Switching Genders
???: Magic Poof!!!
*Ike and Pit wake up, but then realize their situation....They are both now girls...*
Ike: Wait...why is my hair long? And why is yours long?
Pit: Meh.....
Ike: I feel...shorter.
Pit: You're a girl, be happy.
Ike: 8()
*scene shifts to mars.*
Alien #1: Hello alien #2.
Alien #2: Hello.
*A scream is heard.*
Alien #2: What was that?
ALien #1: One of those earthlings must be screaming again.
*Scene goes back to Earth, and back to Ike and Pit. wooh!*
Pit: Calm down.
Pit: Wow.....
Ike: How are you so calm??!!
Pit: I've been through this before....
Ike: Wah...I'm Not my awesome self anymore...How can I pick up my sword...
*Ike goes to his sword and picks it up*
Ike: Oh yay!! I can still do it!! I can swing my sword sword!
Pit: Are.... you ok?
Ike: Are you ok?
Pit: No.....
Ike: Same here. Question. How bad is my girl self? LIke...on a scale from 1 to 10...How bad and terrible is it?
Pit: 0.
Ike: Oh, so its decent? Or is zero bad?
Pit: No, you're cute!
Ike: ^////^ Thanks...your's is..cute too. Wait..what will Marth do to me?! He's going to torture me!! WAH!! :'(
Pit: What if he's a girl?
Ike: He's already a girl.
Pit: Not what I meant!
Ike: Oh...if he is...then he's more of a pretty pretty princess!!
*Peach bursts through the wall, but is a guy now, and her voice is deeper. In case you didn't notice, Ike and Pit's voice's are higher pitched...well not Pits though. He already sounds like a girl*
Peach: Oh my gosh...YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!!
Ike: Oh my gawd, get her-er, I mean him out of here!!
Pit: This isn't right....
Ike: I know. Its...wrong.
Peach: Now...since I'm the guy....*picks pit up bridal style.* I get to be in charge!!
Ike: *eyes glare up* Put....Him.....DOWN!!
Peach: Whatcha gonna do about it, pretty lady?
Ike: 8(
Pit: P-please put me down.......
Peach: NO. *Snuggles with him*
Ike: 8(
Pit: Please s-stop.....
Peach: No. Suck it up,buttercup. Why don't I take you out for a walk? *starts walking toward hole in the wall.
Ike: When someone asks you to stop...*eyes get dark. Picks up sword.* YOU STOP!!! *Ike goes Erza scarlet mode, she's from fairy tail fyi.*
Peach: AHH!! I'm putting him down, I'm putting him down!! *puts him down.*
Pit: Ow.....
Peach: Need a bandage? Or cookies? or Tea...or maybe even a kiss?
Ike: 8(
Pit: N-no.....i'm fine....
Ike: Leave.
Peach: Why should I?
Ike: Because I said. Or I'll make you leave. 8(
*Zelda comes in. She's now a guy as well.*
Zelda: What the-You're all so cute! Except for Peach that is.
Ike: 8(
Zelda: *hugs Pit* You're so cute!!
Ike: *Whacks Peach out of house, and she goes bye-bye.* Grr...
Pit: Why are people hugging me!?!?!
Ike: Because you're adorable. I'm just the "girl" *finger movements* who has anger problems.
Zelda: Yeah, but you are adorkable.
Ike: Shaddap.
Pit: ^/////^ Stop hugging me!
Zelda: Nahhhhhh. Too cute.
Ike: I'll kill you.
Zelda: Ok, Ok. *stops.* Someone's Jelly.
Ike: No I'm not. It's just people are being buttfaces.
*Marth comes in, looks like Lucina*
Marth: Nah, he's Jelly.
IKe: Oh, it's the pretty pretty princess, new and improved.
Marth: Uh huh. Sure, you're a princess now too ya know.
Ike: I'm not royalty, but I was suppose to be, but no, my creators were like "Let's make a hero who can relate to normal people!" So, here I am.
Pit: Wow......
Zelda: You two are impossible.
Marth: Thanks.
Pit: Zelda.....*sparkle eyes*
Zelda: I didn't do it. If I did, I would still be a girl. Think about that.
Pit: No, not that.... do you have candy????
Ike and Marth: *Facepalms.*
Zelda: No, but I can buy you some.
Ike: Hahaha, no. He can buy his own candy, ma'am.
Marth: Aww...I want to buy him some.
Ike: I feel I am the only one immune to this.
Pit: Not always......
Ike: Most of the time, yes. Now, we need to solve this problem! I don't want to be a girl anymore!
Zelda: I take offense to that!
Marth: Sorry...we're used to being guys...and girl stuff is weird....
Zelda: Shut up before I make you, you buttface.
Pit: I really don't care.....
Ike: Well, ¾ of us do, so let us think about this!!
Marth: Oh, Ike....
Ike: Shush. Let me think...hmm....Lightbulb!! Zelda, you can use magic, and Pit can use his angel friend things, and we can turn back to normal!!
Marth: I got nothing from that crappy explanation.
Pit: I think he got more stupid turning into a girl....
Ike: No, I'm still smart. Think about it, just...nevermind. Am I stuck being this way forever, being a girl? And instead of girls trying to be weird to me, it will be guys...making things awkward....WAHH!!!
Pit: And he got more emotional.....
Zelda: That's what it's like being a girl.
Marth: Man, it sucks.
Zelda: I never wanted to divorce you more in my life.
Marth: PLEASE DON'T!! *Starts balling.* :'(
Ike: :'(
Pit: Get a hold of yourselves!
