05 | naomi

Requested by BestInTheWorldd + kylieraeging


I'm don't like, nor do I dislike Noami.



I think Naomi is a beautiful woman, as are all the women in the WWE, but I just can't get behind her look. I love her skin, I love her big smile, big booty, and massive hair, but I hate her ring gear. I don't like those flashly light up shoes she uses and sometimes she just looks really tacky. I'm sorry but that's what I think.

On the other hand, I do think that Noami's image as a whole is inspiring.

A) She's not a thin girl like say Brie or Kelly Kelly. Naomi's a thick woman, not at all fat. She's got real curves and her behind is A++. I LOVE that she's confident in her body, as not all women are thin. She embraces her curves and that's admirable in a business where you got assholes like Kevin Dunn wanting someone completely different from Naomi.

B) Naomi keeping her hair with it's natural texture is beautiful. I like the idea of girls with her hair color and skin color looking at Naomi flaunt it and rock it. I've met so many black girls who are insecure of their looks because they're "not deemed" beautiful. That's complete bullshit! Fro's are beautiful and should never be shunned. Little girls have something different to look at when they see Naomi. I love that she's maintained her natural beauty that makes little black girls see someone like them on tv. Alicia Fox used to be very much like Naomi in that sense, but now she's got colored contacts, a weave and all. Not hating on Fox, she's a beautiful chick who looks a little more ethnic with all the changes she's done to herself over the years.


Naomi in the main roster is boring. I hate her booty to the face finisher and for the most part, I have yet to be super impressed with her. Not saying she can't wrestle, because she clearly can, but I wish she'd be given more air time to really display all her potential. I remember watching her in NXT and FCW, where she really did shine. That's the Naomi I liked, but sadly, she's only a shadow of how good good her matches used to be.

Without a doubt, Naomi is athletic AF, but I DO NOT THINK SHE IS THE MOST ATHLETIC DIVA. That spot to me still belongs to Alicia Fox. For a chick who rarely gets screen time to wrestle, whenever Foxy gets time, she delivers. In my opinion, Alicia's athleticism and flexibility is much better than Naomi. Alicia is so fluid that her moves could be photographed at any angle and look like art. Fox moves faster than Naomi, and also sells like a boss.

If Naomi is ever given a proper run, then I think her NXT + FCW roots will show. I hope she gets a push, but to be honest, I'm not really that interested in her getting a push right now. If she gets it, of course I'll watch but I much rather another girl gets it.

Also, Naomi NEEDS/URGES a new finisher. She's got that legs wrapped around the neck one but honestly, her delivery in it is very weak at times. She needs something a little more effective and mean looking.


I don't know why, but I could never connect to Naomi's character/gimmick. I didn't like her in the Funkadactlys cause I found them annoying and cheesy, and then asides from that...what else has been her gimmick?

I really liked the angle she took when she attacked Paige, claiming she's been there for years and watched all her friends succeed, but not her. I liked it but at the same time, I was like ??

Her mic skills haven improved, but for some reason I just can't connect to Naomi. I can't feel for her and her cause, whatever it is. Whenever she rants I kinda just think of that one loud-annoying aunt we all have who's always preaching. I feel like it's missing heart and even confidence.

For example.

When Nikki Bella talks, she EXUDES confidence. You can give Nikki a minute to get 24056 points across, and she'll milk it with a one liner.


Although I love Paige, her early mic skills made me cringe. Sometimes her delivery comes off across as iffy and nervous, but I can always feel something and no it's not my lady boner from looking at Paige. Maybe it's something in her eyes or pose, but you can tell Paige is trying and probably kicking herself when she does poorly. Paige sometimes sounds like that loud-sarcastic friend we all have, and with that I can relate.

Loud nosy aunt? Not so much.


Now, as a wrestler, I don't really buy into Naomi.

As a human, off-the ring, I think she's amazing. From Total Divas, Naomi is probably my favorite. She's the only one that looks remotely 100% honest and also, she's just so wise and calm. I'd love to have an older sister like Naomi, full of advice for when I fuck up.

She's got such a maternal vibe to her. Like if I'm ever having a bad day I wish I had someone like Naomi to hug me xD

Naomi seems like a caring, loving, wife and also a great mother.

I feel like she's a super kind person who lets things slide a little too easily, but there's really not much harm in that. Some people are just that chill.


-Naomi still needs some development. If given the proper run and development, I think she can really transform into a wrestler that appeals to the masses. She's a mother and a wife rolling with a bunch of single ladies with no kids, and that could open up a huge story line for her. "I do this for my kids" similar type of anger/deal that is reminiscent in Kevin Owens/Roman.

-This woman has the ability to wrestle no doubt, but her arsenal needs to be re-evaluated and urges a new finisher.

As a wrestler, I still can't quite love or hate her, but I think her full run is near. I can't wait for Team Bad to break up and I pray that stems into some sort of Naomi vs Sasha feud. I like mean Naomi the best, and against the Boss's sassy fire, I think it'll be GOLD.

All in all, if Naomi gets a push, I will root for her. But if she doesn't, I'm also kinda ok with that cause I'm still rooting for someone else.


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