»» movies

guess who is in their second semester of stats class because her dumbass didn't pass it the first time she took it?

Wish me luck! And enjoy!



A few months later and they're still studying, quite frequently and Louis is getting better at figuring out the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 errors. It's their usual Friday night study session and Louis is in quite the rush. He has a date, and Harry is fine. Really, he's fine.

Harry is just sitting on Louis' bed as Louis runs around picking at random clothes.

"Thanks for the help Harry! You're great! I'll see you next week yeah?"

"Of course," Harry replied, "I'll just show myself out,"

Louis gave him a tentative smile and nodded before he turned back to his closest. Harry made his way downstairs.

Zayn was sitting on the couch and at the sound of Harry walking into the living room he looked up. "What's up?" Zayn asked.

"Lou is leaving for his date," Harry explained dully.

Zayn nodded and turned back to his back, after another moment he spoke, "you wanna sit? You can ya know."

"I should probably get going," Harry mumbled.

Zayn gave him a slight smile, "Oh, come on, what? We can't be friends?" He asked.

Harry didn't think Zayn would want to be friends with him, he figured Zayn only put up with him because he's Louis' friend. So, Harry sighed and sat down beside Zayn.

"What's up?" Zayn asked again.

"Nothing, just completely over my classes, what about you?" Harry inquired.

"Likewise. Plus the job isn't helping, you got a job?" Zayn questioned.

Harry shook his head, "My parents believe that academics come above all,"

"Oh, they pay for everything? You loaded?" Zayn's eyes drifted across Harry's clothes, they settled on his worn out sneakers for a moment before flickering back to meet his green eyes.

"No, I'm just here on several scholarships, and I don't want to mess those up, my parents help pay for food in my apartment but over summer I usually work 12 hours a day all week and I save every penny." Harry stated proudly.

Zayn gave him a warm smile, "That's honestly super great Harry."

"Thanks!" Harry murmured, but at that moment Louis decided to come downstairs. He looked slightly surprised to see Harry there but he didn't have time to question it.

"How do I look?" Louis asked shyly.

And, well, Harry's mouth couldn't have been more comfortable on the floor. He was at lost for words for a few moments, Louis' hair was wavy and messy, but it looked carefully tousled to the side and he was wearing a tight white shirt and black skinny jeans that hugged his bum and it never looked better. It was so simple, and yet, here was Harry all breathless.

"You already know Lou, who's the dude?" Zayn asked.

"Grayson, remember? We are gonna get sushi. I'll bring you leftovers, what do you think Harry?" Louis gave him a timid smile.

"You uh-h, you look, you- I. Wow." Harry just looked at him with wide eyes.

"Thanks," Louis blushed profusely and turned at the sound of a horn beeping outside. "Well, that's him! Don't wait up," and Louis winked before he opened the door and left.

"Wow, you're not subtle are you?" Zayn laughed.

Harry blushed, "I'm sorry,"

"Why? Don't be. It's Lou's fault he's stupid sometimes, you're a good guy, but trust me, you shouldn't waste your time on Louis."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Like I said you're not that subtle, and Louis is a little shit, and for some reason I don't think you're gonna come up with much success,"

"Yeah, I get that, but why?" Harry insisted.

"You're gonna have to talk to Louis about that, sorry. Now, change of subject, have you ever smoked weed?"

"W-what? N-no?" Harry spluttered out in surprise.

Zayn smirked, "Want to?"

"N-no, not really," Harry muttered.

"Suit yourself mate," and Zayn pulled out a small baggie, filled halfway with green.

"I should probably go," Harry said as he stood up.

Zayn sighed and set the baggie down, "Nah, I was messing with ya. Stay, let's hang! Do you want to?" He asked cautiously.

Harry didn't really have other plans, he always kept the days he studied with Louis clear- just in case Louis wanted to study more than usual or hang out besides studying (spoiler- he never did). "Sure," Harry responded after another moment of silence.

