6. GodMother

Enjoy reading :)

Vaish was working on an important project when she received a call from a private number.

"Hello there. Am I speaking to Ms. Khanna?" The voice asked.

"Yes you are. May I know whose this?" Vaish replied.

"Are you searching for a good software designer?" The voice asked instead of answering her and Vaish stared at her phone trying to think who among her acquaintances can call from a private number.

"Whose this?" She asked in a strong voice. She didn't want the caller to know that she was being affected by someone knowing her business secrets.

"You should come to Mumbai. There are lots of opportunities for a young business woman there." Vaish heard.

Vaish never heard a woman's voice so strong and confident. The caller was a woman and there was something in her voice that gave Vaish an idea that whoever is speaking has lots of experience.

She thought of asking the woman who she was but knew that she wont get an answer.

"Why are you suggesting me this?" She asked the next obvious question; hoping to get an answer to it.

"Because I don't want a young business woman to stop from achieving something big just because she can't find a software developer." Vaish didn't miss the change in caller's  voice. It became somewhat soft.

"Okay ma'am whoever you are, its getting really creepy and if I was a normal person I would have called cops by now or atleast got this call investigated to know about the unknown caller who knows the details about my business.

But since you gave me a good advice I will give you one for future. If you are really  trying to help someone in important matters, you need to have their trust. I may be a young business woman but I am no fool to trust the advise of an unknown caller and you know that too. Because you have done your investigations about me. So why exactly you called me?" Vaish said in a cool voice and the caller was impressed and had a knowing smile on her face.

She is the right person. The caller thought.

"We will meet soon, Ms. Vaishali Khanna. Good luck with your project. And think about Mumbai seriously." Was all she said and cut the phone.


Vaish didn't want to think about the phone call. It could be a prank call but Vaish felt from the voice itself that the person wasn't fooling around. Whoever was speaking was a person of dignity and had years of experience. Only such a person can have that confident voice.

Who are you? My mysterious fairy godmother? Vaish smiled at the thought.

Just then Sheena knocked the door and reminded Vaish about the upcoming presentation and so finally she got back to working.


1 month later:

So this was the only option left. She has to go to Mumbai. After coming from Vegas she has to shift to Mumbai. The project needed her to move out.

She was having mixed feelings about it. She was sad that she has to leave her family. They have been her rock till now. It will be hard to leave them.

On the other hand, she was feeling a bit excited. Mumbai. The city of dreams as some people call it. She will get new opportunities there. She has this feeling that she will get what she wants there.

But before that tough part. She has to inform her family about this. Her mom has created big drama about Vegas. Who knows what she will do now?

And her dad. He won't let his princess go so easily. He will try his best to stop her. Even Samay won't like it too much.

But I have to go. For this project. I can't let this opportunity slide. I have to convince them. But how? She thought and sighed.


"Hey maa Paa! Hey Sammy boy! Good morning everyone. I prepared every one's favourite breakfast today. I hope you like it!" Vaish said and every one looked at her suspiciously.

Samay smelled the coffee. Smita looked at the sandwiches as if they will fly and Vishal just looked at Vaish expecting her to say something.

Ok. So this was not the best idea. They already suspect me. Vaish thought.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like its some wonder! I cook omce in a while. You guys love the food prepared by me. What happened now?" Vaish shouted with anger.

"Vaish! Last time you cooked was a year ago and you might have lost your  touch so I am smelling if the coffee is alright which it looks and so does everything.  Hence I am eating." Samay explained and  started eating his pancake.

"I am just checking if you added extra chilli to sandwiches as a revenge for setting your date with Vicky Mehra last week." Smita said and Vaish just shook her head. Smita took it as signal and reached out for her sandwich.

"Princess, you cooked last time when you wanted to try Bungee jumping. Before that you wanted the car. Basically you cook only when you want something. So tell me what is it you want this time. It must be something big to make you cook after one year and four months?" Vishal asked and Vaish closed her eyes for being caught. Vishal had this no nonsense tons and Vaish knew she has to come directly to the point.

"As you all know I am going to Vegas in next few days. After that I am planning to go to Mumbai. I will visit Sanaa there and also look out for some apartment to live in for next few months." Vaish said and everyone stilled.

"Good joke sis! You really got us on this one. For a second; I thought that you were saying about shifting to Mumbai for God knows how long!" Samay said and laughed; thinking of it all some joke but stopped abruptly when none of them joined him.

"She can't be serious Mom. She can't just break up with us. She can't do that." Samay said and Vaish felt bad realising how much he loves her.

"If its about me getting behind your back to get married then rest assured that I won't trouble you any..." Smita said but was interrupted by Vaish in between.

"No mom! It's not about you. It's about me. My business needs me to go there. This project is my dream and I just can't afford to loose it. This is my big chance and I don't want to blow it. Please mom. Dad?" Vaish finally looked at her dad.

Vishal looked at his daughter as if trying to analyze her. He knew she wont go if he asked her not too but he also knew that this won't make his princess happy. She was no longer his princess to protect but one to fly and he can't be unjust to her and stop her from standing on her own feet.

"Have you thought about it thoroughly?" He asked.

"Dad!" Samay screamed.

"Yes dad. That's what I really want to do." Vaish said.

