14; Suckrifice Done


Abbas did as he was told much to his own surprise. All he wanted to do was start an arson attack.

He's realized that he is playing with more than just a little or handful of flame, it's something much more colossal and malignant than that. Mariam and Madina are the real definition of Netherland. Two beautiful women more dangerous than men seen walking around high on weed. Msquare storm.

He's stopped blaming his mother for everything she's done. She was under the influence of whatever it is they did to her and he will make sure they pay for what they did. For now, he is going to play their game just like they expect him to. The tables will turn, that is something he's vowed. They are going to be beneath him and under his own power in just a mere moment. They are playing this game with the wrong person.

Get married to Mariam, huh? That will happen just like they've planned but same way Abbas has already molded how her life is going to turn around. Her only wish is to marry him, huh? Then she is getting united with her worst incubus, that he is going to affirm. She doesn't know just the hell she's signed up to live in, she will. Soon.

But he cannot believe he is actually going to marry a prostitute! What sort marriage is she after? Because he is never going to sleep with someone like Mariam, never! Someone that's been on different beds than she could count with her hands and toes? He's never dreamt about being 'friends' with that kind of woman talk less of having her as his 'wife' literally.

He'd told his mother he would think about it much to her surprise then left the restaurant without a second glance at Mariam. Now he doesn't know where to go to. He wanted to go see Surayyah but he's promised to come after he's prayed Asr and the time is just two in the afternoon. He drove endlessly around the long roads of Katsina while thinking of many plots to make someone as titanic and stalwart as Mariam to collapse.

That too in such a way that she'd never look at herself in the mirror the same.

He parked his car outside a small mall and relax inside, pushing the seat back. Abbas closed his eyes, almost dozed off but the weight on his shoulders won't allow him to have even a wink of sleep. There are so many wild thoughts running through his head. Plethora of questions inundated his fragile brain making his head hurt fiercely.

How is Mariam Abdou Baldé, the most sought out and high end prostitute in Nigeria in love with him? A nobody Navy Officer from Katsina State? Unequivocally, there is something beneath the surface that she is not revealing. She doesn't love him. People like her don't love because there is so much at risk when she decides to settle for one person. She is used to having different flavors in her bed, the best kind. The ones that are going to pay for each word she's uttered.

If she did love him, then why did she send goons to beat him up? So he could see just how powerful she is and she can go through with all her threats? After hearing all those things his friends had said about her just days ago, he knew she was baleful as she is sublime. None of those men talked about any nice thing related to her.

His friends. How are they going to react when they find out they were married? They'd be shocked then laugh behind their hands mocking him. The high and mighty one fell for a malicious whore that he thought was mentally crazy. Abbas sat up and hit the steering wheel hard, headache doubling just by the mere thought of what people would say about him.

Fortunately most people here in Katsina don't know her.

What if they do? The world is extremely small and she's on all those social medias. He's seen her account on Instagram, Auwal showed him that evening. Those beautiful pictures revealing her curves in jeans and shirt. In one of the pictures he's seen a glimpse of her stomach, it had made his stomach roil in annoyance. She is a Muslim for goodness sake!

He remembered the conversation they'd had after those pictures were viewed.

"And she's got followers almost a million! I don't know how she managed to get this popular in a short amount of time. She is hardly online." Jameel murmured in a disturbed tone.

Abbas had been watching him the entire time after he's revealed that she is after the Admiral of the Fleet. He's suspected that his friend had wanted something with her but it didn't work out. Maybe she didn't even answer his many dms, you never know. Maybe because she refused to talk to him, it earned her this hatred from him. He understand Mahbub's but not Auwal's.

"People love her even though they know what she's doing is not good. She's never posted what she does. If you know you know and if you don't, you want to worship her." Auwal shrugged his shoulders, nursing on the remains of his five alive.

The guy appeared to be almost.... insouciant?

Mahbub scoffed at the both of them. "Worship who? I liked her when I didn't know what she was doing but the minute I found out, she never appealed to me no more. Then came my father..." his tone yawed harsh so he bit back the rest of his words.

"Honestly, her pictures deceive people from other places. Many expensive popular brands want her to advertise their products. She rejects most and only pick the ones that'll entertain her. Expensive whore....she is." Auwal shook his head as though remising something.

Abbas was tired of all the mysteries so he asked. "You all have history with her it seems. It's not only Mahbub. Care to share?"

Jameel immediately became guarded and just shrugged his shoulders. "Mine is not worth talking about which is why I never do. Maybe Auwal?"

Auwal laughed heartily before he began. "Bumped into her at this hotel about two years ago. She dropped her phone, a latest iPhone at that time and I took it to her. Girl asked me for a pin, removed her SIM card and gave me back the phone that I should have it. A new one just arrived, apparently."

