Nigeria, Abuja.


Presently, she has just woken up from a long sleep. Her body feels weird and slightly sore so she took deep heavy breaths and tried pulling herself up from the bed. For a minute Aamirah forgot why she feels different down from her head to toes but when she glanced down at her growing stomach, it all made sense. Her babies are turning her into a blob.

She subconsciously rub her hand over her stomach protectively before letting out a deep sigh and carefully walking to the bathroom. The first time Khaleel brought her over to her new home, she was shocked the whole day. She couldn't believe this was even reality so she turned around and blurted her mind out to him.

"Khaleel, there is now way I can turn this huge HOUSE into a HOME!"

Khaleel laughed at her before proceeding to show her the gigantic bathroom, her favorite place in the house other than the kitchen.

Now, two years later, she is more than comfortable in her beautifully decorated home. She is obsessed with each and every room, most especially this cozy bathroom where she always takes a very hot and relaxing, long bath.

It took her awhile to dress up mostly because nothing feels comfortable with her growing stomach but she finally settled on a sky blue free gown. She didn't even bother glancing at the deodorant or perfume because she hates the mere sight of them. Khaleel had teased her about it even taking this to the doctors office who assured him it was normal. Pregnant women tend to have very strong opinion about everything.. Khaleel can testify that.

She tucked her legs into the maternity soft shoes before walking downstairs to find something to eat. When she hear the familiar shrieks, she stopped by the stairs peeping down to catch a glimpse of Raina and Khaleel. She is riding her pink bicycle while her father is tickling her.

Aamirah smiled at them sweetly. They haven't noticed her, not yet at least, so she stayed rooted watching and loving on them from afar.

Sometimes she can't believe how big Raina has gotten over the years with her big grin, one sided dimple, furrowed eyebrows and sweet talkative personality. She has definitely captured her heart, the whole of it.

"Daddy... Stop" she shrieked running away from his hold. Somehow, she caught a glimpse of Aamirah.
"Look.. Mummy is awake!"

Khaleel looked up with a blinding smile on his face, "Come down here, mummy"

Before she could even reach to the bottom of the stairs, Khaleel was quick to embrace her. His warm long fingers curl around her waist sending thousand of shivers down her spine. When he leaned into her ear and blew a raspberry, she almost lost it right there. Ya Allah! This strong force.. his strong force.

"Khaleel, let me see my baby first" she breathe shakily.

"I'm here"

She giggled slightly moving from his hold. "My little baby, not you, love"

Aamirah gently reach out embracing Raina in a motherly coated hug enjoying the feel of her soft four years old hands around her neck. She inhaled her sweet scent kissing her forehead. "Hi, my baby. When did you come?"

"Maama dropped me off, she went to the hospital" Raina pulled away. "She said she will bring ice cream later for our girls day out, did you call Aunty Maama yet?"

Aamirah held onto her hand listening to Raina ask her numerous questions, "Yes, we spoke earlier. We are meeting up with Saffy and the rest soon"

"Yayyyy!!.. where is Daddy?" She turned around trying to catch a glimpse of Khaleel.

"He is probably in his room. Have you eaten?"

Raina bobbed her head as they walked to the kitchen. When Aamirah arranged a bowl of microwaved potatoes soup, Raina was quick to join her which brought a smile to Aamirah's face. They ate together, with Raina talking all about her school and everything non related to that until Khaleel joined them all freshened up.

"Ya Maamah just called me, party has been shifted to Ya Aisha's house because Captain decided to start reconstruction today without her knowing"

Aamirah nod her head. "Let me start getting ready, I'm sure Adda Batool will be here soon"

"Okay love, we will wait right here" he replied winking at her sending shivers down her spine. Aamirah bit her smile before kissing Raina on her forehead and walking upstairs to change into something more presentable. What she didn't notice was the packed bag by the side until she moved to apply a little bit of makeup.

Roughly, she calculated the days Khaleel spent with her. Didn't he just come yesterday? That means he is spending two more nights with her before he leaves for Batool's house then why is he packing? Besides he never packs when rotating from each house, mostly he has clothes everywhere.

Just when she was about to leave the room, he stepped inside the watching her with a big smile on his face. Aamirah crossed her hands across her chest. "Where are you going?"

"What do you mean?" He asked moving closer and wrapping his hands around her waist pulling her as close as he can with her bulging stomach in the way.

"The already packed bag? I'm not blind Khaleel"

He kissed her forehead. "I'm going to Sudan tonight, I have a very important meeting"

Aamirah frowned slightly, "Tonight?!"

