8; Slovenly Bested


ABBAS and Jaleel made their way out of the hotel they'd stayed in for a night. They've bid their friends adieu the night before after they've eaten to their fill and surprise, someone paid for their bills. Abbas was happy even though he didn't show it. Being with Surayyah taught him not to spend money hazardously which is why he was reluctant to pay fifty thousand naira for one plate of food that didn't fill his stomach. Being economic.

"We haven't forgotten anything?" Jaleel asked again turning around to look at the hotel because it felt like he's missing something.

"No. You're always this paranoid." Abbas murmured, dragging his friend out of the hotel to the waiting cab outside.

And not to forget how expensive transport is in Abuja. From the hotel they're staying to Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport is three thousand naira. Just what is there in Abuja that's making people's lives hard? And they always love to brag that they are in Abuja. Living a fake life? He can never for the life of him get why people adore the place only wealthy people can stay in. This is no place for the poor, they should know that.

They took the cab but on their way, a black filled with thugs stopped them short. Abbas and Jaleel were relaxed knowing they did nothing to anyone and no one knows them. If they want money, then they are sickly mistaken, at the wrong place, it won't come out from either of them. They are going to fight tooth or nail for that to happen. Unfortunately Abbas is without his gun, he would've intimidated them with it like he's always done.

"Get off the damn car!" One of them shouted in pidgin, pointing a long gun at the back of the car where the two of them sat.

Confused, they opened the door and stepped out along with the driver. Jaleel was immediately pushed aside to the sidewalk hitting his head in process, Abbas went to help steady him when the back of a gun hit behind his head making him stagger forward with a wince. No second later they all descended upon him like bunch of leeches sucking blood off of him.

The terrified driver peed his pants without knowing, eyes wide with fear as they mercilessly hit his passenger while Jaleel was held down by two men, any move of stubbornness get him a hit or slap so he stopped struggling. Abbas on the other hand was beaten to pulp, his hand probably dislocated or entirely broken alongside his leg. He coughed blood! His eyes were red with blood as it strolled from his forehead down his face like rain.

When they were done, they filed into their car that has no freaking plate number and zoomed off the street. They didn't collect their wallets, their doubtlessly expensive watches or maybe the car. They just wanted to beat the crap out of Abbas and they did. What was that for? Who's he wronged in Abuja to deserve this?

Jaleel rushed to his friend almost tripping on his way. "Let's get you to the hospital. You're badly injured or broken in this case."

"We'll be late for our flight. Let's just go to the airport and I'll wash off there" Abbas grunted as he argued, tried shifting his left leg only for him to bite his tongue in pain.

"If you like, continue arguing. I don't know if the plane is more important than your health. Besides, they won't allow you inside like this."

"They will! We'll tell them it was a car accident or some shit. I want to leave this shitty place."

"Not more than I do but not without your injuries treated." Jaleel murmured sternly, touching places to earn reactions from Abbas so he will know where to exact pressure when picking him up.

Abbas gnashed his teeth then opened them to talk. "I'm fine. Don't argue and let's go."

"I won't argue but we are going to the hospital. Final." Jaleel ordered in that austere tone that makes children stop misbehaving immediately.

He heaved him up by adjusting Abbas's arm around his shoulder, gesturing at the driver to get into the goddamn car which he did, knowing fully well he's peed. Not that Abbas gave a damn when every crevice in his body is sloth.

His breath saw in and out as he concentrated on making sure the pain is going to disappear even if for a little minute. Jaleel adjusted his bloody leg eliciting a pained hiss and grunt at the exertion. His skin is blotchy, lips torn apart, forehead trashed to unrecognizable extent. Abbas squirmed in discomfort even though no one would expect him to feel a thing. He's survived far worse but being hurt doesn't change even if you've survived it billion times.

Jaleel said nothing, only focus on making sure Abbas is as comfortable as possible in the car.

They made their way to a small clinic that'll be sufficient. They asked no question, only dressed him and cleaned his wounds with few painkillers to ease and numb the pain for a time. That alone charged them a lot of money which is getting under Abbas's nerves though he won't think about it now. He needs to be on that plane. He wants to go home and be with his family and fiancée.

As soon as they landed in Katsina State, his sister was there to pick them up and she panicked. Of course she would. This is Munayah, she exaggerates everything and will probably message their mother before they even arrive. Isn't that too much for someone who's injured? Their mother is a mother hen, only close family know that.

"What happened? Were you guys in an accident?" She asked with wide doe eyes staring from his wounds to Jaleel.

"Kinda. He'll tell you about it when he gets better. First, let's get him home safely." Jaleel forced a smile on his face.

Whatever it was Munayah saw in his face made her shut up and open the back door for them. And that was a first because nothing stops Munayah from saying her mind whenever she wants to. Not even their father's eerie face.

She drives while turning around every ten seconds to check up on him or combing the rear view mirror to get a better look at him. Whenever she speeds on a bump or pothole, she'd wince as though she was the one injured. Is there anything as sister hen? Then his sisters can be that. Not to get him started on Afiyah, that one won't allow him to rest. They all look for littlest of things to hover over.

