Ash discovers a Pokemon

" Misty the stove!" Ash screeched as he grabbed Totodile. " Turn it off!"

" Huh? Ah!" Misty jumped from her needlework and ran to the stove, turning it off before sighing and wiping her head. " With Brock gone for the day, taking care of the house is hard!"

" Yeah, it i- CINDAQUIL STAY HERE!" Ash ran to the fire Pokemon and grabbed it just as it was about to go to the pantry.

Pikachu quickly slammed the door of the pantry shut and sighed. " Pika pi...."

" Toge toge!" Togepi said from the TV, where it was watching a nature documentary.

Ash grabbed the remote and switched it to the Oak laboratory show. " Well, we might as well see what's going on back in Pallet Town."

Misty leaned back on the counter, and Ash leaned forward on the couch.

" Today marks the day the top Pokemon trainer, Ash Ketchum, left the town of Pallet. Right now he's traversing through the Johto Region, but he's very busy. I got a call from him yesterday, after talking to him nearly a month ago! Anyway, today also marks the day....."

Ash turned the TV back to the nature documentary and sighed. " Well, I completely forgot. Happy anniversary, Pikachu."

" Pika!" Pikachu said as he jumped onto Ash's shoulder.

Misty laughed. " Wow, someone's energetic!"

Ash laughed too. " Yeah! It's nice t- MISTY THE OTHER STOVE! TURN IT OFF!"

Misty lunged for the stove, but it was too late. The food that had been boiling in the pot had burned.

Ash looked down, depressed. " Well there goes my lunch."

" Oh, don't worry, Ash! I can make my Misty surprise soup! With the forty seven ingredients. I'll -"

" NO!" Ash yelled

" Pika Pika pi!" Pikachu yelled urgently, waving his arms.

Misty narrowed her eyes. " You don't trust me as a cook, do you?"

" That's..... One way to say it."

" Wow." Misty said with an unreadable expression. " And here I was thinking you loved me."

" I love you, really I do. It's just.... I think you'd look a lot prettier.... taking care of the kids! Me, Pikachu, Totodile and Bayleef're gonna go out and pick berries. You can do the washing."

Misty sighed but had to agree with that. " Remember to wear your disguise. We can't risk anyone seeing us."

Ash nodded. " K. See you later."

" Welp, it's off to pick some berries. How does that sound?"

"PIKA PIKA!" Pikachu cheered enthusiastically, leaping onto Ash's shoulder.

Totodile hopped up and down, clapping its little hands. "Toto, Toto!"

Bayleef stretched its neck, letting out an eager, "Bay Bay!"

Ash grinned at his team as he grabbed his favorite cap and sunglasses for his disguise. "All right, team, let's find the best berries in Johto! We've got to make up for the lunch disaster."

Out in the nearby forest, Ash crouched under the shade of a berry tree, glancing around to ensure no one was watching. Pikachu perched on his shoulder, sniffing the air for ripe fruit.

"Okay, team," Ash whispered. "We need Oran Berries, Sitrus Berries, and... uh... any other berries that don't taste like feet. Pikachu, you're on lookout. Totodile, check by the river. Bayleef, use your vine to reach the high branches!"

The Pokémon saluted in their own way, then sprang into action.

Bayleef stretched out its vine, plucking vibrant berries from the treetops. Totodile splashed happily by the river, collecting berries it found floating downstream. Pikachu pointed out a nearby bush, sniffing it cautiously before giving a thumbs-up—or as close to a thumbs-up as Pikachu could manage.

Ash plucked a berry and squinted at it. "I think this one's good? Or poisonous? Who even knows?"

"Bay!" Bayleef called, presenting a pile of perfect berries at Ash's feet.

Ash grinned. "You rock, Bayleef!"

Back at the house, Misty had finished the washing and was sitting at the table with Togepi on her lap, a skeptical expression on her face.

"Think they'll come back with anything edible, Togepi?" Misty asked, stroking the Pokémon's head.

"Toge Toge!" Togepi chirped, pointing at the door as it swung open.

Ash stumbled in, his arms full of berries. Pikachu, Totodile, and Bayleef followed behind, looking proud of their haul.

"Mission accomplished!" Ash declared, dropping the berries onto the counter. "Misty, get ready to see the best berry soup ever made!"

Misty raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so now you're the chef?"

Ash grinned sheepishly. "Well, uh... team effort?"

As the Pokémon got to work washing the berries, Misty rolled up her sleeves. "All right, Ketchum. Let's do this together. But if it tastes terrible, I'm blaming you."

