14 | survivor series, 2015
This was the worst PPV EVER.
No New Champions,
Predictable outcomes.
Both SmackDown and Raw ratings have been crashing down as of lately, and Punk said it best, Vince "Out of Touch" McMahon is going to ruin this company.
I'll do my review by Superstars, so let's get started.
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I don't know what is is about him, but every time he's on TV, I can't help but to smile. Dustin nails his role s Goldust. He's freaky but massively entertaining without being all PG.
He's a 40 year old who rolls in perfectly with the younger lads and for that, he deserves a round of applause.
I loved Cody's reaction to Goldust returning, and I really really hope those two clash and bring out a storyline.
I can't believe that these guys got a spot on the PPV over someone like Cesaro or even Neville who deserves better than a kick off match.
Dolph Ziggler playing homage to Shawn Michaels is great, and his kick to Tyler last week was undoubtedly the best super kick of the year, but something is still missing. He's proven to be quite funny on the mic, but the storyline he is in is just plain stupid.
Summer Rae is great at being "heel" or "mean" but it's so weird to see her be that way when I have had the pleasure of meeting her at a meet and greet. She's far too nice and it's all just so weird.
As to Tyler, ...okay I'm sorry, the great is a fantastic wrestler but his gimmick is beyond gay. I don't mean "queer" in a bad way because there's nothing bad about liking men, but as in it's fucking stupid. I can't get behind his storyline, which is a shame because based on interviews and stuff, he seems like a great guy. Wish I could root for him, but I can't.
I don't give a flying fuck what anyone says, these two brought it. Both girls where very aggressive and brought out moves they don't normally use. Most of the time I feel a disconnect between both ladies, but their chemistry for tonight seemed to be there. I wish the commentators would shut the fuck up and make it less obvious as to who is gonna win.
That spear from the barricade could have been better, but then again I don't want Paige breaking her back xD
I wish that Paige would have won, but even if Charlotte won (which she did) I wish it wouldn't of have been with her submission. I wanted to see her do something more brutal, and also, having Paige tap out super close to the ropes was retarded and only made her look extra weak.
I wish MORE would have come out from the match, like Becky or Sasha going heel.
Charlotte // she's very forgettable and her reign has been rather bothering. Charlotte desperately needs a manager because she's just not meant to be talking much. If Charlotte is to hold the belt longer, she urges something that will put her over. To me, she lacks a bit of that extra factor, because without the "wooing" or "flair" name drop, she's just there.
Paige // her hair finally didn't look greasy, and it seems like she added some light blue to it? Out of ALL the divas, Paige is the most unique and aesthetically packaged in the sense that she looks badass and there's no one near that can compare to her look. Looks alone you want to believe that she's a badass, but unfortunately, Paige still lacks a lot of ring psychology. She takes massive gaps and a lot of the times, it feels like she doesn't know what to do next. I want her to pick up her pace and lay low for a bit. No more title shots for Paige please. I love her to death but all these losses are killing her character.
Here's my biggest issue about these two being in the PPV tonight. I love them both dearly, but why the fuck did they put people who already have belts into the tournament? Vince bitches that no one can do what Cena did with the U.S. Title Belt, yet he refuses to give Del Rio the chance to defend it.
Same for Kevin! The Intercontinental Championship Belt is said to have lost it's prestige, but a guy like Kevin, Neville, or even Cesaro could bring it back to life if they were given the chance to defend it.
They take WAY TOO long to develop storylines for these guys when it's simple.
By now, Alberto should have defended that belt against Swagger or Cesaro. Kevin should have defended his against Neville, Cesaro, Rhodes, etc.
I absolutely love both these men, but to me, they should have been on the card for matches where they defended their belt.
These guys are the best damn thing ever. They're obnoxious, but you can't help but to fucking laugh. They are "PG" but they're hilarious. These three are really good friends and you can just see the chemistry. Shit man, they even had Sheamus dancing and it was adorable.
Xavier Woods pitches his teammates like no ever, and his hair + theatrics are A++
Kofi continues to surprise me with his twerkin'
and BIG E got robbed out of being in the tournament. HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE! Big E holding the belt would have been soooo fun!
I like the guy, I really do. With that said, I fear for his life the coming Monday cause I have NO idea how people will embrace him. To me, he shouldn't be champion and it all went wrong when he won the briefcase, but whatever, I'd rather see him as Champ then Roman but then again, WTF is Sheamus gonna do for ratings?
I have so many mixed feelings about Roman. At times I feel like he really does deserve the belt, but then I see guys like Kevin, Cesaro, Ambrose busting their asses and putting on a hell of a show, and Reigns falls flat for me.
