|17| Sailor of Chaos

Chapter 17
Sailor of Chaos
(⚠️ Slight trigger from Self Kill)

Wang Yibo narrated everything that went downhill. From the beginning of Xiao Zhan's disappearance to the last minute detail- every piece of information that he extracted after brutally torturing that pathetic excuse of a human from the previous night. Haoxuan didn't interrupt and let all the data sink in. Well now when he rethinks about everything, it really is pretty strange. After much thought to all the information, only one name escaped his mouth. And just that word was enough for the Young Wang to understand that direction that his instincts were headed too.


"How can you be so sure that he would know the person behind this?"

Wang Haoxuan opened his mouth to say something but then he paused. Within few seconds, he begun again. "I am not sure. He maybe, or may not be aware of it. Because to think that he would send you two after being aware of everything is completely impossible preposition. But it won't change the possibilities of him being sneaky about it. Remember how he expressed his refusal towards the idea of Xiao Zhan leaving the country!? And why I am specifically pointing out that his concern was merely for his doctor's son, is because He never interfered with wherever you go. Something about the connection between him and the Xiao is just not fitting. There is something about Xiao Zhan which is obviously, but unfortunately, densely hidden under several layers."

Yibo didn't reply to that. He had his fair share of conclusions but he can't just force them on Xiao Zhan. It will be good if several brains are involved- because he knows that somewhere, he can fall weak in doubting that annoying manager.

"And I think that these surroundings around him are just-" Wang Haoxuan abruptly stopped.

"Just?" Yibo asked but the other didn't respond to it.

Ofcourse, they are still enemies by the end. Even though they work together and sometimes eliminate enemies together, in the end, they are nothing more than enemies.


"Whatever. Your work is over here. Try to find something about this back home. Now Leave."

Suddenly, Haoxuan scoffed at that. "Look at this bastard trying to order me around?! I only take your orders when I want to and currently, I have no will to do so. My pretty, pretty brother-in-law is waiting for me. I should keep him company or he will feel lonely with a boring asshole like you. Don't you think so?!"

The Wang Heir just clicked his tongue. "He will feel anything but lonely with my presence. Now, Get lost. He hates you."

"Not more than He hates you."

Yibo glared at that but then he smirked. "I am still his husband."

"Oh fuck you!" Haoxuan didn't argue more. He can't comeback with that because even though it is just for a year, Xiao Zhan is officially married to Wang Yibo. They are together whilst on or off paper. Haoxuan almost got away to reach his car until something struck him. Ah- the actual reason why he came here!

"Almost forgot! When will you get my dear father killed?"


Dylan Wang can't believe what he just heard that he almost stutter. But the fact that the Xiao asked him something that basically binds him with all the previous theories, was worth stuttering over.

"You don't know about the infamous Chongqing terrorist attack!? It was a very hot topic back then. It was even extravagantly called as the 24 hours of terror." Dylan asked with a suspicious gaze but Xiao Zhan didn't looked like he was hiding anything to begin with. Yes, he was drastically shocked and confused but he wasn't scared to hear such piece of information.

Seeing the other's doubtful gaze on him, Xiao Zhan got more confused.

"N-no? I do know that Chongqing used to be a hotspot for invasion, and used to be attacked a lot back in those years but I don't remember any similar setting during my research programme! I mean- Wouldn't the program get cancelled if something such unfortunate happened? I remember completing my project pretty smoothly and even won a merit over it."

Dylan Wang was more than shocked now. According to the informants, Xiao Zhan was one of the attendees when the terror took over the place. Well, until that day, things had cooled down by a lot so it isn't a big deal if the summit just kind of happened without any fear of danger. But how can this happen?!? Xiao Zhan was there! He was one of the survivors whose name wasn't broadcasted in public which, Dylan assumes that Wang Jiang helped in covering up. But he doesn't remembers anything?!? What the hell! Heck! Xiao Zhan was even admitted in the Beijing Central hospital as he suffered with injuries but his data was completely removed from the hospital servers.

It was out of pure luck but- Dylan had a hunch that he can get a trace of the connection between the Xiaos and Master Wang if he digs the past.

Coincidentally, as he was getting his hands around everything, he came across a weird fragment. He was trying to find about the Chongqing incident but that's when he got an information about a veteran nurse who used to work at the hospital along the current Head surgeon- Xiao Kaicheng. He didn't even know why he reached out to her but he went ahead and blackmailed her. That's when he got to know about a surgery that was never registered in hospital records.

He got the information from that ex-nurse that somewhere around that year, in which the terrorist attack broke out in Chongqing, Xiao Kaicheng went ahead to perform an emergency case. The patient brought was severely loosing blood and almost looked like he will die any next moment but Head Surgeon didn't perform any paper work for the young boy. She remembers that case because, the patient was none other than Head Surgeon's eldest son. Not only was he shot in his abdomen, His face was brutalised with bruises. Marks on his chest, a big red bump decorated his forehead, on his back- hands- Legs- it was all blood.

Although, the Head Surgeon kept him completely hidden from other patients and operated on him in a prohibited area, he still needed a staff to take care of him and assist during the surgery. That's why, that nurse along with five others were assigned to take care of Head Surgeon's elder son, who is no doubt Xiao Zhan. They were even paid handsomely to keep this fact hidden from others and since, Kaicheng was the parent anyways so none of them found anything weird about it back then.

