34 | raw, may 23, 2016
Episode 1200 of Raw was DAMN GOOD!
Let's recap,
shall we?
Aw man, I thought I had cried and wailed enough yesterday, but apparently not. I still cried and wailed some more today when Seth made his official return to RAW
Here are my stray observations:
- Seth's pants couldn't be any tighter
- Seth's bulked the fuck up.
- Maybe it's just me, but I saw Seth give us all shades of baby face with how polite + smug he was at the beginning of his speech.
Of course, he then reverted to his old ways BUT then when Stephanie straight up disowned her shiny golden god of a son, I sensed some baby face because if it's intended for him to stay heel, why didn't he throw a fit?
-Also, I squealed watching Seth stare at Shane with apprehension and suspicion like that one very distant family member that wants to hug you and you're just like, "can I trust you?"
Shades of baby face:
A moment of silence for Seth's literal heart break when mama threw him to the curb:
Overall, I'm very very very happy for Seth Rollins to be back and healthy and that's an overwhelming understatement because I don't have enough good words to describe how happy it makes me.
I very much enjoyed this battle between precious carrot cake Sami Zayn who's loved by everyone + red velvet cake Sheamus who seriously just wants to be loved.
I genuinely don't understand where the hate for Sheamus stems from,
but I goddamn adore him.
The physicality of the match was spot on, and is it just me, or has Sami Sunshine been on fire lately?
I mean, he always is, but as of lately he's just been on another planet.
Usually when you pair up Sheamus against a "smaller" guy, the pace of the match is slower and or filled with Sheamus tossing them around like rag dolls, but not against Zayn.
Sami & Sheamus had a good dynamic + come on, it's ginger vs ginger, everything goes since they don't have souls ...
Anyhoo, Sami won!
Our gingers going to Money in the Bank!
Onto Sheamus snapping and taking his rage out against Apollo Crews:
I didn't enjoy seeing Apollo get the shite beat out of him, especially since he seems like such a happy bloke, but I do dig the possible rivalry these two could potentially have.
I'm all for faster paced matches, but both Sheamus + Apollo are power houses and I can get behind that!
Sheamus is so underated at promos + at the mic:
Poor Renee and her Canadian Pride,
Do you guys see a resemblance between Sami Zayn & Curtis Axl?
When isn't the New Day amazing? I seriously had a massive love for these guys even when they were "heels." To think of how far they've come genuinely makes me cry because let's get candid here:
The WWE has NEVER been kind to men of color, or women of color.
To see not one, but THREE BEAUTIFUL BLACK MEN work hard and rise to the top + sell the most merchandise at Mania and basically create the most entertaining stable since I don't know, DX, is fucking beautiful.
I honestly don't know what will be of my soul if these three ever break up.
My heart broke when Seth dismantled that Shield, and I may stand alone here, but I love The New Day much more than I ever loved the Shield , and that says A LOT about how much I adore these men.
Stray observations:
I nearly broke my hip gurdle when I tried to slow-mo twerk like Kofi
the cake segment, oh the cake segment!
The New Day cake segment in honor of Raw's 1200th episode was glorious. I couldn't stop laughing at that ballsy, adorable blonde little kid who looked more than willing to take the cake to his face xD
someone out did big e's faces lmao! xD
Side note: I'm not digging the Social Outcasts attacking The New Day because first of all, I don't buy the SO as "heels". Secondly, it sickens me that now that there's only three, they get pushed to possibly face the New Day.
Thirdly, I'm still appalled that Adam Rose was released and wrongly accused on taking an illegal drug when it was not only legal, but prescribed.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, please google it and go to his twitter to find out for yourself.
Another random note:
Can I please get a montage of the New Day saying, "babyyyyy?" I could honestly listen to that ALL DAY LONG!
Here's another guy that's been on fire!
Okay, okay,
both of these men have been on FIYAH.
I don't hate the Miz, but he's certainly not my favorite either.
However, the guy has definitely kept up with well seasoned performers like Cesaro, Owens, Zayn, etc.
With the addition of Maryse, The Miz has been on a roll and I couldn't stop gushing about how he acknowledged it. Now THIS is how you book a woman as a manager, by highlighting her virtues rather than degrading them like when Rusev would tell Lana to back off cause she was a "woman."
Maryse is beautiful and strong and ugh, I actually love her + the Miz together.
Back to our favorite Swiss,
I'm just so in awe of him everytime he steps into the ring + I may not have agreed with the victor for the IC belt at ER, but at least Cesaro won tonight!
