6; Druxy... Nut-case


ABBAS stared at the wee woman in front of him with a frown, his head tilted to the side not understanding why her entire attention was on him when he's darn sure he's never met her before. She doesn't look familiar neither did she strike him as someone who would go speak to a man because she is interested in him. If anything, her expressions screams dread and loathing at the same time something lurked within. Something acute to...longing?

He racked through his entire cranium for any idea as to why she was there looking up at him from her short height that shouldn't be more than five foot tall or five foot two tops. He is most definitely not the most handsomest man sitting there on that table. Apart from Jaleel, his other friends are first class Abuja playboys that girls fall at their feet for. All the time. Why him?

And she is extremely beautiful in an eerie way.

The strong smell of her perfume —Baccarat Rouge 540— was so expensive but intoxicating at the same time. Albeit looking a wee disheveled, she still manage to maintain a delightful appearance with a large shawl that closed her body from head to toe. She's got a small face, a face he can close entirely with his one palm and maybe have space left to cover her ears. He gave his thought a shake of head. Weirdo.

A long minute passed and she said nothing, only continued to gaze at him like he stole her candy. Why? Is she lost or is mistaking him for someone else? He's never been mistaken so she must be here for something else. He hoped to God from the depth of his heart that she is not interested in him. He's got a loving fiancée back at home waiting for him, a woman he can never betray. Not even for this prettier one. And he hates breaking women's heart.

Shuffling on his feet not used to women's attention —especially ones as beautiful as this— he inquired awkwardly. "Can I help you?"

Mariam mutinously scrunched up her face when all she wanted to do was swoon at the deep timbre and harsh hardness of his voice. Fuck! Could this man get any perfect? Why is it that everything about him makes her want to melt into a soft gooey on the dark restaurant tiled floor? It must be the charm working because why else would he be the first man to earn that reaction from her?

Instead of disgracing herself as she's pictured, she stepped closer to him, almost invading his personal space before she lowered her voice so only he could hear her.

"I need to speak to you right now." Her own voice was freaking husky when she murmured those words.

No! I'm not aroused or anything. It must be the sorcery working on me. I've never been aroused just like that. Never ever.

Abbas wanted to badly turn down her offer and sit back down with his friends but he was brought up better. There is no way he is going to humiliate a woman. For what sake anyway? She just wanted to speak to him. It might be business related.

"I'll be right back." He addressed his friends before leading the way expecting Mariam to follow but she just stopped to watch his ground eating strides seasoned with gait she's never encountered in twenty seven years of living.

And that wasn't the main reason she refused to follow him. She's usually leading the throngs. Be it Commissioner of Police, the Director General, the Field Marshal or anyone. Then why is this guy leading her out like a darn strayed puppy? Or chicken? And why does it look like he is contemplating talking to her something thousands of men covet day and night in their prayers?

She is sure his friends would all want that same opportunity. Who is this man?

Nevertheless, Mariam followed behind him begrudgingly. It's not like she expects him to know her when he looks like he lives under the rock in whichever village it is he came from. Like his entire focus is on growing up, being a responsible child and caring brother then getting married when the time is right. Who lives such a boring life now? Definitely not any Mariam is acquainted with in her life and she would like to keep it that way.

She founds him standing outside the restaurant a little to the right where there is no view of what is going on inside the restaurant. She sauntered to stand in front of him with her arms crossed in front of her, shawl still tightly wrapped around her petite frame. The wind is becoming chillier by the minute. Maybe it is only her?

Mariam fell right at it, not wanting him to start the conversation yet again. She won't fool herself twice in front of this low-life handsome man no matter what he's done to bewitch her.

"Tell me what you did to me that got me so interested in you. Who is your sorcerer or wizard?" She accused straightforward without beating around the bush.

Abbas looked confused at first then baffled before amusement slowly took over his features making him look less like a man but a boy. Wait...how old is this guy? He looks very young with a tilt of smile that shone in amusement making her toes curl beneath her.

Please don't tell me he is younger than me because it's fucking possible.

It was an unnerving effect...those shrewd and brilliant mocha eyes set in that dark face, narrowed slightly as if he could see every secret written in her heart. His mouth was wide and expressive, one corner lifted just enough to reveal that a sardonic wit lay behind those wantonly handsome features. Immediately she wanted to take a few steps backward. That aura of physical strength that she had sensed from far away was overpowering up close. Every line of his body was perfect.

But she blinked and held her ground, she is confronting him to find out what he did. She won't be intimidated. She refused to be by anyone.

"I don't know what you're talking about but I find you really entertaining. I must cut this short, unfortunately. I don't have much time here and I want to spend it with my friends." A polite nod was sent her way before he turned around to leave.

