08 | cm punk

Requested by LunaticFringeGirlJ



Oh Jebus, where do I even start?

CM Punk is by far my favorite wrestler/ human being to ever come into the WWE.

For a while, no one captivated me as much as Edge did, till a long dark haired dude with loads of tattoos and under eye bags came in and not only stole my heart, but proved everyone up while he stuck his middle finger up at 'em.


CM Punk is probably, along with Daniel Bryan one of the only men in the WWE to have ever broken the classic mold of a champion. When Punk first came into the WWE, he wasn't super built. Over the years his body changed to more muscular, but he was still small compared to most guys.

I like that he didn't look like your average wrestler, or average person for that matter.

His tattoos don't make sense to anyone but himself, which is also cool cause you should always get a tattoo FOR YOURSELF, regardless of what people might think about it. That's ink going on to your skin, permanent one. So if you're getting tatted up, make sure it's FOR YOU.

I thought long haired Punk was pretty good lookin, and then he went through that bald phase and I was like hey, that's not too bad. Then his hair grew out a bit and I was like *heart eyes*


We all know what Punk did in the WWE ring, but please, if you haven't please treat yourself to his Indy matches that are on YouTube.

Go watch CM Punk vs Samoa Joe

CM Punk vs Colt Cabana

CM Punk vs Chris Hero

I beg you to please watch these matches and tell me that he isn't one tough son of a bitch.

CM Punk's matches in the Indy's are a thing of beauty. For starters, he was much more lean in his Indy days, and it was scary at times seeing all the shit he took. I honestly can't watch those matches without thinking he'll break in half but his bones are strong AF.

While Punk was always a solid performer, I don't think his full potential came towards the end around 12-13' when he started using so many transitions like neck locks into DDT's. Ugh, I swear, he's the reason I'm obsessed with transitions. He'd do them so skillfully and fluidly that you could take a picture at any second and get a good shot.

To me, Punk was probably one of the smartest in-ring wrestlers in that company. From the way he successfully landed to the way that he never tried to out power any one (common sense) he always brought a unique offenses and his kicks, specifically his round house kick was always spot on.


Punk's gimmick started out as "Straight-Edge" and then went to some weird, yet entertaining angle when he was "Jesus Punk" but, after 2008, he was just a raging badass.

Punk's personality of never backing off, never being told what to do, and drumming to his own beat is everything the Anti-Diva should be *cough cough*

You could throw any obstacle at Punk and he'd make any gimmick/storyline work.

Remember that cringe-worthy Mike Knox + Kelly Kelly angle, that shite was weird but Punk nailed in in the mic all the time. Then the time he feuded with Rey and even revealed a surprise to his son, that shit was so messed up and stupid but what did he do? Punk put on his A++ acting skills and delivered.

Overall, Punk always had something to say, and he always backed it up.

Long live the Straight-Edge fellow.

Never will there be anyone similar to Punk, ever.


CM Punk is the father of owning that microphone and making it a weapon.

I love the Rock, but he was always kissing ass.

Stone Cold was just there to bring more money into his pocket,

but Punk-

Punk fucking revolutionized with that microphone.

He said the shit we all were dying to hear, and that 2011 Pipebomb he droppped will forever be the best thing said in the WWE. Nothing will ever come close to touching that because the sentiment behind it was REAL AF. Punk was done with Vince and it's so sad to see how pro-wrestling, something he loved so much at the start faded out thanks to the WWE's unfair treatment.

If Punk was slashing Vince in the mic, he was being hilarious like

the "Bitching & Moaning" segment with Christian or the "Nanana Goodbye" to John Laurinatis OOOOR the time he sang Chicago xD

If you haven't seen that and wanna laugh, just type into YouTube: CM Punk sings Chicago by Frank Sinatra.


I'm not talking about CM Punk the wrestler, but CM Punk the person. Regardless of what you think about him, no person gives their friend over a million dollars to save their house unless THEY ARE GOOD FUCKING HUMAN BEINGS!

Google that shit. CM Punk gave Joey Mercury a massive paycheck to keep him and his family out of the streets when Mercury hit rock bottom.

Asides from that, Punk's always a sweetheart to his fans, the real fans who ask smart questions and genuinely like the guy.

Punk's said it before, he's an asshole, but it's funny how the most self-proclaimed assholes tend to actually be nice.

Punk on Talking Dead just shows how awesome he can be. He's a smart guy with a great, humorous personality and if that wasn't so, he wouldn't of have the gorg AJ Lee by his side aka another perfect human being.


I'll be honest, I'm a little scared for Punk and his UFC career. He's almost 40, and he'll be fighting guys with loads more experience and half his age. We know he's in shape and shit but oh dear god I pray he doesn't get it that bad. I'm rooting the fuck out of him for when he debuts and I just hope he proves everyone wrong again.

Also, there's a few people saying Punk's gone bitter with the WWE, and here's what I think about that.

He has more than enough reason to be bitter about the WWE.

-They killed his love for pro-wrestling

-STAFF INFECTION. They didn't wanna give the guy a break to recover from that nasty infection and he could have legit died had he not gone against their orders and got it checked with AJ's doc.

I am not making this up, please please go hear it yourself from Colt Cabana's tell all podcast with Punk.

-Speaking of the Colt Cabana podcast, Vince. Vince planned to go on Stone Cold's podcast to address the Punk situation and probably bury him. When Punk found out, he retaliated and when to Colt first, getting his version of events out which I believe are ALL TRUE cause he has so much shit backing him up it's crazy.

Punk said the WWE can sometimes feel like high school, like you don't say hi to some big exec and you're fucked. You curse and your done.

Look at Paige. The poor girl dropped an F bomb and now she's getting this horrible jobbing losing streak.


They sent Punk his terminated contract on the day of his wedding day, meaning that while he was dressing and suppose to be having the best day of his life, some fed-ex guy handed him the papers saying he's been fired. Now, Vince has said on Stone Cold podcasts that he apologizes for that and that it was pure coincidence, but that is BULLSHIT. Vince can't even look at the camera when he says that and then changes the subject immediately after. Vince hated Punk and no doubt did it out of spite.


Paul Heyman easily overshadows some of his guys, but Punk always stood as an equal to him. I don't think there's ever been a wrestler and his manager that complimented each other more than Punk and Heyman did.

As friends/ mentor type of deal whatever, they were hilarious and untouchable when they were both on the mic together. The fact that Punk knew that being a Heyman guy hurt his chances and still kept him by his side till Heyman was fired is fucking beautiful.

When Heyman talks about Punk, he sounds like a real proud fucking father, and he should be.

When these two clashed, that shit was gold and the most entertaining bash in years.


CM Punk is still my favorite. There will never be another guy like him and there is yet a guy to captivate me as much as he does. I mean, Becky, Paige, and Dean Ambrose are kinda there but not really.

I don't agree with what Punk said about the Susan G. Whatever stuff cause it did come off as BITER, but to be fair, that is a shit company that only gives like 3% of the money to research. The rest goes into already wealthy AF investors.

He always nailed his gimmick,
made any storyline work,

is a shame he didn't headline wrestlemania (FUCK YOU ROCK)



Another reason I say alright to Punk being biter is because they included him in the WWE game, but not AJ. You know why they did that?


It'll be interesting to see if Punk retaliates cause if you didnt' know, CM Punk filed a lawsuit (which he won) where he had ownership rights to his name.

Meaning CM Punk in not the WWE's but his one. Unlike poor Chyna, he got to keep his name cause THAT IS SOMETHING HE MADE!

I love CM Punk,
all hail Punk.


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