11; Obeisance Lass


Dr. Hafsat smiled at her husband shakily before taking his wrinkled hand in between both of her own. They are going to do this together and whatever his reason may be for agreeing that this marriage shouldn't take place, she didn't ask. She's already planned everything, it is up for those plans to take shape like she's built in her head. She is no artist.

They dismounted the car at the same time while she adjusted her wrapper and held her mahogany saddle bag in a vice grip. She took a deep breath and stared at the chirped iron gate that's rusted from the bottom. Behind those gates lies their supposed to be daughter-in-law and her family.

They are there with bitter news about how that is not going to happen. Her feet are getting colder.

"You wanted this." Bāmanga encouraged, opening the gates for her to enter first before he followed closely behind.

The last time he was there was to ask for their daughter's hand in marriage when the date got fixed. Now he is back there to return that hand that was given to him with so much love. He is back but not with good news, but one that would shatter more than a few people within the confines of this home. He cannot believe he is doing this but here they are, boring bad news in mind.

They were warmly welcomed inside the house though most of the occupants look a bit worried at their sudden visit. Dr. Hafsat had never been to the house, her presence made everyone uncomfortable and the air tensed with oafishness. Not only because she's never been there, her presence has always been like that.

She's a force, she takes up the entire space without knowing.

Closely sitting beside her husband on the couch, she tightened her hands in front of her and smiled as a woman walked in to place a tray of water and glass cups that look recently washed. Their hospitality is making her regret her decision but she couldn't back out of this. She's come too far to turn back around and leave the matter unattended.

Her eyes snapped to the geriatric sitting at the end of the room where a small secluded place is located with myriad of Islamic books. Surayyah's father. Mallam Abba Aliero, a proud Fulani man from Adamawa State. The man is said to take no nonsense from anyone but his aging face made him look malleable though you could tell he's not always been like that.

He was an somber and acerbic man, his words were law within the confines of his home.

The man pleasantly gestured at the water, his eyes calculating like he knew why they were there in his home. That only made Dr. Hafsat uncomfortable, a trait she is not used to. They exchanged hearty pleasantries asking one another about their line of job and whatnot. It was as though they were getting to know one another even with the tautness factual in the air.

"Why are you here? Probably not to exchange pleasantries with your future in-laws." Mallam Abba asked, standing up from the carpeted floor to sit on the opposite couch in front of them.

His living room looks ancient. His velvet clothed couches look to have seen better days, the crocodile fading into a dark anchor color. The carpet beneath their feet, red it was but some places yawed a bit of black showing the wool used beneath so is the table separating them. Something had burnt the middle in a circle shape. A mosquito coil perhaps? There's a huge old radio by the side, one that was made when she was a baby herself.

Her husband's voice yanked her back. "No, that is not why we are here. There's a pressing matter we want to discuss with you."

Mallam Abba raised a greying brow at that appearing to be absorbed. "What is that?"

"We want to cancel this marriage." Dr. Hafsat took over, spurting it out like she couldn't wait to get things over and done with.

She couldn't.

Since she was the first person to think about cutting it off, she might as well take matters in her hand and make things less unsuited for her husband. She's already planned to talk instead of making him do it when he had nothing to do with the idea. It was all her, she shall take the blame from his shoulders and wear it on her dainty ones. He's protected her every step of the way in life, she will do this herself.

Mallam Abba's furrowed brows cleared at that and if she was imagining, she saw a glimpse of smile on his face before he cleared his throat to ask a question any father would.

"What happened? Did she do anything wrong?" He tilted his head, curious but appearing to be almost relieved for some reason.

Hastily, Dr. Hafsat took over again. "No, she did nothing wrong. Surayyah is actually a sweet girl, any mother-in-law's dream but things are not working out from my side. I don't know how or why but I don't like the idea of them getting married. Whether he is not good for her or she isn't for him, I have no idea but it seems like a wrong choice. It doesn't make sense, does it?"

Mallam Abba took his time before he said. "It makes sense, Hajiya. I never liked this marriage from the beginning too. I wanted her to marry her cousin but she refused, only because of your son. I gave my consent not because I wanted to. Maybe this was never meant to be."

"Really? We don't want the marriage?" Dr. Hafsat asked, her abashment clearing. She did saw a glimpse of smile and relieve in his face earlier then.

Mallam Abba smiled a little, his white mustache lifting up. "We don't. I don't know how they are going to take this news though. I bet you haven't told Abbas any of this?"

Dr. Hafsat's relieve was short lived. Of course she hadn't told Abbas anything about what they'd decided and his father said that won't be his territory. How and where should she start telling him that from? He'd go crazy to think she's went ahead to cut this off without telling him about it. Why is she even doing this? Just because she doesn't like the marriage and suddenly have someone to fill in the gap?

