his head.

The room had barely settled when Togepi, still full of energy, wiggled out of Ash’s arms and made a beeline for the door.

“Togepi, where are you going now?” Misty called, rubbing her temples.

Brock, leaning casually against the wall, waved a hand dismissively. “Relax, Misty. It’s just heading to the car. Probably curious.”

Misty frowned but didn’t move right away. “It better not touch anything! That car is expensive.”

Ash watched Togepi toddle out the open door with a shrug. “Yeah, Togepi’s not big enough to cause any damage. What’s the worst it could do?”

For a few moments, everyone stayed calm, chatting idly as Togepi disappeared from sight. Then a faint vroom sound echoed from outside.

Ash blinked. “Did anyone else hear that?”

Brock chuckled. “Chill out, Ash. It probably just pressed a button or something. No big deal.”

But Misty’s face was turning pale. “Wait a second… did we leave the keys in the car?”

The realization hit them all at once.

Ash’s eyes widened. “Wait… DRIVING AWAY?! TOGEPI, GET AWAY FROM THAT CAR!”

Everyone bolted for the door, but it was too late. The car, with Togepi’s tiny form visible through the windshield, was already rolling down the driveway and picking up speed.

“TOGEPI!” Misty screamed, clutching her head in horror.

Brock’s calm demeanor shattered as he froze, staring at the rapidly retreating vehicle. “Uh… okay, this wasn’t in the plan.”

Gary, who had been observing with mild amusement, was now doubled over laughing. “Your Togepi just stole your car! This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!”

“Gary, THIS IS NOT FUNNY!” Misty snapped, frantically running after the car, even though it was already far out of reach.

Ash sprinted beside her, panicked. “HOW DOES TOGEPI EVEN KNOW HOW TO DRIVE?!”

Brock finally snapped into action, pulling out his Poké Balls. “We need to stop that car before it crashes! Onix, let’s go!”

In a flash of light, Onix appeared, roaring as Brock pointed toward the runaway car. “Onix, block the road and stop the car!”

Meanwhile, Misty was yelling to the heavens, “TOGEPI, YOU’RE GROUNDED FOR LIFE!”

Ash was practically pulling his hair out. “We don’t even know where it’s going!”

Gary, still laughing but trying to compose himself, smirked. “Well, Ash, looks like Togepi takes after you—always diving headfirst into adventure!”

Ash glared at him. “GARY, I SWEAR—”

Before he could finish, the car turned a corner and disappeared from sight. The group stopped, panting as the reality sank in.

“Togepi just… stole our car,” Misty said flatly, her voice trembling with disbelief.

Ash buried his face in his hands. “Pikachu’s never gonna let me live this down…”

From behind them, Professor Oak emerged, his expression torn between concern and amusement. “Well, Ash… I think we’ve discovered another hidden talent of Togepi’s.”

Ash groaned loudly, throwing his arms in the air. “That’s not a talent, Professor! That’s a crime!”

Misty stomped her foot. “When we catch that car, Togepi is grounded for life!”

Gary chuckled, patting Ash on the back. “Better catch up, Ash. Your kid’s got a head start.”

With that, the group scrambled to figure out how to retrieve both their car—and their runaway Togepi—before things spiraled further out of control.

Oh, you have GOT to be kidding!” Misty gasped, pulling herself up another ledge of the steep mountain. She paused to catch her breath, glaring up at the path ahead. “Why did Togepi have to drive up here of all places?!”

Ash, climbing just ahead of her, shrugged nonchalantly. “Who knows? But by now, I’d bet that little one’s already three mountains ahead.”

Misty groaned loudly, wiping sweat from her brow. “This is not how I expected your birthday to go, Ash! I thought we’d have cake, open some presents—maybe battle a Gym or something! Not chase my rogue Togepi across a mountain range!”

Ash grinned over his shoulder. “Hey, at least we’re getting a workout!” he said cheerfully.

Misty stopped climbing for a moment and glared at him. “I am this close to throwing my water bottle at your head, Ash Ketchum.”

“Relax, Misty!” Ash said, reaching the next ledge and offering a hand to help her up. “It’s just a little adventure. Besides, Togepi can’t be that far ahead.”

Brock, who had been climbing more steadily behind them, spoke up. “Ash, you literally said five minutes ago that Togepi was three mountains ahead.”

Ash blinked and looked sheepish. “Well… maybe Togepi stopped to take a break?”

