15 | raw 09 / 16/ 15
Review from this week's Monday Night Raw.
(Sorry I didn't get to it after Monday Night Raw ended, I had to be a good noodle student & study for exams )
I love Big E
I love Kofi Kingston
I love Xavier Woods.
Big E- No doubt that this guy has always been entertaining, but ever since he was given a push with New Day, he's been out of this world ELECTRIC. That's right. Big E could so go head on with the Rock and whoop his candy ass verbally and physically!
His hips do not lie and omg that man needs to be on Dancing with the Stars at some point cause Big E has rhythm xD
Also, out of the three he's the one that fits the "big guy" champion mold the most.
I'm all for supporting minorities, especially when black people in the WWE have hardly been given the chance to shine/ hold gold.
The last African American that held gold in the WWE/got an actual good push was Bobby Lashley.
Xavier Woods- Woods is the Paul Heyman of wrestlers. NO ONE has ever pitched for his teammates the way that Xavier has. Some people think he's annoying AF but the man dances on the brink of genius! He's so hilarious that you CANNOT hate him. Like how? He LAUGHS in the face of his opponent and taunts them with a musical instrument xD
I love Xavier so much, especially the way that he yells- NEW DAAAAY!
Kofi Kingston- At the start of this beautiful trifecta that New Day is, Kofi was the weak link in terms of being a heel/owning the mic. But as of lately, Kofi's been on FIYAAAAH! Omfg his twerkin surprised the fuck out of me and made me legit shed a tear of happiness because you can see that he's really let go now.
His mic skills are A++ and he's so freaking adorable yet he owns being bad xD
Kofi's another guy that deserves to be in the IC picture at the very least.
That 16 man tag-team match was horrendous and so freaking cringe worthy that at one point, I walked the fuck away just to cool down.
You can tell that there is SERIOUS INTERNAL issues going on in the WWE when 16 professionals can't get along to put on a choreographed, practice match. The morale and unity that the WWE used to have within it's wrestlers is pretty much non-existent at this point.
Remember when we used to have the rosters face against each other and there'd be like 50+ wrestlers in the ring and it was all so fucking brilliant that you didn't even know where to watch? Your eyes would go from left to right to up and down just to keep the ef up cause you didn't wanna miss a single second of it- and now you just close your eyes and hope it ends soon.
You know it's bad when Dean, a guy that's HARDLY if not botched for the first time messed up with another seasoned pro (Del Rio). I've watched the video repeatedly and not only did Ambrose not aim high enough, Del Rio backed away too soon and they had such a cringe worthy botch.
Sure, they both recovered from it but then there was MORE BOTCHING.
- Jimmy or Jay sends Rusev to the corner so gently I swear they're in love or something and then Rusev barely eve launches himself to the corner.
- Roman goes for Bubba and lifts his hand as if to punch him and then barely even grazes him as he moves on to someone else like WTF.
- Tommy Dreamer tags in D-Von and then you see him look up confused and tags in Rhyno as he probably was supposed to.
- The only redeeming things in this match where both Dean + Del Rio's, and The Dudley's A++ efforts after their screw up. Dean Ambrose poured his fucking soul and heart out with the chop sequence he did on Rusev and Del Rio's kicks are breath taking like FUCK I DO NOT WANT TO BE THE VICTIM OF THOSE KICKS!
Then the Dudley's are older than everyone in that ring and they're still kicking ass by connecting with the crowd and working in well executed unison.
Bubba slammed the fuck out of Sheamus + his and D-Von's experience just pours out of them.
Those are some redeeming qualities to that match but oh god the thing that made me walk away was Tommy Dreamer "pinning" Rowan.
Okay, okay, I used to be a big fan of Dreamer but WHY THE FUCK DID HE COME BACK?
LIKE WTF WWE? Bring BACK LITA or CHRISTIAN!!! Someone who was actually missed, ya know?
In what world is it logical that a 6'8 300+ ginger gets defeated by a simple slam to the canvas?
I walked the fuck away after that. Bray is my favorite from the Wyatt family but Rowan's also my fav and wtf man? He's an original member of the Wyatt Family! If anyone should be getting pinned its Braun Scrotum who I freaking HATE!
Sasha needs to either take a page from Seth Rollins and betray her members of her team members need to betray her out of jealousy. I'm sorry but Sasha's too freaking great to be limited to a team. She does better on her own just like Paige.
I love Sasha Banks and her segment with the New Day had me drooling because the GURL CAN TWERK.
I also ship the shit out of her and Xavier but moooving on!
Okay so you can hate the Miz all you want but he is entertaining as hell when he's doing his MIZ TV segments. I'm so fucking happy that he shut Charlotte the hell up because omg why is she yelling? SHE YELLS AND OVERREACTS LIKE GURL OK BE MAD BUT STOP YELLING!!