In the beginning, Dylan thought that maybe Xiao Kaicheng didn't want his son to become a fodder for hungry media and that's why he didn't think much on this information and decided to brush it off. But Xiao Zhan's statement completely changes everything!

All the narratives, all the assumptions and all the basis of Dylan's concept of Xiao Zhan being a pawn to Wang Jiang because of some kind of help- everything is changed now!

Just what the hell happened around the Xiaos?!


It was all Wang Yibo can say as he saw Haoxuan's face a bit serious and at the same time sad which was pretty odd as the other is mostly having a notorious expression on his face.

"He is suspicious of us." Wang Haoxuan stated.

"No. He is suspicious of me. Not you. He trusts you. Afterall, you are his so-" Wang Yibo was abruptly interrupted with a loud voice. It was unusual of Haoxuan's usual tone. It was something more dark and hurt?

"Shut up! He is not my father! That fucker can never be a father!! All he did is used me for his profits. I don't care about him. Get him Killed, you promised me remember? You will bring his head to me!"

Wang Yibo sighed at that. He slowly approached the other who had his head hung low, anger raising from his body clearly obvious. Yibo kept his hand on the other's shoulders and made him face the Young Wang. Haoxuan tch-ed at that. He hated when Yibo does it. Why does he have to act like he understands him? This asshole. He hates when anyone sympathies him, especially his bastard brother.

"I will. Afterall, it is the only thing that you have ever asked from me."


Eight Years ago,

The Wangs were finally able to breath in relief as the Young Master of the household was back home. It was strange how Master Wang Jiang made the younger drop out of his boarding school in the middle and trace back to his hometown. But Whatever the reason was, the Wangs were glad to it. Wang Yibo was an A-grade student, noone can defy it. But considering his change in temper- the quite but polite kid turn into a rebellious teenager- his friend circle was almost zero. Several classmates resented him for his 'good at everything' personality but his influential family and that cold aura made other students keep their mouth shut. Wang Yibo, just like his cousins and elder brother, was made to attend the most prestigious school followed by a college of stronger reputation later on in his life. But unlike them, he didn't solely attend that school only. No one knows why but one day, Wang Jiang suddenly decided that Yibo should be introduced to a boarding school. Even though, the Wangs were very displeased and against his decision, Wang Jiang did what he wanted. Getting Yibo to fly all the way to Seoul, he got his name under a boarding in there. It was just cruel!

But after almost five years, he brought Yibo back to his country and decided to let him attend the school alongside all his cousins, who were directly or indirectly, each other's schoolmates.

With his nasty temper and frivolous personality that was at it's peak at that time, Wang Yibo barely had friends. Actually, he had no friends- he didn't want one to begin with. His cousins were enough to keep him company during lunch and it's not like he talked much anyways. All of his cousins were older than him, ofcourse, but still he had four of them in the same year due to slight age gap. The popular Wangs circle was obviously a talk of the town and included, Wang Zhouxuan

Wang Zhai Wen

Wang Gu Xiang

And Wang Yibo himself.

There was one more of his cousins in the same year, Wang Haoxuan, but the guy resented him so much that they barely talked. However, he remembers the other being different when he used to come back home in his vacations but- Time changes everything. Yibo never understood why his brother acted so distant to him but as he lived few years among his family, he had his fair shares of assumptions.

But still, He didn't try to talk to Haoxuan either as he really didn't care about him or anyone.

Wang Yibo was in dance club. His freestyle and popping was popular in the entire school as Yibo had also won several awards throughout his two years of tenure in that school. He also had a very melodious voice but he never sang or participated in anything including vocals. He thought that it will makes him look approachable to others which the boy had no will for. The annual function was on head and as usual, Wang Yibo had participated in the dance competition. Just like everyday, after school hours, he bid his cousins goodbye- Well not like he greeted them or anything, rather they came to bid him goodbye but nevermind.

Yibo went to his usual location and turned up the music, ready for his practice. He was a sucker for applause. Maybe that is why after completing school, he practiced his moves for four hours straight- for utmost perfection. And just like his daily routine, he did his practice without any disturbance. Till the end, he was profusely sweating and tired so Yibo plugged his phone out from the speaker, hung his bag pack and called his driver to get him home.

But today, something different happened.

Wang Yibo reached his mansion and decided to take a bath. He climbed through the staircase to reach the first floor until he was pushed harshly from his front, midway. He lost his balance and fell down the stairs but was quick to manage his balance, resisting himself from falling further. Yibo was raging would be an understatement. He was just seventeen but had a very bad temper. And no one- No one can dare to even think of doing something like that to him. No one can touch him without his permission and someone got guts to push him down?!

Who doesn't wants to live anymore?

"Who the fuck dared to-"

Before he can say anything further, his gaze fell on none other than his cousin, Wang Haoxuan.

The boy was looking at him with so much hate and resent that Yibo can see fire burning in his gaze. Haoxuan had his hands clenched hard that his knuckles turned white and nails digged inside his palm caused a little blood to flow. But Yibo didn't know what to say.

Why was the other angry on him anyways? They never talked! And if they did, they never had anything as an argument to begin with??Okay, maybe Yibo had ignored everytime Haoxuan made a tense situation but..

They never fought before!

This, however, made Wang Yibo more angry. He could have excused that push, uh wait he wouldn't have done it either ways, but let's just say he would have atleast felt less anger if he and Haoxuan had any prior argument. But the fact that they never fought before and still Haoxuan dared to push him, made Yibo so fucking mad.

