7; Cuffed In Eunoia

You guys are not commenting nor voting💔 and I was meant to only publish this on OkadaBooks thought that would be better but here I am taking my time instead of writing and editing it for y'all....not motivation💔


MARIAM walked down unknown path, eyes glazed over. She had no idea what she's doing nor where she was going to but knew she had to keep on walking or go back there and do some embarrassing stuff she might hate herself for later on. Like confessing how he's being messing with her head for several hours already. When she's never gave anyone a fraction of that attention before.

Touching behind her pocket for her phone, she dialed a number which was picked at the first ring.

"Dead or broken?" Was the question asked before she even said anything. A sinister smile snuck it's way to her face, that feeling of power and danger cloaked her.

Does she want him dead or beaten till he wished for death? Mariam cannot decide but one thing is certain, she is going to make sure he regrets ever talking to her in such a way. He'd make a total fool of her. Her! The Mariam Abdou Baldé! The woman that makes earth quake and men feel like dogs but that young child made her feel like shit? She's definitely going to make him pay for that mistake so he won't try it again. Messing with her is dire.

Why she doesn't want him dead is beyond her!

What's there about him? Her eyes narrowed thinking about all the things she's felt. She had never allowed herself to feel anything for anyone other than her mother. In her line of business, she does not need more predilections in her life —they will end up thoroughly explore. Not a lot of people know where her mother is and more little people know that she still cares about the woman and loves her a lot. She would've been targeted long ago. She'd like to keep it like that.

Mariam is an important public figure in Nigeria but most specifically, in Abuja. And people in Abuja are extremely dangerous. It is brimming with politicians and their spoiled kids which is why her own main target was the higher ups in the politics so she could secure her safety. None of those spoiled kids ever raised their finger at her, they cannot do that to her. Their fathers feed from her palm. . . .

Which brings her back to the matter at hand. Who is that young guy that is wrecking her beliefs in a few hours?

When she'd stood in front of him earlier, it took everything in her not to lean down to sniff that woodsy masculine smell rolling off of him in waves. The scent that almost intoxicated her, made her stumble on her feet but she caught herself immediately to avoid further humiliation. There is no more dignity for her that night, she's thrown every bit and pieces of it when she entered that restaurant like a possessed woman. She is indeed hypnotized.

At that moment when they were facing one another, she felt a sense of belonging. Like she belongs to the guy in front of her even if he's come straight from the slums, it doesn't matter. It felt as though every single question in her life had been answered for a split second. As though what she's been coveting her entire life was right there in front of her which she doesn't understand neither does she want that.

She's never wished for anything other than wealth, more of it.

Her eyes momentarily closed as an image pierced beneath her lids, making her heartbeat fluctuate and a fracture to her ego.

She, Mariam Abdou Baldé was held in the arms of that stranger and nothing felt more real, more pure and more natural than that. To be held by someone she was about to get thrashed till he wish he never came to Abuja. Oh, this is definitely a taboo and someone is tricking her. If he didn't do it, then there has to be someone that's making him the puppet.

She sharply opened her eyes and said into the phone. "Beaten."

With that, she sent the address of where he could be found at that very night then continued walking like she's not just made someone's life miserable. It doesn't matter whom she'll have to kill to get what she wants. She is who she is because of her savagery, that won't change because she's been charmed. She will go to her own sorcerer and find out what is there in future for her.

She tumbled against a small rock and fell to her knees, groaning, she blinked her eyes to stop tears from rolling. Tears? Why on earth is she crying now? When was the last time she cried? She gritted her teeth angrily, her jaw tightening because she now fully believe that something is definitely wrong with her. She lacks control over everything and she despise that!

A recent conversation tumbled into her head, one she had with her one and only dearest friend. Jannah.

"Do you know what?" Jannah had asked over the dining table in her home, her eyes glinting as she stuffed her mouth with crimson pomegranates.

Mariam rested her face between both palms as she watched the pregnant woman devour different kinds of fruits with gusto. She's been happy throughout her pregnancy and she's already eight months along with her second baby after the first one died. A pang hit Mariam's chest at the remembrance of that cute little baby Imara. She was the only child Mariam could tolerate and even began to love only for her to suddenly die.

She's mourned that death but when she saw Jannah after the death, she understood what mother's love means. The woman's svelte body yawed thin, her eyes hollow and words croaked from her throat even though she had a throaty voice.

"No, I don't."

"I want you to fall in love, you know. That kind of irrevocable love, irresistible love. The one that makes you weak in the knees, vulnerable. You begin to smile easily, your tongue tangled while adopting a love-struck tone when talking—" Jannah was cut off by Mariam.

"Please, let's not go there and face that I won't ever ever fall in love. I like that you are but pleaseeee, count me out. Vulnerable? My foot." Mariam had rolled her eyes, pinching a plum grape to her mouth. But she'd lacked appetite at that exact time since she hated the mere mention of love.

