
Shopping with girls is a drag.

For most boys.

But those boys don’t have an amazing girl as I do.

Her name is Misty.

She’s the Cerulean Gym leader, and she is so fierce.

But I know her real personality.

She’s tough, true, but she's also a sweet girl.

She’s also a bad cook.

She once tried to make Brock’s stew but it ended up becoming “ Misty’s Mysterious Stew”.

It contains 47 ingredients..

And that didn’t end well at all.

Luckily now I cook and she does the laundry and cleans the house.

Yesterday was our first anniversary, and it was the best day ever.

“ Ash? Hey, Ash, wake up1”

Ash groaned and rubbed his eye as he sat up to look at his orange haired girl. “ Mmmmm?”

“ Remember what today is?”

“ Pikachu!” Pikachu exclaimed, equally esthetic.

Ash rubbed his eyes and thought back. “ mmmmmm, no. I can’t remember.”

Pikachu went to Ash’s bag and took out his Pokeball.

Ash still carried it with him.

He gave it to Ash, and he cocked his head before gasping. “ Today, it’s-”

“ The day we first met, and the day you got Pikachu!” Misty exclaimed. “ Isn’t that fun!”

Ash got up, and Pikachu ran to his shoulder and hopped on. Ash turned to Misty.

“ What should we do?” He asked.

Misty grinned. “ I know what we should do!”


" This is boring.” Ash muttered as he cast his line into the river.

“ Shhhhh.” Misty said.

“ If I were out there I woulda caught ten Pokemon already.”

“ Would you be quiet?” She hissed.

“ Maybe we’re using the wrong food?” Ash suggested.

Misty sighed. “ What do you want to find?”

“ A mudkipper. Or a Corphish.”

“ Then ask Squirtle to get a random Pokeball and dive down there, maybe?”

“ Nah, that won’t work.”

He took a Pokeball out. “ Squirtle, I choose you!”

The turtle Pokemon came out.

“ Squirtle, go into the water and find a good Pokemon. Wrangle it out of the water. Pikachu’ll take over from there.”

“ Squirtle!”

The turtle dived down, and Misty raised a brow. “ You’re up to something, I can tell. What is it?” She pressed.

Ash shrugged. “ I duno.”

Misty raised a brow and grinned.  “ Mhm.”

Suddenly, Squirlte lept  out of the water.

And there, in his paws, was a Wooper.

" A Wooper!" Misty exclaimed, delighted. " Wow Ash that's amazing!"

Ash grinned. " Pikachu you know what to do!"

" Pika.... CHUUUUU!"

Wooper was thrown into the air just as Pikachu fired thunderbolt. It hit the Pokemon on the chest, and Ash threw his ball.

" Pokeball, goooo!"

The Pokeball absorbed the Pokemon. It blipped once, twice.....

Then it stopped.

Ash grinned and picked it up. " I caught a Wooper!"

" Pika pi!" Pikachu said as he did a victory sign.

Misty grinned and nodded as the Pokeball disappeared. " Let's hope the professor receives it."

Ash grinned back. " Oh, it will. But let me phone him, just to be sure."

He walked to the nearest phone and put the Professor's area code in.

" Pick up....." Ash muttered.

The screen flickered, and soon the familiar face of Professor Oak appeared, smiling warmly. 

"Ah, Ash! How nice to see you. And Misty, too!" Oak greeted. "What can I do for you today?" 

Ash held up his Pokéball proudly. "Professor, I just caught a Wooper! Squirtle and Pikachu helped out, and I wanted to make sure it got to you safely." 

Professor Oak nodded. "A Wooper, you say? Excellent catch, Ash. Let me check the system to confirm its transfer." 

He typed away at his keyboard while Ash and Misty waited. Pikachu perched on Ash’s shoulder, looking just as eager. 

"Ah, there it is!" Oak exclaimed after a moment. "Your Wooper has arrived safe and sound. A fine specimen, I must say. I’ll take good care of it here." 

Ash pumped his fist in victory. "Yes! Thanks, Professor." 

Misty chuckled, crossing her arms. "You’re on a roll today, Ash. Maybe fishing isn’t so bad after all." 

Ash grinned sheepishly. "Well, it’s more fun when I have you and Pikachu with me." 

Misty blushed slightly but quickly changed the subject. "So, what’s next? Should we head to the next Gym, or are you planning another surprise catch?" 

Before Ash could answer, Professor Oak chimed in, "You know, Ash, Wooper is an excellent Pokémon to train. It could be very helpful in your upcoming battles. Perhaps spend some time bonding with it once you retrieve it." 

Ash nodded. "Good idea, Professor. I’ll do that." 

As they ended the call and walked back toward the river, Misty teased, "You’re so lucky I put up with all this, Ash." 

Ash laughed. "And you’re so lucky I’m such a great trainer!" 

Pikachu chimed in with a cheerful "Pika pi!" as they continued their journey, ready for whatever adventure awaited them next.

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