Chapter 29: BABY GIRL!!
If you see a mistake please ignore it :3 Enjoy!
I did not awake peacefully, with sun beaming through the curtains and birds singing outside in the London morning air. No. I woke up because an excited nerd was sitting on top of my back, bouncing up and down annoyingly, and screeching-
"Tom! Tom! Tom! Wake up! Wake up!"
"I woke up an hour ago, I don't think you realize that I'm ignoring you."
"Get up, then! I wanna go see the city! I wanna go shopping! I wanna-"
"Alright, I hear you! You're killing my back, I'm not a damn trampoline Jordan..."
Giggling, I felt him slip off and land in the floor. "Get dressed! Let's go!" He was tugging at my hand, slowly pulling me off the bed and into the floor with him. When he finally did succeed in this, we were both laughing and tangled up in the bed sheets, writhing to get free.
"You're an idiot," I told him whilst I tried to free my leg.
"I'm not the only one," he retorted, blowing a raspberry.
"Did you wake up six years old?" I finally freed my legs from the clutches of the bed sheets, standing up and stretching my aching limbs out. Jordan laid in the floor, still in his dress from the night before, and curly black hair poking out from his cute hat. He smiled up at me. I melted a little.
"I just feel really good today. Let's go out."
"Alright, let me go hide my ugly and we'll get on our way. You wanna eat breakfast here or eat somewhere else?" I checked my reflection as I walked past a mirror leading to the bathroom. I didn't look too bad, all I needed was a change of clothes and maybe a fresher mouth.
"Well it's the middle of the night so...a lot of places may not be serving breakfast."
I turned around to stare at him in disbelief. "Middle of the night?" You woke me up in the middle of the night? The hell Jordan?"
He innocently played with the hem of his dress, avoiding my eyes. "We...we went to bed kinda early and I got bored and lonely because I woke up two hours ago. And I can only wear this at night, so we have to go at night. Are you mad?"
My shoulders slumped. Ugh. Who could stand to be mad at somebody with that explanation and that adorable look? It's impossible. I kept Tyler's advice in mind as I sighed, shaking my head. "I'm not mad. Give me five minutes."
After I finished freshening up and changing into a presentable outfit, I grabbed my phone, our room key, and my (empty) wallet. Jordan appeared from the living room walking timidly, as if he were skirting around a time bomb. Maybe I was the time bomb in his eyes. "Are you ready?" He asked shyly. He'd flattened down his hair a little, but not too much. He was wearing these dark brown loafers and white socks that almost reached to his knees. I wanted to pin him against the bed again. Later, I promised.
"Do you get hotter every time I see you, or is everything else just ugly compared to your beauty?" The pick up line earned me a giggle. He latched onto my arm so quickly I almost fell over. At least he's comfortable around me now, I guess.
"You are a ball of the cheesiest cheese. Can we go?"
"Certainly," I replied in a masculine voice. "Onward, into the night!"
I used to live in London a looong time ago. Before I ran off with Nade, it was my home. I knew everything there was about everything that was exciting in the least bit in London. I already had the sights and attractions thoroughly memorized in my head. I even remembered the exact street to Big Ben and exactly how to get there. It was a little more difficult on foot, but Jordan and I managed to get there in record time by skipping the whole damn way. If Jordan's dress didn't cause the strange bystanders to stare, the skipping certainly did. But we didn't give a fuck. I wanted to skip with my damn future boyfriend in his pretty dress and I was going to skip with him, whether we got funny looks from hobos and prostitutes or not.
Seeing Big Ben again after all the years not seeing it gave me a huge wave of nostalgia. It gave Jordan squeaky fever.
"It's so pretty! Oh my gosh, we've gotta take pictures!" He jerked me against his side and pulled out his phone from his coat pocket, then he pulled out some weird contraption that looked like a baby blue stick.
"Don't tell me you brought a selfie stick."
"I did, and we are going to take selfies with it."
"You are a piece of trash."
"You love this piece of trash."
He extended the thing, posed adorably for the camera, and pressed the button. I had forgotten to pull a pose. Could you blame me though? I can't take my eyes off of him.
"Where to next?" He asked excitedly after he'd put away his phone and stick trash. I locked my fingers back with his and began to head in the direction of the London Eye, which probably wasn't even open this late at night, but maybe he'd just pee on himself from looking at it anyway.