He gritted his teeth and charged towards his cousin and punched him in his face.

It was too quick for Haoxuan to realise but when he did, he kicked Wang Yibo on his abdomen to make him fall again but this time, Yibo held him by his shirt which made both the teenagers tumble down together. They got few minor injuries but without any care about it, Haoxuan hovered Yibo and started punching him. But he can't do it for long when Wang Yibo held his hand and pulled it, making his centre of mass fall distort which made Haoxuan's body fall off him.

"What the fuck is your problem?!"

Wang Yibo asked in a sharp tone which made Haoxuan shout.

"My problem? YOU! YOU ARE MY PROBLEM! YOU ARE REASON WHY I AM SUFFERING! IF YOU WEREN'T THEIR, I WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN COMPARED TO YOU FOR EVERYTHING! ALL YOU! YOUR FAULT.." Haoxuan stated ready to attack the other again but Yibo pushed him on the ground and locked his legs and hands with his own making him unable to move. Haoxuan thrashed his body which only caused Yibo to smirk at the other's helplessness.

"I am not your problem fucker, Your jealousy is. Get over it and work hard. Don't be a pathetic bastard who can't win but hate."

Wang Yibo said, bored. It was nothing new for him. People around him were usually like this but his demeanor changed when he saw his cousin shed a drop of tear.

"J-jealousy? I was n-never. I-i admired you. I admired you thinking of you as my youngest brother. E-everytime you came home, I u-used to leave my school and everything to see my little brother- you were my lil bro! I respected you as the Y-young Wang and tried to always match your skill set even though you never batted an eye to anything I did, b-but- Then why my father can't be satisfied?! WHY CAN'T HE BE HAPPY? WHY?!" Haoxuan cries caught Yibo off guard. He didn't lose his grip but his gaze definitely soften.

"What do you mean-"

Wang Yibo tried to ask until he saw a very strange mark on his cousin collarbone. It was faint but if you just removed the clothes a bit down, you can see that it was pretty big scar that run down his chest to all the way to his belly. Yibo was not sure what it was but his past- it only pointed in a single direction that made his eyes widen.

"A-are you getting molested?"

Wang Yibo didn't even know why he asked it. But he did. However, Haoxuan immediately pushed him off his body making him fall on his back.

"What the fuck?! No! I-i am not.." his voice wavered a bit till the end which made Yibo more scared.

Without any second thought, he rushed towards his cousin and pulled the other's shirt down. There were two huge marks on his chest but that the minimum. When Haoxuan tried to wriggle his body, stopping Yibo to strip him, he turned around which made the Young Wang see dozens of whip marks, purple and red, decorating the other's fair skin.

"What the hell! Who did it??"

Wang Yibo asked, a bit scared but majorly angry. Haoxuan scoffed at that and wore his shirt properly before taking few steps away from the Young Wang. He wiped his tears and laughed.


Haoxuan's anger was increasing with each of his words but amidst of that Wang Yibo didn't notice when the other grabbed a small knife that was present of the dining table and charged towards him. Startled, Yibo tried to save himself but in the process his arm got a huge cut from the knife that pierced through his skin.

In response, Yibo kicked the other away from him which accidentally hit his nose but before he can do anything, he heard his eldest cousin Wang Anyu. All the family members came following him and they were all shocked witnessing the scene in front of him.


Whatever happened remained a secret from others as neither Yibo nor Haoxuan told anything to anyone. They were immediately brought to the hospital not before Haoxuan openly claimed his hatred for the Young Wang in front of everyone.

Few years passed and the cousins didn't made up at all. Rather, their fights became worse by the passing time.

But their fights-was it actually true?

Wang Yibo got his arm bandaged but he asked the doctor to make both him and his cousin stay in the hospital for the night. He told him to make any excuse which fits the situation and Dylan, his kind of follower, helped him in that. The doctor did what he was told afterall it will only cause him profit. He told the Wangs that the teens need proper care and should only be discharged tomorrow morning.

His words were odd but Wangs didn't want any risk so they obliged.

Later in the night, Wang Yibo made Dylan deliver a message to his cousin Haoxuan.

//Want to kill me? Meet me in the washroom of this floor//

And Just like Wang Yibo expected, Haoxuan came there raging. But before he can do anything, Yibo immediately tackled his cousin and slammed him on the wall. He pushed a handkerchief on the other's mouth to avoid any noise and while Haoxuan was struggling, he made Dylan tie the other's hands and legs.

"Mmhh! Mmh!!"
Haoxuan was taken aback with everything. He tried to break free but heard Yibo click his tongue.

"Shut up will ya? Now only answer what I am asking you, no less no more, hmm? Or you want me to silently slit your nerve and let you leave dying here?" Wang Yibo was just seventeen. Haoxuan begs to differ in that situation.

The intimidating eyes and sickening smile made him nod his head slowly, agreeing on the Young Wang's condition.

"Good boy. Now tell me who and how did you get that on your body?"


"A-are you sure Mr.Xiao? I heard that Chongqing was attacked, that too in the same building of your programme." But no matter how much Dylan asked, no matter how he twisted his questions, he only got that same answer.

How can Xiao Zhan has no memory of such a big incident?

To validate further, Dylan asked Zhan about his childhood friends or schooling. But shockingly, Xiao Zhan knew everything about it. He knew every detail before that incident and every detail after it. But then how is he blank about that one specific day? It was not possible for him to just lose memory of a single day and remember all aspects other than that. Consulting how Xiao Zhan doesnt takes any pills, there was no chances of him suffering amnesia. This only made Dylan come to a single conclusion.

