Three Ding-A-Ling's & One Key!

"Are we there yet?" Maggie asked her father, as they rowed their way to the Isla Cruces.

"No" Captain Jack replied, clutching his jar of dirt closely.

"Are we there yet?" She repeated.


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there ye-" Jack put a hand over her mouth before she could continue.

"Maggie dearest, Daddy is trying to deal with his frazzled nerves right now so could you kindly shut your trap?" He asked her.

"This trip's no fun!" She complained.

"Maggie! We are headed to land to find a chest with a still-beating heart in it to guarantee our very survival!" Her father told her "What were you expecting? A playground of merriment?!"

"It would have made things more entertaining!" Maggie crossed her arms across her chest.

They finally made it to the shores of Isla Cruces. Jack left his jar of dirt in the boat, carefully covering it up with his jacket.

He grabbed a shovel out of the boat. "Guard the boat, mind the tide..." he ordered Pintel and Regetti "And don't touch my dirt!"

"You better not!" Maggie warned them "He loves that jar of dirt! It's his precious..."

Pintel and Regetti looked at each other.

"I thought rum was his precious?" Pintel wondered.

"I always thought it was the Pearl?" Regetti asked.

Jack, Maggie and Norrington walked onward, following Elizabeth who had the compass in her hand trying to pin-point where the chest was buried.

Maggie had heard of Isla Cruces before, there was a whole story around the place. It was a plagued island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, the church of England came to the island decades before in hopes of bringing salvation. Unfortunately they also brought disease and, soon after, death. It's even said that the priest of the island had to bury all of it's inhabitants one by one. He eventually went mad and hung himself in the bell tower of the church that overlooked the entire island.

"How long do you think it took the priest to go insane?" Maggie asked her father.

Jack shrugged. "Probably a little while after he buried the last person" he said "Give a man a few weeks alone on an island with nothing but his thoughts... it'll drive anyone to madness."

"You were only on the rumrunners island for three days and you went nutty!" Maggie told him.

"Yes" Jack nodded "but truth be told I was a little screwy before they left me there."

"No argument there..." Maggie mumbled.

Elizabeth sighed and tossed the compass in the sand, fed up with this whole ridiculous ordeal. "It doesn't work!" she told Jack "And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most!"

Jack raised a brow at Elizabeth.

Maggie looked at the compass, she noticed that the arrow was pointing to Elizabeth. Or rather where she was sitting in the sand...

"Liz!" Maggie grinned "The compass was right!"

"Believe me Maggie, it really isn't..." Elizabeth told her.

"Yes it is!" Maggie told her "the thing we want most is right under your butt!"

"I beg your pardon?" Elizabeth asked, shocked.

Jack laughed, but tried to cover it up by coughing when Elizabeth shot him a glare.

"Lizzie, up!" Maggie commanded "Norrington, start digging and don't stop until you hit chest! The dead man's chest, not our chest's... that would be very painful..."


While Norrington continued digging, Elizabeth stood off to the side worrying about Will. But Jack, unlike Elizabeth, was sitting in the sand meditating. He was now as calm and cool as a sea cucumber now that they located the chest. Were it not for Maggie entertaining herself by lightly poking the back of his neck with a stick and making buzzing noises, making her father think bugs were flying around him.

Jack swatted the air. "Bloody mosquito's!" he muttered.

Maggie snickered.

Jack turned to her. "What are you-" he stopped short when everyone heard Norrington's shovel hit something hard.

They all gathered around the hole, Jack and Norrington lifted out a chest and Jack used the shovel to break the old rusty lock off. They lifted up the lid up and inside was all manner of memento's from a romance that had long ago went bad. Things like a long white dress, a pretty conch shell, dried dead flowers, a string of white pearls, lace and all sorts of love letters.

Everyone froze when Jack pulled out the thing that they had been looking for: The Dead Man's Chest. It was slightly smaller than the other chest. Just to be certain that the heart was still there, the four of them each put an ear to the lid of the chest.

At first it was nothing but silence... Then there was a single, deep beat.

"A heart beat..." Maggie gulped.

"It's real..." Elizabeth breathed.

"You actually were telling the truth" Norrington told Jack.

"I do that quite a lot" Jack said "yet people are always surprised!"

"With good reason!" Came a voice from behind them.

Everyone turned to see Will Turner, soaking wet and out of breath.

A smile instantly came to Elizabeth's face. "Will!" She said happily, running into his arms. "You're alright! Thank God! I came to find you!"

