Chapter 29

Two days later and I went to the free clinic. Gee said he would meet me here too. And he did, just not in the way I would have hoped. When he walked in, beside him was his very angry father. Mr. Way talked to the person at the desk while Gee sat next to me.

"Gee, why'd you bring him?" I asked quietly.

"I'm only sixteen, I need an adult," Gee said.

"Gee, if you're sixteen then you don't need an adult for STD checks," I said.

"I-I'm sorry, daddy, I didn't know," he whispered, his lip quivering.

"It's okay, babydoll, you didn't know," I reassured, kissing his forehead.

His dad came over and grabbed Gee by his arm, pulling him to his feet. They sat in chairs on the other side of the lobby and I frowned. Gee looked slightly nervous as he glanced at me. I tried to give him a reassuring smile but he still looked just as anxious. They called me back once they were ready. It didn't take long as they took my blood, putting a piece of gauze over it wrapping my arm at the elbow.

I walked out into the lobby and I saw Gee glance at my arm. He seemed to realize exactly how you get tested for STDs and he started to panic. I know he has a fear of needles and this must be terrifying for him. He got up to leave but his dad held onto him. Gee's eyes started to tear up as he shook his head.

"No, I don't wanna," Gee said.

"You have to," Mr. Way stated.

Gee shook his head and one of the nurses stepped out.

"Gerard Way?" She asked.

Mr. Way pulled Gee back into the room with lots of protest from the smaller boy. I waited for them to finish in the lobby, hearing yells and Gee crying. A few moments later and Mr. Way came into the lobby with a frustrated look on his face.

"I don't like you and you don't like me," he started, "But we both know Gee has to be checked, so do you think you can help to try and calm him down or something?"

I nodded, following him back into the room. Two nurses were trying to hold Gee down and calm him while another one held the needle. Gee saw me and got out of their grip and held me into a tight hug.

"Th-they're trying to hurt me with needles!" Gee cried.

I stroked his hair, kissing the top of his head. "They aren't hurting you, baby, they need to do this to make sure you're healthy."

"Can't they do it other ways?" He asked.

"Jamia's got syphilis, baby," I replied. "It's either this or with spinal fluid."

Gee shuddered and shook his head. "I'm okay, I'm nice and healthy."

"And they're just going to make sure of that," I said.

He tried to pull away and leave but I held him tight. I pulled him over to the big chair with him sitting in my lap, his back to me. The nurse grabbed his left wrist to hold his arm down. I kept my arms around him, holding onto his right hand as he cried dramatically.

"Well, I guess this will have to do," one of the nurses said.

They wrapped the rubber around his upper arm and he cried harder. The lady wiped his arm with the little wet towel. Gee flinched and cried harder, his grip on my hand so tight I thought I might actually have bruises.

"It hurts, i-it hurts," Gee sobbed.

"They haven't done anything yet, honey," I said with a small chuckled.

Gee glanced at the needle connected to the tube as the nurse came closer. He fought against the grips we had on him and shook his head.

"Hey, hey, princess," I whispered. "Just look at me, okay? Look at me, babydoll."

He shakily turned his head to look at me, still giving the nurse with the needles terrified looks. I used one of my hands and held his cheek, turning his head fully away as he whined in protest. I glanced at the nurse and nodded, watching as she then stuck the needle into Gee's arm. Gee cried and tried to look away but I kept him looking at me because I knew he would freak out at the sight of the needle in his arm.

"You need to relax, sweetheart," the nurse said.

I looked at Gee's fist balled up tight and saw how that was a problem.

"Baby, stop it," I said.

He shook his head and cried

"Gee, I told you to stop," I ordered in a more stern voice.

I could feel his body shaking, his breathing getting faster. I gave him a soft kiss.

"Calm down, princess, please," I whispered. "Just take deep breaths, I'm right here. I'm right here by your side, okay? Just focus on me."

"Daddy," Gee whimpered so only I could hear, his hand relaxing.

They took the needle out and grabbed a band-aid.