Mariam frowned at his back then ran with her short legs to stand in front of him with narrowed eyes. "Don't play games with me, Mister. Tell me who the hell your sorcerer is and what he did to me!"

Abbas also frowned seeing as she was not joking anymore. "You must be mistaking me for somebody else. I don't know you."

"You don't? Oh, please! Don't play that dumb game with me like you do with women from your village. You are now in the city. Answer me, now!" Her fruity melodious voice grated out into the chilled air.

"And say what?"

"The truth."

"What truth?"

Mariam dug her nails into her palms, hurting herself in process but he was getting under her skin. Bewitched or not. "I hate playing this game with you so tell me the truth or you will not like the outcome."

She's always been in control, lacking it now makes her want to tear every single strand of hair from her head. Her delicate dainty jaw was set as piquancy and dilemma snaked around her like a cloak. She longed to pace around the paved floor but she won't, that'll make her look nervous when she isn't. She is mad at herself for falling into a trap.

Abbas on the other hand crossed his arms in front of him, his legs wide open in exasperation. She must've definitely lost her way somewhere. A sense of pity lightened in his chest for the woman. Was she cursed? Such a waste of pretty face on a mad crazed woman that can never be treasured except, of course if she gets cured which will be a miracle. Why else is she talking about people that exist in elsewhere realms?

An exaggerated sigh escaped his wide lips. "What outcome, Nut Case?"

Did he just call me a Nut-case? He freaking did! He is going to fucking pay for it. That, I vow!

"Severe punishment for not answering my questions and for whatever it is you did to me. I wouldn't want you trashed because I'm nice but you'll leave me with no choice." She gritted out sounding really lunatic even to her own ears.

"Do your worst. May Allah heal you." And with that, Abbas sidestepped her and moseyed back into the restaurant leaving Mariam behind with a slackened jaw.

"What just happened?" She asked herself while looking around to make sure no one saw that interaction.

A low life like that just walked out on her? Wow. What a world. Seriously? That low tiered guy just left her hanging like that? A muscle in her jaw twitched, one of her stiletto artificial nails broke. With a posture as rigid as a bow, Mariam meandered around and left the hotel into the cool obsidian night to clear her mind. He's made a mistake and he will pay for it. They always end up paying for it dearly, he won't be any different.

THEY all kept quiet around the table when Abbas went back to sit with them. He frowned knowing they were talking about him with that woman right before he came back. What was it they were saying that got them all excited and one angry as a bull? Jaleel on the other hand looks lost as to what they were talking about.

"What's up? What were you lots saying?" He raised a brow, eyes falling on the food he's ordered while unconsciously falling on the menu beside it.

What? A large tray of food here costs fifty thousand naira? Really?!

Why did he order food? He groaned inwardly thinking about what that fifty thousand naira would do to help with wedding arrangements or at least, give Surayyah to do something. Now he is going to waste it all on food because he decided to hang out with his Abuja friends. And to think the food won't even fill him up. Or it won't be as delicious as the one in his home right now.

"Oh, nothing to worry yourself. Mahbub was just talking about the woman that left here with you right now." Auwal grinned widely at his very much vexed friend who happens to be Mahbub himself.

"Why would I talk about that deranged woman? Are you nuts?" Mahbub threw away his friend's hand from his shoulder and started stuffing his face with fries. Who eats fries at night?

Abbas laughed at that. His thoughts exactly after talking to her. "Tell me about it, mate."

Everyone kept quiet on the table at his comment which confused him. Why are they acting weird now? He's known his mates to be intelligent and calculating. Why do they look so dumbfounded? There are soldiers for goodness sake. One an army officer, the other a marine officer and the last one is a navy officer just like Abbas himself.

Auwal was quick to get his jaw off the table and release the dent he's made between his brows to inquire. "What do you mean 'tell me about it'? What did she say to you?"

"I know you don't keep company with those kind of women so why was she here? Seeking you, the innocent Abbas Bāmanga Tukur?" That was Jayjay, Jameel Adamu. His words were soaked in a bowl of jeer like always.

If you don't know him well enough, you'd think he's got something against you because of his dark humor.

Jameel Adamu is the marine officer who's chosen that part to feel more connected to his dead father who died in a war several years ago. His dream was to become a powerful and high ranked marine office, something his father didn't get to fulfill. He is doing that for both of them now and is getting a hang of it quicker than expected. He's always been braver than the rest of them, wanting it with every pore of his being.

"I don't understand what you guys mean. Isn't she deranged just like Mahbub said?" Abbas questioned, his hand halting from taking a spoonful of mustard half cooked basmati rice.

Mahbub scoffed and rolled his eyes before spatting out. "Of course she is."