As soon as the large gates of the Bāmanga Tukur residence got yanked open, Abbas sighted the entire family waiting for them in the veranda. It took everything in him to not face palm at how dramatic they appeared at that moment. Their faces were stricken, eyes large and fingers knotted in nervousness. It's so nauseating, honestly.

And this won't be the last I get into accidents like this neither is this the first. I'm a goddamn navy officer for goodness sake.

He rolled his eyes when his mother walk-ran to the car along with his sisters but his father stayed back though worried to bones with those furrowed brows in the middle of his forehead. Abbas heaved himself out of the car, jumping on one leg so as to not fall and half showing them just how much of a small deal this is. They do not think so anyway.

"What happened?" Hajiya Hafsatu asked sharply, her eyes taking him in from head to toe counting the wounds and casts.

"Mom, it's really nothing. We met with an accident on our way to the airport. Nothing big." He swallowed, his eyes finding Jaleel's who sternly stood at the other side of the car.

He cannot tell his mother what had happened when he himself hadn't wrapped his head around what took place earlier on. What should he say?

"Oh, Mom, some thugs particularly targeted me because I went to Abuja. I mean, I'm a hot navy aren't I?"


"It's nothing. A few gangsters felt like beating the crap out of me to get off steam."

Not going to happen. His mother would raid Abuja even though she knew she wouldn't get anything there. The woman is such a boss lady but there are places where her bossy attitude won't get her and that place happens to be Abuja. She knew little people there, her connections aren't tight as they are here in Katsina.

She glared at him despite her concern. "Nothing big with broken leg and arm in cast? Don't tell me that bull."

Jaleel stepped in to endorse him. She always listens to what he says and he's using that to his advantage.

"It was really nothing, Aunty. He got in front of a moving vehicle and got trashed for not looking at the road before crossing. He is not a kid." He gave Abbas an exasperated look to emphasis the un-truthful words.

Hafsatu recoiled at that, a huff escaped her breath before she addressed the other siblings. "Get your brother to his room."

The sisters were eager to do so hovering over the older brother and probing him with surfeit questions about his wounds. Abbas was eager to reach his room but got stopped short by his father who was waiting at the front door. The man looks suspicious already. Like he knew what happened. He doesn't know a thing.

"Take care and be careful next time. Crossing the road without looking in Abuja? What was on your mind?"

Alhaji Bāmanga Tukur is a tall lean man with fairer complexion than his wife. His complexion made his aging more apparent, palpable with bags beneath his eyes and crinkles by the edge of his lips and eyes too. His straight but blunt nose also faltered, aging lines exhibited proudly by the sides. He never allowed hair to grow on his face, he shaved everyday to avoid seeing the white beard just like he does his hair.

Being a respectable dermatologist in Katsina, he makes his family proud of his work. He is the only one in the whole state and with the way things are now with women wanting to be white and all, he's always busy. Checking up why their skin is suddenly green like the photosynthetic eukaryotic organism, algae.

It's funny how their father relate to the way their faces look after they've bleached their skins with cream or injected acids in their blood.

"Some of them have blacks circling their eyes like pandas. Their skin had been beautiful while dark but they don't understand that. Dark people hardly age, it doesn't show much like it does when a fair person ages. It'll be too late when people realize that." He'd shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.

Abbas now stared at him looking dumb, about to spill. "I was thinking about the wedding and all. See..." he gestured at himself from head to toe, "...I've even lost a few pounds because of it. You never told me getting married wasn't easy."

His father raised a brow at that then smiled a little. "I'm glad you think that. You'll value your wife more after going through this."

"You and mom are the same. I'm off. I need sleep."

"I TOLD you, I'm fine now. It was nothing." He reassured Surayyah for the nth time later in the evening after he's rested and prayed.

His mother came by to drop off a trolley filled with all his favored foods. He had given her a cheeky smile while wishing in his head he'd always be sick so they could take care of him like they are doing now. But then, he is getting married next week. He'll have to recover soon so they won't start thinking about postponing it. Over his dead body.

Surayyah's voice yanked him off his reverie when she argued right back. She's never done that. "No. I'm coming to see you and there is nothing you can do about it."

"Are you already disobeying me?" The lilt in his voice surprised him. It betrayed the fact that his words meant nothing and he was happy she had fired back.

It's refreshing.

"For your own good? Yes!" She took a deep breath before adding in a sterner tone. "And I'd do it again and again."

"Do what you want then." He sighed and hung up then hastily made his way to his closet to change. She cannot see him in only a boxers and singlet.

He rearranged his room while limping to take off clustered clothes, sprayed air freshener and some of his perfume all over the room. His mother said his room doesn't smell bad but it is not exactly welcoming. His fiancé is coming and she should feel welcomed.

Done with everything, he went back to the bed and lie down waiting for her. A knock came on his door few minutes later before Khairah walked in raising her brows naughtily while mouthing things he didn't understand. Surayyah followed behind her, her head bent as she shyly tugged on the fuchsia hijab she was wearing. It was full thirty seconds later before she raised her head to survey her surrounding, a cute frown in place.