"Something that resembles a Ferris wheel, but is far from it. Ready to stare longingly at a boring ass carnival ride?"
"Shall we skip?"
His answer was a series of very hyper nods and squeaks.
The London Eye was, as I predicted, closed at such a late hour. But Jordan loved it anyway. He took a million pictures of it, us, and us with it. I was really hoping I could've rode it with him tonight, but I guess it would I have to wait another time. Maybe tomorrow if we were feeling up to it.
Jordan was dancing to the music pouring out of a nearby lamp post speaker. It played 24/7, I knew. I'd spent the whole night here once before, when I was trying to avoid my family for reasons I can't remember now. It was an amazing night compared to the ones I spent in that hell house that I had the guts to call home.
Chuckling, I watched with amusement as he twirled around me in neat circles. He sure was something. I loved him.
"Don't just stand there. Dance with me." His fingers intertwined with mine and he pulled me against his chest. It was kind of cute actually, because I'm so much taller than him. I felt his hands settle along my neck. He laid his head down on my chest and closed his chocolate brown eyes. Beautiful.
"Put your hands down here, silly." He guided my arms around his waist. "Now sway in beat with me. It's really easy." I felt him start to sway, so I started to sway too.
"Am I doing it right?"
"Perfect." He gleamed at me with his perfect white smile. "You are perfect Tom." And then he rested his head back on my chest and closed his eyes again.
"Have I found you? Flightless bird?"
Jordan was my flightless bird. Beautiful and absolutely stunning, but clipped of his wings because of some other dumbass and his mistakes. "You're perfect too," I told him. "So is this song, I love this song. I love you. This song reminds me of you."
"Jealous...weeping...Or lost you?"
"Why me?" He asked.
I curled a lock of his hair around my finger. He shivered a little from the touch. "Some bastard took your pretty wings away from you. I'm trying to get em' back."
"What if you can't?"
"I'll certainly try. And if I can't get them, then...we can both be mutilated birds I guess."
The songs words has disappeared, only the steady rhythm remained. We kept swaying. He seemed to curl deeper into my chest with every moment passing, like he's afraid if he moves away I'll leave him forever.
"Who took your wings, Tom?" He whispered.
"A lot of things did. A lot of people. Took em' piece by piece. Till I hated everybody and everything, 'cept alcohol and sleep and sex with people I don't even-...that I don't even know, or like. Then you came along. You changed everything and I don't know how. You amaze me. And nobody does that anymore."
"Not even Nade when he tried to kill me?" He chuckled sadly.
"That was more anger, disappointment, and complete shock. You amaze me because you smile after all of their shit. You smile after Nade tried to kill you. You smile after you relive the most horrible experience of your life. You smile after...after getting abused in the worst ways possible. How do you keep smiling?"
The song ended. We still swayed as the next one came, not as good as the last, but it had a good enough tempo to sway to. Jordan was holding on so hard, it was actually starting to hurt a little. "I-I imagine a bright future with all the things I've ever wanted in it. All those things I want can be accomplished with hard work and being p-positive. If I keep smiling, one day I'll be happy."
"Sounds well thought out."
He shrugged a little. "It wasn't really my idea."
"Whose idea was it?"
"You think it'll work?"
"It's the only thing that's kept me from-...well, you know. If it doesn't work, then I-I really don't have anything to believe in. I've been telling it to myself since the night I left him. And some of it, really, has already happened. So I think that's maybe a good sign?"
"What do you mean?"
"Things that I dream of, some of the tiny things are happening. I'm dancing and I haven't danced in a really long time. I'm wearing a dress, one that I've been too scared to wear since Halloween two years ago. I'm in London, under the stars, with a boy who actually cares about me. That's a good sign in the right direction, right?"
I chuckled. "Looks like it. You've dreamed of just...dancing before? You can dance anytime you want, y'know."
"I know. I haven't been happy enough to dance since him."
"He ruined a lot of stuff for you, didn't he?"
"Yeah. Dancing, singing, wearing anything besides ball shorts and t-shirts, video games, going outside, feeling good about myself, being happy."
"He didn't let you wear anything besides...?"
"That sick son of a bitch."