I really really like Baron Corbin + his "Lone Wolf" despicable human being gimmick.
To me, Baron has really evolved in the past few months, seemingly understanding his gimmick better + executing it to perfection.
I loved his promo with Dolph Ziggler in which he bashed guys with dreams of being a wrestler since they were in the womb + how he's damn good at what he does & makes bank because of it.
Onto Ziggler,
I just don't even know how to feel about him anymore because I understand he loves Shawn Michaels (who doesn't) but it's really sad and pathetic now how he's un-originally stealing everything from him.
Get your own act Zigs.
Side note:
I swear the put Jojo with the biggest guys on purpose. It's like they just wanna laugh at the massive height difference
While Enzo was out with a minor concussion, Big Cass did one hell of a job standing not only for his teammate, but also for himself to prove that he can be just as good as Enzo on the mic.
I'm happy to see Enzo back in the ring + how cute was Big Cass tonight?
You could literally see how proud + happy he was to have his lil weird bro back.
side note: this is super random, but as I was watching Big Cass face off against Bubba, I couldn't help but to imagine a rivalry between him & Baron Corbin.
They're both giant men, why not?
I actually liked Charlotte's disowning of Ric.
The segment was pretty compelling and played on a lot of personal beef or history between the two, which was cool because lots of people can relate to a parent being absent ( I know I can).
I'm not sure how I feel about Charlotte switching Ric for Dana though.
I wish she'd of just dump her dad and ride solo, but we'll see where this goes.
One of my favorite lines Charlotte said was something along the lines of, "Do you know how it felt to always be asked what if was like being Ric Flair's daughter" + when she said, " it should be you're Charlotte's dad."
This is the angle Charlotte should have always gone by, the daughter of a legendary figure who wants to be more than just that instead of the "genetically superior" horse shit.
I'm very unhappy that Charlotte is still Champion, especially with how the match ended,
but I'm interested in seeing what direction she's going in now.
I still don't like her, but I can acknowledge that she did good tonight.
But as always, stop screaming dear.
Also, I tip my hat off to Charlotte for transcending into a massive heel in a matter of minutes by making her father cried, but then my bf pointed out that Sasha Banks was a bonafide heel that made Izzie cry in .15 seconds and didn't need to even speak to do so.
Yer, my bf dislikes Charlotte a lot xD
side note:
If Charlotte & Dana do become a stable, it be cool to see them be mega heels and attack Bex which could lead to Becky + Sasha and then Women's Title Belt OOOOR the definite call up for Bayley to assist Bex.
Like my boyfriend said, Charlotte + Dana would be okay together because it opens up the door for Paige + Emma to be in a stable. Paige + Emma as we all know are great friends + are both NXT originals. Paige has had beef with Charlotte and surely Emma will have beef against Dana.
Idk, these are just random thoughts.
What do you think?
What would you like to see?
This is not easy to say, but out of all the Qualifying matches, this was honestly the most boring. Perhaps it because we all know Dolph wouldn't win or because neither men has history with each other OR because neither have anything really going for the other,
but this was the match I took my bathroom break for.
It sucks to say so, but Dean's management has been horrible.
Of course I still adore him,
but aye, he desperately needs a revival to better matches and better opponents.
My over all thoughts is that Dean Ambrose needs to fucking win that Money in the Bank match.
There are rumors that Owens will be getting a massive push into the main event spot + wwe whc match face off, so if that does happen, I'm not entirely mad.
However, Owens still has his pending rivalry with Zayn
+ Dean's got nothing going on, so he desperately needs this.
With Dean being written out of Roman's side, it be cool to see Ambrose's reaction to Seth's return.
Will their still be beef between the two?
I will praise AJ in a few moments, but first,
Kevin Owens is everything.
No matter who he faces, he always makes the match so much better than expected.
I always have high hopes for him, but tonight + yesterday, he exceeded them.
I really dig that it seems like creative is either nailing it with his scripts or are allowing him to free lance it which I wouldn't doubt for a second.
It warms my heart that he's being allowed to do more "high flying" maneuvers if you will.
Also, they've stopped calling him fat.
Instead of calling him "out of shape" they now refer to his weight + athleticism as something amazing which I can't tell you how much I enjoy.
There's rumors going around in wrestling forums that Owens is to get a massive push into main event spots + possibly being elevated up to the wwe whc title picture, and if that's so, I'm so stoked for him.
