04 | ambrose

Requested by alismary0

Now here's a guy that makes me really emotional whenever the spotlight is given to him *cough cough* what are you waiting for WWE?

Let's go back to a few months back when Ambrose was competing against Rollins for the belt. Those few couple of weeks were honestly the best.


Dean Ambrose has chemistry with EVERYONE! You can give him Eva Marie and he will literally find a way to make the match entertaining as hell. Ambrose, a guy who's had no beef with a giant like the Big Show faced him a few weeks ago or month ( I'm bad with time) and made that match much more entertaining than any other guy who works with the Big Show does. I mean tying his shoelaces off to buy himself some time? GENIUS!

Then the matches he's had against Sheamus are all very entertaining his that weird yoga stretch Sheamus puts him in.

His matches against Bray are TOP KNOTCH. They're both freaky and out of sorts so they make for one hell of a storyline and then there his matches against

Seth Rollins. Rollins has called Ambrose his wrestling soul mate and it shows. These two know each other so well and everytime they're in the ring, Dean's anger for Seth's betrayal shows. It's like watching a real coming of age movie with those two, especially the Ladder Match they had for Seth's Championship belt. Oh lord the way Dean lost, coming so close but not close enough. I legit bawled at the end as Dean was grabbing his leg in pain. His speech of "I'm a real man that can accept defeat and I will patch myself back up again to face you someday" was epic.


Since Punk, I don't think there's been a guy who's established a name and character for himself as much as Dean has. Go back to his early Indy days and Dean Ambrose was Jon Moxley, a character solely made up by Dean Ambrose. Moxley was dirty, ruthless, angry, and dangerous. He made such a big name for himself that that angry persona transfered onto FCW and has carried on to the big leagues where he still holds key features of Moxley.

Noted that Dean Ambrose is much more tame compared to Moxley only because of the PG ratings, but when Dean Ambrose cuts a promo, you can feel the wrath and pain.

Although Dean's not a character you'd wanna be "in love with" as he's said it himself, there is something very loveable about Dean's character. It goes behind his looks (that we all love). The loveable aspect to Dean Ambrose comes in when you think about his evolution. He started out as a despicable son of a gun that was entirely arrogant (in the Shield) and yet you couldn't hate him because when he touched that mic, he was funny as shit.

Going back to the Shield's demise (I know it hurts but we gotta talk about this) Dean Ambrose had a rapid turnabout. Seeing Dean's heart broken face when Seth whammed Roman with that chair was so real and touching that is probably why it led to him and Roman forming such a bond. I mean of course they would but If it weren't for Dean's A++ acting skills that night, I don't think they'd be put together as much as they have lately.

Dean went on to being 1000x angrier than we had seen him, doing everything to make Seth's life impossible (which is always hilarious to see cause remember that hot dog stand? xD)

We've seen Dean go from ultra kill Seth Rollins mode to a little bit of a more mellowed out control lunatic. His alliance with Roman has made see a different side to Ambrose. One that is still vicious but under control by his part.

His brotherhood with Roman makes him appeal to everyone because we all have that one friend we'd take a bullet for, and in Roman's case, we all have that one friend we'd bail out no matter what xD

And this is really silly but there's his dancing...EVERY MAN WHO DANCES HAS TO HAVE A LITTLE BIT OF GOOD IN THEM, AM I RIGHT?


Now, Dean's made me cry with his heartfelt moments in the mic but he has YET to drop a massive pipebomb to the caliber of Punk. With that said, I think Ambrose WILL be the next guy to do something very similar to what Punk did.

There's absolutely NO reason why Dean Ambrose shouldn't be at the top of the company like CM Punk should have been when he delivered that pipebomb. Sure he was champ but there was always that neglect backstage where he was never poster boy or main eventer for WM.

To me, Dean Ambrose right now is very much 2008 CM Punk, hopefully on his journey to winning the Money in the Bank ladder match/rumble. I really hope so because is Dean isn't wearing gold by next year, oh lord. He's helped put RR over and for that I say he deserves the belt before RR.

Promo after promo, Dean nails it and on the mic he is untouchable.


Dean Ambrose is scruffy AF or the cutest chubby cheeked yet somehow define jaw-lined man ever.

He's not clean-cut like John Cena who looks like a gatorade bottle and he's also not super muscular like Roman Reigns. I've read a lot of threads on reddit and tumblr saying that Dean's appearance is what keeps him away from being poster boy.

Now, as much as I liked his slick back look in his Shield days, I like the scruffy messier current Dean. I hate getting all racial here but let's face it, Dean would actually make a good poster boy, especially if you look at the past champions.

He's got a good height, a good build, he's white and blue eyed.

Now why is that important? It's important because I'm not saying WWE is racist but that is what they usually look for. Look at Roman, a really good looking dude who's given contact to make him look a little more "white."

I think that Ambrose could be one of the first guys to ever break that mold of the typical champion and say fuck that as he wears his fringe in that messy demeanor and keeps his scruff and worn-out jeans.


Finally there's the separation between Moxley/Ambrose and Jon Good the man himself. From all the interviews I've seen where he's not playing a character, he's very laid back and seems to be doing this just to have fun and because he has a real love for pro-wrestling.

He's very private with his personal love life, but I don't doubt for a second that Dean Ambrose loves the crap out of Renee Paquette. I mean have you seen the way he looked at her on that swerved episode? It's like she's his entire sunshine and aaah so sweet.

I like it when wrestler's date/marry women that have nothing/ little to do with wrestling. There's a saying there that all wrestlers and divas are a bit crazy because of the adrenaline performing gives them, and I bet it's notice to come home to someone who can help you shut all of that off.

Sure Renee works for the WWE but she's not a wrestler, ya know? Look at Roman and his beautiful wife. Roman has talked about the difficulty of sometimes turning that WWE mode off but when he talks about his wife he always thanks her for helping him stay grounded. I think that very much like Galina does with Roman, Renee calms Jon down. We haven't seen him get in any twitter feuds or controversies like the one he involved himself in with Foley (even though that was sort of scripted he did go on twitter and ranted about it to a degree where he wasn't even playing around any more).


Dean Ambrose will for sure have a long career and I think that when his time comes, the WWE will surely change. Here's a guy who's gone through SO much adversity, gone through insane death matches to get more money to live off, and has made it out alright. Dean Ambrose is a hero or idol to many, even if you haven't gone through some of the things he has.

You connect with him for the simple fact that we've all been backstabbed at one point, we've all been told we're not good enough, and that we're insane for ever thinking we'll amount to much. The day that Dean holds that belt, I don't think they'll be a dry eye because I have a feeling it's going to be a long journey to finally get that gold.



You guys, thanks for the awesome feedback I've been getting on these rants!

I've got a few requests to still do but please don't stop requesting!

Who do you want me to rant about next?


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