LVL 6「game on」
content warning! this chapter is rated 18+
WayV (威神V) - Love Talk
Love Talk - English Version
❚❚►_____________________________ 3:52
Jeongguk stood at this door, quickly checking his appearance in the mirror, hand going to adjust a strand of hair sticking up to tug it behind his ear.
His body decorated with a white t-shirt, wide legged light blue jeans tugged into this also black boots, leather jacket to keep him warm as he was gonna leave the house -- shocking, yeah.
He doesn't go out much, only really if he has to or any of his friends force him to -- just like today.
There was gonna be a twitch partner event in Seoul for the first time and he was invited.
Shouldn't have shocked him as he was pretty much one of the top streamers in the country but still it somehow surprised him that they thought of him specifically.
He could never get used to this no matter how long he works and earns his salary in this field by now.
It was just gonna be an event to connect with other partners, more or less a college party without the college and more budget as they rented out a club, advertised with free drinks and some random DJ that Gguk personally had never heard of. Just what you would expect when you thought of going clubbing.
To be quiet honest, usually not Jeongguk's favorite.
His clubbing phase was long gone, he was the worst when he was around nineteen and lasted until he was like twenty-one.
God, every weekend he found himself in a sea of sweaty people, slurring their words, grinding up on eachother, occasionally seeing some throw up outside, sometimes puking himself when he had a few too many. He loved it at the time.
Now, he's kind of over it, it's gotten pretty boring, always kind of the same. He'd rather sit at his desk, talking to his pals through a screen and broadcasting it. Much more fun than puking and sweaty people.
But this party, man he was kind of excited about it. You know what, kind of was an understatement, he was really fucking excited.
Not only were all of his friends, Hoseok, Namjoon, Seokjin, Jimin, Yoongi, Jina, Maya and Ryu gonna be there, who had kind of bullied him into going to this event for sure, but also Taehyung.
He was not only gonna just be there but he was going to pick Jeongguk up to go there together which -- damn, it made him feel all kinds of ways.
Eversince they had their date, as they agreed it was, and lowkey made out in his hallway, which damn it still made him feel hot all up his neck, the both of them, especially Taehyung, made the effort to have more.
In the past month the older one had been over almost every weekend, eventhough Gguk said that he could easily take the train and come over too (driving himself made him incredibly uncomfortable and anxious, don't judge). But the other insisted that he would be the one to do so since he didn't want Gguk to spend the money on a ticket and save him the trouble of traveling.
And just Taehyung looking out for Jeongguk like that, it totally make him fall into a deeper hole that would lead him straight to totally being in love with that guy.
Not gonna lie, it was scary how much he was having that feeling of 'shit, i wanna keep him around for a long, long time'.
They hadn't exactly sorted themselves out yet.
They were taking it as it came to them, slow-ish even, did not stop them from grinding on Jeongguk's bed last time they were together, the younger in Tae's lap, hips moving against eachother, lips on his neck. What a great night that was if you ask Gguk.
Was hard to let him leave that night to go back to Daegu when all he wanted was to cuddle up in bed after kissing their lips numb but you didn't hear that from him.
He heard his phone let out a little ding, pulling it out of his back pocket, unlocking to see a text notification of Tae (he had saved him as that with a skull and black heart after the other's request) announcing his arrival popping up.
And eventhough they had seen eachother literally a week ago, Jeongguk felt giddy with excitement.
Damn, he was so gone for this dude in such a short time, wasn't he? But can you blame him when the probably hottest guy he has ever seen had him pressed again the wall, kissed the life out of him and whispered in his ear that their meet up wasn't just friendly in his eyes? You can't.
He looked in the mirror one last time, trailing his eyes down and up his figure, deciding he was set, before grabbing his keys and going out, bouncing down the stairs and there was already a big smile stretched across his lips.