"Look, Gerard, your band-aid has princesses on it," one of the nurses said in attempt to cheer him up, noticing how he probably likes those kinds of things.

Gee didn't even glance at her, wrapping his arms around my neck as soon as his arm was free. He was in a little ball in my lap, shaking and crying while I rubbed his back softly and kissed the top of his head. Mr. Way talked with the nurses, probably apologizing for Gee's behavior and talking about the results.

"Look, Gee, it's over now," I said. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

Gee nodded his head, wiping away some tears.

"I think you deserve ice cream now and cuddles all night long," I said.

He sniffled and nodded again.

"We can watch cartoons and cuddle under blankets with Flopsy and your paci and eat any kind of ice cream you want," I suggested.

Gee gave a small smile and nodded.

"C'mon, Gee, we're going home," Mr. Way said as the last nurse left to do other work.

Gee shook his head. "I'm going back to Frank's house."

"No, you are never talking to Frank again," his dad denied.

He pulled him from my lap and Gee started crying again. He tried to pull away and come to me but his dad wouldn't let go. I wanted to scoop Gee up into my arms and take him home and cuddle with him forever with endless kisses and fun. But really, that's not my place. Because in the end Donald is still Gee's father and Gee is still a teenager that has to listen to his parents.

"No, I wanna be with Frankie," Gee said.

I followed them into the lobby sadly, watching Gee look at me desperately.

"You are not going to be with Frank," Mr. Way denied. "You are to go to school and come straight home and I'll have Mikey be sure you don't talk at school either."


"And," Mr. Way added, interrupting Gee, "As soon as we get your results back, we are sending you back to boarding school."

"No!" Gee screamed. "I'm not going back! I love Frankie, I wanna stay with him!"

The one other person in the lobby and the woman at the desk stared at us, not wanting to interrupt. Gee broke from his father's grasp, clutching me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a kiss. A kind of kiss like it would be the last one we ever share. And really, it could be our last kiss.

"Gerard Arthur, we are leaving," his dad ordered.

He pulled Gee from my arms and I could feel a pain in my chest. Like I just wanted to punch something and hug Gee forever. I watched painfully as Mr. Way carried Gee away kicking and screaming, reaching for me and calling my name over and over. Every time he shouted my name was like a bullet getting shot through my heart, the desperate wails making me wish I'd rather be deaf than hear it.

I heard some car doors slam and the engine start as they drove away. The silence was almost as painful as the screams. I wanted him here with me, to be by my side no matter what. Without him I felt pointless, like there was no reason for me on this world other than to be with Gee. To keep him close and cuddle and kiss him until I die. My arms felt colder without his cuddles, his warm chubby body to press against me. I didn't want to lose him, I need him.

I got into my car, sighing deeply. There was a lump in my throat that I choked down, shaking my head. I started the engine and drove, trying to focus on the road as best as I could.

"Don't cry, Frank, you're not gonna fucking cry," I muttered to myself.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes but i  blinked them away, trying my best not to think about the heart-breaking scene that I had experienced in the lobby. My grip on the wheel tightened as I just tried to focus on the streets, turning towards my house. I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair, not worrying about how I probably messed it up. I couldn't help but think of Gee, his futile pleas and despairing sobs. All I have is him and my mom. I've lost my friends, my dad. I don't wanna end up losing my boyfriend too.

Maybe if I didn't have these piercings or tattoos his dad wouldn't hate me so much. Maybe if I hadn't gotten drunk and broken his window then none of this would be a problem. Maybe I'd still have Gee right now and we'd be on our way home to cuddle and watch cartoons. Maybe if I hadn't possibly given him an STD then his dad would be more lenient about me.

But then again, I couldn't help but regret it all. Regret my whole relationship with Gee. I never dated anyone because I knew I would get too close and too attached. I made an exception with Gee because he just made me smile like no one has before, he makes me feel things I haven't felt before, feelings and emotions I can't describe or even tell what they are. I had pushed away all sense of rationality and completely fell for the pretty boy in the plaid skirt, and now he's being taken away and leaving me with a shattered heart.

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