13; Badassery Schtick
Abbas watched his mother with disbelieve marring his expression. He cannot believe what he is seeing with his eyes, surely he must be hallucinating. The heartbreaking news from his ex fiancée made him mad in the head. That is the only excuse he could come up with but no, his incubus is there in front of him.
Having coffee with his mother.
He was at lost of words. There was nothing in his mind neither is there an atom of thought in his brain. All he could do was stare at the three women in front of him that are currently facing him too. How convenient. He became confused as to whether to walk out of the restaurant with surfeit questions in his head or saunter deep and get answers from both his mother and the woman she's with.
Just as the first time, he could not help appreciating Mariam's beauty like she's charmed him. She accused him of doing exact same thing but it's definitely the other way around. How did she know where he lives and what on earth is she doing with his mother? What does she want now? She's done enough damage, she will be forever remembered by him. Does she wish to see him dead?
This is far too ridiculous to be coincidental.
Suddenly vehement at so many things, he trudged deeper inside the restaurant and gave his mother a embittered smile that had her wincing. Of course she knows what that means. She's just ripped his heart open and broke it severely, without a care in the world. Not only his heart, the woman he's loved too since he knew naught what love actually means. Does she have any excuse for that? He bet it won't be scientific.
Before he could greet her, Dr. Hafsat nervously called out. He's never seen her nervous. "Abbas, you're here?"
"Of course I'm here, Mom. Where else should I be? With Surayyah?" He smirked when her fake bravado fell.
Abbas drew a chair from another table and sat down facing her, disregarding the other two women behind him. He was not there for them so his conversation with Mariam will have to wait. At first he thought this should be in the confines of their home but he cannot keep it a minute longer. He needs answers from his mother and that too, now! His father wouldn't reveal much because in his words, he doesn't know anything.
"You called off my engagement? Why would you do that, Dad?" Abbas had asked his father when he entered the study that is more like a laboratory with white paints and chemicals, plants etcetera.
Bāmanga Tukur raise his head from the book he was reading and sighed. "I asked you not to barge into my office like that. A pass for today because of your reasons. Have a seat."
Abbas wanted to yell at his father for looking so relaxed while his mind is in turmoil, his life in shambles. Why would he ask him to sit down? And do what? Calm down? There is no calming down in this situation. He wants to tear everything apart and that includes that freaking study. God help him.
"I'm seated, now explain. I am really running thin on patience right now. Just like I'm losing my mind." Abbas ran a hand all over his hair, fingers restless when they came across his chest.
"I understand. Your mother doesn't like this union, Abbas. She said she has no problem with Surayyah but she cannot accept you marrying her. That was the only reason she gave and I thought it was solid enough to break things between you two." His father explained, words tentative as he chose them carefully.
Abbas gave his father a look of disbelief. "That is solid enough to break an engagement? Four months old engagement with a wedding just few days away? No, Dad, that is not solid enough! She shouldn't have agreed with it right from the beginning!"
"I thought so too. But listen to this... we cannot ruin Surayyah's life by bringing her into this family where your mother might never accept her. There is nothing more evil in this world than a mother-in-law not liking her daughter-in-law. You might think you can get things right after the wedding, that's not how things are done. God forbid, I won't allow any of my children to marry into a family where the mother-in-law is not thoroughly ready to accept them. It's like ruining a woman's life. And trust me, the marriage might not even work."
"Why won't it work?" Abbas's voice was now calmer, a tiny little bit but more civil than the one he'd used when he walked in.
"It won't work because you will be put in the middle. You'll be forced to obey your mother's wishes and that might endanger your wife's happiness. There is no pleasing those two, a mother and a wife when they are in war with one another. Trust me, I've been there." His father stood up and hit his shoulder as if reassuring him that all will be well.
That is not true. Nothing will ever be well again.
"Why, Mom? Give me a tangible reason I can tell everyone. A sound reason that is worth breaking my heart." He asked his mother in a low voice that Mariam barely heard him.
Dr. Hafsat was tongue-tied, she didn't know what to say. She wanted to go back home and think about everything; the answers to give her son and how to approach him about the woman she has in mind. But the guilt is now weighing her down as she stared at his onyx eyes seeking answers.
Her eyes perused over his corded neck, his shoulders that curled over his chest, the skin bunching around his eyes and pained stare. Breaking her son's heart was the last thing she's ever thought she would do in her life. She only found out about his relationship with Surayyah about a year ago. Whenever she asked about his girlfriend, he'd bounce off and change the subject. She didn't know it was that deep.
She averted her gaze from his pained eyes. "I don't have any sound reason apart from the one you must have probably heard from your father, Abbas. Forgive me."
He gritted his teeth wrathfully. He only wanted answers, goddamn it! What is so hard about answering your son's question? That was her only reason? What a joke!