"Fair enough," Ash said with a laugh.

With Misty's guidance and Ash's enthusiasm, the group managed to whip up a surprisingly decent berry soup. As they sat down to eat, Ash looked at Misty with a smile.

"See? Told you I could handle things."

Misty smirked. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't burn the house down next time, okay?"

"Deal," Ash replied, raising his bowl. "To teamwork!"

"To teamwork!" Misty echoed, clinking her bowl against his as Pikachu and the others cheered.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Ash ran to the console with his soup. " Hello?"

" Ash, Gramps wants you to find and gather data on a new Pokemon."

Ash nearly dropped his bowl of berry soup in excitement, his eyes sparkling. "A new Pokémon?! Are you serious, Gary?!"

On the screen, Gary leaned back with his usual smug grin. "Yeah, Gramps says it's a recent discovery. He's been doing some research with Professor Elm in Johto, and they've got a lead on something big."

Ash was practically vibrating with energy. "Something big?! Like, legendary Pokémon big?!"

Gary rolled his eyes. "Calm down, Ketchum. It's not that big. They just named it recently, and they want you to track it down and gather data."

Ash slammed his hands on the console in excitement. "So what's it called?! Tell me its name!"

Gary smirked. "That's just it. Its name is—"

Before he could finish, Ash cut him off, his face lit up with awe. "Wait... Its name is 'Its Name'?!"

Gary blinked. "What? No, I—"

"That's the coolest name ever!" Ash shouted, completely misunderstanding. He spun around to Pikachu. "Pikachu, did you hear that? We're going to find a Pokémon called Its Name! What kind of moves do you think it has?!"

Pikachu tilted its head, confused. "Pika?"

Misty walked into the room, wiping her hands. "Ash, what are you yelling about now?"

Ash turned to her, pointing dramatically at the phone. "Gary says there's a new Pokémon called Its Name, and we've gotta find it!"

Gary slapped his forehead. "No, Ketchum, that's not—"

But Ash wasn't listening. He was already grabbing his backpack. "Misty, pack some snacks! We're going on a mission! A Pokémon called Its Name? This is going to be awesome!"

Misty blinked, trying to process what was happening. "Its Name? What kind of weird name is that?"

Gary groaned. "It's not called 'Its Name,' Ash! I was about to tell you the actual—"

Ash ran to the door, pumping his fist in the air. "Don't worry, Gary! I'll track down Its Name and send Professor Oak all the data he needs!"

"ASH, LISTEN—" Gary tried to yell, but Ash had already hung up the call.

Misty sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Sometimes I wonder how he survives."

Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder with a determined "Pika!"

"Come on, Misty!" Ash called, already halfway out the door. "We've got a Pokémon to find!"

Misty followed reluctantly, muttering, "This is going to be a disaster, isn't it?"

Meanwhile, Gary leaned back in his chair, staring at the blank screen. "Why do I even bother?"

Ash bounded ahead through the forest, cupping his hands around his mouth as he called out, "Its naaaaaaaaaame! Come out, Its naaaaaaaaaaaaaaame! Don't be shyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

Misty trailed behind, arms crossed, with a mix of frustration and resignation on her face. "Ash, you do realize Pokémon don't respond to random yelling, right?"

Ash spun around, walking backward as he grinned at her. "Of course they do! How else do you think I've caught so many Pokémon?!"

Misty raised an eyebrow. "Luck. Pure, dumb luck."

Ignoring her, Ash turned back to the path and kept yelling. Pikachu joined in with enthusiastic cries of "Pikaaaaaaa!"

Totodile danced along beside him, clapping its little hands and occasionally spraying water in random directions.

Bayleef, ever the level-headed one, nudged Misty gently, as if to say, Just let him have this.

"Fine," Misty muttered, shaking her head. "But if we don't find this 'Its Name' by sundown, you owe me a quiet dinner. No yelling, no chaos. Deal?"

"Deal!" Ash said, not even looking back as he scanned the area. "But we're definitely finding it before then. I've got a good feeling about this!"

Suddenly, there was a rustle in the bushes. Ash froze mid-step, his eyes lighting up. "Did you hear that?! Its Name is here!"

Misty groaned again. "Ash, stop calling it that! You don't even know what it actually—"

Before she could finish, a small, unfamiliar Pokémon hopped out of the bushes. It was round and fluffy, with vibrant colors that shimmered in the sunlight. Its wide, curious eyes blinked up at the group.

Ash gasped. "It's Its Name! We found it!"

The Pokémon tilted its head, chirping softly. "Tzzt?"