"He said it covered up my fat. I agreed kinda."
"You aren't fat. You were never fat. Fat is a messed up word people use to put other people down, nobody's fat and you aren't either."
"My tummy is gross." His hand went over said area, fingers tensing as if the area literally disgusted him. I put my own hand over it and caressed his.
"Your tummy is beautiful."
"I'm not beautiful..."
"Yes you are. You're gorgeous as fuck, I love you so much. Please don't put yourself down. It guts me to death. Look at how pretty you are, you're so pretty princess." I motioned towards his dress and cute little socks with his even cuter loafers. He stared down at them blankly.
"I don't understand what's pretty anymore."
That broke my heart into a million shards. He can't love himself, he can't stop putting himself down, he doesn't think that he's beautiful because he doesn't even know what's considered beautiful anymore.
"You're pretty, in all ways you can imagine. And that's all you need to know. Okay?"
He nodded, sniffling suddenly. "Okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't cry, I've been crying too much."
"It's alright. Cryings good for the soul. Don't quote me on that though, I'm not a professional hippie."
We laughed a bit. The single tear that cascaded down his cheek was swiped away by my thumb. He smiled appreciatively and held my hand while it still covered his cheek. "Where to now?"
"Buckingham palace, where beautiful princesses like yourself live."
Buckingham palace was boring. Jordan got hungry and so we left early to try and scope out any restaurants that might be open so late at night. We passed by some really fancy looking place and Jordan acted like for a second he wanted to go in there, but then his eyes wandered over the groups of people sitting inside and he turned his head away dismissively.
"Everything good?" I asked as we began skipping again. He nodded silently, face blank of emotion. I didn't pry any further. He was happy right now and I wanted him to stay that way.
We eventually found this 24-hour place that served breakfast all the time, called Caffè Nero. Jordan got this huge plate of French toast with strawberries on top drenched in syrup. I got a plate of eggs and toast but I kept stealing bits of Jordan's food when he was distracted. I think the droplets of syrup on the table trailing to me gave it away though. He caught me once and stole some of my eggs in return.
The waiter guy came by to collect our money and (not so subtlety) slid Jordan a piece of paper after getting our bill. He was smiling weirdly and I didn't like it one bit. I gave him a nasty look as he left, but I don't think he was really paying any attention to me. Giggling, Jordan scooped up the folded piece of paper and dangled it in front of my eyes. "Did I just get a guys number? Maybe this dress was a smart purchase. Wouldn't you agree?"
"Don't think I won't throw your plate of mushy toast and syrup at that asshole. Because I will, Jordan."
"Oh shush. I bet he didn't even give me the full number." Still giggling slightly, he unfolded the paper and read it. His brows furrowed in confusion for a second before he glanced up at the air beside my shoulder.
Is it normal for someones irises to explode over a phone number?
"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned. "Did he say something to you?"
He immediately tore his eyes away from my shoulder and shoved the slip of paper into his pocket. "No. It was just really cheesy and stupid, heh." He grinned and shook his head.
I snorted. "I thought you liked cheesy and stupid."
"Well. Um. Sometimes. Not today though, unfortunately. Uh, where are we going next?" His eyes did the thing again. He glanced at my shoulder for a split second before looking back at his plate.
"You look really nervous. Are you sure nothing's wrong?" Maybe its behind my shoulder. I turned my head ever so slightly to look when Jordan gasped, drawing my attention back to see him suddenly grabbing onto his tummy. Is he sick? Oh god, what if he's about to puke? I need to get him out of here.
I dragged him outside where he vomited lightly onto the pavement. Once he finished I jogged inside for a drink with sodium in it, anything to help stomach aches. The waiter guy gave me one for free and wished 'the little guy' well. I brushed away the urge to flip him off and hurried back outside to Jordan. He was sitting a little farther away than where'd he'd thrown up. I sat down beside him and passed over the soda. He barely looked up when he took it and opened it up.
"Was it the food? Or...?"
He shook his head.
"The Nade thing?"
"Tom I-...I don't want to ruin tonight. Let's not talk about it, okay?"
"If you're sick I wanna know why. If it wasn't the food or the PTSD, what was it?"
He acted like he was going to tell me for a minute, but then his eyes when they looked up...they did the same thing he'd done in the cafe. And they casted downwards, and he started playing with his fingernails. "It's none of your business what it was. Can we go?"
