95 | alexa bliss, lana, etc.
Hey Suckers!
There's really no way for me to compile this more thoroughly than to say that I'm about to list down a few things I really want to talk about:
Aexa Bliss + Sasha Banks reportedly hate one another, Lana and her new gimmick, Lillian Garcia's podcast, Mauro's departure from the WWE, and Seth Rollins 'stealing' Kenny Omega's move.
Alright, so yesterday Bliss + Banks faced off. Before they did, Alexa killed it on the microphone. By killed it, I also mean that she absolutely murdered Bayley.
Now, I've read comments about people defending Bayley's poor mic skills because she's a baby face, and to that I say: NO NO NO!
You can be a baby face and still be a god on the microphone. Bayley just needs more time to get used to cutting promos + work on her expressions, tone, etc.
I'm also not one of those crazy Alexa Bliss fans who think she's the hottest thing since sliced bread.I do like her + think she definitely has potential. Her sunset flip from the turn buckle is a hit and miss. Sometimes she kills it, other times it's executed so slowly that It's almost cringey.
To me, in terms of 'mic skills' Alexa Bliss runs circles around Banks + Bayley. In Sasha's case, I think she was an absolute beast on the microphone when she was a heel, and it seems to me like she's still trying to get a hold of being a baby face. Banks is the person you want to root for no doubt, but man, when she's bad, she's baaaad!
In terms of wrestling, Banks + Bayley run circles around Bliss. To me, Bayley still struggles to carry a match as to where Sasha has better potential to build onto a match with her ring psychology awareness + selling to perfection.
Now I'm just rambling, but to get to the point: I felt some animosity between Banks + Bliss. I get you're supposed to feel that, but I felt like it was all too real. So I was scrolling through the comments section (which I rarely do because often times it's just dumb comments), but I saw a few people mentioning that these two actually hate each other in real life.
NOW, THIS IS ALL PROBABLY JUST A RUMOR, but I looked into it and found some interesting stuff.
So according to some articles + tweets, Alexa Bliss has disliked Sasha Banks since this one match they had in NXT where Sasha broke Alexa's nose. On Twitter, Alexa made some comments that Banks purposely hit her too stiffly because at that time, Bliss was about to be put over. Alexa made some shady comments saying people in that industry will take you out to pave a way for themselves, insinuating that Sasha was so desperate to get to the top she took Alexa out.
If this is the case, I say Alexa Bliss needs to suck it the fuck up. Accidents in the ring will happen! I condone this accident because Sasha Banks clearly knows how to wrestle. Before the WWE, she had some experience with being out in the Indy's.
Now, I've noted that Sasha's suicide dives have been quite fatal, but never once have I seen her perform a move that could injure someone else. She does those dives that could injure her, but not her opponent.
[ Alexa on the other hand, has and continues to botch certain moves that if you landed someone on their head ... could be really dangerous ] // It's like the whole thing where Eva Marie injured Carmella. Eva has no experience and Carmella doesn't either, it was just a bad situation.
When Asuka gave Emma a concussion for hitting her too stiffly, you didn't hear Emma complaining. For starters, It's a damn honor to be in a ring with Asuka. If Asuka hit me, I'd probably cry but be happy at the same time! xD
Asuka knows how to wrestle, as does Sasha Banks. I highly doubt that any of these two women would purposely take someone out.
Even if Alexa had wrestling abilities compatible to either of those women mentioned, I'd still root for Banks because to me, there's something more genuine about her.
Not saying I don't like Bliss because she doesn't show the emotion Banks does, but to me, Sasha just has the extra "IT" factor. If you know her background story, then maybe you'll understand why I relate to her more. As annoying as I find Sasha' role right now, the whole always coming out to Bayley's aid, she keeps upping her game to the point where I really think the Sky's the Limit for her.
(Fuck, I just realized I rambled).
As for Sasha, Sasha supposedly dislikes Bliss for not only those comments she made, but also because when Bliss left NXT, she thanked everyone but Sasha (who would be in many training sessions with her). If this is true, then again, Alexa needs some humble pie.
Sasha may have broken Bliss's nose, but injuries happen. There's a great little interview with Sara Amato on Youtube (I think it's from the Sam Roberts show) where she talks about the training process. Amato says that Sasha + Bayley where the main girls who helped train newer talent.
She goes to the extent of saying that if one isn't appreciative of Bayley's + Sasha's work backstage, that they need to re-assess their priorities for whom they should show gratitude towards.
It's a pretty back handed thing to say, "Oh thank you to x, x, x and x" and not give mention to Sasha.
It's like when AJ Lee got Diva of the Year award and thanked specific girls, minus the Bellas cause of course, those two always had beef IRL + story line wise.