I still don't feel like he has a connection with the crowd, which is why they turn on him so quickly. One minute they cheer him and the next they don't. With John Cena, you know he's gonna get the shit boo'd out of him when he comes out, but then gets cheered. It's expected, but with Roman shit is SO unpredictable. It could be a literal buildup of weeks of support, and then out of nowhere they're like nah and they boo him.
I still don't think he's ready to be champion, and that's only because right now, the crowd wants Dean.
Seeing Roman cry made me wonder if his acting skills are strong or if he really was tearing up.
What do you guys think?
Dean Ambrose was on fire tonight.
The crowd was on his side, his shirt ripped, and like a good boy he did not put on another shirt. He only packed a shirt lol xD or so realistically he probably did have another shirt, but let'sbe honest, it's so like his character to not give a fuck xD
Dean coming out to face Roman in a leather jacket with no shirt was so hot that Roman had to look down :P
Can you imagine him as champ? Ah shit he'd be hilarious! It would be like Edge when he was World Heavyweight Champ, throwing celebrations and shit.
CM Punk said that the WWE's biggest regret was not pushing Daniel in 2012 when he was way over the crowd. Then the WWE swallowed on their pride when little by little Daniel took over and won the audience with the "YES" movement which is still one of the greatest things ever. No one rallied up the crowd the way DB did in a loooong time. I don't care what anyone says about Daniel's Championship Reign, he was hilarious and amazing.
Very similar to DB, I think the WWE KNOWS that he's way over the crowd. Dean Ambrose is what's hot right now and he's what should be put over, but they won't do it just yet. I think come 2016 and he will be Champ, and the WWE backstage politics will eat their hearts out when they see how successful he can be.
He's great on the mic and the people love him whether he's good or bad.
His clotheslines tonight came straight from hell and everytime he goes into the ring, he brings something different. Roman on the other hand is just a set of calculated moves we all know.
I am really fucking pissed that Dean didn't win, but oh dear lord I got my WM tickets and I just hope he wins there.
I would love for either to go heel or whatever, but I fucking loved and teared up at the fact that they didn't have the other betray one another. Instead, Dean Ambrose fucking hugged his brother and as you can see in the gif he whispers something and Roman shakes his head. I can only imagine what he must have said. It must have been something nice and Roman was like "Nah".
It's too fucking cute and sweet. These two are REAL friends and I'm convinced.
Whatever happens, I want these two to always be with each other xD whether they feud or not.
Here's what I think would be ideal / my dreams lol
Since Roman speared Trips, I'm guessing it'l be The Authority vs Roman but Dean will be by Roman's side and instead of either turning against one another, they stick together and rise as a serious tag-team, kinda like DX when they would kick Vince's + Coachmen's asses.
I want them to remain baby face and even head to WM, aaaaand keep it that way till Seth returns, BABY FACE AND THEN WE GOT THE SHIELD, BOOM!
( found this on tumblr, not mine : What hurts the most about Sheamus cashing in.
It wasn't the fact that he cashed in that hurt the most, because that was a possibility that we all saw coming.
It's the fact that Roman won. Actually won the title, clean. The celebration was on. Dean was sobbing and holding him. Roman was clutching the belt like it was a baby. He was in tears. People were celebrating and cheering. It wasn't in the middle of the match when Sheamus decided to pull the stunt, like Rollins. It was IN HIS CELEBRATION. It was WHEN HE WAS THE CHAMPION. Sheamus RIPPED it from him just A MINUTE into his humbling moment. That is what I'm the most upset about. They gave it to him, let him be blissful for a few seconds, then TOOK it away like that. Leaving him to cry on the mat alone. Leaving the crowd to boo.
THAT is what hurts the most about tonight. )
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- DAMN LILLIAN SLAAAAY GURL! She sings so well and her outfits are always on point.
- Byron saying "Lunacy will prevail " gave me life.
- THERE WAS SO MUCH CONFETTI I COULDN'T TAKE THE LAST FEW SECONDS SERIOUSLY. Roman kept touching his hair and it felt like he just won a fucking miss america pageant.
- Roman walking away was sad as fuck because the crowd was just so non- responsive
yet again you can't really blame him when everything is so damn predictable.
- Again, I fucking love Paige but dear lord she looked beyond exquisite tonight.
- LOL AT JBL MENTIONING PAIGE'S MUM AGAIN. It's just too cute and it had been a while since JBL once again gushed about Sweet Saraya.
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