"Yeah, sure. Drink your soda for me?"
He raised the bottle to his lips and sipped. His fingers were trembling. Something's wrong.
"You wanna go back to the hotel? Or walk around a little more? There's this all night library we could go to across town, I don't really like books but I feel like it would be your sort of thing-"
"Hotel," he said shakily. He stood up and started walking in the direction of it. What the hell has gotten into him?
"We'll wait for me then, hot stuff!" I jogged to where he was walking, latching my arm under his like we had earlier. He let it stay like that for maybe three seconds before he pulled his arm away, crossing them over his chest. I took the hint.
We didn't speak the whole walk back to the hotel, nor did we in the elevator, nor in the hallway, and when we got to the room he grabbed some pajamas and went straight to the shower. I was so confused. What had I done wrong?
I had originally wanted us to shower together on the first night. But I had this feeling if I even tried to go into the bathroom, he'd sock me in the mouth for it. I tugged off my jeans and hoodie, climbing into bed with nothing but my boxers and socks on. I'd worn Jordan's favorite boxers too, black ones with hearts all over. But I guess he won't notice.
When he came out, he came out blank. The expressions I could usually see weren't there. Dress and hat gone, now just a wad of clothes he'd thrown carelessly onto his suitcase, he looked completely over this trip. He said nothing as he slipped into bed with me, simultaneously turning off the lamp. I wanted to cuddle with him, but I was afraid he'd get pissed at me. He kept his back to me while I stared at the ceiling for awhile in thought. What did I do? What was on that slip of paper? Why did he keep looking over my shoulder? What the hell happened in that cafe?
My breath caught. Maybe he does wanna cuddle. "Yeah?"
"Can you lock the room door?"
"Um, sure. I thought nobody was on this floor though?"
He said nothing. With a sigh, I stood and walked to lock the door. I felt Jordan's eyes on me as I slid the chain across the lock and dead bolted the thing. When I turned back around they weren't on me anymore.
When I slid back in bed for the second time, Jordan wasn't as cold. Well, he was freezing actually. I think that's why he stopped giving me the icy shoulder. When I joined back, he turned over to me and and pressed his toes and forehead against me. His forehead was literally the sun. His toes were Antarctica.
"Love you," I told him.
"Love you too. Goodnight."
It was completely silent and I hated it. For thirty minutes, we sat in silence. His toes, despite the expression on his face that told he was asleep, were still moving against my leg.
"Your toes are fucking freezing."
"Stop saying that word."
"What word?"
"The F-word! I know cursing is like part of your personality but do you ever just stop? Give it a rest?" He was glaring at me. And he'd just chewed me out hardcore. I could respond back with something equally as chewy, but I knew it wouldn't be the right thing to do. Something's wrong with him and I shouldn't make whatever it is worse. I should be trying to better it.
"I could," I said causally. "But I'd need some inspiration."
He snorted angrily. "Oh, like some sexual inspiration?"
Wow. That hurt. I ignored it and continued being casual. "No, like a contract or something."
He gave me the stink eye. "What kind of contract?"
"Y'know, like a bribe kinda thing. Or an agreement. I dunno the difference. But I stop cursing until I do something I haven't done for you yet. Until I do that thing, I can't curse. Or I'll be punished."
"...punished? That sounds extreme."
"Eh, you could just hit me in the balls or something. I don't care."
His eyes went wide. "I'm not hitting you in the balls! That hurts a lot!"
"Then you think of something."
He scrunched his face up in thought. And then he smiled a little. It made my lungs twitch in pain. "How about this?" He began, still smiling. "You can't curse until you ask me out. And if you do curse, you can't touch me for a whole day."
"Now that's a real punishment. Depriving me of your body is real suffering."
He giggled. "Am I really that great?"
"You're amazing. I'm sorry for what I did."
"I'm sorry for what I did. I hate it when you're mad at me. Really breaks me up."
"Y-You didn't do anything."
"Obviously I did something, you've been treating me like shi- crap, you've been treating me like crap since we left the cafe."
"Well...that wasn't your fault."
"Whose fault was-"
"Please don't ask me anything else."
"Alright. Sorry."