Mahbub sometimes acts like a lady which he never was able to get rid of even after all the harsh exercises they did in the academy. Obviously the BMTC. Basic Military Training Course did nothing to sheathe the fact that he was the only male in his family of thirteen. All twelve were females so he was squished between growing up like that. There was no other way out for rich folks like him as his father only wanted them to associate with people in their circle.

"But it seems like we don't mean the same thing here, man. Deranged in my words means a low-lifer. A total bitch. A prostitute. That deranged."

Abbas hastily swallowed his food without tasting it. "You mean she is not crazy? Like a lunatic? Mentally unstable and sick in the head?"

Wait, did he just insult a sane person? A woman nonetheless? His mother would hang him on a fan.

"What? No!" Auwal chuckled, his eyes swimming with eerie dark amusement. There is something Abbas is missing here and he'd be damned if he doesn't find out.

Jameel snickered at that too, shaking his head left to right. "Ha! Mariam Abdou Baldé is the last person to be sick in the head. She is the top one prostitute here in Nigeria that I'm surprised you don't know her. That bitch is richer than any hoe here in Nigeria so far. A public figure. Beautiful as a sin. As delicious as dream."

"Cruel as death." Auwal took over, popping five fries in his mouth in delight. The man always takes pleasure in riling up Mahbub.

Mahbub reluctantly chirped in. "Cunning as a fox." As if he couldn't help himself, he added darkly. "Malicious as satan."

Yep, Mahbub had a past with her that he loathes. He will find out later what it is.

"She might top the Forbes list if only her money was clean and pure. No one knows how vast her net worth is." Jameel leaned back supine against the leather chair crossing his arms on his lean stomach.

Abbas couldn't stop eating his food even though he just found out that that beautiful woman is not unfortunate after all. Is she not? A prostitute? She is actually doomed and fucked over. That doesn't mean he won't finish his fifty thousand naira even if he's got no appetite for this kind of dish. It is not as saucy and spicy as the food made in his home by his mother or Saroro or his sisters. What a waste of wealth.

He swallowed another spoonful of beef sauce and said. "So you are saying that..." he pointed at the door behind them without seeing where his finger was directing... "that woman wasn't sick in the head?"

Auwal gave a curt shake of his head trying hard to hide his grin. The guy can be a deleterious piece of shit. "Not in the least."

"What happened out there? That was so unlike her to sought any man out. She's hardly seen in Abuja and if so, she's here to cause trouble. I wonder if you are going to be her next target." Jameel raised a brow, sounding deeply serious now and interested in the matter.

Abbas gave a devil-may-care shrug. "She just accused me of something I don't know of and have no idea what that meant. I think she is mistaking me to be someone else."

"Mistake? Mariam? That intelligent bitch?" Mahbub sputtered, spitting more bits of fries on the white table earning a grimace from Auwal.

Such deep emotions.

"I don't live here and I don't know her so yeah, mistake. She is not above human emotions."

"And you think she is human? You really haven't changed a bit." Jameel shook his head and decided to leave the topic where it is. Abbas will be going back to Katsina tomorrow so she won't ever see him again. What would she want with him anyway? He is not rich.

Abbas almost jumped when Jaleel spoke. He's forgotten about the guy beside him but he shouldn't be galvanized. He's always been like that. Analyzing, estimating and studying everyone especially on his topic of his interest. But why would he be interested in this? Well, Jaleel loves knowing everything.

"Tell me more about this Mariam."

As if Auwal and Mahbub were waiting g for this, they launched into the topic wholeheartedly.

"...said to be a Malian. They ran away during famine and came here with her mother who still lives in Lugbe, a very old house. Said she won't take a cent from her daughter's dirty money and she cursed her though Mariam still goes there or so people say. I don't think she would though. She acts like she's never known what living in the slums was like. Why would she go visit her mother there? I doubt she's got that heart..."

Mahbub's hateful voice croaked. "...she's got the whole politicians between her fingers. The higher ranked forces beneath her toes and those Forbes list rich men in Africa, they are sniffing her armpit. Everyone wants to be with her from the God fearing to not loyal wolfs. She's the diamond of Nigeria, the most coveted and I don't see why. There are other beauties in Nigeria apart from her. Or even abroad. Why her? What does she have that they don't?"

"What's your story with her, mate?" Jaleel asked the question at the tip of Abbas's tongue who acts like his attention is centered on his food but he's listening to everything.

Reluctant, Mahbub opened his mouth. "She wrecked the peace in my home. My father was with her just few months ago and when she discarded him, my sister found out and threatened to send her to court. Disgracefully, he threatened to disown my sister Janan because of it. Can you imagine?"

Oh, burn!

"Do you know who her recent conquest is?" Jameel grinned maliciously at the men on the table but his eyes lingered on Abbas's down-bent head.

"Who?" Mahbub asked sulkily.

"Admiral of the Fleet."

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