Bāmanga answered when she didn't. "No. Not yet."

"Well, I'm glad we've cleared the air before they went ahead with this mistake. A marriage where both parents are not happy about spells doom. Thank you for coming straight up to me." Mallam Abba smiled, relaxing back on the three seater like a worried-less father.

"Thank you for your understanding, we really appreciate it." Bāmanga made a move to stand up.

"Not so fast. How about the boxes you sent? When should we return them back?" Mallam Abba asked already bringing out his small button phone to call God knows who.

"Collecting the boxes back? That'd be more brutal than everything we just did. She should keep the boxes with her." Dr. Hafsat stared fixedly at her hands, attention elsewhere.

Mallam Abba gave that smile still, getting a bit creepy. "No, we cannot hold those expensive boxes when we're not giving you no bride. We'll return it soonest."

"You really don't have to. They are gifts from us to Surayyah." Dr. Hafsat also stood up ready to leave. She's got migraine building from behind her nape.

After they left the room, Mallam Abba called his entire family inside the living room where they always have meetings. Fortunately every single one of them is present waiting for the wedding in a few days. The ones from different states manage to make it just yesterday, a full house like he's once had. Now they live far away from one another but he is a happy man.

He is getting the last two of his daughters married. What more could a man ask for in this universe? He's done his job even though their mother is not here with him, he's fulfilled every single promise he made on her deathbed. Getting them all married to the best men he could find.

"As most of you all know, Abbas's parents just left the house after bringing in an unfortunate news." He kept quiet, his eyes finding Surayyah's.

It punctured his heart that he'll have to break hers even at the expense of his own joy. He'd wanted her to get married to Lukman right from the beginning. Because amongst all the young men thriving in the family, he's yet to come across any good man like him. Abbas was great, he knew that but he's selfish enough to want his daughter to marry her own cousin. He's seen them together, they are best of friend from the beginning. Maybe she won't see it now but it's for the better.

Her eyes pooled with curiosity, she held his. "I'm sorry, habibty but they just called off the wedding."

"What?" Chorused all over the room but he could only hear Surayyah's whimper between all the cacophony.

"Why? What did I do, Baba?" Hot fat tears rolled down her cheeks, the face they've been working on getting prettier than it is.

Mallam Abba shook his head, really feeling his daughter's pain now. "There is nothing wrong with you, they said so. It's just that the idea of you and Abbas together didn't sit well with them. You both are not compatible for one another and this is a lifelong decision..." he trailed off.

Surayyah was already shaking her head at that sentence. "You've never liked Abbas too. You only wanted me to marry your relative."

"That's not it. I agree, I gave my consent even though that was the last thing I wanted to do. That was what they did too, for the sake of their son's happiness but they couldn't hold on longer. Not when they think this was not going to work out! You think they want to ruin their son's life too just for their own selfish motives? That was the hardest thing they'd ever make in their life." Mallam Abba bowed his head down, breathing deeply.

When the room was pin drop silent, his first son stood. "Sury, there is no one to blame for this. This was all Allah's plan and I'm very sure He has something better for you. It was never meant to be."

Mallam Abba dismissed everyone of them but Surayyah. When the other siblings tried passing their sympathy, she'd jerked away with a glare and seethed through blurred vision. She was hurt. She was furious. She was confused. But most of all, she was heartbroken. She wants to pour everything on someone but not her family. Most of all, not her father.

He summoned her to sit close to him on the couch, she did.

She hadn't done that since she was merely fifteen years old. She's missed the closeness she once had with her father because as she grew up, she became distant when her mother died. He got married to another woman, one whom strive to see their downfall. She never did and she won't. Surayyah bet she was happy she won't be marrying the 'rich' officer.

"Habibty, I've never denied you anything that will be good for you, have I?" She shook her head negatively. "I accepted Abbas wholeheartedly because of you and I'd do that again. Something I want you to understand is, this union between you two was never written neither was it destined. I wake up in the night to pray for what's best for all my children. This is a sign from our Lord whether we want to believe it or not."

She cried soundlessly on his shoulders while he rocked her like he would his grandchild. "They want you to keep the boxes as gifts. And I want you to marry Lukman the day you were supposed to marry Abbas."

Surayyah raise her head from his shoulders to sputter out. "Why would you—you want me to do that? I I just got my heart broken, Baba."

"Because he will heal you. Don't forget, he's been your best friend for ages. You call each other buddy! If not Lukman, there is no man out there worth my precious daughter. No one."

"Mabrook, brother." Mallam Abba said into the phone, his small teeth wide on display.

"What's going on? What happened? Why are you congratulating me this early morning?" His younger brother, Yusha'u asked in bewilderment. He received no alert, no raise from his work place.

"The alliance between Surayyah and Abbas just broke. Lukman is going to be the new groom. Better news, there is no need for boxes, only a shelter..." He explained everything that happened to his younger brother in delight.

