Chapter 2: [Y/N] and Nozomu! A Tragic Past

//Warning: Violence and death mentioned//

The feeling of a small tongue licking your nose awoke you from your slumber. Opening your eyes, you saw Nozomu sitting on your chest and licking your nose. Chuckling, you gently stroked her head. Nozomu purred.

"Hey there, Nozomu," you looked around. "It looks like we're in the sick bay." You said to yourself.

"You would be correct." A new voice said. You gasped and looked around. You looked to the door and saw the man you only saw in the anime. Marco the Phoenix. 'Wow. He is really cute in person.' You thought to yourself. Marco chuckled.

"There's no need to be frightened. You're safe now. You and your cat." Marco said. Nozomu turned around and sat down. She gave a meow, closing her eyes. Marco chuckled and walked over, holding out his hand. Nozomu have it a sniff before rubbing her head against it, purring. You smiled at the interaction. Marco looked at you. "Are you hungry?" He asked. Your stomach growled slightly and you chuckled, slightly embarrassed.

"I-I guess I am." You said. Marco held out his hand.

"Follow me. While we're getting food, I'll introduce you to the commanders as well as Whitebeard himself." He said. You smiled and took his hand, getting out of bed. Nozomu jumped and landed on your shoulder, giving your cheek an affectionate rub.


After introducing you to all of the commanders, Marco stopped in front of two men. Two men you knew well. Fire Fist Ace and Thatch.

"And these two idiots are Thatch and Ace. Thatch is the Fourth Division commander and Ace is the Second Division commander." Marco introduced. Thatch smiled and walked up. He took your hand in his own.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He kissed the back of your hand, making you blush lightly. Ace rolled his eyes.

"Alright, enough with the flirtyness." Ace said, making you chuckle. You smiled at the two.

"It's wonderful to meet you both. My name is [Y/N] [L/N]," you gestured to Nozomu. "And this is my partner, Nozomu." Nozomu gave a small meow in greeting. Marco smiled. He looked at his two friends.

"You two want to join me in introducing [Y/N] to Pops?" Marco asked. Ace and Thatch looked at each other and shrugged.

"Sure, why not?" They said. With you in the middle, Marco and Thatch on your left and Ace on your right, you walked up to the legendary Pirate. Whitebeard himself. The four of you stopped in front of the gigantic man. He was much bigger in person. Whitebeard smiled down at you.

"Ah, it seems that the young person is awake I see." Whitebeard said. Marco nodded.

"This is [Y/N], Pops." He said. Whitebeard hummed.

"Well, feel free to get some food, [Y/N]. I'm sure you're hungrier than a sea king right now." He said, laughing. You chuckled.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Whitebeard." You said, bowing. Whitebeard looked shocked for a moment, before he through his head back in laughter, slapping his hand on his knee.

"GUAHAHAHA!" You stared at him in shock. Once he calmed down, Whitebeard smiled softly at you. "My child, there's no need for formalities. Just call me Pops." He said. You recovering from your initial shock, you smiled. 

"A-Alright, Pops." You said, smiling.

Marco got you a plate filled with food. The food looked and tasted much better in person as well. It seemed that everything was much better in person that it was in the anime. Thatch smiled, resting his arm on his knee as you and Nozomu ate happily.

"So, [Y/N], how did you and Nozomu end up on that driftwood anyway?" He asked. You froze. You hadn't really thought about what you were going to tell them. Raava had warned you that you couldn't tell them about being from another world. You then remembered what Raava had told you. You sighed and set down the piece of meat you had been eating.

"I-it's not a day I like to remember," you glanced at Nozomu. Just by your glance, she knew to go along with what you were saying. She folded her ears in sadness and gave a small meow. She rested her head on your leg. You gently stroked her head. "Nozomu and I came from a small island on the Grand Line. My people, we had this amazing ability to control the elements. Only one person is born who can control all of the elements. And that person was me," you stretched your arm out towards the sea. A small ball of water came to your hand. You moved your hand back and forth. The water went along with the back and forth movement of your hand. The crew stared in wonder.