"It's okay. Are you really gonna stop cursing for me?"
"If it makes you happy, sure. What words am I allowed to say?"
"Um...crap, hell, frick, and sometimes ass if you're complimenting mine."
"Sounds fair. What about crusty?"
"Ew! No!"
"I prefer you use penis, but sure."
"What about tits?"
"When have you ever used that word and why would you ever need to?"
"Am I allowed to use the word though?"
"Yes. Fine."
"Kay. It's hot as tits in here."
He groaned. "You're ten."
"I'm in my twenties actually. But good guess."
"You are an early twenties man child who is ten."
"Yes Syndicate?"
"I have to show you something in the morning that I bought for you."
He gasped excitedly. "What is it? Give me a hint."
"Well um I'm kinda unsure if you'll like it and love me for it or hate it and punch me in the balls. But I wanna show it to you before you start hating me again. It's something sexy related."
"Sexy related? Oh. It-it's not like, something you really really gross-"
"No! No no, nothing like that."
"Okay. Hmmm...Now I can't wait! Can you show me now?"
Shit. I'm not ready to show him what I got for him.
"I-I haven't really looked at it since I packed it, there could be something wrong with it."
"That's okay. I just wanna see what you got me." He smiled.
I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed for the second time, going to living room to retrieve the bag Id put it all in. I shouldn't have said anything. I had originally wanted to wait until we were about to do sexy stuff, but of course I had to bring it up that I'd gotten him something. I'd just felt so bad that his evening was ruined. He needed something to cheer him up.
It was where I'd put it, in a secret pocket in the back of my luggage. I pulled out the teal blue VS bag with dread. I hope he likes this. I'd spent a solid hour with the store clerk trying to get the stuff.
I returned back to the bed with a huff. Jordan giggled at me. "Is that it?" He pointed at the blue bag. I nodded.
"Uh, if you don't like it you can always return it. You can slap me too if you want, I don't mind."
"Tom. I won't slap you and I won't return it. Let me see!"
"Alright." I handed it to him. He took one look at the bag and I saw him tense.
"V-...Victoria's Secret?" He asked nervously. Welp. He knows.
"Yeah. Open it up, you might like it. Or maybe not. I dunno, it's cool if you don't."
He laughed dryly and reached inside very slowly. He pulled back his arm to reveal a set of black lingerie. It came with thigh highs that attached to a pair of lacy panties, and in the same pack there were a pair of fish net tights, a pair of knee socks with bows on them, a fluffy pink skirt and a pastel green one. He stared at them with his jaw completely slacked.
"There's something else," I told him quietly. He reached inside the bag again and pulled out the accessories pack. It had everything from snap-on earrings to fluffy collars to fake tattoos that read princess in bubble letters, and finally a plastic princess crown that had BABY GIRL!! in purple jewels on top.
Jordan gaped at it. " bought me lingerie."
"Nobody's ever bought me lingerie before., lingerie accessories."
"Ah. I didn't know that." Shit. I am screwed.
"It' I can't believe you bought me all this."
"Well, I paid for the thigh highs with your money but then that clerk told me I could get the rest of this stuff for cheap if I used a credit card? So I used everything left on my credit card for the rest. Um, I can pay you back for the thigh highs though. I'm gonna get a new job as soon as we get back to America."
He was still staring open mouthed at the stuff laid out before him. "So wait, y-you used all the money you had left for this?"
"Didn't really have anyone more important to spend it on. You're pretty much my whole life now, hehe."
Still, he didn't move from his spot. He was looking over the tattoos now, mouth getting wider at every one he saw.
"Like I said, you can take it all back if you want. I'm sure I've got the receipt somewhere in this-"
"Oh TOM!" He slung his arms around my neck and squeezed the breath out of me. "You're the sweetest most wonderful person I've ever met! I love it all, I would never take it back! How did you even get my size right!? And how did you know all of my favorite colors?"
"I think I've known you long enough to figure it out," I chuckled. "So you do like it all?"
"I love it! So much! Oh my gosh, can I try it all on right now? Wait! No, I'll wait until tomorrow! My stomach will look skinnier in the morning!"
"Your tummy is beautiful no matter what time of day it is. And I really hope all of that fits, I kinda went out on a limb for your leg size. You have thighs that could choke a bear and they deserve the finest of lingerie."