"Ok then. We will choose the apartment for you and I will personally ensure the safety measures." Vishal said and Vaish jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

"You always make us proud Vaish. Whatever you do we will be proud of you. Always remember that." He said.

Smita just smiled at the scene and hugged Samay. She was sad that their daughter was leaving but more than that she was surprised that Vishal finally realised that his princess has grown up and can take of her own.

Vaish called her mom and brother for family hug and cherished the moment not knowing how much longer she would have to wait to have another one like this.


"Vishal, you know what you did by agreeing to her. You know that this means..." Smita asked to confirm once more.

"I know what I did Smita. I realise it now what you meant when you said that we can't keep up with her. She is running and we can't run with her." Vishal said and Smita rubbed her hand over his.

"We are in this together. We will do this together." Smita said and passed him a smile.

Vishal just nodded and she got up to do some important work.

"Smita!" He called and she turned back.

"There is no other way round?" He asked and she smiled again.

"You know it better." She said and this time he smiled.


Next few days Vaish was busy ccompleting all her projects in Delhi and also for making a presentation for Vegas.

Added to that she has to buy some shares in Mr. Malik's company without his knowledge. Vaish didn't want to agree with this but Sanaa asked for this and so she helped her friend.

The good news was that finally Mr. Arrogant as her friend call her husband; proposed his wife and she could clearly hear in her friend's voice that how happy she was. Good. She deserved this. Little Shenu on the way! Vaish thought and laughed remembering how Sanaa got angry when she said that she will name their future baby.

But whatever Sanaa says even an idiot could feel how much love was their in Sanaa's voice while describing Rehan. Vaish wanted that kind of love. The passion Rehan had for Sanaa and the way he apologised for his mistakes!

God! Give me something like this soon. I am more smart than that idiot friend of mine! Then why am I still single? Thats height of unfairness! Vaish thought and groaned when her phone buzzed reminding her about the meeting coming ahead.

Here comes my boyfriend's call! Vaish thought and smiled sarcastically over her fate.


"So all ready to leave?" Samay asked lingering on the door.

"Sammy boy! You can come inside and declare your undying love for me." Vaish said while doing last bits of her packing.

"You wish Sis! You wish! You will miss me and my expert advices. No one can handle your dramas and pranks better than me. I am the best brother in the world and you know that." Samay said and Vaish just shook her head.

"Do you really need to go?" He asked after few minutes of silence.

Vaish closed her final suitcase and sat beside him.

"You know I do. This is what I want Samay. I also want one promise from you." She looked at him expectantly.

"I will take care of mom and Dad in your absence. Not that you take care of them. Its usually the other way round. Still I will let you have that clinçhe moment that every heroine have in movies." Samay said and Vaish punched him.

"What?" Samay whined while rubbing his arm. His sister can give competiton to hulk in fight.

"I was not telling that idiot. I was telling you that keep on doing all the pranks and fun we used to have. Don't let anyone feel my absence. Now that I am going I officially declare you as my successor." Vaish said and smiled proudly.

"Oh! I am greatful sister dearest! You are declaring me as successor while everyone knows that I am the best!" Samay argued.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night Sammy boy!" Vaish said and got up as it was time for family dinner where her mom must have cooked all her favourites.

"I will miss you too, Vaish!" Samay said and this time is a genuine tone.

"Same here." She said and hugged him tightly.


"You will leave early tomorrow morning?" Vishal asked for hundredth time.

"Yes paa." Vaish answered patiently.

"You checked all your important documents. Visa, passport and other things."

"Yes paa."

"Address of the hotel where you will be staying?" Smita asked.

"Yes maa."

"Don't hang out much after meeting."

"Yes maa."

"Don't play in casinos."

"Yes maa."

Don't talk to strangers."

"Yes maa."


"Chill maa. I can take care of myself. I am grown up lady. I won't gamble. I will behave myself and if I nesd to hang out I will either go to pub..." she stopped herself after seeing her mom's face." ... or church." She said and Smita grinned.

"Good girl." Smita said. "Take care of yourself baby girl." She added.

"Remember Princess. You have always made us proud and we know you will in future too. Good luck for your project. May all your dreams come true." Vishal said and Vaish looked at him gratefully seeing the amount of trust he had in her.

"Its a new journey for you Vaishali. We might not be with you physically but we are always with you in any decision you take. You are our daughter and we love you the most." Smita said and kissed her forehead.

I hope to live upto your expectations and never break your trust paa and maa. She promised herself.


Her family came to see her off at the airport. Her dad assured her that rest of her luggage would be sent to Mumbai before she returned from Vegas. He also gave her the address of her apartment in one of the finest localities of Mumbai. Vaish first protested but Vishal was firm on it.

After lots of pressure from her parents she agreed for the flat.

She was going to shift to Mumbai after coming from Vegas. It was a surprise for her friends.

She bid her family a final goodbye to her family and proceeded for check in.

Vegas here I come. She thought and smiled.

Not edited. So apologies for any mistakes.

Any guesses about The Godmother?

So Vegas, drama queen is coming! Beware ;)

A fair warning to all the readers
.. you will read about her trip but don't blame me if you don't find the answer you all are looking for ;)

The story will pick pace soon. So be ready ;)

Till then keep on voting commenting and sharing your opinions!

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