Without him

Summer POV

I decided to name my child Ruby, she is just like me, and she shares (Y/N)s smarts. I remember many things (Y/N) missed...and things he couldn't do

He couldn't hold my hand as I gave birth to Ruby, instead Raven did

He missed holding our child for the first time

He couldn't see her bright smile

He missed her first birthday

He missed her walk for the first time

He missed the first time she said, mama

He couldn't see her beautiful silver eyes

He missed her first day at school

He missed her first time with a weapon with Qrow

He missed her whole childhood

And then in her teens,

He missed the days she would come home with a question about science that I had no clue how to answer

He missed her first day at Beacon, she had been accepted early...I'm sure you'd be proud of her

"And now your gonna miss her first Vytal Festival," I say to his grave

"And it's not only you who missed stuff," I say as tears come out of my eyes

I missed sleeping in bed with you

I couldn't walk down the wedding Isle and see you in a suit

I couldn't be your wife

I couldn't make a picnic for you and Ruby

And I sure miss seeing you

"And Ruby has missed stuff too," I continue

She didn't say, daddy to you

She didn't feel your warm hugs

She couldn't see your warm smile as you say "I love you,"

She missed having a father figure

She missed having a dad who would talk to her after school

She missed what could have been

She couldn't learn dancing from her father

Oh she missed so many things

"And I'm sure she'd love the Eagle too," I say as tears come out

"I know you did what you did to protect me, but I can't help but blame you...I can't help but hate you for Missing all those things....but I just love you so much that I can't...I just can't blame you for everything,"

"I'm off now, I love you," I say as I turn around. (Y/N)'s body was never found, so I know I'm just talking to some dirt...but it helps...it helps to think maybe he heard me in the after life

I walk back toward Ravens and Tai's house on patch. They are getting ready to watch Yang's fight, she's part of Ruby's team, Team Rwby. I still can't believe my daughter is a team leader.

"are You ready Summer!" Raven asks

"Yea, ready!" I say smiling

We rush to some bullheads just to hear they are aren't running

"What the hell? We ask about this a few hours ago and they said they could take us!" Raven says getting fired up

"Hey, hey, come down hon," Tai says calming Raven down

"Why are they cancelled?" I ask

"One of our programmers caught a virus in our bullheads systems, so we are just figuring out how to get rid of it," the man says

"Ok, I see," I say. My mind wonders to the Eagle and just how convenient it was. Even after all these years I still remember it perfectly

"When will they be up?" I ask

"We are unsure but possibly 1-2 hours," The man says

"Ok," I say kinda of defeated, we head back home. Since (Y/N) was killed, Raven and Tai took me in. I was a wreck after he dead, and I was pregnant with Ruby. And since then, I've stayed here ever since. Ironwood has paid our living expenses, but I asked him to stay away from Ruby.

I've told Ruby many stories of her father and the Eagle. She has stars in her eyes every time I talk about him...I really wish he could be here

"oh Man, we are gonna miss Yangs match," Tai says disappointed

"Grrrr," Raven says

"Raven," I say face-palming realizing something

"You should just teleport us there," I say, laughing a bit as we all chuckle a bit

"I forgot," She says her face going red

"Don't worry, it happens to me all the time," I tease

She opens a portal to Yang as we all step-through

"Mom!" I hear Ruby yells as I'm tackled from behind

"Ruby, some warning next time!" I mutter as I stand up again and kiss her forehead

"How's it going?" I asked smiling as I look at Team Rwby

"Miss Rose, it's going good," Weiss says formally

"I told you to just Call me Summer," I tell her as the others chuckle.

Raven and Tai chat with Yang as I find us some seats, "This will do," I say sitting down

"I'm next to mom!" Ruby yells as she parks it beside me

"No need to be so loud!" I say pinching her cheek

"Owwww owwowowowowow," Ruby says

"I'll stop, il stop, ok!" Ruby says in pain as I let her go. She rubs her cheek as Yang enters the arena. Her opponent is Mercury. He is good on his feet. The fight begins as I doze off.

I'm not one big for watching fights, I'd rather be in them.

I awake to a sudden jolt and sirens screaming

"Who said what!" I yell as I awake from my dream. My attention is instantly drawn to a nevermore attacking the stadium

"Ruby!" I yell out to see no one around me.

"Ok," I say as I reach to my hip to grab my weapon....and it's not there

"Ahh, I forgot it at the house!" I say grabbing my hair

"Run, Grimm attack!" I hear someone yell.

"Grim. Attack...great...just great," I mutter

" I can at least help people get away," I say a to rush to help people. I escort people to safety as I dodge around Grimm and distract them. A lot of things happen

Generals Ironwood army is here and I guess the robots of it have been hacked or something. And they have a huge ship that was hijacked as well. They manage to ground the huge vessel. But one colossal falls, another raises.

I watch in horror as I watch an entire mountain move...no not a mountain, a giant flying Grimm.

"Oh no," I mutter I it flys in our direction

"Oh no, oh no, oh no! Ruby where are you!" I say

"Ruby! Ruby! Ru--" I yell as I hear something. A low faint growl from the sky. It gets louder every second. The giant Grimm is above us now. But the sounds it makes don't match the scream of what is coming from overseas

"Another Grimm?" I ask looking...no, not another Grim

The loud noise gets louder and louder. And every second, my heart beats faster. Then gunfire, bullets coming from nowhere over the sea.

That noise, I know it well. I can hear it cutting the air from here. Then, faster then I can see. Something smashes off of the giant Grimm and bounces off it into the Beacon tower.

I know that noise," I say as I fall to my knees and start crying. The mechanical noises and then the revving of the Engines are all too familiar with me.

It's the Eagle, it's the Eagle with no doubt in my mind

(Y/N) POV about 16 years ago

I sit in my cockpit as the Eagle runs out of fuel.