Jannah had glared at her for interrupting. Bloody hormones. "I'm not done yet." She licked her fingers clean before she continued. "The kind of love that makes your toes curl, butterfly flutters in your belly. I badly want to see you in love." Jannah had given her a pout.

Mariam couldn't hold back a grimace. "Sorry to burst your bubble but you won't see that. Focus on making Noah strong and loving your scary husband."

Adnan Ibrahim Attahir is Jannah's husband. Who doesn't know him? He is the youngest oil mogul in the entire nation digging through nature for oil within and away from Nigeria. When Jannah introduced her to him in Maldives months ago, Mariam almost peed her pants. And that is saying something since she's never afraid of anything, not even a caged hyena. The man's presence enough makes people quiver, unfortunately she was no different. That was just his aura.

How he ended up with a gentle wife like Jannah is beyond Mariam but it seems like he loves her more than his life. He'd do anything for her.

Jannah is not allowed to groan in discomfort. Not  under his watch, especially now that she's pregnant. He is upstairs, working from home because she's heavily occupied and he doesn't trust anyone with her well-being after everything that's happened to them. Mariam agreed with him but still couldn't believe he'd do that for his wife. A cold hearted man like Adnan.

He calls her 'Mama' and she calls him 'Dracs'. Aren't they the cutest couple in the universe? Still Mariam lacks have anything to do with love.

"I feel it in my heart that you will fall in love, sweetheart so brace yourself. I'll be there in every step of the way to see how it goes for Mariam the Ice Queen." Jannah grinned cutely at her, earning a scowl from Mariam.

"I hate your heart right now. But no matter, your heart isn't the reality of life. Mine has failed since ages ago so, no love."

The look Jannah had given her made her eerily uncomfortable, she looked anywhere but at the wise woman before her not because she's older but because marriage and life made her life as excruciating as possible. Everything pale in comparison to all she's been through in her life. Mariam sympathized deeply when she'd told her about the story of her life.

Taking her hand from across the table, Jannah grinned foolishly. "I swear you are going to fall in love one day and you're gonna love it. Maybe even have kids?"

Mariam made a yikes sound and drew her hand away only for Jannah to drag it again into her grasp in two hands. "Don't you have anything to talk about? Maybe your husband or Noah? Or your ever sweet mother-in-law?"

Jannah shook her head childishly. "I only want to talk about my friend, is that a crime?"

She opened her mouth to tell her off when a towering figure loomed into the dining room looking... mutinous? Whoa! The man is the most feared man alive in Nigeria. Many quiver at mention of his name and in his presence, you might lose your wits and pee. Being in his bad books is something no one on earth would want to think about, not even Mariam Abdou Baldé —the girl with entire Nigeria in her palm.

Mariam raise her head to behold Jannah's husband, a decidedly dark handsome man, Adnan Ibrahim Attahir, appearing taller than usual in the confines of the room. Dark, coolly confident, bloodcurling guarded and as unpredictable as a force of nature. Her pulse fastened and she suddenly became breathless, not in a pleasant way. She despise being around the man but suck it up for Jannah.

"Mama." He called out, his eyes perforating their hands together as if jealous. Of Mariam?

The sound of his voice dark, chilled, controlled and seemingly emanating from the edge in front of her. No wonder it makes people tremble. Not Jannah who giddily shoot up from her chair but he held her with fraction of fear at how she jumped then frowned at her. As soon as his eyes held hers, everything seemed to have vanished, Mariam included. It was only the two of them connecting and communicating with their eyes.

Something twisted Mariam's guts at the sheer adoration between them.

Was that yearning she felt? Definitely not.

Mariam made her way back to the hotel, something needs to be done before things escalate. That was not yearning, it was disgust she felt because they were nauseating being all around one another like bunch of unsatiated wolves. They had nothing for her to envy or want for herself at that time but what pierced her was not just something random. Was it?

She closed her eyes and took lungful of breath, taking in damp earth in her mouth, lips parted to allow it's entry. Unconsciously, her hand flew to her chest to soothe the anonymous ache there. A weight from nowhere suddenly got engraved in her chest making her heart feel hundred times heavier, like stone were added. She sucked a breath, another picture she couldn't grasp just rolled past her.

Realizing too late she's fantasizing about a life she had no idea existed, Mariam bit on her tongue very hard until the metallic tanginess of blood coated her entire mouth. She breathed heavily, eyes hooding with danger and malice that she's never felt before. She's got money, every single materialistic stuff she'd ever needed in her life but she is frustrated for no reason? Why would a rich person be upset? Money is everything...right?

Her steps hastened to the hotel, this needs to be done and over with. Her phone still in hand, she dialed a number quickly, hands shaking.

"I want the jet ready now!" She hung up the phone, squeezed it in between her hands as if to break it.

It's so late in the night, her pilots are probably having a blast with their wives or girlfriends somewhere, and she just interrupted. But who cares? They are there to serve her and so they shall. As long as she will get to her destination, their felicity be damned to hell.