SURAYYAH cried for hours in their bedroom, locking it up to avoid being disturbed. After her crying session, she fell into a fathomless sleep without a single image. She groggily awoke and prayed all the prayers she's missed, took her phone to see several missed calls from her family and three from Abbas. Why was he calling her?

She brought out cookies from her bedside drawer and munched on it to get her voice back before she dialed his number. The way she's saved it made her nostalgic. 'Forever' with an infinity sign alongside a blood red heart.

He won't be her forever now, it's already ended before it began. Why are their parents so hard to please? What is this about destiny they are holding onto? She wants Abbas and Abbas wants her. What is so hard to believe?! She loves Abbas so much, so much that it hurts.

She knew his mother wasn't that fond of her right from the beginning but not enough of that to make her want to call off a marriage just like that. Surayyah believed that she would be able to change his mother's heart after she's married him. Dr. Hafsat is not that hard to please. If you love her children, there is nothing she wouldn't do for you. Be sincere and honest. Also have integrity.

And his younger siblings, she's got no qualms with any of them. She's already Afiyah's friend from the beginning and the other respect her whenever they see her. Surayyah planned a life with the Bāmanga Tukur's which just shattered before her eyes when it was few days to.

"Hello to you too, my love. I am the one who's sick but I'm still the one calling to ask if you're okay. What's up? You haven't called me the entire day." Abbas's voice flowed through the phone making her sigh.

She bit her bottom lip to stop it from quivering. "Guess you haven't spoken to your mother today?"

"Not yet. I had to go to the office to check out a few things th—" His theory was cut short by a pretty much pissed Surayyah.

"You are sick! Why would you go to the office in that terrible condition? Really, AB?" She frowned, her protectiveness aching.

"Calm down, dearest Sury. I know about my condition. I mean, my leg hurts like crap but I have to do this for us. I don't want work piling up after we get married."

We get married.

Surayyah tried very hard to not let the traitorous tears slip down her eyes but she couldn't. A huge ass sob broke from between her lips making Abbas to sit upright on the executive chair he was sitting on, mindless of the pain that shoot through.

"Why are you crying? What happened? Is it Aunty again?" He fired, his brows coming together in concern.

He knew about her stepmother always dominating everything in the house and making her feel useless. Whenever Surayyah cries, it's because of Aunty causing trouble which was why he couldn't wait to take her away from the house. But she's told him about her other siblings in the house. Surely Aunty won't be able to misbehave much with them around.

With a hiccup, Surayyah murmured. "AB, we won't be getting married." She stammered, clutching her chest in pain. Excruciating pain.

"What?" He sounded both confused and amused by her answer. "What are you saying, Sury? Who's asking you to prank on me again? Is it Jamila? This is not funny, Jams!" He hollered the last sentence as if directing them at someone who's not there. Jamila, her younger sister.

"I'm not kidding. This is not a pr—prank, AB. Your parents came earlier to disclose the news to Baba. You should talk to them." She lie down on the bed, phone still stuck to her one ear as her hot tears continue to slide down her pretty face.

Abbas was quiet for a whole minute before he said. "Why would they do that? Did something happen?"

"Nothing happened, AB. Baba has already decided that I'm going to get married to Lukman instead of you. AB, I'm so heartbroken. I want to see you for the last time. Please come to me." She cried again, something twisting in her chest.

Abbas said nothing but hung up the phone. He dialed his mother's phone but she wouldn't pick so did his father. Teeth gnashed angrily, Abbas left his work and head back home in disbelieve. How could his parents do this to him? Without his consent? What sort of thing is this?

"Where's Mom and Dad?" He asked Afiyah brusquely, his chest heaving up and down wrathfully.

"Not Beaut today? Ah, she will be heartbroken." Afiyah grinned evilly while rubbing her hands. Always waiting for conflict between the duo.

"She's already slaughtered my own so she'll have that to rely on." Abbas scoffed, checking the kitchen and downstairs living room but no sign of either of them.

"What's going on, Ya Abbas?" Oh, she was following him. Great.

"Don't ask me that! Ask your parents what the hell is going on and why the hell they called off my marriage without my knowledge!" His fists are clenched, veins protruding like branches of a tree.

Afiyah wasn't having it. She's never seen her brother in such a state. Mad at his parents? But the question is; did they really call off his marriage with Surayyah? And why on earth would they do that at the last minute?

Something is going on in the house but they don't know what is.

"Mom is not back home but Dad is in his study. I'll leave you to it but promise to come tell me everything." She stood in front of him when he made a move to leave without answering her.

Raking a hand through his growing hair, his maddened eyes fell on her. "Fiiy, there's too much for me to inculcate too so I don't know. You can come with me if you want to."

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