Xiao Zhan was brainwashed. He was made to forget everything about that incident.

And the one who did it was most probably his own father.

The evening dawned upon sooner as the time passed quickly then expected.

The doctor who was called by the Young Wang, arrived in the afternoon and did a check up on the Wang heir's only husband. He reported no internal injuries or traces of slow poison such as cyanide or lead extracts inside the Xiao's body, as Wang Yibo was worried about earlier. However, just like the previous doctor, they found traces of sedatives, zolpidem and eszopiclone, combined with mild aphrodisiac Sildenafil/Viagra. A slight scratch mark on his waist and Few bruises were around Xiao Zhan's ankle which doctor told him to take care off.

Wang Yibo's first deduction was still based on the fact that whatever happened was more or less done in order to murder the Xiao. He just can't push away his gut feeling that his husband was still in danger. But he couldn't do anything on his mere assumption. More than that, he is waiting for another attack.

This time he won't let any loopholes and catch the bastard behind this red handed.

After his little chit chat with his sworn enemy or brother, Yibo entered inside. He saw Xiao Zhan soundly eating his food, moaning at the luxurious taste, a cute pout decorating his face and a frown up on his forehead as he poked a carrot with his chopstick before picking it up and munching on it. He was savoring the dishes to his heart content but still looked strangely alluring, enough for the Young Wang to glare at Dylan for looking at his husband in that moment. Dylan felt the eyes on him but intentionally ignored them with a grin. He was still disturbed with whatever he heard from his boss's better half but decided to first dig further in this matter before making any further conclusions or reporting his Boss.

He saw Wang Yibo click his tongue in annoyance when he ignored his gazes and chuckled at that. His boss neared the table, taking a seat next to his husband and Dylan started to serve him food.

Dylan served everything accordingly to his boss's taste, adding extra coriander to his plate. Xiao Zhan observed it and when he saw Yibo's eyes literally making hearts to those coriander leaves, he was surprised. Later on, he saw Yibo eat and then add more of them as the time passed. He saw the Young Wang take a literal vinegar shot which made Xiao Zhan sniffle a laugh. His melodious voice made the Young Wang and Dylan look at him in surprise. Zhan was literally biting his lips together to suppress his lips from curling up but he can't help when he saw Yibo look at him as he held coriander midair between his chopsticks. A questioning look on his face.

Yibo quirked his eyebrows at that, completely confused.

Xiao Zhan's waved his hands indicating that it was nothing but the Young Wang knew that there is no way he was laughing without any cause right? Or maybe he has gone mad?!

Yibo quirked his brows again and this time all Xiao Zhan did was point towards the Wang's chopsticks that held coriander between them, halted before Yibo's mouth. Half of it was inside the other's mouth already. Yibo followed his pointing finger at his one of the favourites. The food inside his mouth made his cheeks puff more and a little coriander leave popped out from between his lips as he looked at Xiao with a questioning look. Xiao Zhan burst into laughter at that.

"Oh my god! Hahaha! Is the Young Wang pouting now?! HAHAHA."Xiao Zhan clutched onto his stomach as he slowly picked up the poking leaf from the other's lips with his fingers and then looked at Yibo again. Wang Yibo was surprised when Zhan pulled out a leaf hanging from his mouth. Was he being messy while eating? Maybe he was because the way Xiao Zhan laughed more and more on his face, was off limit.

"Iw's nwot faunny!" he said with mouth still full, trying to chew faster so that he can reply the other fiercely. But oh! Was it a mistake?

Because to his unfortunate luck, his voice with that mouth full of coriander leaves made Xiao Zhan wheeze so hard that he almost banged his head on the table. Even Dylan grinned at that and Yibo was feeling ridiculous- He was getting bullied like that! He pointed his chopstick at Xiao Zhan and finally framed a proper word.

"Stop laughing!"

Xiao Zhan tried to calm down but the coriander fell from the Wang's chopstick, right into his vinegar shot and- What sound Xiao Zhan made can literally compete with a windshield wiper! Dylan chuckled at that, picked up the altered vinegar and kept it aside. He high-fived the Xiao who unintentionally raised his hand towards him and they both kept laughing at Wang Yibo during the entire meal.

And Yibo?! He was thinking of becoming a monk pretty soon.

The entire day was pretty chaotic. After that hell of a meal, Xiao Zhan was consulted with a doctor. He was told to take rest in the noon as Yibo went to attend few things assigning Dylan at home for his security purposes. However, instead of that, they both just gossiped about the Wang heir in his absence. They finally had a common topic to gossip about- Wang heir's weird food obsession. And surprisingly, the ever loyal Dylan Wang didn't hesitate a bit before addressing all the embarassing incidents of Wang Yibo and his whining for those particular veggies.

Later in the evening, Zhan had a duel with Yibo about not taking medicines because they are bitter! He hates medicines!

Xiao Zhan suggested that he would rather get an injection but the other denied, saying that injection doses are stronger, much more than needed and may cause weakness. And just like that, a chaotic bickering begun.

"I don't care! I am not taking medicines. Yuck!"

Zhan stomped his feet as he made a vomit face at the tray with a glass of water and his medicines, held by Wang Yibo himself.

"Stop whining like a woman on her periods and take your meds. Doctor said that it can help you feel Better."

