Haunted Hayride Final
Yo guyzez, hets get right into this shall we? Eck im sick. Goddamnit.
The cart carrying the quartet and others neared the Nuclear Power plant section which looked more like an eerie, poisonous green house where a mad scientist would conduct experiments. Once again, the moment they entered the building garage doors slammed shut blocking all exits. With the very dim light if a screen flickering on, Camus could see capsules in the wall each containing another zombie. Reiji saw it with a reaction so obvious even the driver could probably hear him from all the way up front.
"Oh god no! No!" The brunette yelped, "I am not here."
The clown senpai laid down in the space across from Ranmaru and Camus and began burying himself in straw. Camus frowned at this and Ai raised an eyebrow. Ranmaru stared at him blankly.
"What the hell are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm hiding." Reiji replied spitting out a few bits of straw.
Finally someone else said something but it wasn't pleasant at all.
A man in an open topped capsule mounted on the wall screamed frantically. He reached out to the tourists until the capsules began to shudder and he went up screaming. Only his writhing legs were visible in the midst of all the vines dangling from the ceiling. All the lights went out and all was dark. A sound similar to when a bus stops was made and snarling was heard. Reiji curled up in his little hamster home with his gray eyes darting about. Ranmaru suddenly jumped and made a sound similar to a squealing girl, covering his neck an whipping around.
"Wow RanRan." Reiji whistled.
"Shut up." The tsundere spat.
The vines that hid the ceiling away started dropping down at random scaring the crap out of the annoying brunette and Camus.
"Hahahahhahahaha!!" Ranmaru laughed, "Who's the pussy now bitch? Jesus!"
One of the skull snake things swooped down nearly hitting the rocker upside the head but he sucked the second he saw something move. Ai did the same, keeping his head low as they finally started moving again but of course the undead followed. One hauled himself up on the cart and loomed over the young quartet night member who leaned back to keep from being to close.
"Are you a boy or a girl?" The zombie asked frowning.
The other three band members jaws dropped in a mixture of suprise, amusement, and overall shock. Not because the answer was obvious but because the actor actually had the nerve to ask.
"I am a boy, what are you?" Ai retorted.
"Touché." The zombie cackled jumping down and trudging back tithe power plant.
"Oi, when are we getting those guns?" Ranmaru asked shooting a quick glance behind him.
"I believe we are getting them now Kurosaki." The blonde count said pointing towards the front of the cart.
The other three turned their heads to follow Camus's finger. Up ahead we're several paint stained shacks and barrels. The cart stopped in the center of the collection between two walls on each side of the cart. Mounted on those walls were paintball guns. The walls and guns were pushed to cart so the participants could reach.
"Please do a quick test shooting to make sure your guns are working properly and-"
During the announcements, Reiji have Ranmaru and Camus two of the most pedo looks ever tat sent shivers up both idols' spines.
"Reiji don't you dare even think about shooting me in the ass." Ranmaru snarled.
Reiji pouted heavily but the rocker stuck his nose in the air and focused back on the target. A buzzer wet off and zombies started trudging out if the sheds. The 'security' participants started shooting but the majority of them couldn't even see if they hit the intended target.
"This is bull." Ranmaru complained.
"It's not as fun as I remember..." Reiji agreed meekly.
Camus was becoming frustrated with his paintball gun whereas Ai was calm and composed as always but showed confusion when he missed. After a few minutes of that, the cart were moving again but this time there was no fire, glowing lights, power plants, or fences waiting for them. The cart rumbled to a stop and the passengers climbed out dusting themselves off.
"Is that it?" Camus asked sounding disappointed.
"Mm, did Myu-chan have fun?" Reiji inquired hopefully.
"I-I suppose it was an interesting experience, yes." The blonde senpai.
"What about you Ai Ai?" Reiji asked the younger one.
"It was fun I guess." Ai answered.
"YAY! MYU-CHAN!! AI AI!!" The brunette senpai cried hugging his other band members including Ranmaru.
The obnoxiously outburst caused several people to glance at them then do a double take.
"Reiji let go!" Ranmaru ordered.
"Hey isn't that Quartet Night?" Someone whispered.
"OH MAI GUD ITS REI-CHAN AND AI-CHAN!!!" A girl screeched excitedly.
"RANMARU-KUN!!!" Another called.
Slowly the quartet turned around.
"Oh shit..."
Sorry it took so long to update! I was doing...um...stuff...yeah.....anyway all the events in previous chapters and some of the ones in this chapter actually happened to my friends and me so yeah. I'll have another chapter out when I have time but I can't guarantee when but it won't be like one of those year long disappearances i promise!
Chu chu nya nya,
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