Chapter 3
Luna yawned as she woke up. Her body was aching as she opened her eyes to see herself somewhere very different, "That was a nice nap... where the hell am I?" Luna said as she looked around. It looked to be the cockpit of a ship. She tried to move around, only to find that she was contained. Her hands and feet were locked into a machine that prevented her from moving, "What's going on?!" Luna shouted as she struggled. Moments later, the screens in the room turned on and a hologram appeared in front of her.
"Hey, there, kiddo... listen, I-I don't know how to say this... but *sigh* we're sorry," Iron man said, "You're probably wondering what's going on. You see, you sorta destroyed a town and became something similar to the Hulk. Because of this, we're sending you to another planet,"
"WHAT?!" Luna shouted at the top of her lungs, "BUT I WANNA LIVE ON MY PLANET! MY HOME!"
"You're more than likely, upset, upon hearing this. So don't try to argue, this is a recording," Iron Man continued, "this is the best option we had. We couldn't kill you, that would be inhumane. So we're sending you to a planet with no intelligent life, where you can hurt anyone and no one can hurt you,"
"W-wait, no, no, no, no! Get me outta here!!!!" Luna shouted as she had tears falling from her eyes. She gritted her teeth as she ripped the machine holding her back and fell onto the ship's floor. Looking out the front, she saw a planet. Pushing random buttons in the cockpit, she shook her head as she started to get frustrated, "How in the bloody hell does this work?!" Luna said as she kicked the control panel, destroying it, "GOD DAMN-IT!" she shouted again, hitting another set of controls. The ship started to flash red lights as a voice said: "Error, error, guidance system is off-line, error error,"
"Oh, screw me," Luna whispered as she saw the ship make a sharp right-turn into a black hole, "OH GOD MUST REALLY HATE ME, DOESN'T HE?!" she screamed as the ship continued into the black-hole.
"Oh, most divine creator. I seek thy hand," said a man with green skin. He wore a cloak as he reached into his cloak and took out a bag.
Reaching his hand into the bag, he stretched it out and let reddish color dirt fall out onto the ground, "And pray for the health of Sakaar, for we are a divided and dying world. Through the ancient prophets, you have promised a warrior savior,"
Back with Luna:
"WHEN I GET BACK HOME! I'M GONNA RIP YOUR HEADS OFF!" Luna shouted as the recording still continued
"When we first found you, you were a danger to us all. It took almost all of us to calm you down. You put the Hulk into a tight spot. He wanted you to stay, as you were too young and said that sending you away would be scarring... yet, he really didn't have a say in the matter," Iron Man stated
Back With The Cloaked Man:
"We need a warrior who looks into the eyes of death and stands their ground," the man said as he reached into another bag. He allowed green sand to spill out onto a cloth.
He then spoke again, "A warrior with boundless strength, whose power knows no end,"
With Luna:
Luna continued to smash the ship in her rage as the screens shattered and the hologram started to cut-out, "I-it was f-for the-the be-best-st-st. F-for a-all-all of-of-of us-us-us-us," Iron man cut out as Luna punched a hole in the ship
"Emergency breach, activating counter-measures," the ship said as the room started to fill with water
"HOW THE HELL IS WATER SUPPOSED TO HELP!?" Luna shouted as she got blasted in the face with water, causing her to fall onto her back.
Cloaked Man:
"This warrior shall strike down all evil! Unite all kingdoms! And through their blood, shall restore life to all of Sakaar!" the man said as he stood up and took off his hood, "Oh divine creator! Please, send unto us the savior, The Sakaarson!". Just as he said those words, a black hole opened up in the sky, sending a flaming comet towards the surface of Sakaar. It crashed into the ground, creating a massive explosion that echoed through the sky, "Have you finally answered my calls, Creator?" the man whispered as he continued to stare into the direction of the explosion.
Luna beat against the ship door as she held her breath. Apparently, she was up to her head in water from the 'Breach Counter-Measure' and was trying not to drown. With one final punch, the door was sent flying and she made it outside. Coughing up water, she took several deep breaths and looked around to see a desert wasteland, "W-where am I?" Luna stuttered as she stood up. She then heard the sound of marching and looked over to see a bunch of yellow bug creatures marching toward her wearing capes and wielding spears and swords in their hands.She was wondering what to do when she heard a buzzing sound above her and saw one of them jumping off the ship and going to run her through with his spear. As the bug-man was coming down, Luna reacted by hitting him, smashing the spear and sending him flying into the sky. What seemed to be its blood was on her hands as more of them appeared and jumped on her.
(Try to replace Hulk with Luna)
"GET OFF OF ME!" Luna screamed as she reached behind her and grabbed one of them off her back. She threw him into the ground and raised both her hands into the air. Bringing them down onto the creature, she smashed the earth beneath her, creating a massive shock-wave that caused the other's charging at her to fly away into the air. They landed on the jagged edges of destroyed rock, either knocking them out or killing them, depending on how they landed. Without thinking, Luna dug her hand into the ground and pulled out a giant rock, using it to smash the bug-men like... well, bugs. But as she did this, one of the creatures managed to stab her in the leg, causing her to scream out in pain, "GRAHHH!" she cried as she backhanded him hard enough to cause his head to disappear from his body. The spear was lodged into her leg as she grabbed the headless corpse and started to beat the others with it. This continued for a few seconds before someone spoke out. Turning her head, she saw three men with red skin in armor.
The big-creatures backed away from Luna as the one man in the middle pulled out a gun and shot it at her. What came out wasn't a bullet, but a disk. It landed on the right side of her collarbone, near her shoulder and when she went to pull it off her, she felt something physically entering her mind, "Garo moko gero sil a Sakaar... By order of the Lord Emperor of Sakaar, all debris that exits the great portal is of his property," the man in the middle stated as Luna pulled out the spear from her leg. Green blood gushed from the wound as Luna growled, "I-I serve no-one," Luna replied as the man scoffed
"No, this isn't right... first finders! That is the law!" one of the big-creatures said, "It belongs to us!"
"Enough! Now kneel," the man said as the bug-creature turned his head and kneeled before him. Luna, however, stood up as she glared at him, "The talk-bots probably reached your brain by now, beast. Which means you understand me. Now kneel!" the man ordered as Luna shook her head
"NO!" Luna shouted as she jumped into the air and went to punch him. The man brought out a scepter as it shot lighting out of the tip. It struck the disk on Luna's body as it sent the shock through-out her entire body, "GAHHHH!" Luna screamed as she fell to the ground, mid-flight. She continued to be shocked as she was brought to her knees. When the man was done shocking her, she took several breaths before her world went dark, and face-planet into the ground, "Tch, close enough," the man said as he turned around and walked away.
[Hope you all enjoyed it and sorry for the constant cuts]
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