Almost twenty minutes already passed and the Young Wang, the strongest, mightiest Wang was not able to persuade his husband to take medicines at all! He kept following the other while holding the tray, but Xiao Zhan just kept running away from him. Yibo thought that maybe Dylan could help him but that gremlin was literally recording it all in his mobile, with his legendary stupid grin.

"I am better!" Xiao Zhan retorted as he moved a bit more away from the Young Wang.

"No, you are not. So just take them and rest."

"I am! Why you are doing this to me? How can you be so cruel Yibo!" Xiao Zhan whined, standing against the main door. Yibo rolled his eyes at that unaware that the Xiao was actually readying to flee away.

"Oh? Meds are cruel and injection is cool?! Stop being a fool and take your meds. Come here- HEY!"

Wang Yibo saw his husband running out of the villa, not before showing him his tongue and flipping him off. He was shocked. He stood still at his place for a second until he heard Xiao Zhan's voice resonating a bit further.

"Catch me if you can Wang Yibo!"

That phrase from his husband's mouth was enough to charge a fuel to Wang Yibo's super competitive spirit. Xiao Zhan's words and Yibo's sanity from his mind, both left together, as the Wang put the tray on the table, looked over the opened gate with a determined look. He folded his sleeves and charged outside in a second.

And let me tell you, he is the
most competitive piece of living
you can ever see.

With a will of winning, he ran behind the Xiao who quickly charged his pace seeing the Wang heir chasing him like that. They ran and ran away in the open that resided away from the hustle bustle of their daily lives. It was not a park where children may be playing among themselves, adults may be walking together talking about their daily life stress, the same one they came to release only to be getting more stressed. Or where the aged men and women came trying to take in the beauty of nature that depicted in the settling of the sun in the folds of orangish clouds. No! It was nothing like that.

It was their place. Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan's place. The weather was pleasantly quite but at the same time was expressing tons of expressions.

Away from the daily commotion of their life, they kept of laughing and giggling as one was trying to capture the other. All the tension that keep on lingering on their mind, all the anxiety that was built in because of mishappening around them- they forgot everything. Even if it was only just for a few minutes, they both forgot their adulthood and, here they were like kids.

Two grown up kids who never lived a decent childhood.

One was filled with Wang's baseless labels and cruel reality whereas the other witnessed constant bullying from his own family. Where Wang Yibo witnessed the darkest shades of life at a mere age of ten, Xiao Zhan has felt those shades in people's snares time to time. They were so different yet so similar. Yibo, who got everything because of his face was no different from Xiao Zhan who got every suffering because of the same reason. But right now-

Nothing hurts at this moment, no bad memories, no fights, no hatred. Just two strangers who met out of pure coincidence, are tied together due to vengeance and are staying together for evidence. Evidence of the journey that this one year will bring them.

Two lives who weren't much different, giggling among themselves.

"Caught you!"

Wang Yibo finally voiced out as he held the other from his waist and picked him in the air, before twirling him around like a fairytale. Xiao Zhan just kept on giggling, forgetting that it was the same person he claimed to hate. The same Wang Yibo who forced him into marrying him, same dude who blackmailed him.

But did it matter? Not now.

The giggles finally came to an halt as the Young Wang let go of his rightfully wedded husband and they both breathed heavily due to the amount of running they did. Xiao Zhan kept on giggling but abruptly stopped as his eyes caught on something.

"Yibo! What's this!?"

He said pointing at the huge cut at Wang Yibo's left hand that reached his elbow. It was hidden earlier, since Yibo had his sleeves down but now, as he has folded it up due to heat and sweat, the cut was clearly on display.

"Oh this? Nothing, just some
minor cut"

Yibo said referring to a fifteen centimetres huge/ about six inches deep cut present on his hand. The cut wasn't dressed up and probably burns as soon as dust particles intact to it. Afterall, it didn't look like any old injury. It was like a fresh cut, probably gotten mostly by the last night. Xiao Zhan scoffed at that before grabbing a small handkerchief from his back pocket and carefully took Wang Yibo's hand in his.

"We don't call ' that' minor.
And it will itch and pain with dust particles around it. So, ah let me aid it up okay?" Zhan said, scratching his neck a bit. This was a bit awkward for him but still he waited for the Young Wang's permission, who just smiled and said "Go ahead."

The other showed his bunny teeth, which made the Yibo feel some unwanted emotions in his stomach. He kept his calm and just let his husband do whatever he wants. Xiao Zhan brought him back to the villa and Dylan who was filming it all, giggled and closed his camera before quietly sliding away from that place, giving his boss and his sir some much needed privacy.

Carefully, not to hurt the Young Wang, Xiao Zhan cleaned the cut with water. With his long handkerchief, he wrapped it onto the injured region patting on it a little, to remove dust particles if any. He removed his hanky and poured antiseptic liquid on a cotton swab and cleaned the wound. He then applied an ointment for cuts on Wang Yibo's hand before wrapping the injured area with a bandage. After being done aiding the other, he smiled proudly to himself.

Wang Yibo, who was observing all, subconsciously smiled on the other's actions but then something made him stop. Should he do it? Now?!

"Hey, Can I ask you something?"

Wang Yibo's words were polite, neither commanding nor demanding, which was rather new coming from the ever rude young master of the Wangs. Xiao Zhan just nodded, his gaze flicking downwards, avoiding the other's eye contact which for some reason, he can't seem to bare these days.