"Wicked mate, what do you want to do?" Zayn inquired. "Well- what do you like to do?" Harry smiled tentatively, a dimple popped out, and Zayn poked it, "Cute dimple!"

"Thanks," Harry blushed heavily.

"Okay, wanna order some pizza? Pineapple?" Zayn wiggles his eyebrows and stuck his tongue out jokingly. Harry's blush only deepened.

"S-sure," Harry bit his lower lip, and shuffled his feet together.

"Or, we could go out? Watch a movie? On me?" Zayn asked, his cool brown eyes looking in slight wonder at the shy lad in front of him. Louis really has this curly haired guy wrapped around his finger.

Harry perked up, "Infinity War? Honestly, I would so do Tom Holland and I've been dying to go see this film but," and he paused, "Actually never mind, you don't have to buy my ticket I can manage, but I don't think I can buy sweets at the shop,"

Zayn shrugged, "Hey, I invited you, it's on me, and don't worry about the sweets, I am a pro at sneaking in goods. We can totally watch Infinity War! I am such a Marvel fan! I hear it's really good, but fair warning, I may cry."

Harry laughed, "Yeah, me too- let's do it!"


Sure enough Zayn did sneak in a lot of goods, some chips for Harry and they managed to sneak in two small pizzas, and two cokes. Harry had to go in before Zayn because his face looked so guilty and Zayn couldn't stop laughing, it looked like Harry didn't take another breath until they were actually seated and Harry knew the movie ushers weren't going to kick them out.

Thankfully it was mostly empty, (they had decided on a slightly cheap and rundown movie theatre). Harry kept saying thank you and Zayn finally told him to thank him by shutting up.

And sure enough they both had tears on their cheeks by the time the credits had rolled up. Harry was shaken up and Zayn had to lead them both to the car.

"That was f-cking incredible," Zayn exclaimed. Harry nodded in full agreement. "I'm not going to lie though, I'm still hungry,"

Harry looked at Zayn with wide eyes, "honestly same," they both laughed loudly and Zayn was already driving with his gps set in for the nearest Waffle House. Harry gasped, "I FUCKING LOVE WAFFLES!" he squealed. He quickly slapped a hand over his mouth. "Shoot, sorry! I just really really love waffles."

"It's chill fam, me too! Breakfast food at night? Can ya say heaven on earth!" Zayn exclaimed as he pulled in to the dimly lit diner.

They walked inside and Zayn said Harry could order anything he wanted and it was still on him, Harry exclaimed that he couldn't possibly let Zayn pay for everything. However, he wasn't quick enough with his card when it came down to paying as Zayn already had his out and ready.

Harry blushed profusely and exclaimed a million thanks and that he would pay Zayn back at the first ATM they came across, Zayn jokingly rolled his eyes, "or you could pay me back in other ways," he exclaimed and winked jokingly. Harry laughed but his face grew a darker red.

They sat with their huge plates of waffles and chocolate chips and whipped cream and Zayn kept asking all these questions about Harry's life and his dreams. Harry reciprocated by asking similar questions and it was genuinely a lot of fun.

Harry told Zayn that he would have to meet his other friend Liam because he thinks they would get along as well! Zayn said he would definitely love to meet him.

With full tummies and 2am on the clock they finally made it back to Zayn's because Harry's car was still there. Harry wished Zayn a good night and got into his car and drove him with a full tummy and a nice feeling in his heart. He tried not to think about Louis, he really did. But he failed.


The next day Louis woke up to Zayn singing as he made them waffles for breakfast. Zayn turned to see a freshly out of bed Louis with love marks all over his neck. For the first time Zayn felt annoyed.

"How was last night?" Louis asked. "When did Harry leave?"

"It was great actually, it was a lot of fun! Harry and I went to the movies and had some waffles at Waffle House! We just talked a lot, he left at like 2:30ish?" Zayn replied.

Louis stopped in his tracks, his eyebrows furrowed together in slight confusion, "you guys hung out?"