"Then congratulations, Mom because you've succeeded in shattering my dreams of having a happy family." He stood up with a grimace, that made him remember about Mariam there with them.
"And what are you doing with this woman?" He asked, surveying Mariam from head to toe then her friend.
She does not look like the person his friends had described that day. Maybe they were mistaking her for somebody else? She looks like an innocent lamb. Someone that won't bite your finger if you force it between her red plump lips. But she looks exactly like the person that had sent goons to beat him to pulp just a few days ago. He would believe his friends million times before this innocent face.
Dr. Hafsat hesitated before she answered honestly. "Mariam and Madina." She then pointed at Mariam. "She is the woman I want you to marry."
Abbas looked freaking discombobulated then he guffawed —a hollow sound— before he could stop himself. "You've got to be kidding me. This is one hell of a movie you are pulling, Mom."
"I'm serious, Abbas. I fell in love with the idea of you two the moment I saw her." His mother insisted, her eyes watering for reasons not quite reasonable to either of them.
"You did? How cute." Abbas huffed, sitting back close to his mother when his injured leg couldn't carry his weight. Maybe he'd just gained more by standing like that for so long.
Dr. Hafsat's voice wavered when she asked. "Why are you talking to me like that? I'm your mother. Let's carry this conversation back home. I can't have you disrespecting me out here in public."
The truth is that, Abbas had never disrespected his mother even during his teenage years like most children do. He's been far too obedient right from the beginning to think about going against her words. He loves her like none of her children, she knows that too deep down which is why she loves him more. They just don't know about that.
Seeing him angry at her and letting out words without biting on them just tweaked her heart and shook her resolve.
A humorless chuckle escaped his throat, sounding totally not like her lovely son. "Why? You want more privacy now when this is the woman you want me to marry? Surely you can talk about everything in front of her. You won't mind her becoming your daughter-in-law."
"Abbas!" She chided in a stern tone hoping to get him back on track. Seems like he's gone too deep.
"No, I don't want that tone right now. Don't make me feel bad when you're the one that made things miserable for me. You think this woman here is better than Surayyah? You're mistaken and I'm sure you're going to regret this in future. This woman here is nothing but bad news, believe it or not." He didn't even turn around to acknowledge Mariam or Madina. Like they don't exist.
Dr. Hafsat's brows came together, she crossed her arms in front of her suddenly curious and confused at the same time. How did he know Mariam? What is with the familiarity he is using to acknowledge her? Do they have a past?
"Enlighten me then. How did you know her? Why is she a bad news?"
Abbas released his fisted hands, perspiration doting both of his palms from the exertion. "Don't ask me, ask her instead. She is a very popular woman back in Abuja, where she came from. A public figure too at that. If she doesn't give you an honest answer, one of her many enemies there will."
"Enemies? Why would Mariam have enemies? You must be mistaken." Dr. Hafsat enquired in an incredulous manner.
Great, now she's looking at me like I've lost my senses. Way to go, Nut-case. Abbas thought bitterly.
"I'm not. And stop thinking about that matchmaking, Mom, it's not going to happen. You've broken my engagement, fine! But there is no doing your bidding anymore. You can't force me to marry any woman."
"Abbas, you are going to marry this woman whether you like it or not." Dr. Hafsat grimaced at how tyrannical she sounded but didn't regret her order. He is going to do it.
Abbas stopped breathing for a second, his head banging hard and brain spinning within his cranium. His mother cannot be serious, could she? Forcing him to get married to someone she doesn't know? That is the most stupidest thing he's ever seen in his life but his mother won't be the one to guide such an act. Right. But at this rate, he's got no idea what's gotten into his mother's head.
"You've got to be kidding me." He stood up, throwing the chair behind and it fell with a loud clatter.
His attention meandered to Mariam, eyes brimming with hatred, he all but yelled. "What game are you playing at now, Nut-case?"
Mariam couldn't answer him because she's been staring at him the whole time but had no idea what they were talking about with his mother. How could she? Watching the man she's became obsessed with angrily exchanging words with his mother? That is the hottest thing she's ever seen in her entire life even though he was probably rejecting the idea of getting married to her. Maybe even calling her prostitute in front of his mother.
"No game. If you will come with me for a moment." Madina tilted her head to the side, waiting for him to come with her.
Abbas's attention snapped to her, he leveled her up with malicious eyes but whatever it was he saw in her face made him limp towards her. She went to the other end of the restaurant where his mother and Mariam probably won't be able to hear them. She sized him up too like she could do a damn thing if he decides to strike.
"Listen here, mister. You are destined to marry Mariam whether you want it or not. In this life or in another life. Mariam is your wife and not any Surayyah. The sooner you accept that the better it would be for every single one of us but most especially, your mother!" Madina's voice was dead as they grated past her small lips.
In a flat tone Abbas never knew he had in his miscellany, he gritted. "My wife? And who the hell do you think you are to tell me that? My wife? A prostitute from Abuja? Oh, please, I'm far better than that."