This confused Yibo. Did he do something wrong?! Why was it that the other avoids his eyes? Curious and worried, he made his fingers reach the Xiao's chin and made him look up, locking their gaze.

"Look at me when I talk to you, hmm?"

Xiao Zhan gulped. It was not like he was scared on anything. Even he didn't know why he was suddenly so conscious. It was uncanny. Maybe because they haven't fought or got into a nasty argument in two days or maybe just because- Maybe because he knew what Yibo wanted to ask him? Or because how breathtaking the Young Wang was currently looking with his shirt sticking to his body due to sweat, three buttons from the top unbuttoned and sleeves folded up to his elbows?!

Whatever the reason was, Xiao Zhan can't help but feel nervous all of sudden.

He ended up nodding when the brunette asked to look at him while talking but Wang Yibo was still not having it.

"Words baby. Use your pretty mouth and answer."

Okay, what the hell was that? Is it how he woes all his fans that are ready to.commit genocide on his command? But wasn't it surprising?! Wang Yibo was not only being polite, he was also being uh- flirtous?? Xiao Zhan can swear on god that his breath hitched when the other all of sudden closed the distance between them as their faces were inches and whispered those words almost on top of his lips. He can't help but feel nervous, ears feeling hot- No! It's because of the weather, he explained himself.

But when Yibo didn't seem to back up, Xiao Zhan hesitantly responded.


"Good. Now tell me, what's troubling you hmm?"

Wang Yibo's question was completely out of blue making Xiao Zhan look at him in question. What was that supposed to mean? Or more like, how did Yibo knew that something was indeed troubling him?

"How you-"

"Lets just say that I can sense it off from that subtle frown and hesitant eyes? Now tell me, what's wrong Zhan?" He answered, cutting Zhan off, trying to keep his tone as polite as possible.

"Uhm- You will get angry."

Xiao Zhan took the risk to address the probable consequence but surprisingly, Yibo didn't change his expressions at that. He just shook his head, denying the basis and caressed the other's nape slowly and softly. The unconditional positive regard that the Young Wang displayed, although was new and unexpected from him, still made Zhan build some kind of confidence as he stated his thoughts out loud.

"I heard you and Dylan talking to each other earlier, before you left in the noon."

Xiao Zhan slowly gazed downwards ready to hear a shout or scream. I mean, he did breached a clause of their contract which stated, that Xiao Zhan should never eavesdrop on any conversation of Wang Yibo under any circumstances. But he did. Xiao Zhan breached that clause and he knows that the repercussions will be severe. However, for the sake of it, he got stupified once again in the same day.

Wang Yibo just chuckled and shake his head at that response. He brought his cold hand against Xiao Zhan's cheeks and brought his face closer than before. "Well, you did broke our norms but- go on. Tell me what you heard or how much did you hear? And What exactly made you go all troubled and bothered?" Zhan was awestruck. Is he really Wang Yibo? Like the Wang Yibo? Did Yibo had some doppelganger?! Or did Yibo got kidnapped and his look alike made an entrance for property?!?

"Who are you?!" He asked with such seriousness that Yibo became conscious of his own identity. But seeing the other go all stern and proper as if he didn't made him run all over the lawn just few minutes ago, made him laugh.

"Me? I am your husband."

Xiao Zhan can swear on his favourite shade of candy that this guy was not Wang Yibo. Nah-ah. No way! But then why did he felt strange with his response? Zhan just closed his eyes to calm himself. This change was not good for his heart. It's new, weird but whatever it was, he didn't exactly hated it. He opened his eyes again and saw the Wang Yibo looking at him with pure curiousity, just like a young kid witnessing something new for the first time. His eyes that are generally sharp were so soft and deep at that moment that if though Zhan wanted to run away, he couldn't.

"About that thing about me still being in danger or something like that." Xiao Zhan paused.

This was more tough that he thought. First things first, he already knew that Wang Yibo assigned Dylan for his security. There was no other reason for Dylan, his almost shadow, to let Yibo go alone and stay behind to gossip with him. But what he heard was a half conversation. He barely heard the Wang Heir telling his butler to be alert about their surroundings but Yibo didn't mention what this supposed danger was. Is it the same guy who assaulted him? Or someone else? And why are people attacking him out of blue?! Is it because of Wang Yibo? Or- No! Why is he thinking something like this!? But what if this danger does anything again? What if he can't save himself this time?!? No, he has to leave! He can't stay here. He has to go away! He has to- He has to!

But, Yibo promised that he will protect him right? Yes, He will protect him. He promised to do so, Xiao Zhan told himself. He was pulled out of his trance when he felt two pair of lips against his forehead.

"Ah-" Xiao Zhan was caught off-guard when Wang Yibo caressed the place he kissed before pecking the other's head again. Zhan was visibly panicking at that as heat rushed all over his cheek but the other just chuckled at that response. "Calm down. Unburden everything off your mind and Trust me, okay? I am not angry at anything."

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath, preparing his heart and mind before continuing further on that topic.

"Is something wrong with me?"

Breeze flew past his face, making him feel his face go cold because of the weather or maybe because of how long he had been standing still at that place as Wang Yibo sighed in front of a the bedroom windows that were wide open. His eyes were looking at the far fetched night sky that had beautiful stars twinkling, few bright few light, the moon making a mesmerizing crescent shape as it's beauty was too gorgeous to be verbally described at that moment. Yibo's eyes were hooded low, melancholy brushing through his gaze oh-so slightly but a certain hesitation still lingered within them. He raised his hand and looked at his hand lines, deep in thought. They say that our fate is in our hands. These lines, they lay out one's past, present and future. The good, the bad, about health and wealth, everything lies among them. But wasn't it just a myth? Wang Yibo sighed once again before making a fist of his hand and lowering his hand.