"Yes but I'll be back soon, I promise. One week maximum"

She sighed nodding her head. Sometimes she hates that his main work is in Sudan because that's far from her but then again if he never opened an NGO in Sudan they would have never met. Not in a million years so she is grateful for the NGO.

A burst of shivers run down her body when he leaned in and slowly kissed her. She held onto him closer enjoying the warmth of his body close to her. Only Khaleel can ignite this feeling in her even after four years of marriage. That is plus the year they separated from each other and another year she spent in Maiduguri for school while he returned to Abuja.

The plan was to finish law school and move back home with him but the pregnancy happened and she decided to make a transfer to Abuja, move in with her husband in this terrific huge house that was always planned and prepare for the arrival of her babies.

"I love you, Mimi. I'll come home to you and our babies. I promise, love"

She sniffed back her tears. The hurt is chumming away in her heart because of this sudden separation from Khaleel. She can remember the day Mama finally met Khaleel in the hospital when they visited her, she couldn't stop teasing Aamirah about her supposedly husband who can't take his eyes off her. It didn't help that Mama heard some parts of their night calls– Ya Rabbi! That was humiliating.

"I don't want you to go" she cried.

"I know love"

"You better make it home in a week if not I'm moving back in with Mama and I won't speak to you ever"

Khaleel laughed lightly. "Okay. I promise. Until then, keep this babies inside you"

"I'll try" she said praying deep within her Khaleel will make it back in time for the delivery of their kids because she needs him there. No matter what he has to be there when she completes the joy in her. The missing, priceless piece she didn't know she needed.. until now.


In a way, Aamirah saw this coming but she had tried so hard to be optimistic about the situation. The day Khaleel left for Sudan, she met up with Ya Maamah, Ya Aisha and Batool with all the kids at Ya Aisha's house. It was a fun day, a sort of get together Ya Maamah always makes sure they hold at least twice a month to catch-up and let the kids meet their cousins.

The first time Aamirah attended the event, she was nervous because back then, Ya Aisha detested even the mere presence of her. She had already made up her mind then that Aamirah did not truly love Khaleel and she is just after him to ruin his happiness with Batool. It broke Aamirah to even think of it but then they resolved with the help of Batool who walked in on their very awkward conversation.

Now, she loves the get together. It's one of those rare meetings they have all the children together, including Ya Zeezee's girls who stay with their father and his new wife.

During the meeting, she was unbelievably uncomfortable and uneasy. Batool had forced her to get some rest and made sure she took her prenatal vitamins being of full doctor mode with her. Aamirah was beyond grateful to have her there, especially when the pain faded and everything was more brighter in her eyes.

Now more than ever, she needs Khaleel or Batool or any other person who she can lean on because of the uncontrollable pain in her abdomen. The house is eerily quiet except for Raina's soft snores from where she is sleeping on the bed.

Aamirah let out a deep breath getting access to her phone and dialling Ya Maamah's number. She would have called Batool but she left for Kaduna two days ago for a relative's wedding and Khaleel is in Sudan! For work!

"Hello, Aamirah?"

"Hello Ya Maamah" she breathe, "I think it's time"

"Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi raji'un. Okay.. alright, I'll be there soon. Have you packed your hospital bag already?"

Aamirah sat on the bed trying to cope with the shooting pains. "Yesss but it's not here. I left in Adda Batool's house, she was suppose to finish packing and send it back"

"Okay.. let me call Aisha to help us with the bag. The security has a spare key to the house"

Aamirah didn't bother replying because of the loud gasp that escaped her mouth. She stared at her stomach in fear, suddenly she burst into tears wishing for her mother. In the moment, she knows no amount of baby class would have prepared her for this pain. This excruciating pain that is shooting so hard in her pelvis.

She stood up and started walking around the room breathing through the pain. Mama said breathing through the pain will make it easier and Batool asked her to walk when she starts feeling any pains because it will help with her labour but right now, she doesn't feel like doing anything. She just wants the pain to go away and smack Khaleel's head for leaving her all alone!

It feels like forever before Ya Maamah arrived but when she did, Aamirah did not feel so alone. She leaned into her motherly hold crying so hard.

"Subhanalilah, Aamirah, you need to take a shower"

It happened in a blur, the shooting pains, the uncontrollable tears, the intense dull pains in her lower back and words of encouragement from Ya Maamah who helped her through it all. When they finally got in the car, with Captain who is driving and Raina who is still sleeping in the back seat near Aamirah, the numbness in her feet began. She could no longer comprehend what was happening until the nurses surrounded her asking her thousand questions on when she started feeling pain, who her doctor is.

