120 | aj styles wins us title
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I feel like I'm the only one who is not mad / losing their goddamn mind over this. Every post or rant book that I've read on this consists of people losing their shit over
a) aj winning to kevin in
b) a non televised event.
Excuse me, but does every title defense have to be televised?
Absolutely not!
Would I have liked to see it? Hell yeah. Was it a spur of the moment thing? You bet!
Regardless of the title change seemingly coming out of nowhere (no this is not a randy pun because I'm currently very upset and done with randall keith trollton), I'm very pleased with the spontaneity of this decision.
Listen, if the WWE is great at anything, it's video packages. No doubt, they're going to have a video package of this situation for Smack Down or even *coughs* Great Balls of Fire.
Personally, I like that Kevin Owens and AJ Styles didn't recount in a thousand matches before an actual title change happened (as the WWE like to do).
I am not scared of Kevin Owens falling into mid-carder booking because there's so much that can come from this. Beside, as long as Kevin and Sami Zayn are under the same branch, you know they are bound to collide again.
If not, Kevin going after the title again is never a loss because he and Styles could generate matches that would have us mind blown.
I saw this article and felt like punching my screen. Of course a title change counts if it didn't happen at a house show! If memory serves me right, Samoa Joe defeated Finn for the NXT Championship at a live (non televised) event.
Televised victory or not, it shouldn't discredit the winner whatsoever. Samoa Joe doesn't need to prove jack shit, and neither does Styles. And still, whatever belt they are given, both veterans prove why they deserve to be Champions.
Also, I just remembered that this all took place in Madison Square Garden. This building is fucking prestigious and filled with historical WWE moments. If any non-televised title change is to happen anywhere, it should always be at the MSG arena.
As to why the decision was made so randomly, here are a few of my predictions:
i. The WWE wanted to surprise us more than that one time Roman Reigns entered the Rumble at #30. Just kidding, they want us to forget that he's main evented WM three times. Nope, not that one either.
They want us to forget that he (of all fucking people) retired the Undertaker. I don't hate Roman, I hate his booking. And before anyone cries sour grapes and tells me Taker said he respects and wanted it to be Roman, let me tell you that even The Undertaker kisses Vince McMahon's ass.
In all seriousness, this could just be the WWE wanting to give the live audiences bang for their buck. It's a smart business move, and it's definitely already got people talking.
ii. The WWE is planning something. Well no fucking shit Violet, right? This sudden change leads me to believe that Chad Gable might get a big push soon. I said this a few days ago, but Styles vs Gable had always been a dream match of mine. Their encounter at Smack Down a few days ago did not disappoint one bit. It left me wanting more, and I'm sure that's the case for many.
AJ Styles can make anyone look damn good, but here, Gable could more than hold his own. To me, the U.S. Title on him makes perfect sense.
As the WWE is so obsessed with breaking up teams right now, I'm thinking that if Gable is given the belt, it could spark a heel turn in a (returning) Jason Jordan. That in turn would produce a rivalry.
iii. I keep hearing people say Shelton Benjamin might be returning, and as much as I wouldn't mind seeing Styles vs Benjamin, last I heard he's still recovering.
This may sound horrible, but I'm not the most keen on older veterans returning. I don't expect a 40+ year old to be super agile, but if they can't move nearly as good as they used to / generate some sort of hype, I'm not interested. Sorry not sorry, the Undertaker should have retired years ago. Seeing him always gave me a childlike giddiness, but his wrestling and shape had gotten so slow, it was sloppy and not remotely hard hitting.
iv. Again, the title change could be a port for Kevin vs Styles at Summerslam. Maybe even an opportunity for Styles to have an open U.S. Challenge (can you imagine Cena, Gable, Zayn, Owens), anyone accepting? Whoever it is, it will be epic. If it happens.
Regardless, AJ Styles is the new US Champion and no matter who goes after it, it'll be one hell of a match.
Side note: Can you imagine if this is how the Shinsuke vs AJ Styles debacle begins? I'd also really want Sami in the title picture here, but anything could happen.
I read a comment about someone saying this title change was disrespectful to Styles and Owens because it wasn't televised, and I don't think that's the case. AJ Styles and Kevin Owens are massive money magnets. They are veterans that everyone and their mother's know about.
As I mentioned before, this took place at Madison Square Garden. Being in that arena alone is a sign of being respected. More than that, I have faith (for once) that the WWE is planning something big, and it'll actually not be shit.
I hope.
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So suckers, what are your thoughts? As always, I encourage you to leave me whatever thought is roaming in your mind.
What do you think this sudden title change will lead to? Who would you like to see go after the title?
I'll soon be posting another chapter, and it'll be about Austin Aries and Bayley. If there's anything at all you'd like me to talk about, let me know.
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