The problem lies beneath, he knows that himself. He also knew what he has to do to solve this issue, it was an easy task.

But what was troubling the Young Wang in initiating his plan was this weird feeling- a feeling of slight hesitation mixed with pinch of pity and some foreign emotion that he may have felt once before.

The moonlight that invaded the bedroom by those windows, beautifully grazed itself on him, sleeping so soundly on that fluffy bed. His eyes were puffy, edges red and dried tears were obvious as he held on the duvet, clutching it hardly closer to him. Still, he looked just as beautiful as he usually does while screaming and arguing like a little brat he is.

He was an epitome of beauty but a Sailor of Chaos.

"Sean Xiao Zhan."

Wang Yibo whispered to himself as he stood there observing the younger's evident features, detail by detail. His big eyelashes that were falling on his cheek, small button nose, plump naturally tainted lips and that mole under his lips. Wang Yibo won't deny that Xiao Zhan can easily be one of the most beautifully handsome person he has ever seen in his life. But more than that, he knows that the other is no more than a rebellious kid who fights with him over the window seat in a flight and disown his luggage just because he can. He is someone who doesn't hesitates to speak his intrusive thoughts out loud. He knows how to express, whether it's his joy or agony. He isn't an asshole who is stuck in the idea of toxic masculinity thinking that men crying are weak but rather, he is so disgustingly humane that even Yibo gets surprised sometimes.

And maybe, just maybe that is why he is hesitating. Wang Yibo is hesitating.

The Young Wang neared towards the bed where the other slept soundly. He put his hand against his hairs and slightly caressed it by making minimal contact possible. He knows his limits, which shouldn't be breached.

Xiao Zhan moved a little at that and leaned his head towards the direction of the foreign yet familiar touch. Wang Yibo took a seat next to the sleeping beauty on the bed and all he did was admired the other. There on that soft fluff mattress, his husband laid, looking so peaceful that all the Young Wang wanted to do at that moment was forget everything and hold him in his embrace. To just, let it happen. His natural scent mimicked something like a lemon flavoured baby soap but it was so relaxing for the Young Wang that it became something he can't control.

Afterall, he was able to fall asleep in the embrace of that scent- something which was almost impossible for him. He can't justify his sleep with the mere fact that he held Zhan in that movement, so it has to do something with the scent was what Yibo concluded.

But was holding him like he did was correct?!

Technically, yes. They are married. He is Xiao Zhan's husband so it is completely alright for him to crave for the other's scent. He has complete rights on his husband's stupid smile and his bunny teeth, his weird laughs and his big doe eyes. It is all too common for two rightfully wedded people.

However, it was not a normal wedding!

They are tied only because of a fucking contract. Even if they are married, this is bound to end in a year. And that's will be the right thing to do. Xiao Zhan hates him! And he doesn't wants to stay married either. So what's the point? Xiao Zhan hates his entire existence and Yibo should also feel the same for the other but still-

He is failing to do it. He can't do it. He can't hate Xiao Zhan. Not at all.

"Is something wrong with me?"

Xiao Zhan words still linger in his head which the latter asked with so much pain that it made Wang Yibo almost lose his calm. Why did he say that? Why?! What can be wrong with him? Is he- No! He composed himself and took the other's hand in his.

"Why do you feel like that?" He tried to sound calm as he asked while slowly drawing soothing circles the other's hand with his thumb.

"Majority of people that I have ever met in my life have hated me. And who didn't may be my family members or few other colleagues. I am not socially awkward Yibo. I just- they didn't accept me. Others don't like me, they call me names, call me a weirdo just because I can't socialise much. Is it that bad? I try my best! I really do. B-but Everytime I actually make friends or talk to someone, it always ends up in problems for me. Everytime! I-i- that man- I was just- I was really just talking with him. H-he even told me about his family and it was alright- then Why!? Why did he do that Yibo! Why! Don't I deserve to live normally?! Even you! You made me sign that contract because of our argument-if I never talked to you maybe, You wouldn't have approached me. Why Yibo?! Why me? This has to do something with me right? Have I done something wrong?! You said to Dylan that someone wants to harm me- But why? Because I married you? But you said it wasn't because of that too. I-I am the problem. I-i should just die-"

Xiao Zhan's words came to an halt when he was pressed against the Young Wang's chest in a warm embrace. It wasn't a hug, Yibo still respects his space. He just made the others head land on his chest to make the next words coming from his mouth shut.

Minutes passed but Wang Yibo didn't move. Xiao Zhan silently sniffled on his chest, tears wetting the other's shirt and maybe, it was not the right time to say it, but Yibo was afraid so he said it.

Xiao Zhan deserves to hear this.

"Will dying end your misery?"

Yibo's voice was stern. An icy cold reverberation followed. He made Xiao Zhan face him, but this time he didn't wipe his tears. He let them fall as a way for Zhan to finally let it out. He didn't get a reply but those wet eyes looked at him in shock.