Outside he was met with Taehyung's car that he had gotten pretty accustomed to by now as they had driven out to eat at some of Gguk's favorite spots in the city because first -- as if he was going to try to cook something knowing it would probably burn the house down and second he just wanted to show Tae some things that he likes.
He ended up really loving the ice cream waffles he showed him.
Jeongguk had found out he loves sweet and it might have motivated him to wear his sugary melon lip balm more often.
But anytime they went out they were trying to be careful as Taehyung is and will probably most likely always be a more private person and he isn't planning on revealing himself on a public platform any time soon.
See, it isn't a problem when he's out alone but with Jeongguk attached, people could recognize him and put two and two together.
But it didn't stop them, Taehyung putting on caps and masks that covered him up in more crowded areas and Gguk fully understood his concern, it could easily happen and he wouldn't want to be the reason to shatter his privacy like that.
Today luckily they wouldn't have to worry as the event was guaranteed to be pretty secluded and also Tae's face had been revealed to their group of friends when they all met up a few weeks back, so it wouldn't be a problem.
And so upon opening the car's door he was met with no mask, no cap hanging almost to the nose Taehyung, his favorite version.
"Hey." And shit, he looked hot. Not that he doesn't always but today it was just off the charts -- again.
"Hi-" Gguk smiled and sat down into the passenger seat, closing the door in a swift motion, turning right to look at the other.
Before he could even continue, Taehyung had already leaned forward, one hand on the steering wheel, a kiss pressed on his cheek, heart doing a somersault.
God that was almost too domestic for what they are right now but just almost.
As Taehyung pulled back Gguk got a better look at him.
His hair had gotten a bit longer, now holding it out of his face with a red bandana tied at the front, a denim jacket drapped over a black turtleneck and jeans. Casual but man, Taehyung could even make a plastic bag look like a high end collectors edition purse Jeongguk had learned.
"How was the drive?" He asked, searching for the seat belt with his one hand, turning his head away, not being able to wipe the smile of his face as he could still feel the ghost of lips on his skin.
"Kinda nasty. Traffic can go fuck itself." Gguk felt Taehyung lean over, voice so close to his ear, feeling his arm trapping him over his torso, confused before realizing that he was getting the seat belt for him.
All these little actions figuratively made his heart absolutely melt away like ice cream left out on a hot summer day, sun eating it up.
"Poor traffic, what it do to you?" Jeongguk giggled, click of the seat beat snapping secure in his ear but too focused on how close the other was to him right now, slightly pulling back to have their eyes connect, hand on the console.
Only a couple inches and it would be on his thigh.
No Jeongguk stop, the night hasn't even started stop having the hots for your guy. Control yourself.
"Almost was too late to picking you up--" Taehyung leaned even closer, up in his face, eyes not shying away from his lips once. "--hot stuff."
Well, so much for no hots for Taehyung right now, a burning shiver raking his spine.
He was making this really fucking hard on purpose he was sure. Taehyung knows his power. Torture, he thinks. Torture.
Gguk scoffed, trying his all not to seem effected but good god was his neck feeling like it was burning up. "Hot stuff?" He rolled his eyes, but smile still not leaving him as he crossed his arms in front of his torso. "You gotta come up with something better than hot stuff to charm me."
"Haven't i already charmed you?" Voice now lower, more suggestive, lips grazing, feeling up his own before pressing them together and -- sigh, Jeongguk could do this forever and ever. And he means that, he isn't just saying it.
He can't imagine getting tired of this.
He couldn't get tired of the way Taehyung's lips fit so perfectly atop of his, how he sucks on them ever so gently, how his fingers twist the curls at his nape and press him forward to kiss him even deeper.
It sure felt like Taehyung made sure to pour his soul into every time their lips connect and it made Jeongguk's heart race.
His hand went to unconsciously cup Tae's cheek to pull him in even closer, moving softly against him, eyes fluttered closed and his insides doing tumbles.
"Got to make out with you couple of times plus one now. Seems like i'm pretty charming." His words coming out between kisses in short breaths, Gguk now noticing that he was pecking a teasing smirk.
