Warm {All MightXMale!Reader}


All MightXMale!Reader

"Just be more careful, okay? You won't always be able to push things like you're used to."


**Please note there is a Female Reader version of this oneshot in another part.... The only difference between this one and the other, is that the Reader is referred to as Female, instead of male.


He staggered into the confines and the cover of the alleyway, clutching to his side and wheezing slightly as he stumbled along the wall, his free hand dragging across the rough brick. Trails of steam rose up and off of his shoulders as he stumbled further down the alley, his clothes loose and much, much too big around his skeletal form, his breathing ragged and hot, throbbing pain radiating from his core and outward over his entire body.

He had to get out of sight, get as far down this alley and away from the street and anyone there may be on it. It was almost a damn miracle he'd made it into this alley before he failed to keep his Muscle Form up.

His breath hitched in his throat and he tasted the metallic tang of blood in an instant, but he bit back at it, grumbling as he fought to crush the cough that threatened to come out.

Just a few more feet, move down this alley a little more and get that little bit away from the street. Just a little more and he could pause, catch his breath, and do so without risking being seen.

It wouldn't do to have anyone stumble upon their Symbol of Peace and find a man more bones than human, hardly keeping on his feet and ready to keel over..... He had been out and about and doing normal things, shopping, keeping to himself- but of course a Villain popped up and he couldn't stand still.

He stumbled a bit, catching himself as he leaned against the wall a bit more and this time he couldn't keep the cough at bay, and it was soon followed by more. Shallow, quick, raspy coughs that had crimson poking at the edge of his lips and he hissed as he wiped the back of his hand against the liquid. He bent over, his shoulder falling against the brick wall and shaking long after the coughing sputtered into nothing. His grip over his shirt and over the ugly, twisting scars carved into his body tightened as he grimaced, his eyes shutting tight against the wave of pain that ran it's course through every inch of him, making it impossible to breathe for a few moments.

Shit.... I pushed it too far

But how was he meant to anticipate that dealing with that one Villain would take the better part of three hours?

It was probably a good thing he wasn't done up in his Hero Costume right now... He couldn't imagine the reactions he would get if someone were to stumble upon him in it.

He swallowed hard against the copper tang ever persistent in his mouth and throat, willing his heart and his breathing to steady even as he forced himself a few more paces inward from the street.

Once he'd made it about halfway down the alley he stopped forcing himself to move. He stopped with his back pressed against the wall and ran his hand through his bangs while the other placed itself over his mouth, sweat dripping down his brow and knees trembling faintly.

Today was a bad day compared to most, usually Hero Work didn't hit this hard... But today-


He jumped at the sudden loud noise to his right, a door just beside him that had seconds before been shut and silent, now swung open rather violently with no warning. He stood stiff in his spot for a few seconds before he realized it swinging open all the way, and was about to slam against the wall it was hung to- only he was in the path of it.

All Might struggled to push himself off the wall and out of the way of the incoming door. He missed the edge of it by a fraction of a centimeter, the door whisking by his nose as he stumbled backward away from the wall and did his best to stay on his feet. The door itself slammed back against the brick with a loud metal clang, and that noise nearly drowned out the voice that followed soon after the door had been thrown open.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going, damn it!" A man's voice snapped hotly,

"If I ever see your face around here again, I will end you! Do not ever come back!" Another voice snapped, older and another man.

"Wasn't planning on it!" The first snapped hotly, and the door slammed shut again in the next instant as the first stomped forward, absolutely fuming. The man threw a hand back dismissively, his (H/C) hair shrouding his face and casting a shadow over his eyes, not bothering to glance back at the door or aware of the still stumbling and very off balance All Might ahead of him. "Asshole!" He snapped at the closed door, still stalking forward and pale (E/C) eyes locked to the ground.

All Might grimaced, still trying to regain himself from moving so quickly to escape the swinging door. In the split few seconds of that, and the other man walking out into the alley toward him, they were on a collision course and neither he nor the other had anytime to correct, and he knew it despite how much he struggled to stop and change it.

His shoulder collided with the stranger's and they bounced off one another a bit, both of them knocked off balance, and rather roughly at that. All Might sucked in a sharp breath of air as the man hissed, and his hand instinctively shot forward to try and grab hold of his arm and steady him- though it did little good. They both ended up spinning toward one another and losing traction, stumbling over their own feet and both ended up flat on the ground. The other man's arm got ripped from his grasp and he hit the ground in near the same instant he did, their bodies bouncing painfully against the cement and the wind driven from All Might's lungs so very painfully. For a minute he just lay there, winded and stiff as a board as pain shot straight through every inch of him and so fiery it was hard to just think.

D.... Damn it...

The strange man let out a small hiss, picking himself up off his back and sitting semi-crosslegged on the ground, his (H/C) hair falling in a mess around his face and grumbling.

For a minute it was silence between them, and for a minute she sat there trying to regain themselves. For a minute, All Might waited for the pain to subside and his lungs to decide to listen to him again, and for his thoughts to settle before he realized what happened and sat up, ignoring the agony that swept through his side when he did so, and the sheer effort that it took.

"I-i am so sorry, Sir...!" He stammered quickly, already struggling to adjust and get to his feet... But hell, his muscles didn't want to listen, and he didn't care, but that didn't mean they did what he wanted. He tried to stand up but his knees wouldn't hold him right then, so he just shifted across the cement closer to the other man and and sat on his heels. All Might's hands came up and hovered, flustered now and not sure what he should do. Would he be mad if he tried to reach out? Was he hurt? They'd fallen pretty hard, but a quick glance over his person he didn't see any obvious injuries.... And beside that, most people didn't really take all that well to him when he was in his True Form anyway. Once he got a good look at him, the stranger was just asking likely to shrink away from him in disgust as he was to snap his head off for running into him like that in the first place.

(Regardless if this was all less All Might's fault than his... The guy did stomp out that door in a hurry, but All Might wasn't going to blame him for the situation. If he hadn't been so worn out right then and barely standing, he would have easily moved out of the way and they would not have run into eachother at all.... Damn that limit of his.)

All Might saw the other man's head twitch a little the minute he said anything, his eyes narrowing at the ground as he paused a little, but All Might didn't.

"I really am sorry sir, I wasn't trying to run into you like that..." All Might went on, still all flustered and polite and apologetic. He saw the other man draw his arms in toward himself, fingers trailing over the lower part of his arm where All Might had grabbed hold a bit before, and pretty tightly too. The No. 1 swallowed a bit, suddenly worried he might have caused more harm than good by trying to hold on.