"You will die and everything will end?! But what about your sufferings? Would they end? It won't. Your misery will follow you even after your death. These unanswered questions that are currently invading your mind, will always remain hidden. Killing oneself is never a solution, it's just a method by which people burden their misery on their loved ones. You want to die because it's hurting you right? But it won't stop at that. Your death will leave behind people equally hurt, people who actually admired you for your entire life. People who actually want you to shine in your life. Your mother, that woman who went far ahead to insult me in my mansion without any care of the consequences that can follow- have you ever thought about what she will feel seeing you giving up like that?!

Why do people actually think that death is an escape? It's not! It will never be!

You want to know why people hate you right? You wanna know why I thought you were still in danger? I don't even have a proof for my statement! It was purely out of my instincts because that's how I am. I always think that something will go wrong. I am just like this Xiao Zhan!But you? You still let those words get to you. Why? Because you know! You know that there is a part of you that you are unaware of. I don't even know you for that long but even I can tell that Something is missing from you. However, You are the only one who can find it out.

You get panic attacks, right?! You get nightmares. But why? You didn't have a troubled childhood, you never encountered anything before yesterday what one may call traumatising. You always lived a pretty decent life. But still! Still you got such high anxiety. Have you ever wondered why?!" Wang yibo's question made Xiao Zhan abruptly stop crying.

Xiao Zhan doesn't remembers anything enough to be called a traumatic incident. He was grown in a good household, a well off family, loving parents and protective siblings. He did used to get bully a bit in his childhood but that was all. Also Xincheng and his few other classmates were always there to save him. His mother once filed complain about his bullies and they eventually got suspended. After that, they stopped teasing him for good. His college was a decent one plus Xincheng was their with him all the time. His working place, his employees, they cherished him a lot and always treated him as their little child or brother or friend.

But still- he always thought that there was something missing. And looks like, Wang Yibo was quick to catch up.

Nothing I didn't expect from him.

"Are you sure you are not missing something? Something that was a crucial part of your life? Why that guy wanted to kill you? He wasn't my enemy, yes, but then did you have enemies? If yes, then how come you don't know them?!" Wang Yibo kept arising questions, questions that Xiao Zhan kept asking to himself too. But never got an answer to any of them. However, Yibo lied to him about one thing. There was still chances that the enemy was solely for his.

"N-no. I- enemy- No."

"Truth is the most beautiful yet terrible thing in the world and therefore, should always be treated with caution. Not everything that can be seen is true. Sometimes, we have to dig deeper to know where the roots actually lie. This is your battle Sean Xiao Zhan. My offer about providing you anything that you desire is always open. But in the end, it's completely your choice to trust me with your confidences.

However, You have to promise me something. "

Later that night, Xiao Zhan slept without a word to anyone after that. Wang Yibo was a bit angry to himself for saying those words so bluntly. He should have waited for a right time or best, shouldn't have told Zhan about anything and made some excuse.

But he couldn't lie to him. He just- didn't know why, but telling him everything was his first thought in that moment.

"I will ask for an apology later. Or should I tell him to forget everything? Why did I even said those words? Why will he even ask for my help? He hates me. Ugh!" Wang Yibo mumbled to himself before flicking off the table lamp and closing the windows shut. He slowly opened the bedroom door, not before covering Xiao Zhan's body more with a duvet. He left the room quietly.

Another sleepless night for the Nocturnal Young Wang.

Xiao Zhan felt the steps going further. The doors opened and closed behind him. He held the duvet and held it more closer to him. He didn't open his eyes but sighed to himself. He wiped his face, which had dry tears before sniffling a humourless chuckle.

So, you were actually right, doctor.

"He is your cure Zhan. He is the only one who can do it for you. Wang Yibo, that man is powerful. He is your only option. You can never find it on your own. Your cure, your therapy and your treatment, all lies to what Wang Yibo has in order to serve you. Don't let this opportunity go in vain. You are already in this mess for a whole year, wanted or not wanted, you can't escape it. So why not take proper compensation from it? Wang Yibo, that man is your solution. Your seeker, who will reveal everything for you."

Xiao Zhan got up from the bed as he sat with his body facing the place where Yibo stood few moments ago. You want me to trust you? Zhan picked up his phone as he slided through his direct messages opening a chat he didn't reply in a week. Typing a message, he clicked on send and got up. Nearing the windows that were now shut close, his eyes wandered on the night sky.

What were you admiring, Yibo? The sky is nothing more than a ridiculous dark space.

Xiao Zhan brought his palm to his forehead and then his cheek as he remembered how the other caressed it and peck his forehead. Sighing, he let his hand lower down.

"I already trust you, Wang Yibo. Not because I can but- because this is the only way. You are my answer. My key to all those unanswered questions. It may be pretty tragic but I guess we can benefit each other a bit. You wanted a showpiece, I wanted a chess piece so I guess both can play a game."

"Afterall, In the end of the day, I am selfish too. Maybe more than you can ever be."


For the baby who said I am keeping everything hidden from you all and making you all crave for truth, This chapter almost had Two REVELATIONs 😩. Nawr! Some of you all really thought Yibo wants Xiao Zhan dead.😂😭😭

Also Someone said Zhan had gotten weak and what he is again- Pure? Oh man! Have a good day 🌚😋

Stay tuned for the answer of all those questions in your head. Don't worry, everything is connected so make sure you remember the story. Or if you don't, just read it again😁😁 (Jutsu for views lmao).

It was never one sided.

They were beautiful together.

They are beautiful together.

They will remain beautiful together.

Oh man! Wasn't he just a 'boy in love'?

Sorry, My father Kinda slipped ;)

Until then
Spread love and legs ☺️

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