Jack and Maggie scanned the sea for the Flying Dutchman, but the dreaded ship was nowhere to be seen.

"How did you get here?" Jack asked Will.

"Sea turtles, mate!" Will quipped "A pair of them, strapped to my feet!"

"Not so easy, is it?" Jack asked.

Maggie rolled her eyes at both of them. "For the last time, people!" she announced "A pair of sea turtle cannot support the weight of a grown man! Me, possibly! But not the rest of you!"

"But I do owe you thanks, Jack!" Will told him.

"You do?" Jack asked.

"After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones..." Will ratted Jack out.

"What?" Elizabeth looked at Jack, shocked.

"What?" Jack replied, mocking her high girly voice.

"... I was reunited with my father!" Will finished.

"Oh, well... You're welcome, then" Jack said.

Elizabeth, however, was still in shock. All along she suspected Jack had gotten Will into some kind of trouble, but nothing that horrible!

"Everything you said to me... every word was a lie?!" she asked Jack.

"Pretty much" Jack shrugged "Time and Tide, Luv."

"For the record, Liz!" Maggie told her "I didn't know he was going to leave Will to Jones. So what I'm basically saying is... He did it!" Maggie pointed to her father.

Jack scowled down at her, then he noticed Will kneeling beside the chest with the key in one hand and an old dagger in the other.

"Oi! What are you doing?" he asked the young man.

"I'm going to kill Jones" Will told him.

Suddenly Jack had the blade of his sword at Will's throat. "I can't let you do that, William!" he told the young blacksmith "Because if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt?"

Will sighed and stood up, looking defeated.

"Now... if you please, the key?" Jack asked.

Suddenly, another sword blade came flying out. This time it was Will holding it and it was pointed at Jack's throat.

"I keep the promises I make, Jack" Will told him "I intend to free my father! I hope you're here to see it!"

Then a third sword blade was suddenly pointed at Will's neck and Norrington was holding it.

"I can't let you do that either!" Norrington told Will.

Jack grinned. "I knew you'd warm up to me eventually-" he stopped short when Norrington pointed his sword at him, Will then pointed his sword at Norrington and Jack pointed his sword at Will. They were in a triangle formation.

"Lord Beckett desires the contents of that Chest!" Norrington explained his reason. "I deliver it, I get my life back!"

"Ah!" Jack said "the dark side of ambition!"

"Oh, I prefer to think of it as the promise of redemption!" Norrington told him.

"Alright!" Maggie said "Before you three ding-a-ling's face off, I just gotta ask... Would anyone else care to join in on this fight for there own selfish impulses?"

The three men stared at her, brows furrowed.

"Come on, Liz?" Maggie nudged Elizabeth "Perhaps you'd like to get back at Jack for flirting with you a few hours ago?"

"YOU FLIRTED WITH HER?!" Will exploded and stared squaring off with Jack, Norrington tried to grab the key from him as they fought.

"Huh..." Maggie said, thinking "Maybe that was suppose to be a secret?"

"Oh really?!" Jack yelled sarcastically, tossing Will aside.

"Will!" Elizabeth shrieked, coming to his aid.

"Guard the chest!" Will ordered Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's mouth gaped open as she turned to look at Maggie for support.

Maggie shrugged. "You heard the man! Guard the chest!" she told her, before running over to follow the fight and make sure Jack wouldn't get killed.

Elizabeth's jaw dropped. "No!" she said, she was at her wits end with all of this. She left the chest and followed Maggie. (AN: Seriously? Everyone just forgot about the chest?? It was so important like ten minutes ago! 🙄)

Maggie thought for sure if anyone could keep their sanity on this voyage, it would be Elizabeth. But apparently, everyone has gone Looney as a Tune on this adventure. Elizabeth chased after them, ranting on.

"This is barbaric! You are all setting a terrible example for Maggie! This is no way for grown men to settle their-" she gave up knowing they weren't paying a shred of attention. "Oh fine! Let's just haul out our swords and start banging away at each other! Have at it! That will solve everything! Well, I've had it!! I've had it with... WOBBLY-LEGGED... RUM-SOAKED... PIRATES!!!"

"Who you callin' wobbly-legged?" Maggie asked Elizabeth as she threw handfuls of sand at the boy's. "Clumsy, now that's understandable! But look at my father! He's no better! The man once tripped his way up the gangplank! And that makes zero sense!"

"Oh! Oh!" Elizabeth shouted to the boy's "The heat!" she then fake-fainted into the sand, hoping to grab their attention. She failed miserably...