"It's fine." The stranger mumbled before All Might had another chance to apologize. The other man's eyes remained on the ground and not on All Might though, almost like he was refusing to look at him at all. "... I wasn't watching where I was going, so this is as much my fault as anything. I shouldn't have stomped out without thinking."

"... Are you alright?" All Might murmured, "You fell pretty hard..."

"So did you." Was the soft reply he earned, "I'm fine though, what about you?" All Might hesitated without meaning to, swallowing at the question.

".... I... I'm alright.." All Might murmured, and the other man paused again at his reply, so much so he wished he sounded a bit more convincing. Because no, he wasn't alright, but it had little to do with being knocked to the ground just now. He could feel himself trembling, and he hoped the other didn't notice it. And he could still feel the pain throbbing from his core and through him, worse now from the tumble- and he could certainly feel the sharp, hot prick of pain in his lungs that would sooner or later have him coughing again. He felt like no small amount of hell, but he was used to that, and used to hiding it, so he did.

.... Even if it's hard....

All Might shook his head a little and put on a small smile that was meant to be reassuring, his still hovering hands waving a bit. "You really don't need to worry about me, I am alright. And I'm happy you're okay too, though I still do apologize for all of this, sir.... Though, I hope you don't mind my asking, it sounded like you were having a pretty heated argument..." He murmured quickly, and then quickly worked to change the subject away from himself. "... I'm sorry if I'm being nosy, I know it's none of my business, but... Is everything alright?" He asked, his head tilting toward the door that had slammed, though the stranger still wasn't meeting his eyes to know he'd gestured toward it at all. Instead the other man's head did that twitching thing again, his face pulling slightly and All Might stiffened at the change in expression, afraid he'd stepped over the line by asking at all.

It really wasn't his business and he knew it, but that Hero side of him immediately had him feeling the need to make sure everything was okay and the other man wasn't in some sort of trouble. He seemed to have all but been thrown from the building, and he had definitely been threatened.... And of course the man who had kicked him out may have had valid reason to do so. This man sitting in front of him may very well be the offending party in this situation, or it could be the other way around- either way, All Might had to ask. He was the Symbol of Peace after all, keeping an eye on people and resolving trouble was his job.

When the other man failed to reply, and instead his expression only twisted a little more, All Might regretted asking at all and decided it might be better to just leave it be. The No. 1 forced a small, nervous chuckle to try and lighten things a bit and kept up a smile that was more shaky than it was infallible, "A-ah, forget I even asked...! I'm not trying to intrude.... And I'm sorry again, for running into you sir..... I'll help you up, if you-?"

He cut off though, because the other man's head tilted up and his eyes met All Might's. For the first time he looked up at him, and All Might froze, his sunken blue eyes matched with the other man's pale (E/C) ones, and he lost all train as they stared at eachother, those pale (E/C) eyes searching and yet.... Unseeing.... Like he wasn't really....?

"...ah...... Is everything... Alright....?" All Might breathed, still riveted as he searched those eyes for something, some flicker of recognition or focus, or even just light.... But no, he didn't see anything, and the more he looked, the more convinced he was that the other man wasn't looking at him at all. Or at least, not enough to actually be seeing him. The man looked like he was trying to focus much, much too hard.

I.. Is he...?

"... Toshinori?" The strange man asked slowly, cautiously almost, and All Might's heart dropped in the matter of a single second. He couldn't breathe, his blood ran cold and panic and shock raced through him like a flood. He sat there, paralyzed and his mind hardly able to function let alone grasp at the fact that his name had appeared on that- this absolute stranger's- lips. His name. His real name and a name so very, very few people in this world were ever allowed to know.... His name he couldn't have ever imagined he would hear from someone he had simply stumbled into in an alley in the back end of Japan's bustling city. And never uttered by a stranger when he looked like this, worn and tired and a skeleton of a man, unrecognizable to literally anyone who didn't already know him from so, so long ago.

His name

B-but.... How does he....?!

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't think of anything, his mind wasn't working, and his voice hardly did, but it did. And he started to stutter some half-formed nonsense before he could even control himself.

"I-i... I'm sorry....? D-do... I.... Are.... Who.....?" He sounded like a fool, but he just couldn't- what..?!

His mind didn't want to work but he needed it to. It wasn't a wild guess, right? No one could just guess his name like that, so how did this guy know? Did he know him? The real him, and not the Symbol of Peace? Toshinori didn't know, he didn't recognize the other man. And as much as he tried to think of who he might possibly be, nothing came, and his panic and unease got all the worse.

How could this guy know who he was, but he didn't recognize him? How could he look at him and see him as 'Toshinori'? Even if they did know one another before and he couldn't remember the encounter, he certainly would not have looked like this when they'd met. So how could this guy see him, this now frail and sickly looking man and recognize him? Someone who was by now nothing but a ghost of his former self?

How does he know my name, but I don't recognize who he is?

Was he... Was he a spy? An enemy? Someone working under All For One....?

Toshinori tensed even further at that thought, defensive now as he leaned away from the other man a bit, his hands pulling in toward him. And the other seemed to notice that he'd pulled back, his expression twisting further in question and thought. And still those pale (E/C) eyes were searching intently, but still not focused all the way.

".... Look, I can't really see you enough to judge your expression, so you're gonna need to say something." The stranger murmured softly, and Toshinori didn't reply, so he went on. ".... I'm gonna guess I might have freaked you out.... Sorry.... but is that you, Toshinori? It's been awhile since I've heard your voice, so it took me a minute....." Toshinori's eyes narrowed, wary.

".... Who are you?" He asked lowly, the other man blinked, looking slightly exasperated with the question, but only just. He seemed to take the No. 1's question as an answer, even if he didn't outright confirm it. The strange man's hands raised in a sudden gesture of surrender, and Toshinori blinked at it.

".... I'm sure I don't look even remotely like I used to, so fair question..... And if you've forgotten me, that's probably fair too..... I doubt I make much a dent in the life of the No. 1 Hero......." the strange man mumbled, almost to himself as Toshinori kept him in a wary stare. His pale (E/C) eyes dropped closed, seeming to give up on trying to focus on the No. 1 at all, and his posture sagged a little at the same time. One of the man's hands moved, falling lightly on his chest while the other brushed his bangs from his face and eyes, rather uselessly.

"It's (F/N), Toshi." The man told him softly, and for the second time that day Toshinori's heart dropped as the name rang suddenly, almost hauntingly familiar on his ears. His eyes went wide as his jaw dropped slightly,

N-no way...?!

".... From school...." the other went on as the No. 1 sat there in shocked silence. ".... In the Support Department.........." He added slowly, still waiting on some reply.