"Yeah, he's a good guy Lou." Zayn said in a slightly more serious tone.

Louis nodded, "I know!"

"No, I don't think you do, like, I mean he's an actual good guy. And I think you should give him a chance," Louis snorted in disbelief, Zayn rolled his eyes,"- or at least let him know why you won't date him."

"I don't owe him an explanation," Louis retorted in slight frustration.

"You're right you don't, but I think he deserves one, he shouldn't mindlessly pine over something if it's never going to happen. I think coming clear would be the best thing to do,"

"You spend one night with curls and suddenly everything about you has changed Z? His dick that good? It better be since he doesn't seem to have much else to offer," Louis muttered angrily.

Zayn dropped the dish of waffles he was holding onto the table, "no, but I know a good guy when I see one and even if you did like him you wouldn't be any deserving of him because he's actually a good guy and not the rich trash you throw yourself at." He walked away from Lou who was dumbfounded and staring at the sink in shocked silence.

He didn't move until he heard Zayn leave the house a few moments later, and finally he picked up his phone from the dining table. But, he didn't owe anyone an explanation. He made himself clear to Harry that it would just be studying, nothing more, nothing less. If it gets any worse Louis just won't study with him. He's too far along enjoying the life he lives to ruin it by getting feelings for a cute guy.


It's roughly three weeks later and Louis is so stressed. He has an exam in two days that completely decides whether he's going to be able to declare his major and graduate on time, and he hasn't been fucked in weeks. He's antsy and jumpy and all over the place. Zayn and Harry are hanging out a lot lately and for some reason it just manages to piss Louis off even more that most days Harry isn't ringing the doorbell for him- but for Zayn.

They're studying now and Louis can barely focus, and Harry is being so so patient and that's ticking Louis off even more.

"So, if the p value is smaller than the significance value than-" Louis cut him off and closed his stats book. Harry paused and looked at Louis apprehensively. "Yes Lou?"

"Do you like Zayn or something? Did you get over me that quickly?" Louis asked.

Harry looked completely taken aback, "Uh, no. Zayn and I are just friends, and I don't- I don't like you, I know where I stand," but at this part Harry averted his eyes. Louis sighed heavily.

"Really?" Louis asked, and he set the book away from them. Their knees brushed together and Harry looked panic stricken.

"You made it obvious that you didn't want me that way so I moved on," Harry confirmed but his voice had risen just a few levels higher than normal.

"So if I asked you to kiss me, you wouldn't?" Louis inquired shyly. He doesn't know where he's going with this but he does know Harry's lips look really inviting and maybe it is because he's annoyed with Zayn and Grayson who hasn't answered him in two weeks, or maybe it's the stress of the oncoming exam. Either way Louis needs a release and he needs it now.

Harry hadn't replied and Louis pulled away for only a moment before Harry's soft, "I would," flowed from his lips.

It was too late to take it back, to take any of it back. So Louis did what he thought he should do, "Okay, so kiss me, you curly fool," and Harry did. Harry leaned forward and their lips met and it meant everything to Harry, Harry who finally got to reach up and cup Louis' face, who couldn't help but smile as their lips finally met and who moved so cautiously and slowly as if to savor every moment.

Except Louis wasn't thinking about being slow, no- he entangled his hands in Harry's curls and pressed his lips hotly against Harry's mouth in turn, slightly surprising the older lad. They pulled away gasping for breath and Louis was slightly dazed but nothing compared to how Harry looked. He reached up and brushed his thumb against Louis' pink cheek, his own just a smidge of dark red.

"Do you want me?" Louis asked softly, his fingers dancing across the bottom of Harry's shirt near his jeans.

"Yes," Harry sighed out, wanting to kiss Louis' lips again. "Of course."

Louis laughed and kissed Harry once more. He leaned back a bit to whisper in Harry's ear. "So take me,"




#ZARRY ¿a bit? Or nah

#GoldDiggerLou smh

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