They slowly pulled apart, knowing that sadly they didn't have all of the time in the world but had to get going either quickly, however hands remaining on eachother's skin.
"Whatever you wanna think, baby." Gguk scanned the other's face, his lips reddened, slight blush across his cheeks. It never looks shy on Taehyung though, more so like he had just ran a mile. "Let's go, we gonna be late."
"Baby, huh?" He leaned back into his seat, disconnecting their bodies, only hand remaining on his thigh that the younger didn't even know had made it's way there but he wasn't one to complain.
"Might get used to that." And he twisted the keys to start the engine, before his eyes hit the road, driving off to the event.
An hour later they found themselves side by side, sourrounded by their friends, already a couple rounds of circling to the dance floor back to the bar area behind them, brightly colored drinks in all of their hands, both Jeongguk and Taehyung had opted out for mocktails, no alcohol, as Taehyung had to drive them back home and Jeongguk didn't want him to suffer drunk people all alone.
And oh man, he knows how the others get when they had a few too many.
They had all met a couple weeks back now, just for drinks and dinner which was easy with Taehyung at this place anyways, Jina and Hoseok living in Seoul as well and the others an hour away max.
And well they can be a pretty chaotic bunch sober but with a few shots in they get even more embarrassing than they usually are they had learned.
Nott to throw anyone under the bus but Maya tried to climb onto a street light because she's 'a professional gay stripper', her words not his, and man Gguk wasn't gonna let Taehyung suffer through that alone.
They had slowly disbursed a bit into little circles, kind of to spread out their chaos and mostly just to have their own little conversations.
Jeongguk was standing alone a bit of to the side with Jina and Hoseok, just having had talked about something he didn't quite pay attention to, his eyes glued to Taehyung, immersed in whatever Jimin was saying, bursting out into giggles every once in a while.
His denim jacket now tied around his waist, nicely framing his body, colorful lights strobing across and Gguk couldn't get over how absolutely stunning he looked.
"So--" Jina asked, pulling his attention to her, Hoseok behind her, arms around her waist and head resting on her shoulder, both smirking. "How are things going for you and you know who?"
"I mean we aren't official but it feels official?" Jeongguk scoffed, eyes rolling but smiling, taking another swig of his drink -- strawberry daiquiri, too fucking sweet to drink more than two sips of to be quiet honest.
"So just haven't dropped the question yet, huh?" Hoseok intervined, letting loose of his girlfriend for second as he grabbed her hand, lifting the cup up to drink some himself, liquid in it bright blue.
"You makin' it sound like a proposal." He laughed it off but he was serious, it did sound as if one of them would pull a diamond ring out and was it weird that he wasn't too opposed by that idea?
Yeah probably but no one needs to know that.
"I mean not gonna lie the way he talks about you makes it seem like he's ready to drop to his knee any time and i don't mean the giving head kind." Jina winked, immediately earning a soft slap on her arm by her boyfriend.
"Dude, Jina. You're gross." Hoseok scolded her but a joking laugh floating through the air along with the banging music that probably everyone was tired of hearing but no one ready to admit so.
"Gross what? He sucks dick, i suck dick so what? Nothing gross about it." She argued kind of too loudly for what she was saying, effect of the alcohol showing a little, shrugging her shoulders.
"God, you're the worst- ah!" Gguk began to laugh but getting cut off by his own startle, letting out a surprised squeak at hands grappling at his waist.
And for a second honestly he was ready to turn around and slap whoever touched him but before he could even lift a hand he was immediately soothed by Tae's voice breathing into his ear. "Hey, you only say that to me."
"Say what?" Arms locked around his waist, placing his own free one that wasn't busy with a holding a cup atop of them, a head heavy on his shoulder, mirroring the couple standing across from them.
"God. You only say that to me." Taehyung's lip almost pecked against his ear, so incredibly close, tone low as he pressed against his back.