Toshinori's mind was whirling though, thoughts and memories flooding back at the simple sound of a name he hadn't thought of in so, so long... In decades!

T-that..... he....?!


".... (F/N)-chan~!" The tall, bright-eyed blonde boy hummed, his smile slightly crooked and a bit apologetic as he slid himself around the corner to the workshop, hand up in a greeting. His call earned the (E/C) of another boy sitting alone at a table with a multitude of small tools and rolls of tape around him, littered among a pile of papers and small boxes that held first-aid supplies. He was dressed in the very recognizable UA school uniform just as the blonde was, with a pen tucked behind his ear for note-taking as he continued to work away. He was young, but not so much- they were both in their middle years of UA now and had been getting to know one another more and more as time dragged by. Now they were quite familiar with one another, even if they were from different Departments. Toshinori was popular all around though, he was cheerful and charismatic (if a bit clumsy.... Like all the time), and there was hardly a time where he wasn't smiling and didn't have people fawning over him.

Popular, but maybe not regarded as the person who would become the greatest Hero... Not yet.

As for the other boy? Well-

His attention landed on Toshinori as the blonde sheepishly stood in the doorway, waving toward the other and his hands and knuckles littered with bruises and scrapes. All of which could be found on everything inch of bare skin on his arms and his cheeks.

The other boy frowned at him and Toshinori's smile grew a bit more nervous, he laughed but it wasn't as light-hearted as he intended it to sound.

"Ah, good afternoon! You're hard at work I see~!" He hummed, but the other boy shook his head at him with an exasperated sigh.

"Get over here." he ordered. Toshinori sweatdropped at the curtness of his voice but complied anyway. He moved in through the door and across to where the other was sitting, the other boy's (E/C) eyes left him and instead focused on his own hands as he pulled one of the open first-aid kits sitting on the table close by. "Did the nurse send you to me again?" (F/N) asked as Toshinori sat down in a chair just beside him. Toshinori smiled slightly,

"Yeah....." He mumbled, (F/N) simply nodded, just once.

"She's tired of dealing with you all the time, you know. That's why she sends you to me." (F/N) murmured, Toshinori chuckled a bit.

"Ah, is she really? I couldn't tell...." he hummed, (F/N) shook his head in exasperation to the reply.

"Well I'd be pretty tired of having to patch you up every other day, if I was her." (F/N) murmured lowly, his hands working away as he picked out bandages and disinfectant from the box in front of him. "A few more visits like these, I might get tired of you too, Toshinori."

Despite how crass (F/N)'s voice sounded, nothing about his expression gave any hint to true displeasure. In fact, Toshinori saw the way (F/N)'s bright (E/C) eyes shone as he talked, mirth and teasing swimming in his gaze as he shot the destined to be No. 1 Hero a quick glance.

Toshinori grinned, his hands clapping together in front of him softly. "You know I do really appreciate you fixing me up, (F/N)." He told the other boy brightly, (F/N) let out a small breath.

"You'd better." (F/N) hummed, and Toshinori smiled a bit more at the answer.(F/N) finished setting the supplies out and turned in his chair to face Toshinori directly, his hands moving up to brush the blonde's bangs back from his face and pull his head down, lowering Toshinori to his level (Toshinori was always so much taller than (F/N)... And most people really) and looking over the damage that had been done. Toshinori smiled despite how quickly (F/N) had pulled him down, and simply sat there as still as he could while the other boy looked him over, and (F/N)'s lips pursed after awhile.

(F/N)'s hands pulled back from holding either side of Toshinori's face as he let out a small sigh, turning his attention on the blonde's arms and hands. (F/N) held on to him firmly, yet surprisingly gently as he scanned the scrapes and cuts and bruises, and worked to decide what needed be looked after most.

"You are a mess." (F/N) commented after a few minutes, "What did you do today? Get into a fight with a wood shredder?"

"Ah, I was actually sparring with Tomako-kun.... And Genji-kun..... And Fukige-chan....." Toshinori replied, (F/N) grimaced at that.

"All at once?"

".... Yes....." He murmured slowly, (F/N) growled under his breath.

"Idiot.... You work too hard, you know that?" (F/N) muttered, "And you certainly push things too far, you're gonna kill yourself if you don't quit." Toshinori seemed to wilt a little at the chastising, but smiled softly anyway.

"Maybe, but I am aiming to be a Symbol of Peace, so I have to work hard." Toshinori replied, "Besides, as long as I have friends like you around to help, I'm sure I'll manage to live for a good long while, hehe..."

(F/N) flicked him on the arm with the back of his hand, shaking his head in exasperation. "You're lucky I like you, otherwise I wouldn't be healing your dumbass all the time like this." (F/N) muttered, Toshinori chuckled at it. (F/N)'s hands moved, taking light hold of his right arm and grasping gently around a rather nasty looking cut trailing up from his elbow. (F/N) didn't seem to care about Toshinori's blood that stained his hands as he did so, and the blonde boy bit back the wince in the bottom of his throat.

Toshinori watched in silent attention as (F/N)'s eyes dropped closed, quiet for a moment as his hands around Toshinori's arm began to glow a pale, gorgeous golden color and he felt the pain quickly receding as his skin knit back together with absolute ease.

This sight was no surprise to Toshinori, because it had become a regular occurrence that year at UA. His first two years at UA had been nothing less than tough, and he had never been anything like the No. 1 Hero the world depended on back in those days. He worked hard and gave it his all, but he was young and inexperienced, and fit- but still gangly. He tripped over his own feet more often than not and he was always getting hurt and beat up in both Hero work in class, and outside of it under the tutelage of Nana and Gran Torino. And it didn't matter how many times he was told to be careful or how hard he tried to be, he was never without some injury, and usually it was more than a few... Not that it would ever stop him.

His teachers seemed exasperated with him and he knew it- and despite what he'd said, he had been pretty sure the school nurse had reached her limit of dealing with his inevitable bumps and bruises. And while most of his injuries were numerous, they were rarely ever serious, so the nurse had started shouldering more responsibility on him to take care of his own injuries, as well as bringing someone else into the picture.... (F/N).

The first time Toshinori had ever met (F/N) had been the first year, and the first time the nurse ordered him off to the Support Department in search of someone named '(F/N) (L/N)'. He'd had little clue where he was going or even who he was looking for, the nurse gave him little specifics (or a reason why she'd trust another student to handle him instead of herself....). He'd actually stopped in the hallway looking like a lost puppy for a few good minutes before someone offered up any help. A boy, with bright (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair who had spotted him standing there from a classroom, banged up and bruised to no end.

When Toshinori told the strange boy the name of the person he was in search of, the other boy paused for a few seconds before a look of understanding passed over his face, and he asked only one question;

'Did the nurse send you?'

