4; Brewed Gemes


ABBAS surveyed the hospital in front of him then turned to his friend with a grimace of wonder. His friend who's already read through every single thought going through his head shrugged his shoulders. They both know this should be a wrong address handed over to them but it is not. This is where his uncle is admitted, this lavish and sumptuous looking hospital. Cedarcrest Hospitals Ltd.

He turned from his friend Jaleel who shook his head too as if he's read his entire thoughts, he did. They've been together since diapers and there is nothing they don't know about one another. Be it family history, deepest and darkest secrets, things that usually turn them off and whatnot.

Jaleel Abdurrahman is a great guy; his mother always says so all the time that Abbas tend to get jealous. Why would she always compliment the guy even though he knew he was amazing in everything he does right from young age? Abbas is younger than him with a few months but it sometimes feel like damn years between them. Not now though, they've all grown into respectable men of twenty eight striving to start a family of their own.

"I don't know what to think of this your Uncle now. Isn't he like, facing financial struggles? Or did he lie about it?" Jaleel asked, a ghost smile tilting the sides of his lips. That smile that always gets to women of all ages, both the green and geriatric.

Abbas himself knew that his friend would've been a ladies' man had he wanted. With a smile that could make any woman's knees turn to jelly and charm that could get him the toughest ice queen if he wanted, he never glance at women in a way that would breach appropriateness. He grew up respecting women albeit not growing up with a mother figure. His mother left the house when he was very young and his father wasn't keen on marrying another woman after her. Some said he was charmed but only God knows why he didn't till he died.

Abbas scoffed at his friend's ridiculous question. "Uncle Ali would rather die than allow anyone to know that he is facing any hassle, financially. And he didn't outright talked about it to anyone. The family tend to poke their noses where they are not summoned so they found that out. I'm doubting what they said though."

"We should go and see what is going on. I'm curious." His monolid eyes got hooded with exoticism. He is a detective after all, he would want to see it for himself. As always.

The duo entered the hospital and were guided to his Uncle's room which happens to be at the exclusive VIP section of the hospital. Isn't that great? The man is definitely trying to finish the little wealth he's got left without thinking about his children's wellbeing. Greedy tyrant. Abbas got no say in his father's family though, he hardly interacts with them if it isn't eerily necessary. Or if he was forced, like in this situation.

They arrived at the exclusive room, the area where everything was more cleaner, fresher and more hygienic. Abbas knocked on the door, a feminine acquiescence sounded from within so he pushed open the door gently afraid the sick might be asleep and he'd risk waking him up. If he is fortunately asleep, then Abbas is going to leave Abuja and go tell his mother that he went there but the man was not waking up so he came back to continue the wedding arrangement. At least the man would the told that he'd came.

Pale walls greeted him when he entered, posh fluorescent lighting, a whiteboard —stating his Uncle's food allergies, diet restrictions, the name of nurses on shift, tests to be performed and by whom— atop a modern and advanced patient bed that is currently empty. A television sat adjacent to the bed, a large bay window with macho blinds, an antibacterial stand at the farther end of the room and a small closet probably containing personal items.

His eyes fell on the set of couches by the right of the window where two petite young ladies sat. One of them was holding a copy of book reading 'Laws Of Royalty' but the name of the author is not visible from where he stood by the door. His brows furrowed when he recognized one of them as his cousin but the younger looking one with a book, she doesn't ring a bell.

He scrunched his nose as the smell of antiseptics mingled with his breath, latex gloves and cleaning supplies. As if recalling that that was a bad habit, he relaxed his expression and moseyed further inside the room, giving room for Jaleel to come in too.

With an awkward smile gracing his lips, Abbas acknowledged the cousin he remembered. "Muhsina right?"

The girls unfolded their heights from the chair, respectfully gesturing that they sit down but both Abbas and Jaleel shook their heads a the same time. They were raised to be gentlemen, they cannot just sit down while the girls stand like soldiers. If anything, they are the ones related to the force so they should remain standing, this is nothing compared to what they'd endured those days that acclimatized and toughened them.

Seeing that, the girls awkwardly sat back down and surveyed the two of them like they would strangers. Technically, they were. Abbas hadn't seen his cousins for several years, he cannot recall the last time and it is obvious they don't recall who he is either.

Damn it, of course, why would they remember who I am when I'm their father's my top one enemy? But they don't know about his animosity so this should be less maladroit.

"Sorry... I cannot put a finger on it but you look familiar." Muhsina whispered while staring at him, disregarding Jaleel because he obviously doesn't look 'familiar' to her. But the younger one's eyes were on him, penetrating dark pools.

"Yeah and that is because I'm your cousin, Abbas Tukur from Katsina." He smiled when her face lit up with recognition.

She is now a pretty girl and she's grown more comely, outgrowing her baby chubbiness and growing into a svelte lady with curves at the right places and olive skin to die for. Her eyes were stark white, mass contrast with the dark brown irises along with button nose tipped downwards, a heavy lower lip puckered as if she's been pouting for hours but that is the natural shape of it. It just completed her divine transformation.