"Oh, shut it." Jeongguk tried to suppress the tingle that was threatning to race across his skin that he knew would make him shiver, going to put on an annoyed look instead as a cover.
"Hm, funny. You normally don't tell me to shut it when i whisper in your ear." And he could feel the teasing grin on the other's features.
Great, now his neck is burning up infront of all his friends. Right in front of them, they can all see it. Time to dissappear into thin air.
"Oh my, y'all please, please get a room." Was shouted from out behind them from what he figured to be Jimin, filling the air with lighthearted laughs.
And laughs filled more of night, their group soon finding themselves in one of the karaoke rooms, loud melody of Amor Fati mixed with Seokjin's, Ryu's and Jimin's voices floating in the air deafeningly loud.
Gguk however had found himself in the club's bathroom, right next to their karaoke space, the third drink (yeah, he had gotten two more of those awefully sweet mocktails) had really been pressing on his bladder for like fifteen minutes, now his hands running under cold water, ready to head back. He's gotta sing with Fiesta with Jina next, he had promised.
But the sound of the door opening made him look up into the mirror, seeing Taehyung, hands in his pockets, coming in looking as fine as he did when they came here, even after sharing a hot and humid room filled with sweaty dancing people.
The piña coladas he had drunken probably were also making him have to go. He had also had around three and his were even bigger.
"Finally have you to myself again." Oh. Well so he wasn't here to go to the toilet.
"We were alone in the car like two hours ago." Gguk dropped his eyes back to his hands with an infatuated smile, turning off the fosset, taking a paper towel to dry them off and hearing footsteps coming his direction.
As he looked up again Taehyung had come up right behind him, cute pout decorating his lips. "Too long ago."
"Oh, my poor cry baby." He joked, mimicking his pout turning around to face the other, immediately going to cup Tae's cheek.
A little teasing, playfully making fun of eachother was just normal at this point and Gguk took every chance he could get at it -- honestly because it always evoked some kind of reaction out of Taehyung.
Giggles from the two of them faded into a moment of silence but he wasn't surprised to see Taehyung move closer into his personal bubble, hand going to rest on his hip.
"So like you wanna make out?" His eyebrows lifting suggestively and man -- Jeongguk is so fucking screwed.
A blush colored his features, head going to bury into the other's neck, trying to hide the effect he had on him like his life depended on it.
"Oh my god, stop it! What's with you today? So clingy." His tone muffeled from pressing down into Taehyung's shoulder, feeling the hand go to snake around his back to cup his waist, being inched back and pressed forward simultaneously until he felt the sink pressing at his butt cheeks and his body flush to the others.
And just the way the older one's stare was not leaving him for a second, flickering up and down between his orbs and lips, beginning to lean in -- his skin was going to burn away, butterflies making his stomach all tingly.
"I like clingy. Means being close to you." His breath ghosted across Gguk's lips before going to press them together, his heart rising up into his throat and he was sure that the other could feel the beat of it.
Kissing Taehyung always meant some type of blur to Gguk, meaning of time faded away into the background, noises cancelling out, body going to feel tingly and all that mattered was how perfect those lips felt moving against his own.
His arms wrapped around the other's neck, pushing him as close as he could, tilting his head slighty, completely getting lost in the sensation that is Taehyung, everything about him.
It only had been about two to three hours since they had kissed but this made him feel like he had craved it so badly for ages and ages without even knowing it.
Gguk felt one of the other's hands that had been burning up the skin at his waist move to tap at his thigh, moving him up to sit at the sink.
And hell fucking yes it was uncomfortable as shit but did it matter in that moment? Not one bit with Tae's lips feeling him up, his hands grabbing at his thigh and waist, his body pressed everywhere.
But way too soon for Jeongguk's liking the other pulled away, chasing after him for a moment, immediately pouting because how dare he leave him hot and heavy?
Before he could complain however, he had his lips mouthing at his jawline and his head was beginning to feel dizzy with how good it was.