Maggie looked down at her. "Lizzie, you aren't even in a corset!" she shook her head "Have some dignity!"

Elizabeth huffed and sat in the sand, pouting.

At this point Maggie decided to leave all this madness behind and go sight-seeing. She headed up to the old church without anyone noticing her absence.

"What a wonderful bunch of parental figures I have..." Maggie muttered sarcastically as she left the beach.


After a few minutes of walking Maggie found herself walking through the graveyard of the crumbling church. She felt a little uneasy walking amongst the graves of the english settlers who had died on the island long ago.

Maggie plopped down on the grass and started making a tiny crown of clovers. She was just finishing it, when Norrington and her father came running through still fighting for the key. Will probably wasn't too far behind.

Maggie ran beside her father who was running across the graveyard to the bell tower of the church.

"Hey Daddy!" She said "I made you a clover crown!" She handed it to him.

"Good thinking, Luv!" Jack panted, as he took the ring of clovers in one hand. "I need all the luck I can get right now! Get back to the beach and guard the chest, I'll meet you there!" He yelled as he ran into the bell tower.

Maggie pouted as she began walking back to the beach.

"Get back to the beach and guard the chest?" She muttered angrily "I never get to swordfight! Or drink rum! Or do anything fu-UUUUUNNNN!"

Maggie fell face-first into some type of hole. She looked around and realized she was in an open grave.

She looked around curiously. "Is this like when they catch a bouquet of flowers at a wedding?" She asked herself "Am I gonna die next?"

Meanwhile Jack had just pitted Will and Norrington against each other and ran off with the key around his neck. He walked off with the prize, thinking for certain his luck had changed.

Then he got a face full of dirt as well. He sat up and found Maggie staring back at him.

"Dad!" Maggie whined "Get your own grave!"

"Maggie!" Jack snapped.

They both tried to climb out, but the grave was too deep!

"When they say you're six feet under, they mean it!" Maggie said.

Jack looked at her, his eyes gleaming with an idea.

"Maggie dearest, how tall are you?" He asked her.

Maggie raised an eyebrow at his question. "Uh... I think about four feet?" She answered "maybe three and a half? Why?"

The next thing Maggie knew, she was sitting on her father's shoulders, trying to crawl out of the grave. Jack had put the key around her neck and told her to get to the beach and guard the chest.

"I'm almost there!" Maggie told him, grabbing onto some grass above the grave.

Suddenly she felt the ground shake.

"Huh?" She said, before she was lifted away.

"Maggie!" Jack yelled as she was lifted right off his shoulders.

Maggie and Jack were so busy trying to get out of their grave, they hadn't noticed that Will and Norrington had been fighting on the water wheel of the church. The wheel ended up coming loose and was now rolling away with them still fighting on top of it.

And more importantly, Maggie was now stuck in the wheel as it rolled through the jungle. Her little legs kicking as she tried to get free.

Jack climbed out of the grave and ran after the wheel.

"Maggie!" He called as he ran beside the wheel. "Do you still have the key?!"

"Yeah!" Maggie yelled back. Suddenly the wheel turned her upside down, the key fell from her neck and got caught of a loose nail on the inside of the wheel.

"Uh... scratch that!" She yelled to her father "I'll get back to you on the whereabouts of the key!"

Jack groaned as he continued to chase after the wheel.

The wheel rolled on throughout the island, finally Maggie was able to get free of the wheel and and run inside of it.

"Look Daddy! I'm a hamster!" She called to Jack as he ran beside her outside the wheel.

"Just get that key, Maggie!" Her father yelled.

Will joined Maggie inside of the runaway wheel and grabbed the key before she could get to it!

"Leggo my key-o, Whelp-o!" Maggie yelled at him.

Jack hopped into the wheel with his sword in hand. Maggie stood behind her father as he and Will dueled over the key. Norrington was quick to join them and as the three of men went at it, Maggie crawled up to the top of the wheel.

"Maggie!" Jack yelled, chasing after her and making sure she didn't get hurt.

Jack noticed the wheel was rolling toward a hillside, he wrapped his arm around Maggie and grabbed onto a nearby palm tree with his other hand.

The wheel went rolling down the hillside with Will and Norrington inside. Jack and Maggie landed on the ground safely.

"Man! Are those two gonna be dizzy!" Maggie commented "Well... Dizzy-er?"

"And I didn't even get the bloody key from Will!" Jack moaned "We're doomed!"

"You mean this key?" Maggie asked, holding up the key to the Dead man's chest.