.... Following that he'd ushered Toshinori into a side room and sat him down, ignoring his questioning looks as he sifted through a cabinet and began fishing medical supplies out. The blonde had been sitting there stiff as a board as the other boy moved around for some time, before he finally managed to work himself up into asking what he was doing, and Toshinori received a huff.

'What the nurse sent you to me to do.'

It became instantly clear why the nurse had sent him to (F/N) that very first day, and it was a simple answer. His Quirk;

Heal and Take

The first part of it being (F/N) was able to heal minor and non-serious injuries such as cuts, bruises, scrapes and sprains, and even broken fingers and toes. He'd even seen (F/N) mend a broken wrist and arm once, and only just the once. (F/N) couldn't really heal anything more serious than any of the afore mentioned, and Toshinori was fairly sure that trying to do so just didn't wield any helpful results.

And the second part of it, 'Take', allowed (F/N) to transfer more serious injuries from someone else and to himself. Which in a sense would 'heal' that other person, since they would no longer have the injury- but (F/N) would have it instead. A risky thing to do, since (F/N) couldn't heal any of his own injuries, in any capacity. And the transfer of an injury wasn't something Toshinori had ever seen (F/N) do, or thought he ever would, it was just too risky.

(And of course (F/N) had a limit to how many times he could use his Quirk all at once, it was physically exhausting for him to use it at all. Use it too much, (F/N) would end up passing out or worse... But that's usually how Quirks were in general, they all had limits.)

It was an incredible and useful Quirk though, and Toshinori found himself rather impressed by it, and told (F/N) as such, right away.

Though of course as soon as he said that (F/N) had just stared at him in sheer silence for a few long minutes, and after the first two the blonde had thought he might have offended him or something. Before he could apologize or anything else though, (F/N) looked away from him and muttered a small 'thanks' and left it at that.

.... He actually still wasn't sure why (F/N) had paused, come to think of it.

Anyway.... after that very first encounter, they became a pair of unlikely friends who had little tie to one another outside of having Toshinori sent to (F/N) whenever the nurse couldn't find the patience to handle him herself. And it was the start of a friendship that would likely never have formed if not for the blonde's unintended talent for annoying the school nurse.

It was slow going at first, and they hadn't much leisure time to spend in one another's company. They were in all different classes and had mostly different schedules, but despite that they found some time to get to know one another better, and eventually very well. Toshinori found himself pleasantly surprised by (F/N) on several occasions, and especially so since anyone's first impression of (F/N) (and certainly his) was that he was a rather prickly personality, and it was a little hard to really get along with him without annoying him, or seeming to. (F/N) came off as cold and stony, and he didn't seem to like anyone, let alone being sociable.

Despite that, (F/N) was a generally friendly person, though not near as friendly as Toshinori was. While 'prickly' was perhaps an accurate description for some of (F/N)'s behavior, all that stern and somewhat harsh demeanor he gave off was really just a way to hide how kind he actually was. Toshinori wasn't sure why (F/N) hid that part of himself, but he saw it the more time he spent with him. (F/N) chastised people, but there was nothing truly biting behind his words. He insulted someone or called them a name, but it was never mean, he was only teasing. As much as (F/N) talked about putting people in their place and ordering them around, or even threatening them, he never did anything. In fact, most of the time he did that absolute opposite of what he had threatened to do.

And as much as (F/N) complained or seemed annoyed with something Toshinori did, he never really was annoyed. When (F/N) scolded him for getting banged up or pushing things too far, that was usually just a cover for his concern. (F/N) smacked him many, many times..... but there was never any weight behind the hits, he wasn't intending harm. They were playful and even affectionate.

And as much as (F/N) told him he would get tired of constantly having to patch him up, Toshinori was completely certain (F/N) would never simply toss him aside. If the time came where (F/N) didn't have to help him, or wasn't asked to- Toshinori was sure (F/N) would do it anyway.

(F/N) really was kind, and he really did care. He cared about people and their pain and their hurt. He cared about everyone in some way even if he didn't really know them.... and he cared about Toshinori too, eventually.

And it would be a lie to say Toshinori hadn't grown to care about (F/N) in return... How could he not?

(F/N) was helping him, he was taking care of him and he did it without thinking or even expecting anything in return. And Toshinori never had to ask, not after that first time. If (F/N) saw he was hurt, (F/N) just jumped into healing him or helping clean and wrap his wounds without question.

And it wasn't just Toshinori, (F/N) did it with other people too. He'd just offhandedly walk up to someone who scraped a knee or cut a finger and get rid of the wound in a few seconds time, say little to nothing, and then move on again like it never happened.

And when (F/N) was with him, using his Quirk or just helping him with bandages and band-aids? His hands were so soft, his touches so light and fleeting it was as if he was hardly there. The way (F/N)'s fingers worked away and how quickly and deftly he would get the work done, and all of it with causing little to no pain or discomfort at all..... It was almost mesmerizing to watch him work. Toshinori could probably do it for hours and never get bored- the way (F/N) healed people and injuries and always with such gentleness and calm.....

..... He honestly had missed it, and (F/N), after he had left and gone to America, but not for very long before he'd.... forgotten. About him, about all of it-

"..... And you do need to keep in mind, not everything can be healed by me or Recovery Girl or anyone else. If you get hurt really bad, you are on your own Toshinori." (F/N) murmured after a minute, the glow around his hands dying out as he shifted them away from Toshinori's arm. He met Toshinori's blue eyes as he opened his (E/C) ones again, and Toshinori saw the seriousness flood (F/N)'s expression right away, and the worry that he otherwise kept hidden from the world. Toshinori blinked, silent for a moment as he saw the way that (F/N)'s eyes were searching him, maybe trying to see if he was taking what he'd said to heart or not..... But the searching look lasted only a second longer and (F/N) sighed silently.

"Just be more careful, okay? You won't always be able to push things like you're used to."


The man sitting on the ground in front of him sighed slightly, his hand falling from pushing his hair out of his face and instead rubbing the back of his neck.... all while Toshinori sat there silent and unmoving, and quite frankly- dumbfounded.

"... The nurse was always sending you to me....... You went off to America and never called me again.... Ring any bells.....?" The other man asked quietly, Toshinori jumped a little, sweatdropping as nervousness, embarrassment, shock and guilt hit him in the next instant, and they hit hard.

C-crap....! N-no way....?!

I-it's been almost 20 years....!!

"..... Again, I sort of need you to say something to be able to judge what you're feeling....." The man murmured almost dryly, his eyes dropping closed as he seemed to stop trying to focus on him. Toshinori's hands stalled in mid-air, and he blinked several times over as he struggled to comprehend what he was saying, and what it meant.

