99 | payback, part ii


   Bray Wyatt is my favorite. He can sing, "HE'S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD, IN HIS HAND" ... he can act better and more naturally than Randy has in his entire movie career.

   side note:

   wait a minute ... this shit has been paused?

   So I just got to the portion where Bray's driving back to the arena. I thought it was going to be continued immediately ...


   Very underwhelming match up in the actual 'HOUSE OF HORRORS.' I know it's PG programming and all, but my final's schedule week was scarier than that. 

    At first I really dug the whole filming elsewhere thing. It gives it a cool 'LUCHA LIBRE' vibe if you will, but I wasn't at all impressed by the actual wrestling. I can never take my eyes off of Bray, but other than that ... I was expecting so muhc more.

   We'll see where this goes, but I swear if Bray doesn't win. What the actual fuck?

   HOUSE OF HORROR'S PORTION GRADE: 5/10. I normally love anything cinematic like that, but this was just corny.



   ANYTIME that two 'indy' 'ROH BABES' fight off against each other, I get so freaking happy. That was the group of people that were told they'd never make it to the WWE ... but look at them now!

   SAMOA JOE is the king of working on a specific part of the body, and Rollins is no doubt one of the greatest at telling the story of pain through his facial expressions / mannerisms.

   I'll be 100% honest and tell you guys that as much as I liked this match, I wasn't blown away. Joe + Seth no doubt work well, but I don't feel a down pour of chemistry. I felt more emotion from both in weeks before this match when Seth returned.

   I've noticed that this is the down fall to many of Seth's story-lines, they milk them too much + wait too long and by then, you're not as interested as you were when THAT BATTLE should have happened. 

   GRADE: 8 / 10.


   Oh boy, where do I start? As I type this, I'm now watching Braun vs Reigns. So, I'm beyond happy that Bray Wyatt won, but what the fuck was that ending?

   Jinder Mahal interfered, why? Listen, I do like Randy  ... well, I've found it hard to like him since he won over Bray at WM. His reign thus far makes no sense to me + has done nothing for Bray.

   Randy has been boring as champ, and now with Jinder as his next possible story line? Holy fuck that's going to be one charisma entertertainment black hole.

   Unlike Braun who I used to hate so much but now like, I know deep in my heart that I will never like Jinder Mahal. This guy interrupted a match that people were already shitting on, and STILL he barely got a reaction.

   Yes there was some boing, but did you all catch that one bit before Wyatt hits Sister Abigail on Orton and Jinder is just standing in the back, literally, NO FUCKING REACTION.

   I hope that Jinder + Orton encounter only so that Bray Wyatt is taken out of this equation and put onto something else because BRAY WYATT DESERVES BETTER!!

   Over all grade for the match of horrors match: -10/10.

   This match was just a joke. Bray Wyatt continues to be one of the best sellers (the way he fed himself to that RKO), creates anticipation for big matches, only to be a big ass let down with the out come.

   I really want your guy's thoughts on this match, because I hate it. That said, if you liked it, let me know why! 


   Surprisingly enough, I was excited to see this match. So do you all remember how much I used to hate on Braun? I mean, at one point I called him Braun Scrotum. Well, this dude has grown on me since.

   It's not entirely because he's beat the shit out of Roman ... okay it is. But I don't mean it in a spiteful way either. Roman has been more than compliant in this angle, taking the damage and playing the part well.

   The build up to this match was fucking amazing. I don't care how corny that angle where Braun flips an ambulance with Roman inside was, it was cool as shit. I don't care that you could see Roman clearly leaving the vehicle, it's been an intense 'character' performance.

   I commend Roman Reigns for putting his body on the line the way he has during this angle. This is the Roman I can rally behind. Not the Roman that defeated Taker, but this Roman.

   GRADE: 10/10! -- I actually don't want this feud to end.

   Side note:

   Joe, the human playing Roman Reigns deserves all the good in the world. If you keep up with WWE News, you'll know that Joe's brother recently passed away. The fact that he can somehow cope with all the hate he normally gets, amplified by the extra hate he's gotten since defeating Taker, PLUS now dealing with the loss of a brother ...

   My biggest, biggest, respects to him. I get that people will continue to boo him, but I found those, #THANKYOUBRAUN chants a little tasteless. 

   Shout out to that guy who shouted, "WE LOVE YOU ROMAN" as Reigns was heading up to the announcer's table. No doubt Roman is in a world of hurt, because say what you want about the WWE being fake, it's not. It's scripted, but when those punches collide ... they hurt.

   Of course Superstars always add to the pain, acting and adding to it. Reigns is so good at doing that that I'm not gonna lie and say that I teared up a bit, especially in the backstage segment.

   A++ on Roman Reigns, and another A++ on Braun for slamming into that ambulance's door + wall like a pro.


A few more random notes:


- Listen, I don't even like Roman ALL THAT MUCH, but if I were a ref, I'd put my body in front of his to defend him xD

  - Maryse is a fucking gem. The fact that she so willingly places herself in front of the Miz to defend him is goals, but even more, the fact that MARYSE DON'T EVEN FLINCH WHEN MIKE PLACES HER IN FRONT OF HIM IS GODLY. That French Canadian is not only present to stir shit up, she's present to face it and I love it.

  - Renee's "OH MY GOD" after that Roman-Braun backstage segment / the start of 'talking smack' had me cracking up.


Well, that's it! Let me know what you guys thought! (Sorry that I couldn't provide any cool gifs. My laptop is currently dead, meaning I had to use my friend's and didn't want to invade her desktop with images / gifs. 


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