"Ya Abbas? It's been ages." She grinned at him, half standing then sitting back as though she wanted to hug him like they used to when they were younger.

If only his Uncle hadn't created entropy in the family, they would've been really close. The younger one recognized him but she didn't show her sister's excitement. Was it because she does not recall any memory with him? She was merely five years old the last time he's seen her but she looks to be around seventeen or eighteen and prettier than her older sister. They share the same features but she's got a baby face.

"Ages, indeed. How've you been?" He forced his baritone voice to sound casual and ease the tenseness of the younger one's shoulders. Looks like she is socially awkward unlike her Eder sister.

They exchanged pleasantries with Jaleel too but she was blushing the whole time, something Abbas is used to now. Even his sisters that consider Jaleel an older brother —for living more than half his life in their home— tend to blush whenever he decided to be charming and he is pouring a great deal of that pizzazz right now. The irksome thing is, he doesn't know how to control it.

Abbas's mother would say; "The same charm your father had when he was younger." Because they've been acquainted with his parents during their own childhood living in the same state that half the families know one another.

"Where is Uncle Ali? I thought he was sick?" Abbas inquired, leaning away from the wall to gaze at the window, his brain and mind coveting the man went far away. He would lie and say he had something urgent to do and won't be able to wait for him to come back.

"He went to the garden to stroll with Mama, they'll be back any moment. You two should really sit down." Muhsina insisted while gesturing that her sister stands as well.

The two sisters stood up again though clearly the younger one was reluctant to leave the comfort of the couch and the interruption from reading her book wasn't welcomed at all.

Abbas and Jaleel sat down, braced their elbows on their knees like they usually do. With their actions always the same, people mistaken them for blood brothers. They grew up together only parted ways when Abbas chose Nigeria Defense Academy instead of going to university to study Criminal Justice for four years and psychology for his masters. No, really?

Now Jaleel has become the most sought out Detective in the Police Force and Private Investigator to all those high-end politician and whatnot. He does his job great even with more risks of getting murdered each day with threats piling up in a high pinnacle. He has a secret only Abbas knew about. No one really knows who is PI AR but Abbas. That is a secret he is willing to take to his grave for his friend's safety. All hell will break loose if that secret is revealed.

"Oh, alright." And he sprout out another conversation entirely different before Muhsina cut him off with an excited clap.

Abbas gave her a perplexed smile. She pointed an accusing finger at his face yawing his smile into a grin. "You are getting married next week, aren't you?"

He managed a wince, he's almost forgotten that his father's side of the family will be joining them on that joyous occasion. Not getting him wrong but anything fortunate, they manage to turn it ominous whether intentional or not. Like they did during his Qur'anic graduation several years ago, the last time he's seen his little cousins. Really, it's not their fault but why is he punishing them for it?

Because their father is evil. He answered himself.

"Yes. I'm getting married next week and you lots will be there, right?" He strolled his attention from Muhsina to her younger sister, Anan.

He was not looking at Jaleel beside him but he knew what was going on in the bastard's head right now. Shame shame on you cousin Abbas for not inviting your cousins the right way. But it was not his fault. They were all invited through their parents. It is up to their parents if they want them there or not and Muhsina and Anan are unlikely to make it there.

"I really want to attend your wedding but I'm not sure if Baba is going to allow us with him sick and all. Can you ask him on our behalf?" Muhsina cajoled, yawing her expression into a pitiful one.

Abbas shifted in his sit trying his best not to scowl at the idea of him asking his least favored Uncles for a favor but at the same time feeling compiled to do so for his cousins. They were his favorites once upon a time and this is his wedding they want to attend and no one else's. He scowled at Jaleel when the latter tried hiding his chuckle behind an unexpected cough.

"I'll see what I can do about that." He promised and if there is anything to be said about Abbas from anyone that knows him, he keeps his promises fiercely.

Just when Muhsina was about to laugh in glee, the door was pushed open by none other than their mother. Great! Now I'll have to deal with two evil beings. Abbas thought even as he stood up respectfully, awaiting the woman to wheel his very much disabled Uncle.

He trudged forward seeing the stunned expression on Hajiya Zainab's face. The woman is not one you'd call beauty but she's got brains being a doctor and all. With her dark skin, blunt nose and wide eyes, she's got the features placed where she wouldn't have favored but her children luckily took over their father's handsome facial features and skin making them look almost like siblings. She wheeled his Uncle inside whom also appeared stunned.

Why? You did too much bad that you think my mother wont allow me to come see you? She is great, I know. Abbas thought bitterly before forcing a smile to his face.

"Good morning, Uncle and Aunty Zainab." He greeted, same goes to Jaleel who was known by the couple, they've seen him around.

"Good morning. I didn't know you were coming." Uncle Ali grunted while gesturing to a nurse behind him to lie him down on the bed which he did before disappearing out of the room.

His Uncle is wearing a cerulean hospital gown while his wife is ladened with heavy England lace and golden accessories with makeup on point. Is she going to a wedding? But the day is only Sunday, a weekend for doctors to rest and take care of her husband spend with family. Abbas shook his head, he wont even try placing the puzzles on how things are going on in the family.