She arrived back at the suite where she found Madina still sleeping in the bed like nothing is wrong in the world. Furious, she marched to the bed and yank her natural hair that's packed at the top of her head making a large bun. She's got hair for an average Nigerian but Mariam's hair treatments helped grow it longer, lustrous and darker. At this moment, all she wanted to do is cut it off with a sharp scissors.

Madina awoke with a yell followed by a groan at the pain in her scalp. Her eyes fell on a wrathful Mariam, she knew she should keep her mouth shut and she did. Something is terribly wrong, her body quivered at the thought of what would bring such emotion in Mariam. The woman that prides herself in lack of emotions. Ice Queen. She is half queen and half hell herself.

"Get the fuck up and get ready! We are going to Haiti. Now!" She growled as she threw herself on the couch, messaging her pilots to let them know that she'll be there at any moment.

Madina started getting dressed whilst watching Mariam warily. God, what had happened in just a few hours?

She is ready for that eleven hours flight —it was coming soon anyway— and knew Mariam is going to meet her sorcerer. All these routes to one person, the man she's talked about few hours before she fell asleep or more like, passed out. Mariam always plans her travels and have her schedule all the time. This man surely caused havoc in her friend's life and it will not end well for him.

Silas, Mariam is coming for you.

They drove straight to the airport after that, Mariam driving recklessly while keeping her secrets in her head. She is refusing to say anything which doesn't sit well with Madina. Why is she so quiet? She was able to talk earlier in the evening, now she is all quiet when Madina is getting poked beneath her ass to know what's going on.

Mariam strode to her porcelain private jet that has 'MAB' written in lush bold fonts. Her jet is extremely beautiful, cozy and just herself.

The pilots and air hostesses greeted Mariam as she made her way up the frost rug spread on the stairs that'll lead inside the jet but she gave no attention to that, face drawn taut and tight, frightening them all. They've always seen her emotionless so seeing her with an expression made them appalled and terrorized. Something gargantuan is amiss and it is definitely malignant.

Whites hit Madina's eyes upon entering the jet, she's seen it not once or twice but the brightness always takes her breath away. When someone as malicious and dark as Mariam wants nothing but brightness, that ought to alarm everyone. She adores white like nothing else. The leather couches, table, refrigerator, television, flooring and so on.

Mariam fell heavily on the long L-shaped sofa and closed her eyes with her elbow. She looks disgruntled, tired and just not the woman she knew at all. Mariam is usually loquacious when she is furious at something, her becoming quiet is mind boggling.

Several hours later, they landed at Toussaint Louverture International Airport Port au Prince. Mariam sat up like she's been injected with a venom that has no name. Maybe she's been and to Mariam, it is more than just a venom. Having emotions she cannot name or place is a curse, it is precarious. And to her, not fucking acceptable.

Located between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, Haiti occupies the western one-third of the island of Hispaniola. The Dominican Republic borders Haiti on the eastern side of the island. Haiti's closest neighbors include Jamaica to the west and Cuba to the northwest.

Their magic, Obeah. Their personal alchemy.

Obeah is a blend of magic and religion, and originated in the Caribbean during the slave trade. This version of magic, which came from West Africa, uses spells to make predictions and make tasks easier. Although there are no official religious institutions or structures for Obeah, its practitioners are seen as spiritual guides. The most prominent form of Obeah is the practice of voodoo in Haiti. Voodoo practitioners use charms to channel magic for personal or someone else's benefit, contact other celestial planes, and predict the future. It can also be misused to harm others.

According to The World Factbook, 95% of Haitians are primarily of African descent; the remaining 5% of the population are mostly of mixed-race and European background, and a number of other ethnicities.

The people in Haiti speak Haitian Creole, language Mariam had learned little of.

"Book a room in Hotel Royal Oasis." Mariam called out to Madina as they strolled out of the airport without luggage or nothing.

Off in 115, Rue Panamericaine Petion Ville, the Hotel Royal Oasis sat magnificent and dominant. Mariam knew she cannot call her sorcerer just like that or anytime she wants. He is a man with eerie principles which she can never go against. He is the only man whom which she fears his wrath and going against. She never breaks his rule, she won't start that now. The sun is still shining in the sky.

She took a quick shower in the bathroom of their suite. There is a specific color Silas required and emphasis that she wears whenever she is going to meet him, red garment. She never asked why wearing that is necessary because she's never questioned him in the past, she won't start now. She respects the man a lot so much so that she thought he'd wrung it from her with his Obeah.

Counting the remains of Gourde —Haiti currency— she still has with her, she gave them to Madina. "You know what to do with it."

US dollars is accepted in Haiti but she doesn't want to take chances when she wants this to get done and over with as soon as possible. There is simply no more time to waste on the matter. She should've been here hours ago had she known things were only going to escalate after she's confront the young lad. Someone she might be older than. Damn it!

Her phone pinged with a message.

"The job is done! Beaten to a pulp on his way to airport."

She smiled at the message but there was no satisfaction, not a little. Maybe she should ask for a picture to feel good?

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