".... (F/N)....? (F/N) (L/N)......?" He stammered slightly, the other man nodded to the sound of his own name, and for a brief moment the edge of his lips pulled in a faint smile, but then it was gone.

"... Took you long enough." He commented, Toshinori swallowed, and grimaced when he tasted the metallic tang of blood on his tongue getting stronger. (F/N) wilted a bit, his elbows leaning on his knees as he bent over and settled his cheeks in his hands. "Small world, huh? Never imagined I'd run into you again... least of all in some back alley in the middle of nowhere..." (F/N) hummed, "..... You good there, Toshinori....? Or should I be calling you 'All Might' instead....?" He asked softly, seemingly not at all perturbed by the No. 1's lack of a response, or aware of how much he was shaking as he just sat there and stared.

It's been.... 20 years... And he's.... Here.....?

How.... How can he sit there and not seem bothered.....? I'm.... I'm nothing like I used to be, I've wasted away and yet he.... (F/N).....

What had he said?

".... Look, I can't really see you enough to judge your expression, so you're gonna need to say something."

And when he looked into (F/N)'s eyes, the way he... the way there wasn't any flicker of recognition or focus, or even just light....? The way he felt (F/N) wasn't actually seeing him when he looked at him? Or why he looked like he was trying to focus much, much too hard....?

He.... His eyes... They're not the same.... The color has faded.....

Toshinori's hands were reaching forward and toward (F/N) without him realizing it, trembling slightly as his core knotted so very tightly.

... Don't tell me... He....?

His hands met (F/N)'s cheeks, softly and almost fearful of touching him and (F/N) stiffened ever so slightly at the unexpected contact, before he sighed and leaned into it a bit. Toshinori's fingers brushed the spare few bangs hiding the other man's face and eyes and pushed them away, his own blue eyes widening as he sucked in a small, sharp breath of air because.... Because he saw nothing..!

They were so pale, his eyes... They had always been so full of color and light and now..... N..now.....

"... F-(F/N)....?" Toshinori hated how much his voice wavered when he said his name again, and (F/N) seemed to grimace, just faintly.


"... C... Can you not... See me....?" He asked, breathlessly almost. Because really, how could he not? (F/N) had never been-

(F/N) smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile. It was calm, and it was somber as he brought his hands up to gently curl his fingers around the No. 1's wrists, holding on to him as softly as he was, and his face fell even further as (F/N) shook his head, just a little.

"..... Not really..... You're kind of a tall, dark, blurry shadow to me." (F/N) explained softly, "That's pretty much the same for everyone else, and objects..... But technically, no. I can't see you." he murmured softly, smiling sadly. "Not anymore." He added, and Toshinori swallowed, hard.

...b...but.... How....?

He meant to ask. There was a lot of things he meant to ask, and planned to. What happened? What did he mean? How could he have lost his ability to see that much? What had he even been doing these long years? Was he-?

All of Toshinori's thoughts got cut off in the next instant though, the same instant his breath hitched in his chest in a sudden flash of sheer, fiery agony.

Toshinori hunched, his hands snapping away from (F/N) and out of the man's hands as he grabbed his side, trying desperately not to make any sound as he doubled over. A strangled cough made it passed his lips as he tried to bite back at it, but doing so made the pain even worse and left him powerless to stop the next cough at all.... or the next, and the next, and before long he was racked by coughs that shook him violently, and grew more and more wheezy as crimson fell down his chin and into his hand, and lap.

(F/N) flinched at the sound of the first cough, his own hands hovering slightly as Toshinori's wrists pulled away so quickly. He saw his tall and blurred figure of the No. 1 suddenly shorten, and heard the coughs getting quicker and more tearing as he seemed to sputter and struggle for any proper air- and couldn't seem to get it. (F/N)'s head tilted slightly, his expression twisting in shock and concern that quickly got worse as his hands found the sputtering Symbol of Peace, falling lightly on his shoulders and back and feeling how badly he was shaking underneath his touch.

"Toshinori....?" (F/N) murmured quickly, his pale (E/C) eyes searching and yet unseeing, but he could hear him, and feel him, and immediately he knew this wasn't right. No-

This is bad

But he didn't know what

(F/N) could hear how wheezy Toshinori's coughing was, and he immediately heard that change to something wetter. (F/N) sucked in a calming breath and froze when the metallic tang of blood flooded his nose, and his hand instinctively moved to grab hold of Toshinori's arm and steady him.

Is he... Coughing up blood....?

(F/N) stiffened, one hand hovering near the No. 1's elbow and the other in front and under him a bit, and suddenly his arm was hit with something liquid and warm and thick. He needn't be able to see it to know he was right, but it did make his stomach flip, and violently.

"Toshinori, if you can answer me then tell me what the hell is happening to you." (F/N) ordered sharply, though honestly he didn't expect any reply as Toshinori continued to wheeze and sputter under his hands. He'd be really surprised if the blonde could manage some response, and he didn't wait very long for the No. 1 to try and struggle one out. Asking was little more than habit, and (F/N) was already moving.

(F/N) grimaced and moved one hand to glide over Toshinori's shoulder and down his back, surprise running rampant through him as he felt how gaunt and thin the No. 1 Hero was underneath his touch, and how much Toshinori's spine seemed to stick out under his skin. His ribs were the same way as (F/N)'s other hand moved to press gently against his chest, he could count every single rib bone with absolute ease and his throat tightened a little. (F/N) had noticed that Toshinori's arms had felt thin when grabbing hold of him before, but this was.... He felt like he'd lost about a hundred pounds, or maybe even more.

What the hell....?

(F/N) cast the thoughts away and moved closer, his hands remaining where he'd placed them and his shoulder pressing in against Toshinori's own, brushing against the side of his neck. (F/N) rest his chin on the sputtering man's back as the No. 1 bent over a bit, still coughing and trying his best to catch what crimson was spilling into his hand and slowly starting to drizzle through his fingers. Had Toshinori been uncomfortable with the sudden closeness, or did not want it, he didn't do anything to let (F/N) know, and he certainly didn't seem like he tried to pull away. (F/N)'s eyes dropped closed as he grimaced at the way the other man shuddered and panted, the coughing slowing, but only a little.

"...... This is gonna feel odd to start." (F/N) murmured, though he wasn't sure how well Toshinori heard him. He let out a long, low breath and his attention fell away from the sound of Toshinori's breathing and instead focused on where his hands were, the world fading away slowly as he mentally moved inward and looked for the pain, and the hurt.... Whatever it was that was causing this.