Misty smacked her forehead. "Ash, that's not Its Name—that's just what Gary—"

But Ash was already pulling out his Pokédex. "Let's see what you've got, Its Name!"

The Pokédex whirred to life:
"Unknown Pokémon. No data available. Further research required."

Ash's jaw dropped. "No data?! That means it really is a new Pokémon! Pikachu, let's catch it!"

"Pika!" Pikachu sparked with excitement, ready for battle.

The Pokémon blinked at them, then suddenly shot a stream of glittery energy into the air, creating a dazzling display before hopping away into the bushes.

"Hey, wait!" Ash shouted, chasing after it. "Come back, Its Name!"

Misty sighed and started jogging after him. "This is going to be a long day..."

Bayleef and Totodile exchanged a look before following along, their expressions saying everything Misty was feeling: Yup. A very long day.

Ash finally caught up with the mysterious Pokémon, now standing in a small clearing surrounded by flowers. The Pokémon blinked up at him with wide, sparkling eyes, chirping softly. "Tzzt! Tzzt!"

Ash knelt down, panting. "Hey there, little guy. Or girl? Uh... whatever you are!" He smiled at it. "You're a real fast one, huh?"

The Pokémon chirped excitedly and hopped right into Ash's arms, nuzzling against his chest as it let out a happy squeak. "Tzzt!"

Ash froze, his face shifting from surprise to pure joy. "Misty! Pikachu! Look! It likes me!"

Misty caught up, out of breath and holding Togepi. She raised an eyebrow as she saw the Pokémon snuggled in Ash's arms. "Well, that's... unexpected. Are you sure it's not just tired?"

"No way!" Ash grinned. "It's obvious—this Pokémon thinks I'm its dad!"

Misty blinked. "Its dad?"

Ash nodded, holding the Pokémon up like it was Simba in The Lion King. "Yeah! Look at how it's looking at me! It totally sees me as family!"

The Pokémon chirped happily and wrapped its tiny, glowing appendages around Ash's arm, refusing to let go. Pikachu hopped up onto Ash's shoulder and poked at the Pokémon curiously, only for it to nuzzle Pikachu too.

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed, looking amused.

Misty sighed, rubbing her temples. "Ash, maybe it just thinks you're a safe person. Or, I don't know, maybe it's hungry?"

Ash ignored her, already lost in his excitement. "I've gotta call Professor Oak and tell him I've already bonded with Its Name!"

"Its Name isn't its real name!" Misty snapped.

Ash waved her off, cradling the Pokémon protectively. "Doesn't matter. That's what I'm calling it until I know better. Right, Its Name?"

The Pokémon chirped again, snuggling closer.

Misty groaned. "This is ridiculous. Are we seriously adopting another Pokémon?!"

Togepi leaned forward, curious about the new addition. "Toge Toge!"

The Pokémon chirped back, and the two began an adorable babble-like conversation.

Ash stood up, holding Its Name proudly. "Misty, we're not just adopting it. We're adding it to the family!"

Misty stared at him, then sighed in defeat. "Fine. But when it starts thinking I'm its mom, I'm blaming you."

Ash grinned. "Deal!"

Bayleef and Totodile wandered into the clearing, tilting their heads at the new Pokémon. Its Name greeted them with an enthusiastic wave of its glowing appendages, and the entire group seemed to accept it instantly.

As they headed back toward the campsite, Misty muttered, "Why do I feel like this is going to be a huge headache?"

Ash, completely oblivious, was already humming a tune, cradling Its Name like a proud parent. "Don't worry, Its Name. We're gonna have the best adventures together!"

The Pokémon squeaked happily, clinging to Ash like glue. Whatever it was, it had clearly decided Ash was the one.

" .... Could you please repeat that?"

Ash held Its Name up. " I found the Its Name!"

Gary turned to Oak. " He cut the phone before I could tell him its real name."

" Ash, its name is-"

" Oh, so it's called, ' Its Name Is'? I liked ' Its Name' wayyyyy better."

" Tzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!"

Ash looked at the Pokemon. " I'm gonna nickname you Teeva!"

" Tzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!"

" Ash-"

" Professor Oak, I'm going to make a page for ' Its Name' in the Pokedex! Wish me luck!"

Professor Oak sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Ash, please listen. The Pokémon's actual name isn't—"

Gary leaned into the frame, smirking. "Don't bother, Gramps. Once he gets an idea, there's no stopping him."

Ash beamed at the screen, holding the small Pokémon—now dubbed Teeva—up for Oak and Gary to see. "Look at it! It's adorable! And Teeva loves me! Right, Teeva?"