Anyways, that's that and I can't believe it took me 100 words to cover this. When I started this I thought I'd like get it all out in a few paragraphs ... hahaha ....
Don't ya'll just love how much shit I throw out here? xD
Dear Jebus, I fear for this girl. Listen, I understand that Lana is more representative of how past WWE Divas looked like, but why?
Why, why why?
I actually like Lana. I think she's a beast on the microphone + at nailing her Russian gimmick. I absolutely HATED the storyline they gave her with Dolph + Ruru being with Summer Rae and all of that.
That aside, she's a great addition to Rusev. My favorite story-line angle she's been in is the one with (IRONICALLY) Roman Reigns vs Ruru.
Lana is confident enough to go all out with the acting, literally smothering herself in that cake. I swear, that whole moment was so photograph worthy.
The few bits we've seen of Lana wrestling have been better than Eva Marie's entire WWE Wrestling Career. The bits I catch on instagram of Lana training, I'm actually proud of her.
She looks athletic enough to be able to perform some cool maneuvers and definitely has the whole "mic" / presence thing down.
I just really hope they don't treat her as some "sex symbol" that can't wrestle. I'm fine with her being all "sexed" up and what not, as long as they actually let her wrestle.
What are your thoughts on Lana + her new gimmick.
SIDE NOTE: This may be irrelevant but I had the random chance to meet Lana about two years ago and most recently, 5 months ago. Both were at an event, and as we were headed backstage my friend + I spotted her and Rusev.
We waved and they walked towards us. Honestly, I was more of a Rusev fan but in that moment I became a fan of her because she was genuinely nice. I mean genuinely because like ... sometimes ... (and this may just be me) you meet people who are TOO nice, like they got the whole raised voice going and it's too much and almost too fake.
Lana + Rusev were genuinely, really nice freaking people.
(The time she walked towards us was two years ago, and then five months ago we went to a Raw live tapping // it was a dark match with Rusev + Lesnar. Lana was right in front of us (we were seating behind one of the barricades closest to the ramp) and she turned around and recognized us. She hugged us and I don't know, those moments are just nice, ya know?
I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I'm such a podcast Junkie. My favorite is probably Jericho's, but I listen to all 'em wrestling podcasts.
Recently I discovered that Lilian has a podcast, and if you didn't know, I'm like a mega fan of that beautiful woman and her killer voice. Shawn Michaels + Shane McMahon were the original heart throbs for me, but Lilian: HEART EYES FOREVER.
A couple days ago I started listening to her podcast with Lita, and I sobbed like a baby. As my obsessive personality would have it, I then listened to another podcast with Sasha Banks and lord has no mercy. At some parts, I was screaming like a banshee because Sasha's upbringing was definitely not easy ... as if I wasn't already, that podcast made me even more proud of her.
... Yesterday I listened to another one with Becky, then one with AJ Styles ... and I also cried. Do you guys see the pattern here?
Basically, you need to listen to all these podcasts. They're all one YouTube! Just let them roll, clean your room and listen ... or at some point lay on the ground and sob hard like I did.
Lilian's podcast are so unique in the sense that she really is like your best friend. The way she interacts with people is so soothing + almost maternal lol. That and, it's as if she's known them forever. Love, love her.
So I just found out that Mauro is officially done with the WWE. He released a statement it had NOTHING to do with JBL, but I don't buy that bullshit.
I have no doubt they came to an agreement in which he won't speak about the matter, and as much as it sucks, I just wish Mauro the best.
I'll continue to support him regardless, and everything I said about John Bradshit Fuckfield still stands.
This is another thing I just found out about because as my weekly routine goes, I just have to casually see what my favorites are up to, via twitter, instagram, whatever they have I'll check.
So I saw Kenny's twitter feed, heart eyed through out most of it, but then came across a few posts that made me go into le google and see what's up.
As I've read, Kenny made a comment in which he calls Rollins out for stealing one of his moves + using it as his own. Kenny then made other comments saying he is not upset as it's not his move + everyone puts their own twist into moves others do.
I feel like people are definitely blowing this out of proportion, telling Kenny to stop being so "ego maniacal."
The dude literally just made a passive comment! That and if we're being honest here, Omega has nothing to worry about. Listen, I love Rollins but Kenny performs that move way better + when is Rollins going to get to use a move from his own past arsenal??
I hated the way he did the Pedigree, not even because I was comparing to Triple H, but because It looked "eh" in general.
This new knee strike doesn't do it for me either, but that's just me. I miss the curbstomp so much that I totally wouldn't mind if Kenny started using it ...
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