Abbas watched with his heart in a fist, her elliptical eyes were filled with amazement, curiosity before she unglued it and plugged it to his. He saw when her peachy lips let out a gasp and she hastily sauntered to the side of the bed. She perused over him with deep concern surrounding her.

She tilted her head to the side, brows drawn together, lips pursed to the left side of her face. He saw the way her body tightened and tensed with attentiveness making his heart soar in his rib cage. All he wanted to do is wrap his arms around the woman before him and bring her to his chest, where she belongs. Her home, solace and solitude. He swallowed thickly, very soon. She is going to be his in no time.

Surayyah opened her mouth to speak then closed it before she tried again. "How're you feeling? They seem ugly."

Abbas shrugged his shoulders. "They are grotesque but I'll be fine in no time."

"But—but how did this happen? What sort of accident was that? And why are you smiling?" She frowned, blinking away the tears that surfaced without her knowledge.

Ya Allah, she loves this man too much.

He dragged his hawkish gaze away from her face and tightened his hands in two fists. He wanted to console her but his sister is there and it is not right since he is not her mahram. Yet. His sister shouldn't learn how to do inappropriate things from him, that was not how he was brought up. His mother took pride in knowing her older children would bring the younger ones up in a righteous manner.

"Because you look heart glitteringly cute right now. That's why I'm smiling." He flirted, his voice low but the deep timbres made her toes curl.

She blushed, her eyes on the floor knowing his sister is behind them. "Don't talk like that in front of your sister. That's inappropriate."

Abbas gave an exaggerated frown. "Inappropriate? You're going to be my wife and her sister-in-law in a few days."

"I know but don't. You're making me shy." She bite her lower lip, her eyes begging him to keep the hell shut but he was enjoying it too much.

Abbas raise his head to look at his busy sister who was typing fast but he knew she was listening to everything. Khairah is the devil of the house, she knows what is going on in everyone's life being twenty and jobless. She goes to university of course but you never see her serious with her studies if there is no exams or test around the corner. How her results are perfect is beyond him.

"Khair? You know she is going to become your sister-in-law right? Can you give us a minute? You don't need to hover around us like a canopy. Thanks for accompanying her here."

Khairah gave him a large grin and saluted. She turned around to leave when the door got pushed open by none other than Jaleel whistling to some unknown song. Definitely One Direction. He was heartbroken when the band broke but never stopped listening to the 'golds' they left behind in his words.

Jaleel stopped short to take in the sight in front of him with one brow raised. Surayyah had never been in his home before so this is definitely surprising or galvanizing? Whichever.

It's considered immodest for a woman to go to her boyfriends home no matter how serious their relationship is. That is in some part of Hausa. Others do not mind if their is a date fixed between them but Surayyah's family were strongly against that. With the fact that they didn't wanted their daughter to marry someone away from the family. And not someone whose family is influential because rich families have been doted 'off' when relating to poor ones.

Surayyah smiled at Jaleel in greeting then turn to Abbas. "I should go now. Take care and love you." She murmured the last two words.

"Jaleel can just wait outside. You don't have to go now, you know."

"I know but Aunty said I shouldn't stay long and there are so many things to be done. I'm getting married. To you." She gave him one of her flirty looks that made him touch his heart, his expression begone.

"Okay. I love you." He blew her a kiss, she hastily fled away from the room before he could embarrass her further.

Jaleel rolled his eyes and closed the door behind Khairah who was giggling. "You're whipped."

"And I love being whipped. But hey, you won't understand anything about that." He gave a satisfied sigh.

With a look of disgust, Jaleel sat on the couch in the room. "Whatever. I'm here to talk about what happened because it's about damn time we talk. That shit was not unplanned."

Abbas sighed, it was coming and they should talk about it for real. It was a well planned attack.

"What do you think about it, Mr. Detective?" He winced when he tried adjusting his leg but —hello— it was broken.

Eyes glazed, he started. "I think this was planned by the woman from yesterday."

Puzzled but clicking on, Abbas asked. "Mariam whatever? The Nut-case?"

A nod from Jaleel made Abbas sigh. "Yes. I've been asking about her on social media since yesterday. There are so many things that are unsettling about her and I won't put is pass her to do this for what you did yesterday. She's a woman filled to the brim with pride and getting it crushed by a mere guy must've been wrenching. There is no other reason for the attack that was targeted solely on you!"

Abbas mulled over that. Jaleel is right like he's always been —except of course when siding with him. She said he was going to pay for what he's done but he'd thought the woman was a freaking mad one! She talked about some sorcerer and what he did to her like a fucked person. She must've planned this whole thing to get back at him. For a small mistake he made? What about the ones that insulted her front to front? She kills them?

Isn't she mentally unstable though? Maybe taking semen from so many sources is taking a toll on her.

"Is she that dangerous?"

Jaleel clicked his tongue against his teeth. "She is more than this dangerous, Abbas. I'm glad we are away from that chaos now. We shouldn't do anything about it. Just forgive and let's move on. I don't want us to get complicated in her matters or you might even lost your job. You heard who her new toy is."

"I heard. Admiral of Fleet."

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