"Maggie! You got the key!" Jack picked her up and hugged her "I swear you're the greatest mistake I ever made!"

"And with you, that's saying something!" Maggie grinned slyly.

Suddenly, they saw one of Davy Jones Fish Sailors trying to make off with the chest.

Maggie tugged on Jack's pant leg and handed him a coconut.

Jack raised a brow, looking at the coconut. Then shrugged and chucked it at the fish sailors head, knocking it clean off.

Captain Jack and Maggie ran over to the chest and kneeled down before it. Jack placed the key into the chest, unlocking it, he opened the lid and Maggie shuttered at what was inside.

"There it is, Luv" Jack said mesmerized by the sight. "The Heart of Davy Jones..."

Maggie on the other hand, was grossed out by the sight.

"Eeeew! It's all gross and thump-thumpy!" She reached out to poke it "I wanna touch it..."

"No!" Jack held her wrist back.

Just then Elizabeth, Pintel and Regetti raced towards them with Davy Jones crew hot on their heels.

Jack grabbed the heart and stuffed it in his shirt, closing the chest and running off. Maggie runs after her father as he heads toward the beach. When Maggie got back to the long boat, she found her father hiding the heart in his jar of dirt. But a member of Jones crew was behind him...

"Dad! Behind you!" Maggie yelled.

Jack turned around, grabbing a rowing oar to defend himself against the enemy with a face only a mother could love!

Pintel and Regetti came running through the tide, carrying the empty chest towards the long boat.

Elizabeth came running after them, trying to fight off the rest of Jones crew but she was clearly outnumbered. Maggie grabbed her sword and ran to help her fight them off.

"Bring it on, seafood platter!" Maggie cried, in an attack position.

Suddenly the runaway wheel, which still held Will and Norrington inside, rolled right by Maggie and Elizabeth taking out all the Fish Sailors as it went. The wheel finally came to a stop and fell sideways into the tide.

Elizabeth stood there trying to process what she just saw.

Maggie on the other hand, ran over to the wheel and the two incredibly dizzying men crawling out of it.

"Hey boys!" She said "Fun ride?"

"So... much... spinning!" Will moaned, seeing double. He looked over and saw the gang battling with the Fish Sailors.

"Right!" He said, climbing to his feet.

"He's going... he's going..." Maggie grinned, watching poor Will try to walk straight.

Will's legs gave out and he fell face first into the tide.

"... And he's down!" Maggie giggled.

Norrington came stumbling out of the wheel as well, leaning on the side of it with a pale green complexion.

"C'mon Norry the pony!" Maggie climbed onto the former commodore's back. "You will be my noble steed! We shall ride into battle together! Hi-ho Silver!"

Norrington kneeled down beside the wheel and hurled his stomach contents into the center of the wheel.

Maggie sighed and slid off Norrington's back and left him to vomit in peace.

The battle raged on, the pirates fought hard against Davy Jones ugly crew, but as they fought back-to-back they knew it was hopeless.

Suddenly Captain Jack knocked Will over the head with an oar. Elizabeth ran to Will's side, trying to revive him.

"Leave him lie!" Jack told her "Unless yours planning on using him to hit something with!"

Jones crew surrounded them, even if the crew of the Black Pearl did continue to fight they were heavily outnumbered.

"We're not getting out of this" Elizabeth said what was on everyone's mind.

"Not with the chest!" Norrington said, grabbing the Dead man's chest with both hands. "Into the boat" he ordered the rest of them.

"You're mad!" Elizabeth told him.

Norrington sighed. "Don't wait for me..." he told her and took off across the beach with the chest in hand. Jones crew took off after him.

The crew stood in the tide, stunned.

"I say we respect his final wish!" Jack said.

"Aye!" Pintel agreed as the rest piled into the long boat and headed back to the Pearl.

As they rowed away from the Isla Cruces, Maggie looked at her father hugging his jar of dirt. He seem extremely calmer than when they were rowing toward the Island. Now that the heart was inside his jar, he had the leverage he needed to command Jones to call off his debt and the beastly kraken.

Maggie rested her head on his shoulder. For the first time in nearly a week, she felt like she could relax. Her father had things under control and things would soon go back to the way they should be...

...And yet a familiar feeling of dread still knotted in the pit of her stomach.

AN: Two chapters left, Mates! What will happen? Will the kraken attack the Black Pearl after all? Most likely! Will David reveal his true evil intentions? Probably! Will young Maggie make it out alive? I don't know! Actually I do, but I'm just not telling cause I'm evil like that! Hee-hee-hee! 

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