"And you took it, didn't you?" Jaleel asked in a light voice knowing that is something their friend will do.

A shrug again. "Why not? I had no idea she was Mariam Abdou Baldé and she was so indifferent when she removed her iCloud from the phone. I'm not stupid to not collect it. Besides, it was the middle of the month then and money was very tight. Even if I knew who she was, I would've still collected."

Abbas blinked his eyes and checked the time, Asr just passed. He cursed beneath his breath but drove straight to Surayyah's house at the provincial part of the state. He's got so many things to do now but he'll have to see her first, he's promised to do just that.

His teeth gritted themselves unconsciously, rancorous acrimony like he's never known cloaked him yet again.

When he parked at the other side of her home where he usually parked his car whenever he comes, he killed the engine and called her cellphone. He saw her father walking out from the mosque close to their house before walking into his house ignoring the familiar car. Abbas knew the man saw him but didn't acknowledge him like he usually would. Abbas is also too embarrassed to go talk to the man so he stayed put.

Surayyah sashayed out of her house in a cute baby pink hijab. If he doesn't know any better, he'd say she's thinned in just a few hours. Her face is blotched from so much crying, she's featuring a runny nose with the way she's clutched onto a handkerchief. His chest squeezed uncomfortably making him feel just like Mariam, vicious.

Her soft flowery perfume greeted him when she entered the car. "Hey." Was all she said.

Abbas swallowed a lump in his throat. His mother had broke them but she was not behind that, those evil incarnate did this. "Hi. How are you?"

"I'm fine, AB. What about you? Have you spoken to your mother about this? What was her actual reason? I've been extremely afraid since I heard the news." Surayyah spurted out, her hands flying as she talks like she always does.

Abbas held her hands in both of his, mouth pinched and expression sour. "So many things are going on in my home right now and it was just few hours ago when everything was perfect. When all we were planning was my wedding with the love of my life. All that came tumbling and none of us could've stopped that havoc even if we'd tried. There are a lot of things I want to tell you but at this moment, it won't make any sense to you. Surayyah, you are my best friend but I cannot tell you about my problems right now. I can't burden you with more troubles. After all, I'm the root of all your predicaments."

Surayyah lowered her head down and sobbed. Why did she hope for something else? Why had she gotten her hope so high that his parents were mistaken and they want this? That they will be there any moment to apologize for what they've done even though she knew her father won't accept that apology. He wanted Lukman to be her husband so much that he won't let this slip away from his fingers.

She hiccuped but managed to stammer out. "I-I never dreamt about marrying any man other than you, AB. Bu-but my father wants me to get married to Lukman in three days. He is coming back from Kano tomorrow to prepare for the wedding. AB, I lov-love you so much."

Abbas's jaw aches from too much grinding, with a tightness in his chest that wouldn't go away. "I'm sorry we have to go through this because of me. As hard as it is for me to say, Lukman is a great man."

Surayyah sputtered angrily at his words. Why would he say Lukman is nice even if he really is? It feels like he is already giving her up. But then again, what more could he do on the matter? He's just told her about the problems in his home and she didn't even ask him what those problems were. She's being selfish already but is that her fault?

She cleared away her tears, sniffing unladylike but at this rate, she might fart in there without knowing or caring. "You said there are strains in your house. What happened? What's going on?"

Abbas shook his head. "I cannot tell you about it now. It is all so complicated but I promise you, when I get to the bottom of this and punish the wrongdoers, I'll tell you everything."

Her brows lowered anxiously, the glint in her eyes frightening her for she's never seen anything more deleterious and unsettling. Especially not from someone as sweet and kind as Abbas. Whoever it is at the receiving end of this onslaught of wrath pouring down on him like an avalanche, won't live long to tell the story. Or if they do live long, certain parts of their body that needed to tell the story won't work.

"Why not now?"

He immediately schooled his expression remembering whom he was with. "I don't want you filled with anxiety when you are going to get married soon. I feel like vomiting."

Surayyah gave him a wobbly smile, fully accepting that Abbas was never meant to be hers now. "I'll have to sleep this off again. And extend my gratitude to your parents."

"For what?"

"For the boxes they won't allow us to return. Everything there was to my taste and returning them would've bruised me more. I get to have something from you that will last long. Thank you."

"WHAT happened? You should tell me everything, Ya Abbas." Afiyah followed Abbas to his room the second he entered inside the house.

She's been waiting for him in the living room. He didn't come inside the main building, only maneuvered to the boy's quarters where his mini apartment is located.

"Fiiy, I need to rest now and clear my head. Let me have that privacy at least." He sat down on the couch in his living room, removed his heavy boots and massaged his injured leg. Another thing to remind him of Mariam's barbarism.