Bright, red hot.... Fiery agony.... And exhaustion that felt like a million pounds over.... Shit

There was so much. Much more than he anticipated and he cringed at it, his lips pulling and quickly stifling the wince coming up his throat in reaction. (F/N) felt it in his bones, radiating through him from the contact of his hands and spreading into everything... He felt such an ache unlike anything he had ever experienced ignite in his stomach, throbbing and terrible.

What... What in the hell happened to you, Toshinori....?

(F/N) ignored that though, his attention was instead on the gritty, tearing sensation centered around the No. 1's lungs (and subsequently his own, via his Quirk) just under his hands. That was were the most pain was coming, the hot, fiery agony that grew five times worse the longer the coughing raged, and the more blood that was falling into Toshinori's lap and speckling against (F/N)'s thigh. He could imagine a mental image of what it was that this specific pain came from, and he knew it was the most pressing in a multitude of things he felt and yet did not anticipate- not in a million years.

.... I've not felt injuries like this in.... Ever.

(F/N) sucked in a sharp breath of air and held it, his concentration falling on his hands entirely.

"Sorry, Toshi." (F/N) murmured softly, aware that Toshinori's free hand had moved to grab hold of his shoulder to try and steady himself further. (F/N) let that breath he held out slowly, the sound of the world fading further into the background as his hands pressed against Toshinori's chest and back began to glow a soft, warm golden color.

This time (F/N) felt Toshinori recoil against the contact, and the No. 1 took in a sharp, shuddering breath in sheer surprise as he felt something warm and prickling suddenly flare up where (F/N)'s hands were. And it wasn't the same soothing warmth he had grown used to back in school.... This was warm, yes, but it wasn't as smooth, or constant... It was prickling, and tingling- almost like some sort of electricity, or current that passed through (F/N) and into him, moving passed the surface and digging deeper.

Toshinori stiffened underneath the sensation, the pain in his lungs suddenly tripling in the course of a single second and he couldn't breathe for it (not that he was having much luck with that in the first place...). He instinctively tried to pull back from the other man, but (F/N) didn't give him a chance and his hands that had been so gentle on his back and chest were in reality so, so steely.

What was he doing? This didn't feel right, not like how he remembered-

Toshinori's eyes snapped open and his heart dropped, panic racing through him as the questions running rampant through his head slammed to a halt on one possibility, and one he didn't want. His hand moved from trying to cover his mouth and found (F/N)'s shoulder, staining the other man's jacket instantly with red as he tried to push away from him with shaking arms.

"F.... (F/N)... Don't....!" Toshinori rasped quickly, only to cut off again in a strangled gasp.

He couldn't be, could he-?!

Don't tell me he's trying to transfer my injuries over to himself...!

(F/N)'s chin came up off his shoulder as he tried to pull back again, but he still didn't let him go, nor did the glow around his hands fade. (F/N) shook his head a bit and pulled him back that little bit he'd managed to put between them, and the action of doing so was much more curt and forceful than Toshinori expected. Their shoulders connected again as (F/N) pressed closer, his hands shifting a little to almost be hugging him completely and Toshinori felt the panic in his soul getting worse.

(F/N) couldn't Take his Injuries, not all of them, and least of all even one! They were too-

"Shut up and calm down, I'm not doing what you think I am." (F/N) muttered lowly, letting out a sigh, and Toshinori stalled, panting and wheezing and eyes searching for the other man's face he couldn't see tucked behind his shoulder. His whirling thoughts and panicked mind struggled to come to terms with the order, especially as the pain that seemed tripled from (F/N)'s Quirk started to... Fade.

Toshinori's eyes widened as he felt the tingling sensation die away too as the pain receded, the warmth becoming that gentle, constant energy that filled his chest and crept slowly outward in the most pleasant, calming way imaginable. He could feel it deep inside of him, working away, mending what was broken, even just a little bit.... And slowly the pain faded into a dull throbbing he was used to, and his breathing slowed and evened out with it. Moments ticked by into a few minutes and silence fell over the both of them again, (F/N)'s hands remaining where they were and the glow continued to burn. Toshinori swallowed, hard. And though he could still taste metal in his throat, he wasn't hacking it up in the terrifying quantity he had been but minutes before.

"... I told you it would feel odd to start with, dumbass." (F/N) muttered softly, though his voice wasn't as scathing as he had intended it to be. He let out a sigh and his forehead fell on the taller man's shoulder, his hands falling slightly as the glow started to fade from around them. (F/N)'s fingers curled softly around the loose and bunched up fabric of the No. 1's shirt, and Toshinori could do little but sit there in utter stillness, his mind reeling.

".... I'm sorry I can't do a lot, but hopefully this enough to stop you coughing your lungs out for now....... there's just too much, Toshi." (F/N) murmured, and Toshinori swallowed at that, his eyes flashing as he felt himself wilt a little. He could feel (F/N)'s breath on his neck, warm and quiet as his grip around his shirt tightened, just a little.

So he was just trying to Heal him, what little he could, and only enough to mend what hemorrhage there was in his lung that had him coughing up blood at all..... he doubted (F/N) got rid of it all the way, his Quirk had always had limits and Toshinori was sure he was well passed them, but that hardly mattered. Whatever (F/N) did, how much or how little it was, it helped, and more than he might have expected.

The No. 1's posture relaxed slightly as his blood-ridden hands slowly found (F/N)'s jacket, no longer trying to push them apart and his panic fading fast as he held on to the fabric. He just grimaced, letting himself sink slightly into the close contact they had adopted between them and feeling oddly glad for it just then, even despite the less than ideal situation.

"...... it's alright." Toshinori murmured softly, "You needn't apologize for anything, (F/N). I'm grateful for your help...." He told the other man quietly, sighing slightly himself. "This.... ah.... isn't how I would have imagined or liked a reunion between the two of us to go..." He admitted, and (F/N) huffed slightly.

".... I don't know, this seems pretty par for the course." (F/N) replied without skipping a beat, his tone weary yet sarcastic all at once. ".... you dropping in unexpectedly, needing to be patched up...... grant you your injuries were usually less.... terrible.... but the pattern is the same...." Toshinori grimaced again, but he did have a point.

"...... right...." He mumbled, his eyes dropping closed for a moment as a small section of silence passed between the both of them, and then he felt (F/N) move. (F/N) pulled away from him and lift his head up from his shoulder, Toshinori looked up to catch his eyes but (F/N) had closed his and didn't bother to open them again.