Ike: Sorry....
Zelda: oh my gosh. He said sorry! It's a miracle!
Ike: Shut up before I kill you...
Marth: And he's back to normal.
Pit: And everyone's still taller than me.....
Ike: Duh!
Zelda: That's just cold...
Pit: * on verge of tears* W-why would you say that?
Ike: *In his head: Go! Go! Go! Go!* ...........
Pit: But.... I'll be fine!
Ike: The world is a cruel place.
Pit: What?
Ike: Nothing. *whistles*
Zelda: OK, I think I can fix this...but only one person at a time. And if I run out of magic power...I'll do someone else the next day!!
Marth: Yeah, NO.
Pit: Me last!
Zelda: I'm doing me first. Jeez. *turns herself to a girl again.* Ah, so much better.
Ike: *beating up Marth, and wins.* OK, I won. Now do me.
Zelda: Sheesh, ok. *turns Ike to a boy again.*
Ike: I've never been happier in all my life!
Pit: Hey!
Ike: I mean...after meeting you of course...
Pit: Thank you!
Zelda: Ok, your turn Pit!
Pit: Do marth, he needs it more....
Zelda: Alright...*turns Marth to boy again* Ok, I think I can handle you...maybe.
Ike: If you don't...what will happen?
Zelda: He'll mutate.
Pit: Then don't do it!
Zelda: I can do it, don't worry.
Ike: .......
Pit: Help me out here!
Ike: Uh...don't turn him back yet...uh...he's too adorable!!
Pit: Seriously?
Ike: Hey, she'll agree with me, then turn you back tomorrow.
Zelda: Right! I can put him in a dress, we can have a makeover, and do other things.
Ike: pfftt...*tries to hold back laughter.*
Pit: Not funny *On the verge of tears*
Ike: *in his head: Go! Go! Go!* It kinda is. *Cry! Cry! Cry!*
Pit: No.... I can't cry..... need to be strong....
Ike: It's ok, just let it all out. We all can't be strong. *Go! Go! Go!*
Pit: *Starts to cry* Don't you want me to be strong.....like you?
Ike: The world has been forgiven!! It's amazing!!
Zelda: What's wrong with you?!
IKe: Oh yeah! Umm...Pit, I'm not strong like you think. I just...I don't know. We're all different, so don't try to be more like me. *In his head: So...adorable!! Cry more!! CRY!! #no regrets.*
Zelda: *sigh*
Pit: Zelda..... do you think that I'm not strong too?
Zelda: No. Its just...you don't know do you?
Pit: N-no......
Ike: *sweatdrops* uh...uhm....No regrets!
Zelda: Well...he wanted you to cry...and it's 10x cuter when you're a girl so...
Pit: *cries more* W-why....
Ike: *In head: This is the best moment of my life, by far. So freaking cute!! CRY! CRY!* It seems the world decided to give me pity today...yay!
Marth: He's...so excited...
Ike: *gently kicks Marth's head.* I thought you were dead. So, stay dead. :)
Zelda: That's my husband, you know.
Ike: Yeah. I don't care.
Pit: Why aren't..... you nice to people Ike.....
Ike: What...do you mean?
Pit: You called me....short!
Ike: Sorry...everyone else did too!!!
Pit: But..... It's different now.....
Ike: I'm sorry...
Pit: Wahhh....
Zelda: Who wants to bet they break up?
Marth: I can't even take them seriously now when Pit looks like a girl...ha...
Pit: Shut up.......
Zelda: Yeah Marth.
Marth: Sorry....
Ike: .......
Pit: Are you ok?
Ike: I guess....I should be asking you that...you're still not back to normal.
Pit: It really doesn't bother me.....
Ike: Oh...Ok.
Zelda: I think I've got all my strength back! You ready Pit?
Pit: No....
Zelda: Well, be ready man!! MAGIC!! POOF!!! *Pit turns back to normal!!*
Pit: Yay.....
Marth: The mood is so ruined.
Pit: Shut up marth.
Marth: Ok....
Zelda: Well, me and Marth will make our leave now. Bye guys~ *Marth and Zelda leave.*
Pit: Hey Ike.....
Ike: Yeah...*gulps*
Pit: Don't make me cry ever again!
Ike: Ok...I promise. Just promise me something.
Pit: Yeah. What?
Ike: Don't try to stay strong when you know you can't. Don't always try to stay strong for me. Ok?
Pit: No.
Ike: Why not?
Pit: Because I'm.....I'm.....
Ike: You're becoming like me. Now, say it. You're being cute.
Pit: N-no I'm not!
Ike: Yes you are. Now, spill the beans.
Pit: I'm.......I'm........I'm.....
Ike: Aww! Your stuttering!!!
Pit: I'm......
Ike: Wait...are you going to say we're done? Please don't, for 2 reasons. 1) I don't want to lose you, and 2) I really don't want to go through the trouble of a divorce....
Pit: I'm.......
Ike: No, I am incredibly off....I got it! You're a goofy goober? Am I right?
Pit: No!
Ike: Aww....Does that mean my first one was right...*sniffle*
Pit: No!
IKe: Yay!!! Now, what's wrong? Why can't you just promise to try not to stay strong in hard times? You can break sometimes.
Pit: I'm a weak person!
Ike: What makes you say that?
Pit: Nevermind!...hahaha
Ike: Yeah, No. I want to help you, and I'm not letting this go, and you know I won't either.
Pit: Fine!
Ike: Good. *smiles.*
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