"We had everything. A home, a family, neighbors and food. My father worked as a blacksmith, controlling earth and metal. My mother worked as a seamstress and a healer, controlling water. It was even rumored that the island held treasure," you flung the water back out to sea. You looked up at the sky. "One day, a pirate ship docked in our harbor. It was normal for ships to stop at our island for stocking up on supplies. But the Pirates demanded that we give them the treasure that was here. When we told the Pirates that we didn't have any treasure, they thought we were lying to them," tears flooded your eyes. You had to make this as real as possible for them to believe you. "They never even gave us a chance to tell them the truth. They attacked us without warning. They killed everyone! Every man, woman a-and child," you swallowed back a lump in your throat. Nozomu climbed onto your shoulder and gave your cheek a comforting rub. Marco frowned and glanced at Ace. The information about you controlling all the elements was true, however, the bit about your family having the same ability was false as well as you coming from an island in the Grand Line. You didn't want to lie to them, but you had no choice. You didn't know if you could trust them with the information of Raava and her giving you the powers. Whitebeard hummed and inclined his head, closing his eyes.

"I am sorry for your loss, [Y/N]." He said. You smiled at him in thanks. Suddenly, Ace threw his arm over your shoulders.

"Enough with the sadness, let's celebrate! To our new friend, [Y/N]!" Ace shouted. You smiled. The whole crew raised their tankards.



An hour later, it was night time. All of the commanders and the crew were either passed out drunk, or had gone to bed already. You, however, were awake, sitting on the railing of the ship. You looked up at the moon, swinging your legs back and forth. Nozomu was curled up in your lap, sleeping. You smiled as a particular song came to mind. You stared singing quietly to yourself.

"The evenin' star is shinning bright, so make a wish and hold on tight. There's magic in the air tonight, and anything can happen." You sang. You didn't hear a pair of footsteps walking up to you.

"You have an amazing voice." Someone said. You jumped slightly and turned. There, stood Marco. He walked up to the railing and rested his arms against it. He took out a cigar and lit it. You smiled, blushing slightly.

"Thank you." You said. You looked back up at the moon. Marco took a long drag of his cigar and blew out. You looked at him. "I thought you would be asleep now. You know, partying too much." You said. Marco chuckled. He looked at you. He switched positions and leaned his back against the railing, resting his elbows against the wood.

"Nah. I just got finished putting the Man Child to sleep from drinking too much." He said. You chuckled at Marco's description of Ace. You looked up at the moon and sighed. "You miss them, don't you?" He asked. You looked at him.

"Huh?" You asked. Marco took another drag and blew out.

"Your parents," he said. "You miss them." He said. You looked down at Nozomu and gently stroked her back.

"Yeah. I do. They gave up everything, just to make sure Nozomu and I would live." You said. You didn't like lying to the man, but it had to be done. Marco smiled slightly. He placed his free hand on your knee.

"I bet they would be proud of you. You've come this far. We'll make sure you're safe. We won't let anything happen to you or Nozomu." Marco promised. You smiled at him.

"I know. Thank you," you gently picked up Nozomu. Turning around, you hopped off of the railing. "I'm going to go to bed now. Good night, Marco." You said. Marco smiled at you. He walked over.

"Good night, [Y/N]." He leaned in and gently kissed your cheek. Pulling away, he smiled as your cheeks lit up. You quickly walked away, heading to the room that had been prepared for you.


Marco put out his cigarette and looked up at the moon once more.

"Don't you think that was a little too forward?" A familiar voice asked. Marco frowned.

"No." He said. Thatch sighed and leaned against the railing.

"Don't think you're not the only one who has fallen for them." He said. Marco frowned even harder.

"I won't." He growled. Thatch nodded and walked away. Marco narrowed his eyes. "Thatch, Ace, we may be best friends, but I refuse to loose. I'm not going to loose to either of you." Marco said to himself. He walked towards his room, tired from the days events. Who knew what events tomorrow would bring.


Coming Up

"It looks like there's going to be a festival at an island today. They're looking for someone to show off their devil fruit powers since the one they hired called in sick,"

"So, you haven't really shown us your other abilities yet that you were born with, right?"

"The festival is for pirates only."

"I'm so sorry that you lost Sabo, Ace."

"It's in the past, [Y/N]. There's nothing Luffy nor I can do about it now. All we can do is keep moving forward and keep Sabo in our hearts."


//Here's Chapter 2. I hope you all like it.//

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