Miz set her up perfectly and then Paige fucking nailed it. She may not be the best wrestler, but every week she gets better and more comfortable in the mic. She's a) finally slowed done and seems to be taking her time with her words and movement b) she's enunciating better c) she's not doing all these little voices she used to do and the few time that she does they're not longer cringy cause she's so into character, d) she seems to finally have a grasp of heel paige.
I mean, I'm kinda biased here cause my love for Paige is still strong, but holy fuck man, I send a big kiss to her makeup artist because Paige with color in her lips is so beautiful I just can't.
Also, Paige + Miz as the perfect blend of arrogant and entertaining. I swear the Miz looked so fucking proud of Paige when she slapped Ric and then mocked him with that little dance thing.
I know it's his job to play the part but seriously rewatch the clips where she's rolling out the ring and he like backs away but is all smiles and at one point he even pointed at Charlotte and lol'd.
He's such a troll lol, he'd be a good advocate for Paige who likes to stir shit up too xD
P.S. When Charlotte mentioned Maryse and said that she should be ashamed of basically marrying the Miz because he's a ( sexist pig) i wanted Maryse to come out and French TKO her or for Miz to attack Charlotte because wtf man? Miz always talks good about his wife and the Women's wrestling in all of his interviews. Remember when the Miz + Maryse angle thing happened and sure he was after he for her looks, but he also acknowledged that she was a strong fierce woman.
STFU Charlotte, go hide behind daddy.
I'm glad Paige slapped the shit outta him. I want mama Sweet Saraya to get involved here so JBL can drool more about her.
Those two deserve to be on tv all the time and they're so good in the ring and at trash talking that they could produce one hell of a rivalry.
Please please let Becky Lynch have a push. I hope the WWE isn't just making her film all these segments for nothing. She needs to be in the title picture and feud with Charlotte or someone! She's a precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world but the Irish lass can kick ass and uuuuugh she's so fucking cute and charismatic. The personality just oozes out of her.
I want a Becky Lynch.
7) League of Nations FUCK OFF!
I'm sorry but this whole 4-man stable is retarded AF.
Sheamus needs to be a dominant champion, not a little weasel like Seth. That's Seth's thing. I want Sheamus clashing against other guys his size liek *cough cough* TITUS, BIG E, ROMAN, LUKE, ETC.
Barrett- The guy could easily feud with Rusev or even Sheamus too.
Rusev- I'm so done with his complicated no longer complicated love story with Lana. I sort of low-key resent her right now for screwing Dolph Ziggler over with that horrible storyline + releasing the news of her engagement. That pretty much threw Dolph into this other horrible angle with Breeze x Summer.
Summer is a girl who CAN wrestle and shine. She needs to feud with Lana and this whole women being tossed back and forth shit needs to end.
While I don't like Breeze's gimmick, I have to say that he's a hell of a wrestler. I gave major props to Dolph who's been given Breeze 5 star matches as of lately. You think that a guy who's been wrestling for over a decade now has reached his plateau, but Dolph's last few matches have been out of this world, especially his kicks.
Somewhere in Texas Shawn Michaels feels them kicks and claps with pride.
Alberto should have never been put in that horrible Mex-America angle, or League of Nations. He's so limited in these groups and for fuck's sake that guy is GOLD. Have you seen his works in Lucha Underground + his other feuds in the WWE? THAT MAN IS A BEAST! He could produce some gruesome JBL dragging you with a rope type of matches.
This Monday Night Raw was very upsetting. It's no surprise as to why they're doing so badly.
1- I love Sheamus to death but these low ratings are all consequences that the WWE is facing for making him the Money in the Bank winner.
2- That should have gone to Neville. Neville being MITB winner could have prompted an opening for "smaller" "aerial" guys to be put forth in a more prominent place. It's been a long time since we had those type of matches and Neville is the modern day RVD that could kill it with Daniel, Sami, Finn, etc.
3- WWE needs to PROPERLY develop the good talent they already have. Strengthen the Wyatt Family, push more matches for the IC belt, put Kevin on the spotlight, etc. I recently read on an article that Smackdown event could barely sell 5,000 tickets despite Brock + Cena being advertised in the event, (I'll put links down below)
4- STRENGTHEN THE WOMEN'S DIVISION- these girls are all capable for sparking up interest in the WWE when given a chance.
5- I read that Daniel is already healed but is still waiting on the "ok" from wwe doctors. THIS GUY NEEDS TO COME BACK AND SHAKE THE WORLD WITH THE YES MOVEMENT ONCE MORE.
In other words, I want Dean, Roman, Luke, Bray, Neville, Stardust, Titus, The New Day, Paige, Becky, Sasha, etc all the good talent to be given a proper running till their at their top game and then bring in NEW talent like Emma, Finn, Baron, Peyton, Enzo + Cass to rival with.
and finally,
Team Bad+New Day= god is real.
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