"So what you're saying is that I have fat thighs?"
"You have thick thighs that I absolutely adore."
He giggled shyly. "That's it, I know you only love me for my body."
"What!? No, you know I love you more than anything. Thick or not, I love you to pieces Jordy."
"Mhm," he replied sassily. "You sit on a throne of lies."
"I sit on a bed with my favorite person ever. Who can trust me with anything. Who can tell me ANYTHING at all."
"Give it a rest," he chuckled. "You're straining yourself."
"I just wanna know if you're okay. It's just really weird that five seconds after that waiter gave you that paper, you got sick. And it's also weird how you asked me to lock the door minutes ago but before we fell asleep earlier today, we didn't even lock it. And don't say you forgot because you never forget things. Did that waiter threaten you or something? Because if he did-"
"He didn't threaten me. I just felt anxious when he slipped me his number and I got a little sick. I wanted you to lock the door now because I was distracted earlier and I didn't care to think about locking the door then. Okay? Can you leave me alone about it now?"
"That still doesn't explain why you got mad at me specifically."
"Because you didn't leave me alone about the situation when I obviously didn't want to talk about it!"
"Okay! My bad, I'm sorry!"
"Apology accepted. Let's go to sleep now, we need to get rid of the jet lag this week or else the convention week will suck. Goodnight," he said firmly. He shut his eyes.
I snaked my arm around his waist, causing his breath to hitch slightly. "Love you," I told him.
"Love you too. Thank you for the gifts. And don't you dare go out and get a job when we get back to America, I told you I'd take care of you."
"I wanna buy you stuff though."
"I can buy my own stuff, Tom."
"I don't want to be entirely dependent on you."
"Why not?"
"What if something happens? I'll be jobless and broke, most likely homeless if Tucker has given that ball of fuzz my bedroom." Which I'm almost completely sure he has.
"Well...I guess you have a point. But you'll let me pay for all of your food and stuff, right? And your clothes?"
I stared at him incredulously. "Aren't you broke by now? This hotel room is fancy as hell so I know that costed a lot, the plane tickets must've costed a fortune because you got them at last minute, and you've paid for every single thing since we've gotten here."
His cheeks went red. "It's not like I've ever had anything or anyone to spend my money on. And I don't live expensively, I live cheap. My bills aren't that bad. I rarely drive anywhere and I don't eat that much."
He's been saving up his money all this time because he literally had no life to use it on. I gaped at him. "Just how rich are you?"
The red in his cheeks darkened. "Th-That's kinda personal, don't you think?"
"I know literally everything about you, except your income. Might as well tell me that too."
He stayed silent, looking away from my gaze to fiddle with the thigh highs and blush deeper.
"Alright. I'll just guess until I get the right number. Is your net worth in the hundreds?"
He didn't say anything.
His lip twitched.
"Millions then? Ten million?"
"Tom, stop it. It's not about the money. I'm not a number. And I'm smart enough to budget things without going broke, thank you very much." He turned over on his side. I glared at his back.
"Fine," I sighed. But I still had one more thing to say before we stopped arguing for the night.
"Goodnight kitten."
He made a noise that sounded like he'd just accidentally swallowed his tongue. I chuckled and closed my eyes, drifting off into peaceful sleep with a shell shocked nerd in my arms.
Kitten seemed to be way more effective than princess. I'd have to use it more in the future.
I left a few easter eggs in this chappie and if you can find them then you probably just figured out the whole plot of this book haha oh gOd
You guys are extremely smart though so if you do comment the easter eggs I'm not gonna say anything...YOULL JUST HAVE TO ASSUME YOURE RIGHT!
Jordans dress was inspired by a very special artist on tumblr (my favorite artist on tumblr) named Ash! The artwork is above and plz go check out Ash's tumblr! (syndishotsparklez) There's a bunch of neat stuff on there including lots of syndisparklez fluff :3
My email address is [email protected] if you guys ever want to submit fan art for any of my books! Ill post them at the end of the chapters with credit if you want (or if you wanna remain anonymous dats cool 2)! I'm gonna try to find the picture of Jordans lingerie I picked out and post it next chapter xD
Thank you for reading! I love you! Have a good day and pleasant tomorrow!
- Lee
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