"Ah-" He couldn't hold off the sigh that bubbled up in his throat with the intensity that Taehyung sucked on his skin.
"Wanna go?" Barely louder than a whisper, hushing across his neck but not stopping to mark him up -- and fuck, the fire that had enlighted in his gut burned up even more.
"Yeah- yeah let's go." He had never speeded out somewhere so quickly and he was sure Taehyung didn't either, running out the bathroom, grabbing their stuff but no one really asking why -- he's pretty fucking sure they knew anyways and they were probably gonna tease the shit out of them, Jeongguk specifically, later.
The drive home was fast, almost gone by in a flash, all of Tae's concentration on the road to get them there as quickly as possible but Gguk wasn't going to lie that he kind of wanted it all on him instead. Stupid road.
It didn't take long for them to make it up to Jeongguk's apartment upon arriving, stumbling up and finding themselves right where they had first kissed. In the hallway pressed against the wall, lips back against eachother.
Tae's leg had inched it's way inbetween Gguk's, a hand on his hip making him grind against it and it had him way too close to that specific edge already.
"Dude -- if you keep doing that i'll cum in my pants." He pulled away for a moment, uttering the words, head rolling back, hitting the wall. And it was kind of embarrassing how much trouble he had already just putting together a sentence when all he had done was grind on the other's thigh.
"Never thought i would be dudezoned in a sentence that contained the word cum." He said as he leaned closer to the younger's ear, nibbling on it softly with a laugh.
"Stop, this is suppose to be sexy." Jeongguk let out an involuntary giggle, however chest still heaving up and down as well as his blushy complexion still evident.
"You said dude, dude." His long fingers twirling the hairs on the other's nape, another giggle burning right into his ear canal and it just made his gut swirl in butterflies even more.
"Yeah, so take me to the bedroom and take your dick out, dude." Jeongguk said out loud in a moment of boldness right as it ran through his mind. He would usually never ever just say that and be serious about it but his mind had clouded away any reasonable thoughts or filter at this point.
"Never had you this confident." He scoffed as he pulled back, their eyes connecting and something was so much more intense in Tae's orbs, tongue darting out to wet his lips. "But as you wish-- dude."
Their clothes were soon scattered away on the floor, kissing continuing after some admiring of eachother (damn a naked Taehyung was just as gorgeous as he had thought), stopping to get some air into their lungs but quickly going back to it as if a drug.
They shifted so Gguk waa on his back, Taehyung hovering above him, hand dragging down across his entire body, leaving goosebumps on it's entire trace.
"You're so beautiful, shit." Was breathed out inbetween, so low and deep.
And it wasn't only making him even harder, more blood rushing to his crotch but also the compliment so genuine he was pretty sure it made his heart burst.
"See Jeongguk, do you only like to receive--" Hand now cupping Gguk's package, head going back to spin again. "or give too?" Now going squeezing around him and god fucking damn it he needed his hands absolutely everywhere this second.
"I- Shit i can do both, yeah." He forced out, trying to filter out the moans that were threatning to escape inbetween.
"This time i wanna fuck you but next time i really want to ride you, yeah? Do you want that?" Jeongguk almost fucking choked.
Events being to fade into one big blur again and next situation he finds himself in, his head is thrown back, a hand going to scrunch his pitch black sheets, a bottle of generic strawberry flavored lube beside it, three of Taehyung's fingers up his ass, spreading him so well and Jeongguk was in absolute heaven.
His breathing was already heavy again, eyes going to roll back because shit, did Taehyung know what he was doing.
It wasn't that Jeongguk was inexperienced, he's no saint by any means but when he says he has never been opened up so fucking well, he sure means it.
"Can't you do it already-" He whined, not one clear thought, just a mess of inappropriate ones.
"Do what?" The smirk on his face was audible and he knew that Taehyung was thriving with all the options to tease him, drag of his fingers now too slow, not quite able to push him to a high. Like getting stuck on a rollercoaster half way up.