We don't need any of that "walk kevin walk" shenanigans even thought we know Owens is a precious whiny, savage of a baby.
We need this brutal, destructive Owens they've given us.
Whether he's on commentary or in the ring, Owens fucking kills it.
Personally, Cesaro and Sami always leave me in awe, but at the moment, Owens is my favorite. His in-ring ability is as good as it gets + it's the little moments that make him my favorite.
I don't think there's ever been a better heel than Kevin Owens,
and you can't teach that!
I need more of Kevin sarcastically "thumbs upping" his opponents
tonight he made water come out of my nose when he told Michael Cole to stfu.
He even gave us a grammar lesson.
Through out the match, I was rooting for both because I have adored Styles + Owens long before they arrived to WWE.
I was cheering for the two because it's impossible for me to choose when it comes to the two, but with that being said, I am happy that Owens won. It seems more fitting since Styles broke up with his bf's Karl + Doc and I'm pretty sure that'll take him to some story line that'll lead to the Bullet Club and or Finn.
We're almost done here. I don't normally do this in my rants, but today I'm feeling all sorts of happiness.
I know a lot of people are pissed because they keep advertising his return, but holy fuck come on guys, cut Cena some slack.
It's not his first injury and yet he's still passionate and hungry about recovering.
Here's a guy who's nearly 40, healing faster than 20 year old mofos.
Now, his Superman genetics do have something to do with it, but you're ignorant if you don't acknowledge that his work ethic, determination, motivation, and mind set are honest to god gold.
I've never been the biggest Cena fan, but I do respect and admire him a lot.
He embodies his motto, and that's not an easy thing to do.
Chris Jericho is a legend and definite future HOF.
He's also fourty fucking five years old and I don't have a doubt in my bones when he says he genuinely still loves wrestling + wants to help others.
Y2J doesn't have to prove anything anymore, and yet he's putting on amazing matches.
Yes, the man is slower than he used to be, and he gets winded down, but he does not stop!
He keeps up with younger fellas + actually puts them the fuck over and gives them a proper match!
Unlike Triple H, and fucknig Brock Lesnar, Chris has no problem losing to help elevate someone.
Brock would have NEVER agreed to get a little bit of blood on him without being paid half a million dollars.
I've always respected Chris, but after last night,
I respect him even more.
I fucking love his gimmick and that he plays up his "dad bod" and genuinely doesn't give a shit about what people think about him.
He plays with the hate and steps it up a notch.
Bless Chris Jericho for giving Dean a proper "extreme rules" match.
Honest to god, I've always had a girl crush on the beautiful Lilian Garcia and tonight my love for her was on damn fire.
First of all, how beautiful did she look tonight?
If I get to age like her, I'll be very happy.
My love for Lilian is just too much. She's my favorite ring announcer + tonight I couldn't help but to notice how much she actually interacts with the Superstars when they get in the ring.
She was smiling from ear to ear when Big Cass + Enzo where in the ring + it's probably just me, but I love how she looks at AJ Styles like she's his biggest fan.
I just love Lilian,
I really do.
In my opinion she has the best voice + charisma of a ring announcer and definitely deserves a spot in the HOF.
Lilian Garcia is a bad ass.
I've been a massive AJ Styles fan girl for years, even watching his disastrous last year in TNA segments. Of course I'm majorly biased when it comes to Styles,
but oh my fucking god I swear that no one sells like he does.
There's not a man in the roster that's put their body on the line as much as Styles has in only the short amount of time he's been there.
Not shitting on Reigns because of course he took punishment last night,
but over all, AJ was the more abused one and I don't even know how he was walking for Raw.
Speaking of AJ + Raw, this brings me to my next point.
Styles was not only OKAY and seemingly un-affected by last night,
he put on a fucking war with Owens.
It shouldn't surprise me because if you've seen AJ's matches in the Indy's, ROH, TNA, then you know just HOW much worse he's taken,
but my god.
I don't know if anyone has better aerial control than Styles in the WWE.
Maybe Zayn, maybe.
He took a beating last night,
and then put his body at stake again in tonight's Raw against Owens.
Well guys, we're done!
I've not enjoyed reviewing a RAW this much in a long time (probably since Zayn's initial RAW debut) + this is one of the longer rants, so if you made it this far, thanks!
As always, let me know what your thoughts are!
I've noticed a lot of you interacting + responding to each other in the comments section, so I'm trying my best to do the same
Next chapter might possible be on Lilian because ugh, did I mention I really love her already?
x o , v i o l e t .
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