"Tzzzzzzzt!" Teeva chirped, nuzzling Ash's cheek with glowing affection.

Misty crossed her arms in the background, rolling her eyes. "Great, now it has a nickname. This just keeps getting better."

Professor Oak tried again, his tone patient. "Ash, the Pokémon's official name is—"

But Ash interrupted, already holding up his Pokédex and aiming it at Teeva. "Let's make your page, Teeva! You're gonna be famous!"

The Pokédex scanned Teeva, but instead of identifying it, the device displayed:
"No data available. Would you like to create an entry?"

Ash's face lit up. "Yes! Pikachu, we're making history!"

"Pika pika!" Pikachu cheered, jumping onto Ash's shoulder.

Gary watched this unfold with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "You know, Gramps, maybe it's better this way. Let him think it's called 'Its Name' or 'Teeva.' He'll figure it out eventually."

Professor Oak groaned. "I suppose, but the scientific community might not be thrilled about 'Its Name' being the placeholder."

Ash turned back to the screen, grinning ear to ear. "Don't worry, Professor! I'll do all the research you need on Teeva, and I'll even make sure the world knows it's the best new Pokémon ever!"

Teeva chirped proudly, as if agreeing with every word.

Oak gave a weary smile. "Well, Ash, as long as you're committed to learning more about it, I suppose that's what matters most."

Gary smirked. "Good luck, Ketchum. You're gonna need it."

Ash puffed out his chest. "Luck? I don't need luck—I've got Teeva!"

Misty muttered under her breath. "And a boatload of stubbornness."

As the call ended, Ash looked at his team. "Alright, everyone! Let's get to work! We're gonna make Teeva the star of the Pokédex!"

"Tzzzzzzzt!" Teeva cheered, glowing brighter than ever.

Misty sighed. "I just hope this doesn't turn into another 'Ash bites off more than he can chew' situation."

"It'll be fine!" Ash said confidently, already running off to start documenting Teeva's abilities.

Misty shook her head, but despite her grumbling, she couldn't help but smile. "Well, at least it's never boring."

" Its Name...... hmmm....." He looked up. " Could you do some attacks for me?"

" Tzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!"

Teeva did a Shadow Ball.

" Oh. Shadow Ball. So it's a gho-"

Then it did Scald.

" Uh.... water AND Gho-"


" Okay, Teeva, that's eno-"

Vine whip.


Flame thrower.

Ash blinked. " Uh...... okay......"

He looked back at the computer. " Name? Its Name. Type? Uh..... Water, Fire, Ghost, Rock, Ground, Eectric, and....... Grass."

" Tzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt!"

Ash smiled, then looked back at the computer. " Attacks? Scald, Vine whip, dig, shadow ball, flame thrower, Thunderbolt, and......"

Teeva did a Heatwave.

Then a razor leaf.

And then a watergun.

Ash blinked. " Okay.... Heatwave, Razor leaf, and Water gun. Anything else?"

Teeva shook her head, and Ash grinned. " Okay! Picture.... hmmm....."


" Okay professor check the Pokedex for a new addition!"

Oak wearily beckoned Gary, and Gary pressed a button.

Then he blinked. " Uh.... Ash?"

" Yeah?" Ash said, dancing with Teeva and Pikachu.

" Why does the picture have you, Teeva, Bayleaf, Totodile and Pikachu?!"

Ash froze mid-dance, looking at the screen with wide eyes. "Uh... because... it's a family photo?"

Gary groaned, slapping his forehead. "Ash, the Pokédex is supposed to catalog Pokémon individually! Not include a group shot of your entire team!"

Ash scratched the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. "But doesn't it look cooler this way? Teeva's got, like, this whole squad vibe going on!"

Misty leaned over Ash's shoulder, glaring at the screen. "You're going to confuse every future trainer who tries to look up this Pokémon. They'll think its species travels in packs with Bayleef and Totodile!"

Pikachu snickered. "Pika-pi!"

Ash waved it off. " Eh. They're smart."

Gary pressed a button, and the Pokedex read the description.

" Its Name. The multiple element wielder. This Pokemon imprints the first male they see to be their father. They are very shy and like to dance."

Gary blinked. " Uh-"

Dexter continued. " A ten year old boy with a Pikachu as his starter was the one who discovered this Pokemon."

Ash, Teeva and Pikachu were now toasting.

" As-"

" Publisher- Ash Ketchum."

" Ash, I really don't think this is all necessa-"

Now they were dancing.