"We are done," I say

"Drop me," Ootus demands as I open the cargo doors and unstrap the cage his dead body is in

"Goodbye my son," Lizart says

"Bye, mother, I'll see you soon," He says as his body slowly starts getting sucked out of the Eagle

"I'm afraid not, this man has a future family to return to," Lizart says as I raise an eyebrow in confusion

"I see, thank you, human, you have my gratitude, this won't stop Salem. But It will hamper her plans, and give your kind some time to find a way to deal with her," Ootus says as his body disappears out of the Eagle. I shut the door

"Prepare for landing (Y/N)," Lizart says

"Where?" I ask heading to the cockpit

"The water, I reckon we should float right?" She says

"I guess your right, but we are still out of fuel," I say

"Your smart, I'm sure you can find a way," Lizart says

"Slim chance," I say as I brace for impact

Current Day 1 hour earlier

"Are you excited?" Lizart asks

"15 years with you, yes I'm excited to talk with another person," I say as I fly across the water

"Haha, it wasn't that bad, was it. If not for me you wouldn't be flying right now," She says

"Yes yes, you gave me the thought I needed to make the fuel converter," I mutter

"You should be grateful to your elders," Lizart demands

"I will be when I don't spend every second with you," I shoot back

"Oh shush, your just nervous about Summer," Lizart says

"What if she moved on? Should I be glad or mad, I just don't know," I admit.

"What if she doesn't love me anymore," I mutter as I look at myself. Between catching the odd fish and big-time rationing my meals, I've lost a lot of weight. I'm glad Atlas always stockpiled the food reserves in here with food that doesn't go bad.

"I'm sure she remembers you," Lizarts says

"I don't know, I'd hate myself if she had been lonely all this time because of me," I say

"Just fly lover Boi," Lizart jokes

I fly until I can see the lights of Vale...

"Grimm," Lizart says

"A lot of Grimm!" She continues

"No...it's him," She mutters

"Who?" I ask

"You just need to know that he is a giant flying Grimm the size of a mountain," Lizart says

"Should we be scared?" I ask

"I'm unsure, my kind were weak to him, he was the king of the sky. But I have armour plating now," She says full of confidence

"Say, our wings can slash about anything if we are moving fast enough right?" She asks

"Yea," I say grinning.

"I say we go full steam ahead and plow him," She says as I push the throttle to 100%

The engines roar as has cut through the air

"We reach him in about,








I roll the Eagle so that our wing clips it. Lizart wasn't lying, it was a huge sucker. I hesr loud bang as our hit shakes the atmosphere as our wing slices a part of his body

The contact made us fly out of control as I smash into a tower. I quick regain control and go to speed up to attack again

"Two people from the tower are falling!" Lizart says as she uses a camera from the exterior of the Eagle to zoom in,

"Pick em up?" I ask

"It would be the nice thing to do," She says as I smirk.

"Let's see if I still got it!" I yell as I approach them fast. One had scarlet red hair and the other had short black hair.

I activate the left side vertical thruster to send us spinning, I open the cargo door as I pull the controls to one direction. This causing the Eagle to sharply spin 180 degrees just in time for us to catch them in our cargo bay, I hear two loud thuds against the cockpit door as I shut the cargo door

"Success," I mutter as I spin us around and start firing my guns as I once again speed toward the giant Grimm as I hit him with our wing again.

It's almost helpless as it tries to hit us. But we are much quicker and I escape his range just to speed back with twice the speed.

I hear my cockpit door open as the Scarlett haired girl is looking at me

"This is made of metal right?" She asks

"What else, plastic?" I ask

"I can control magnetism, I can give you a huge boost!" She says

"Ok, I'll get a run on him then, when I say, thrust us forward," I say as I turn away from Vale. The engines scream as I push their limits. After 10 quick miles, I pull a U-turn as I start hustling back toward the Grimm

10 miles

5 mile

3 mile

"Now!" I yell as the Eagle shoots at least 5 times his fastest speed

"Who's king of the sky now," I say before we smash a huge hole in its body as it starts to fade to nothing. This came at a cost, the hit slowed us a lot, which we should be glad for because we don't have wings anymore.

"Hang on!" I yell as we drop toward Vale. We suffer a hard landing, but the body of the Eagle looks intact

"Everyone good," I say coughing

"Good," The redhead says

"I'm alive!" I hear another voice, this one much more immature than the redhead

"Sweet," I say as I open the Cargo door

"Home sweet home," I say as I get up to leave the cockpit, as I do, my attention is instantly drawn to the short black haired girl I saved, I couldn't notice her features in that zoomed picture, but now I see it clear as day

She looked just like Summer, in fact, I had to do a double-take to make sure it wasn't her. I smile as I realize. She must be Summers, daughter. I'm faced with mixed emotions. I'm glad she moved on...but at the same time I'm hurt

"Are you two ok?" I ask

"Thanks to you," The redhead says

"Yea, you really saved our skins," The black-haired one says

"What's your name?" I ask as I exit the cockpit and walk to see fresh air, it's been years since I step foot on land

"My name is Ruby! And this is Pyrrha," The black-haired one says as she points the redhead

"Hello, and who might you be?" Pyrrha asks

"Me......my, I haven't said my name in ages," I say smiling

"My name is," I began to say but I'm interrupted

"(Y/N)!!!" I hear as I'm tackled

I freak out for second until I see a piece of a white cape wave into my sight

"Summer!" I say a bit surprised

"Your alive!" She says hugging me tightly

"Mom?" Ruby asks confused

"Summer, you're with someone else now," I say concerned

"What are you saying?" She asks with tears in her eyes

"Your daughter," I say looking at Ruby from the ground

"No," Summer says

"Our daughter," She says kissing me

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