Misty rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. “I swear, if we ever get that Pokémon out of the car, it’s going straight into timeout.”

Gary, climbing at the back of the group, smirked as he listened to the banter. “You know, I’m just here for the entertainment. This is better than any Pokémon battle.”

“Gary, if you’re not going to help, you might as well stay quiet!” Misty snapped.

“Hey, I’m climbing too!” Gary protested, gesturing to the dirt on his jacket. “Though I’ve got to say, Ash, this whole thing really takes the cake for ‘weirdest birthday.’”

Ash sighed, hoisting himself up onto the next plateau. “Yeah, well, you know me. Life’s never boring.”

As the group finally reached a wide, flat ledge, Misty collapsed onto the ground, panting. “I need a break. And some water. And maybe a life where Pokémon don’t steal cars.”

Ash scanned the horizon, shading his eyes from the sun. “No sign of the car yet… but look!” He pointed to a faint trail of skid marks leading further up the mountain. “We’re on the right track!”

Misty groaned, flopping backward onto the dirt. “Great. More climbing. My legs are going to hate me tomorrow.”

Brock knelt beside her, offering a water bottle. “Come on, Misty. At least we’re making progress. And you’ve got to admit, this is kind of funny.”

Misty sat up and shot him a glare. “Funny?! Funny?! My Togepi just became a getaway driver, and we’re climbing a mountain on Ash’s birthday instead of enjoying cake. Nothing about this is funny!”

Gary snorted. “Oh, come on, Misty. Admit it—you’ll laugh about this later.”

Ash grinned. “Yeah, when we catch Togepi, we can all laugh about it over cake. Speaking of which—” he pointed toward the summit, where a faint glint of metal was visible. “I think I see the car!”

The group groaned collectively, but with renewed determination, they started climbing again. Togepi might have gotten a head start, but they weren’t going to let it win this game of cat and mouse—or rather, Trainer and Pokémon.

"Togepi!" Ash and Misty yelled in unison as they finally reached the highest mountain peak, panting and exhausted from the climb.

"Toge?" Togepi called curiously, peering over the ledge with a confused tilt of its little head.

Ash and Misty froze, their hearts racing. "Don’t move! Don’t move!" they shouted simultaneously, holding out their hands as if that would magically stop Togepi from tumbling off the edge.

But, as always, Togepi did the exact opposite of what they asked. With a joyful squeal, it wobbled and tottered too close to the edge, then suddenly toppled over, falling from the ledge. "Togeeee!" it cried out happily as it fell.

Ash’s eyes widened in panic. "No!!" He leapt forward, arms outstretched, managing to grab Togepi mid-air.

But as soon as Ash caught it, disaster struck. In the chaos, Ash’s foot slipped, sending him tumbling backward, his arms still clutching Togepi as he slid toward the edge.

"NOOO!" Misty screamed, leaping to grab Ash, but she couldn’t reach him in time. Instead, she reached for his foot, yanking him back just as his body dangled dangerously close to the drop.

"Ash!!" Misty gasped, her hands clutching his ankle as she desperately held onto the ledge.

“Hang on, Misty!” Gary shouted as he quickly reached forward, grabbing her waist and anchoring himself to the ground. "Don't let go!"

Brock was already diving forward, grabbing onto Gary’s waist and pulling with all his might. “PULLLLL!!” Brock yelled, his face strained with effort. “We’ve got to pull them up!”

With all their combined strength, the group pulled as hard as they could. Ash was dangling from Misty’s grip, still clutching Togepi tightly.

Misty was gritting her teeth, her face red with effort. "I swear, Togepi, if you weren’t so cute, I’d—" she began, but her words were cut off by another mighty tug from Brock.

With one final heave, Ash and Togepi were safely pulled back to solid ground. Everyone collapsed in a heap, panting and exhausted.

Togepi let out a cheerful "Toge!" and wriggled out of Ash's arms, completely oblivious to the chaos it had caused.

Misty, still lying on the ground, sighed dramatically. "I can't believe I just risked my life… for a car-driving Togepi."

Ash, holding his side and still trying to catch his breath, chuckled weakly. "Well, at least it's over… right?"

Togepi, now standing in the middle of the group, looked up at them with innocent, wide eyes, its little body bouncing happily.

"Let’s just get back down," Misty muttered, sitting up and brushing off dirt. "And next time, Ash, I swear you’ll be the one holding the leash."

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