Madina feigned being slapped then grinned maliciously. "You're better than who? Mariam? Then you really don't know who she is. She's lowered her standards to the point where she cannot look up at anyone anymore. Mariam is richer than the richest man in this state and several more. Do not underestimate her."
A hiss spurted out from his lips. "And so? Do you think I give a damn about her riches? Dirty money? It doesn't change the fact that she is a whore so save us both the breathe. Y'all should go back to wherever it is you came from and leave my mother out of your little schemes."
Madina clasped her hands together and rubbed them in that evil manner. "Brilliant too? You are just the right man for Mariam. I'm sure."
Abbas gave her a look of disbelieve, his nostrils flaring as he glowered at her. He was so indignant, few second away from giving her a roundhouse kick. Woman or not. "Didn't you hear anything I just said?"
"I did but they mean nothing to me. You are going to marry Mariam in three days with or without your consent." She delivered like she was hypnotized, talking without emotion.
"You think?" He scoffed, sitting down on the closest chair again. He's been standing for long but felt nothing at first with the wrath crippling him.
"I know. Get ready for that."
"What did you do?"
Madina quickly summoned a morose, sullen look, setting her lips in a moue. "What? Are you accusing me of doing something to get you two married? Common, don't I look innocent enough? I did absolutely nothing! You've got to believe me."
"I should believe you because...?"
"Don't believe me. I'm just as dangerous as Mariam..." she frowned like she was thinking then added, "...maybe a little below the tier but I'll get there. Mariam loves you, unfortunately, and I will do anything I can to make her have the first man she's ever loved."
"Your friendship is cute but you're ruining lives with it. That is not what love is! Making my mother a pawn in your little scheme is a blunder. Don't make things worse." Abbas warned, eyes yawing more dangerous and it did affect Madina for a second there.
"I don't care. I honestly don't give a damn whom I trample over if Mariam is going to get what she wants and that is you. This union will happen." She's become more serious and passionate about her goal.
"I'd like to see how when the groom is gone."
"You won't be gone, my dearest in-law. Even if you do run away, I'll get you back to where you belong, with Mariam. Do us all a favor and accept this without hassle." That smile, it spells doom.
"If I don't? And what is it you are going to gain in all this? Surely you're not doing this just for friendship?" He air quoted the friendship like it was some bad omen.
"Your parents are going to keep being pawns if you play some more. Your mother especially, a sweet soul but she won't ever rest until the knot has been tied. Is that reason enough? And what I gain, Mariam's happiness for the first time! Damn you, I'm a true friend even if you won't believe that." Madina scowled down at him, her nose stuck in the air.
"What have you done?" He all but growled.
"It's a secret." She snickered.
"Did she ask you to do this? I know you both went to either a wizard or sorcerer and did something heinous. This fierce battle for me to marry your friend is not normal. You both must've done something." He banged his palms on the table, suddenly too overwhelmed with fury.
Madina turned around to look at both Mariam and Dr. Hafsat, they were looking at them with intent eyes trying to gauge out what was happening. Madina sent them a nervous smile and shrug before turning back to Abbas with a serious face.
"Maybe I did a little of something? Whatever. Whether I did or not, you were meant to be her husband. Don't you see? Destiny brought you guys together for a reason!"
"Don't pull destiny bullshit right now. You two are evil incarnate and I will not rest until I make your lives miserable. I swear it." Little of spit flew from his mouth. Abbas had never felt such scorching wrath in his life, ever.
She gave him a bored look. "Really? Is that all you got?"
When he didn't answer her, continued to glower at her, she added. "That aside. You are going to tell your mother right now that you'll think about it then accept it later in the morning. Don't act smart, I'm extremely intelligent and have two degrees already, a masters and PhD too. Oh, and I'm not boasting or anything I just like to talk about my certificates."
"You must be stupid." He sneered at her, eyes rancorous and wild like an animal's.
She felt a frisson, unpleasant one strolled down her back. He won't let them go scot free after this stunt she's just pulled. But as long as he will get married to Mariam, she's got not problem.
"And yes, a last warning too. A word from Mariam will send your ass away from your hard earned job, you know that right? Another in the right ear will have your father shutting down his hospital, your mother's license seized. That is too much for your family to cope with, isn't it?" She pouted again, feeling like a real bad ass for adding this threat.
It works all the time, giving her power over her opponents just like right now.
"Mariam can make it happen. If she doesn't, because she's starting to genuinely like your mother which is another first, I'll do it myself. Don't mess with me, AB. Be a good boy now and do as I say. I'm not threatening you, I swear. Just a simple warning because you are very stubborn." She made a move to pat his shoulder then refrained last second. The man is exuding this aura and strength that makes the bravest men tremble.
"You will regret this!" He vowed through gnashed teeth.
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