".... would you like to explain to me what the hell happened to you?" (F/N) asked next, and the blonde stiffened at the question. "I needn't see you to know something isn't right, the coughing and the blood aside.... You're skinny as hell, Toshi... and you're hurt..... really badly...." (F/N) mumbled, his hands around the No. 1's shirt shifted slightly, pulling at it almost as he seemed to bite the inside of his cheek. "... I can only feel a general portion of what it is that is wrong with you, but that was enough. I don't think I've ever felt anything like that, not once." Toshinori's eyes fell from the shorter man, his hands fidgeting as he pulled away from holding on to him, slowly.

".... it's..... complicated..." Toshinori mumbled uncertainly, and he hated how hesitant the words were on his tongue. But why wouldn't they be? It was nothing but a closely guarded secret who he was and what had happened to him to reduce him into this wasted away, skeletal figure. The world was utterly unaware that their Symbol of Peace could only suffer through three measly hours of Hero work a day, and through all of it.... He was scarcely more than a deadman walking.

Few knew at all that battle that had earned him such injuries that had made him this way, and he had done his utmost to keep it that way. He had those trusted few, and many of them who had known him for so long as the only ones that even knew all of it- and many of them only knew a fraction.... And although (F/N) was one of those he had known from so long ago, and become friends with, he wasn't sure if he was ready to tell him any of it. It wasn't he didn't trust (F/N), he just.... it had been so long. He could be a completely different person now. After so long people do change, and Toshinori wasn't sure it was worth it to place the weight of the truth on (F/N)'s shoulders.

".... I'd bet." (F/N) murmured when the silence of his hesitation stretched on a bit too long to be comfortable. One of (F/N)'s hands moved up from holding on to Toshinori's shirt and patted the No. 1's shoulder once, smiling slightly as (F/N) opened his eyes and Toshinori's own gaze matched with the pale (E/C) he wasn't used to. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, it's fine Toshinori. That's your business....." (F/N) assured him, clearly aware he was hesitant to answer the question. Toshinori nodded a little, smiling faintly in appreciation.

"Thank you." He murmured softly, (F/N) nodded a bit, his smile fading slightly as his hand fell into his lap.

".... are you alright, though?" (F/N) asked next, Toshinori nodded again.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied, "Honestly this is.... sort of normal for me, I just pushed things a bit too far today... but I am alright, especially after your help." He assured, (F/N) tilted his head at that but didn't question it.

"I warned you about pushing things..." (F/N) muttered under his breath, almost too low for Toshinori to hear it, but he did and grimaced a bit. "..... alright, if you're sure...."

"I am." He replied with a small nod, (F/N) didn't seem that convinced but he did leave it alone.

"Well.... If you're up for it, we probably ought to go before that asshole comes back to check I've left..." (F/N) murmured, changing the subject now, and Toshinori was honestly quite grateful for it. He nodded in agreement with the idea, clearing his throat slightly to clear it that last little bit of the taste of blood and whatnot.

(F/N) shifted, pushing himself back from him and rocking back onto the balls of his feet from having been sitting on his heels. (F/N) paused there for a minute, his hands on his knees and sighing, Toshinori started to move and adjust to get on his feet too..... though honestly his body was shaking still, and he swallowed back at it, not exactly looking forward to forcing himself back on to his feet. He bit back at the sharp stab of pain that ran through him as he moved, radiating upward from his side and his hand instinctively moved to hold it.

(F/N) blinked, his eyes narrowing at the No. 1 and aware the blurred shadow that was Toshinori had hunched a little, though he wasn't sure why. He bit the inside of both cheeks, his eyes searching and straining and fruitlessly at that, before he shook his head a little and one hand reached around to dig in his jacket pocket.

"Here, Toshi." (F/N) murmured, pulling a small rag from his pocket and handing it toward Toshinori, who blinked in surprise. (F/N) sighed when he failed to take it right away, ".... I'm assuming you look like a mess, so take it."

The No. 1 frowned a bit at the comment.... but (F/N) was right of course. Dark crimson stained his hands and his arms, and dotted his (white) shirt in more places than one, and he likely had some on his face despite his efforts to wipe it away. He'd likely get no small amount of stares should he try to leave this alley and walk on the street.....

Toshinori grabbed the cloth, his eyes moving from it to look (F/N) over and swallowing against the stain of scarlet smeared across the other man's jacket from when he'd grabbed onto him, and the other drops of red littered on (F/N)'s person here and there. Toshinori may have looked like a complete mess, but (F/N) was a mess too- less so- but a mess still. His fault of course, and he felt embarrassment hit him out of nowhere.

".... Ah, (F/N).... I got blood all over your jacket... I'm sorry about that, but.... Ah..." The Symbol of Peace started uncertainly, "..... People will probably notice that too, and not just me...."

"... Hmm... Well it wouldn't be the first time I had blood all over me." (F/N) hummed rather nonchalantly, shrugging slightly. "... and don't worry about it, Toshi... I honestly don't care about the mess or anything..." The man added softly. Toshinori faltered a little at the reply, not quite sure what to say- if anything at all- before slowly using the cloth (F/N) had provided to wipe off the sticky liquid from his skin. He glanced up briefly as (F/N)'s shoulders rolled back a bit and he pulled the jacket off, before slowly working to turn it inside out.... as to keep the blood out of sight, the No. 1 assumed.

".... help any?" (F/N) asked after awhile of letting him work, his jacket hung over his knee and watching him in silence. Toshinori paused, nodding slightly in reply, before realizing it did no good-

"O-oh, uhm yes.... for the most part." He answered quickly, "I can't do much about my clothes, but hopefully no one will really notice... but thank you for this, (F/N)." He murmured, (F/N) nodded a bit.

"Of course." He hummed, his hands moving upward with his jacket in them. (F/N) tossed it toward Toshinori and he fumbled to catch it, dropping the cloth (F/N) had given him in his lap in the meanwhile and blinking rapidly in confusion. "It'll probably be a short on you, but better than walking on the streets looking like you just came out of a horror movie, hmm?" (F/N) told him, and he glanced down at it for a few long moments as his mind seemed to work sluggishly slow.

".... thank you..... (F/N)....." He managed to say after a few seconds, and the shorter man nodded once more, though Toshinori didn't see it. (F/N)'s eyes dropped closed, his head tilting slightly one way in the No. 1's direction and listening carefully to the sound of his breathing, and every movement he made, even slight ones. (F/N) silently elected to give him a few more moments, before he pushed himself up onto his feet with a long sigh, hands on his hips and quiet as Toshinori glanced up.

"..... did you have somewhere you needed to be, Toshi?" (F/N) asked after a pause,

"Ah.... I should probably be heading back to UA...." The blonde replied, his eyes darting from (F/N) and toward the end of the alley and the sky. It was getting late, he was supposed to have been back in time to see Principal Nezu about a meeting...... he might have already missed it, if he was being honest....