Professor Oak sighed, rubbing his temples. "Ash, while your enthusiasm is... admirable, this entry is hardly scientific. We can't have an official Pokédex entry reading like a party invitation!"

Gary folded his arms, smirking. "I mean, Gramps, at least it's accurate about the dancing. Look at them go."

On the screen, Ash, Teeva, and Pikachu were in perfect sync, spinning and waving their arms in celebration. Even Bayleef and Totodile were trying to join in, though Totodile's tail smacked a lamp in the background.

Misty crossed her arms, unimpressed. "Ash, do you ever take anything seriously?"

Ash froze mid-dance, pretending to think. "Uh... nope!" He grinned and twirled Teeva around like a ballroom partner. "Besides, this is history in the making! Teeva's first Pokédex entry is a celebration of discovery!"

Misty sighed, but a small smile crept onto her face. "Only you could turn cataloging a Pokémon into a dance party."

Gary leaned closer to the camera, his smirk widening. "Hey, Ash, you do realize that every trainer in the world is going to associate you with Teeva now, right? You've made yourself part of its official data."

Ash puffed out his chest proudly. "Good! Let everyone know that I discovered Teeva! We're a team now—right, Teeva?"

"Tzzzzzzzzzt!" Teeva chirped, spinning happily in Ash's arms.

Gary shook his head, stifling a laugh. "This is going to be hilarious when the League finds out. 'Ash Ketchum: Pokémon trainer, Teeva's dad, and amateur dancer.'"

Oak cleared his throat, his tone stern but with a hint of amusement. "Ash, while I appreciate your creativity, we'll need to revise the entry to make it more professional."

Ash stopped spinning and tilted his head. "But why? It's perfect the way it is!"

Misty grabbed the remote and muted the Pokédex screen before Oak could reply. "Ash, just... let the Professor fix it, okay? Meanwhile, you and Teeva can keep dancing."

Ash considered it for a moment, then shrugged. "Fine, but only if Teeva gets to keep the selfie!"

Oak groaned. "We'll... discuss it."

As the call ended, Ash turned to his team with a grin. "Alright, everyone! Let's keep the celebration going! Teeva's officially part of the Ketchum family!"

"Pika-pi!" Pikachu cheered, jumping into the group hug.

Misty sighed, shaking her head again. "I swear, Ash, one day your overconfidence is going to backfire."

Ash winked at her. "But not today!" And with that, he spun Teeva around again, the small Pokémon beaming with joy.

Gary blinked as he stared at the entry. " This.... this is worse than before."

Oak sighed. " Ash, we'll keep the original one, okay?"

Ash cheered. " See? Told ya I'm the better writer!!"

Gary rubbed his temples. "Better writer? Ash, you literally turned a Pokédex entry into a reality show."

Misty stifled a laugh. "It's like the Ash Ketchum Show—starring Teeva."

Ash beamed, crossing his arms confidently. "Well, clearly, I'm ahead of the curve. When everyone sees Teeva's page, they'll know who the real trendsetter is."

Oak leaned back, trying to maintain his composure. "Ash, let's just focus on the important part. We need to research more about Teeva's behavior, its abilities, and how to properly train it."

"Sure, sure, but look at the selfie! Teeva's already a celebrity!" Ash said, scrolling back to the Pokédex entry.

Gary sighed, defeated. "I guess when you're Ash Ketchum, anything is possible... even making a Pokédex entry look like an Instagram post."

Ash grinned. "Exactly! It's called 'innovation,' Gary! I'm all about breaking boundaries."

Teeva chirped proudly and floated in circles around Ash, as if to emphasize Ash's point.

Misty looked at Teeva, her arms crossed. "It's definitely... something."

"Alright, alright, enough with the teasing," Ash said, suddenly serious. "Let's get back to training! We still don't know what kind of Pokémon Teeva really is yet."

Gary rolled his eyes. "No kidding. We're still trying to figure out how it can use all those different moves. Water, fire, ghost, electric—what kind of Pokémon has that many types?"

Oak adjusted his coat. "That's the mystery. I'll need to do more research on that part, but for now, make sure Teeva's acclimating well with the rest of your team, Ash."

Ash gave a thumbs-up. "Will do, Professor! We're gonna train like never before!"

Misty sighed, smiling despite herself. "Well, if nothing else, it'll be interesting."

"Right? And who knows," Ash said, turning to Teeva, "maybe one day you'll be famous for real—without all the dancing."

"Tzzzzzzzzzt!" Teeva cheered, doing a twirl in the air, as if to say, "Not a chance!"

Gary muttered, "I think the dancing's here to stay."

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