"Fuck me, what else?" His body unconsciously tossing and turning, tingle in all up from his head to the top of his toes and again -- no filter. But with three fingers deep in him there was not one straight thought.
"So bossy during sex. That's what you want?" Taehyung gently pulled his hand away, reaching over to the bedside table they had just pulled the lube out of, grabbing a condom, leaving the other with a whine from the lack of contact.
"Yes- fuck please-- baby." Before he knew he was turned on his stomach, bottom forced up, having him arch his back, gurgle escaping his throat from the surprise.
"Been thinking about this since i picked you up." Sound of the condom wrapper ripping in the background of his words -- and that, even in Jeongguk's mind that was just cloudy with the idea of Taehyung, it made sense now.
The other eyeing him up and down all night, being attached to him by the hip, not leaving one opportunity unused to touch or kiss him, being so clingy. He had really been wanting him the whole fucking evening that bled into the night and just the thought of that made Jeongguk moan out loud.
Before he could give that even more thought, he had Taehyung's hand on his hip, his hard on pressing at his entrance, letting out a desperate huff into the sheets.
"You ready?" His hand squeezed at Gguk's hip, tip circling his hole.
"I been ready, get it on for fucks sake, plea- ah-" Sentence cut off as his breathing grew more labored, lacing with a moan as Taehyung beginning to inch inside.
Fuck, he was gonna choke on his own spit.
Gguk hadn't had sex in a good while but he can't remember it feeling this intense ever, absolutely feeling the other everywhere as he bottomed out, hand clutching the pillow above him, just needing to hold onto something for dear life.
And damn, it grew even more intense when Taehyung decided to piston his hips, slowly at first, every inch dragging at his walls, so intense he didn't even notice the tears that gathered at the corners of his eyes.
"You look so fucking pretty-- just perfect." Heart beating like he was running a marathon from the sweet nothings that were whispered into the silence that was only disturbed by grunts and moans with the combination of the pleasure that made his toes curl and a hand that pressed into his spine.
And soon with the faster Taehyung was moving in and out of him, he couldn't stop the sobs that fell from his lips, moving his behind back to meet the thrusts only having the length inside him get deeper with each one and he sure was seeing stars by this point with how dead on his sweet spot was being hit.
"Ah- Tae- there, please-" He whined trying to lift himself to his arms but immediately giving out like they were jelly despite the apperent muscle built up there but pleasure raking over him everywhere.
"So- shit- so good, Jeonggukie- wanna take a picture of this- pretty sight, made for me-" Tae went to drill into him even faster and Jeongguk could feel the tip of his ears reddening as the fire liking inside their gut grew hotter by the minute.
"Ah- yes-" He cried out, clutching the pillow even tighter and he was sure he might eventually rip it if he doesn't get over the edge soon.
"Pleas-Please, please-" He didn't even know what he was begging for at this point, thoughts completely scattered everywhere before he felt the other's body bend forward so his chest was glued to his back, lips going to lick at his ear.
"Come for me, baby." And that is what had thrown him over the edge, the deep voice that had gotten him into such great trouble at first sending him right to his high, his vision going white with an embarrassingly loud moan, Taehyung following very soon after with a couple more uncoordinated thrust into his heat.
The two collapsed on eachother, skin sweaty and sticky, completely tired and close to just passing out but still Tae's hand crawling to go and intertwine with Gguk's, placing light pecks across his skin where he could reach, still whispering words like pretty or angel into the air.
And Jeongguk doesn't think he'll ever have better sex ever with someone else -- and he was sure he didn't want someone else anyways, and that not just in his sex life.
hello :))
so lots of kissing, clingy and sum sexy stuff all in circa 4900 words!
I'm very sorry this update is delayed but i had an important exam today that i had to study for all week and could not finish all i wanted to happen in this chapter!
Any feedback is appreciated <3
p.s grammys who its scammys as far as i know lmao
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