"Just tell me what happened in a few words and I'll leave you to your thing. Mom wouldn't say a thing about it." Afiyah crossed her arms in front of her.

Abbas made his way inside his room and straight to the bathroom shutting her out completely. He cannot deal with a nagging sister when the things currently circulating his head is enough to make her go crazy. He is going to have to give his mother an answer tomorrow morning about how he'd be delighted to be married to Mariam.

To a prostitute from Abuja. No less.

His hand hit the tiled wall inside his shower cubicle, pain erupted like he's been shot. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

They've just awoken something bestial within him that he had no idea existed. Now there is no resting until he's used that game of theirs against them. All that matters is who wins the game at the end. The process doesn't matter because he won't be that Abbas everyone knew.

He wore his white shorts and black shirt then made his way to the tiny room at the back of his apartment, he's renovate the room into his mini gym. There stood his huge punching bag, he sheathed his hands with boxing gloves and began. It was an hour later —when he was sweating like a he-goat— that he decided that he's had enough for now and his indignation had abated even just a little. His phone rang inside his room irritating him. Seems like he is on edge.

"What's up?" Jaleel called out from the other end sounding nauseatingly glory and blissful.

Is there any human out there happy? Abbas cannot tell.

Abbas erased diaphoresis away from his body with a pine towel and gulped down water straight from the decanter. "Where are you? Why are you so merry?"

"Just outside your house. Called to see whether you're home or not. I have good news that you cannot believe. I'm coming." And he hung up the phone.

Abbas cursed angrily knowing nothing could lighten up his mood and even though he should be really happy for his friend for whatever it is he's got, he cannot do that now. He should've told him he was not at home. He hates when he cannot share people's excitement on things he should be happy about. He is going to feel like a bad friend.

"You cannot believe whose agent contacted me that they want me to work for them! Me, the anonymous J!" Jaleel ambled inside the room with a large bottle of wine and a smile as large as life itself.

Abbas turned away and managed to answer in an orotund manner. "Who is that? The Bringer of Doom?"

He was not facing his friend but he could practically feel his rapture from behind. It was coating the pale walls in the living room. "Yes! Bilal Garo's agent just summoned me for an interview! Can you believe my luck?"

Not in the mood; gone!

This is extremely massive, colossal, gargantuan you name it, even for his mood to not be happy about. He meandered around and took in his friend, making sure he is not pulling his legs. He's been waiting for this opportunity since he's started his anonymous investigation job. Jaleel wanted someone as influential, intelligent and powerful as Bilal Garo, the Bringer of Doom to notice him. It's finally happened!

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious, man. That's what this champagne is here for! They want me to start working for them but till after the interview, I won't get my hopes up high." Jaleel popped the champagne with it's opener and produced two plastic cups.

Abbas moved closer and hit his shoulder hard. At least one of them is getting their lives on track, not really tedious. "I'm so happy for you. And since he's contacted you himself, there is no turning back."

"I know, right?" Jaleel's straight teeth won't be hidden this night behind those lips. He is ecstatic to say the least.

They talked for hours about his plans for the job and whatnot. Jaleel caught up on his mood in the beginning of the evening but waited for the right time to strike up his curiosity.

"Something is wrong with you, bro. What happened? What's going on? You're strained and all that shit." Jaleel relaxed back on the couch, the dimmed lights in the room worked in his favor.

Abbas seems almost startled by the question but he's been yearning for his friend since morning. A shoulder to cry on so he explained every thing that happened that day without extricating any detail. Not the dress Mariam wore or how her friend looked when she'd threatened him. Not the way his mother looked at Mariam like she was the perfect woman in the universe. And the fact that she would do anything to get what she wants.

"Is she that despicable? Fuck!" Jaleel marveled at everything he'd just heard, his chilled wine forgotten in his hand.

"She's more than that, man. There is nothing I can do now other than accept her terms and conditions. There is so little time or I would've done something at least." Abbas dropped his sweating plastic cup on the coffee table in front of him.

"She's planned everything so well that there is no way you can outmaneuver her in such small time. God. I've never heard or met a woman like her in my life and I've investigated on dangerous women. Damn damn damn!"

"I know right. She's evil incarnate. They have no fear of God neither do they care whom or what they hurt as long as they'll have it their way!"

"I'm sorry."

Abbas took the plastic cup again and twirled the eggplant colored wine inside, his expression dead and sober. "I'm going to promise myself one thing though; I swear, I will make her cry like her heart is about to explode and kneel in front of all the people she's wronged. I will strip her down to nothing. Her pride, her wealth, her beauty, her passion, her arrogance and pride.... hell, even her memories. I am going to make life a hell for her, that is a promise. And there will be no one to help her at that time. No one!"

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