"Then I'll walk you there, and make sure you're alright." (F/N) announced, and he jumped a little at the suggestion that was less a suggestion and more an affirmation. Toshinori's attention snapped back around toward (F/N), eyes wide.

"Y-you don't need to walk with me if you have other things to get to, (F/N).... I'd hate to pull you away from your plans or anything....!" He started quickly, "I really am alright, I'm just a bit...a bit worn out, but I can make it back to the school alright on my own...! I wouldn't want to be a bother for you, (F/N)... not more than I already have been-"

".... Toshinori, you're not a bother." (F/N) cut him off gently, and he jumped a little in surprise. ".... and honestly, both you and I know that 'a bit worn out' is underselling it.... by a lot." (F/N) added quietly, and he stiffened at the fact being pointed out so blatantly..... but of course (F/N) knew how he was feeling, even if he wouldn't admit it. "It's probably not wise to let you walk off on your own right now, so like it or not, I'm seeing you off to wherever you're going." (F/N) told him firmly, and Toshinori couldn't help but smile wearily at the words. "And besides, I have literally nothing else to do, so I might as well." (F/N) added, his left hand moving from his hip and extending out toward Toshinori in order to help him up.

(F/N)'s pale (E/C) eyes met his, and he gave him a small, utterly gentle smile of the likes the No. 1 hadn't seen in so, so long. "Come on, let me give you a hand." (F/N) hummed, "In the meantime we can catch up a bit, alright?"

Toshinori found himself staring, his attention landing on that hand that (F/N) held out toward him, and the same hand that had of two that had helped and healed him too many times to count...... the hands of a boy, and now a man, he never imagined he would see again. And the same man who had been apart from his life for decades now, and now he was back and he could no longer... see..... and he didn't know why, but he wanted to.

He had so many questions, many more than he thought he could and many more than he felt he could manage in his already whirling mind. He felt like hell and it was his fault for that, and (F/N) knew he wasn't feeling well too. There was no way of hiding that from him, sight or not. The minute (F/N) used his Quirk he would have known just how deeply the hurt and the exhaustion went, better than anyone else ever would. He supposed it shouldn't have been any surprise that (F/N) was so firm on making sure he was alright after what... scare, he probably gave the other man. But even then, the concern had him reeling slightly too. It was like (F/N) hadn't changed, not really at all.

And (F/N) probably had so many questions too, surely he did- even without seeing him, he knew something was wrong and he had already questioned it... and Toshinori hadn't complied on answering, and (F/N) accepted that so easily. Toshinori appreciated that he didn't press him more than (F/N) might ever know.... but at the same time he wasn't sure how fair it would be to ask things, and not be receptive to (F/N)'s own inquiries.

What was he meant to ask, and how much could he ask without answering things for (F/N)? Would it be alright to ask anything? Like what had happened to him and what had caused his eyes to fail? What he had been doing all these years after leaving UA behind? Or even what he'd been doing here, in this alley and practically thrown out of a building?

It wouldn't be fair if he wasn't willing to talk about what happened to himself, and knowing he felt that way, he was hesitant to 'catch up' at all. He honestly wouldn't even know where to start in terms of a conversation.....

There are so few people in the world that even know me.... the real me, not just 'All Might'...... I'm not even used to the idea of being around anyone who doesn't simply know me as the Symbol of Peace. How am I supposed to act around someone who knew me, as I used to be....?

.... someone who knows me.... but who doesn't know anything else.... not about what happened with All for One, or my Quirk fading, or the fact that I go around hiding myself from the world..... There's no way I can avoid that part of the story now anyway, not after this... and I can't avoid telling him about my injuries for very long, despite his promise not to press it.......

Toshinori's posture wilted a little, his attention still on (F/N)'s extended hand and swallowing back at the lump that had formed in his throat. He'd spent so long being so reserved and cut off from everyone, living with secrets and dodging around, and guarding the truth with everything he had. He just wasn't capable of being open with other people, spare one or two persons in all the many he was acquainted with.... and he wasn't sure he was capable of being open, or even any semblance of comfortable around (F/N) now. And.... and it wasn't that he didn't want to be comfortable with him, and talking with him.... he.... he didn't know, so he hesitated, over and over and he hesitated to take that hand.

The hand from a man who had helped countless people including himself, and the same one who had popped back into his life in so little time, and in the most unexpected way possible.... and maybe someone he needed just then, and maybe not just for his Quirk.

Maybe.... maybe he needed someone who just..... didn't know, any of it. And someone who knew 'Toshinori' before they knew the Symbol of Peace....? Someone he called friend once upon a time, and someone he might be able to call that again...?

Toshinori's eyes fell toward (F/N)'s jacket in his grasp, his free hand slowly trailing up toward where the other man had placed his hand on his chest. He could still feel a lingering sensation of that warmth born from (F/N)'s Quirk, the relief that came with it.... and the lingering feel of where his breath had washed against his neck. And feeling that brought back the memory of the way his hands had always held so softly to him back in school, a gentleness and a caring touch that he still had, even after all this time...... physical contact that the No. 1 had honestly avoided and become unaccustomed to, and even unwelcome of through all these years and everything that had gone on.

And yet.... I didn't dislike... any of that..... it was comfortable, despite the situation.

His lips twitched upward at the edges, just the smallest bit.


"........ Toshinori, you're leaving me standing here like an idiot." (F/N) cut into his thoughts with ease, sounding exasperated and annoyed.... but only just.

"Come on dumbass, I can't see your facial expression remember? Ya gotta tell me what's going through that pretty little blonde head of yours." (F/N) sighed. Toshinori glanced up at him and that faint smile on the No. 1's lips got a little stronger. "And while you're at it, give me your damn hand already."

Toshinori let out a small breath, his sunken blue eyes glittering in amusement. He shifted, pushing himself onto his knees and hanging (F/N)'s jacket over his arm, while the other reached forward and met (F/N)'s hand.

Their fingers intertwined, (F/N)'s other hand leaving his hip and he set it on top of Toshinori's hand and held to him firmly. (F/N)'s own lips twitched upward in a smile for half a second, and Toshinori saw his pale (E/C) eyes glitter in the low-light of the alley and the shadow of the buildings getting sharper as the day drew closer to an end.

"Finally." (F/N) quipped, Toshinori chuckled under his breath, and he felt (F/N) begin to tug and pull him up, slow, gentle... warm.

"... Thank you, (F/N)."


I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you!

...TBH, this is an idea and a character I thought about turning into a little fic, but I already have so many ongoing stories I simply couldn't XD

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