His only concern are his three cousin sisters. Their parents are both miserable, lonely and depressed souls. How are they coping with them? He turned to see the younger one trying to hide the book she was reading behind the couch while Muhsina adjusted her veil, her expression taut like her parents. Wasn't she the one laughing and joking with him right now? Why the sudden guard all around her? And why was Anan hiding her book behind the couch?

What a terrible family they've got here. They are everything his family wasn't, he couldn't be more grateful for his parents.

"How is the wedding preparation going? Or does your mother want it as simple as your younger sister's so they wont have to spend so much money?" Hajiya Zainab questioned when inquiries about his Uncle's health was over. Like he was expected to ask.

Abbas's knuckles balled in tight fists, veins protruding around his arms though they couldn't see it beneath his long sleeves. "A small wedding was what Afiyah wanted and it was obeyed not because of the expenses."

Abbas surely knew that his parents won't be added in the Forbes List, not now or ever but they are rich enough to take care of a grand wedding. Even he's gotten his salary increased to several digits annually but they don't know about that. Because Uncle Ali was stinky rich meant he was the richest in the family and they viewed everyone else beneath them. Seems like they haven't stopped that habit of theirs even though they're only surviving themselves. Maintaining high end profile so the world doesn't find out how they are moving now.

Hajiya Hafsa chuckled kindly, no hint of malice but that would've fooled only the people that don't know who she really is. "Is that what she told everyone? But we heard the truth floating around the roads of Katsina. You're still a boy, my child. I'm glad you are getting married though. Maybe that will help the naivety within you."

Abbas almost balked then remembered his cousins still inside the room, that wont be nice when one already asked for a favor which he wants to ask from these two people in front of him. Undetected deep breaths.

Uncle Ali chirped in right then, adjusting the length of his hospital gown. "Yeah, I'm glad too. Who is she though? What is the name of her family? Who is her father?"

Abbas felt Jaleel shifting on his seat. Maybe a war is about to go down? He wont allow them to insult his to-be wife but his Aunty looks eerily interested at her husband's questions. They are known to only give rich men their daughter's hand in marriage like they did their first daughter who is currently with an unfaithful husband in abroad. Everybody knows their story but because he is rich, she is taking all the insult and living the life.

His back straightened like an arrow. "Her name is Surayyah Lawal and her family is a small one living in Rafukka. Her father was a merchant, not anymore because of his old age."

Yes, she was no one and her family is not even known around Katsina but why does that matter? She is a girl with good character, a loving smile and the one that his mother wont have problem loving —though she likes her already— which was all he's ever searched for in a wife.

His Aunt made a look of distaste at that then sputtered. "That is all? You are marrying a nobody? You are getting married to a girl with no background and family name? Your mother allowed that? Of course, she would."

His Uncle said nothing, only a nasty smile as though he expected nothing from his brother's family. "When is the wedding?"

"Next week and I would like to have Muhsina and Anan there with us." He ricocheted knowing at any moment he is going to explode if they go on with such rubbish.

"Muhsina and Anan? Why?" Hajiya Zainab looked a little panicked at his request.

"They are my cousins and I want them there just like they do."

"They wont be able..." Hafsa was about to decline when her husband sharply cut her off. Something Abbas had never seen because most of the times it felt like the man is afraid of his wife.

"They'll be there."

His wife glared at him but he hardly noticed, his eyes were on his children. Muhsina was fighting back a huge grin while her younger sister looks a little shocked but still detached at the news of them going to Katsina, their father's homeland. They've only gone to Kebbi, their mother's homeland each Eid but cannot recall the last time they've been to Katsina.

Abbas stood up soon after, there is nothing more left to do here. He is already furious, his blood boiling and hands still fisted ready to strike on anything, the wall included but his Aunt or Uncle's face preferably.

"We'll be on our way now." With a fake smile sent to their direction. A very much Aunty who looks ready to decapitate her husband's head and a confused Uncle.

Before leaving, he sent the two sisters a smile then muttered. "I'll be waiting for you two."

And surprisingly, the younger one shyly waved at him with a ghost smile no doubt complimenting him for not taking their mother's head with him on his way out.

As soon as they left the room, yells and screams came from within. Jaleel gave a questioning look which he returned with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. They've always been like that and it never bothered him but after seeing his innocent cousins, he is more than a little bit unsettled. Girls with so many dreams but their wings were clipped even before they fully grew. His chest constricted at the way Anan hid her book from them. Wasn't she allowed to read novels in the house? Isn't that what all girls her age do?

"No wonder you never liked your father's family, they reek trouble." Jaleel murmured on their way out, his brows coming together at a sight behind them but he continued walking. Abbas took that as one of his many curiosities and observation so he trudged out.

"I know right. It's over for now though. Should we go back today or wait till tomorrow?"

"I am exhausted and I need to explore Abuja for a bit. Why don't we go out later tonight and meet up with them guys?" Jaleel tilted his head excitedly.

Abbas grunted, that was what his mother had said. He might as well officially invite his friend from Abuja instead of just sending them cards. "Sure."

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