Aamirah was overwhelmed and stressed. She can feel it happening. The moment she has been anxiously waiting and preparing for.

So far her labour journey is going exactly opposite of what she had planned in mind. She is suppose to have Khaleel with her, assuring her it will be fine and this is just temporary pain and it will be worth out but instead he is away in another country. Thousand of miles away from her! The tears returned in full blow motion.

"If you keep stressing yourself they might have to do a C-section to bring the babies. The way your stress level is high I don't think you will have enough energy to push this kids out!" Ya Maamah reprimand trying to hide her own fear.

She hasn't been in the labour room ever since Ya Zeezee died and it's extremely hard for her to forget her last moment with her sister when Aamirah is dealing with so much pain.

"Can you please call Khaleel?"

Ya Maamah sighed softly pulling her phone out to call her brother. Surprisingly, he picked up on the first dial despite being so late at night.

"It's Aamirah, she is in labour" Ya Maamah said, "I need you to calm her down, she is panicking and the doctors might opt for an emergency C-section"

Khaleel froze in bed. "Let me talk to her"

When Ya Maamah positioned the phone on her ear, she cried craving for his presence more than ever.


"It's okay love. It will be okay"

"I don't feel okay" she snapped.

"But you will be fine Aamirah. I don't doubt your ability to do this, love. If anyone can do it I'm sure it's you. Take a deep breath and think about everything you've been through and how you overcame every trial. Remember those horrible days when you thought things won't get better but they did? This is one of those moments Mimi, your going to be okay, my love"

She closed her eyes for a moment letting Khaleel's words sink into her. For a minute, she saw herself back in Sudan with all the demons chasing after her and the horrible, horrible vision of her uncle but when she opened her eyes, she wasn't there. She is here, in Nigeria, in the hospital, laying on the bed and feeling her babies all ready to come inside the world.

"This is our happily ever after, Aamirah. Embrace it"

And she did. Until she felt the warm, soft, small hands pressed to her chest and the shrills of newly born cries resonate through the room.

Khaleel is true, this is her happily ever after. The whole of it!


"Maama is sleeping, can we all take the noise down a notch?" Khaleel asked racing down the stairs to the kitchen where the girls are trying to bake a cake.

"Maama has been sleeping for ages!" Zainab whines from where she is sitting on the counter throwing her legs back and forth.

"That's because Maama is pregnant" Salma who is cracking an egg inside a bowl replied.

"No, she is not!" Zainab exclaimed. "Daddy said she has a baby in her stomach, that's all"

"Pregnant means having a baby in your stomach, Zeezee"

"Does pregnant also means your stomach gets big?"


Before Salma could say more, Zeezee let out a loud screech of excitement. Khaleel was beyond baffled quickly moving closer to his youngest daughter searching for any sign of pain or injury but he found none.

"What's wrong?" He panicked holding onto her gently.

"That means our principal is pregnant too. I have to tell Maama about this!" She turned around trying to run upstairs but Khaleel was quick to carry her in his arms. He held her up missing her cheek softly.

"Like I said, Maama is sleeping and no my love, your principal is not pregnant"

She furrowed her eyebrow, "But Adda Salma said your stomach is big when you are pregnant and our principal has a big stomach" she declared. "Have you ever seen his stomach?!" She asked bulging her eyes a little too dramatic for Khaleel to handle.

He let out a hearty laugh."Why don't we ask Maama when she wakes up?"

Zainab was quiet for awhile as if thinking about it, after a few seconds she let out a dramatic long sigh coming to a conclusion. "Okay, let's wait for Maama to wake up. Maama knows everything!"

"Good girl" Khaleel kissed her again before gently dropping her to her feet. He simply can't believe Aamirah left him all alone to handle the girls while she went shopping with Ya Maamah. He can handle Raina and the twins but Zainab is so much work with her never ending energy and questions. Sometimes he can't keep up with her so he simply crosses his hands over his chest and stare at her with so much pride and joy.

"Do you think Maama is giving birth to a girl or boy?" Ummukulthum who is greasing the pan for the cake asked curiously.

"I think it's a boy" Raina said.

"No!!! I vote girl!" Zeezee whine. "It's either my team or the losers team, daddy join my team, I don't want you to be a loser because I love you so much"

Khaleel laughed, "It doesn't matter if it's a girl or boy what matters is Maama gives birth safely without any complications, okay?"

The girls nod their heads including Zainab who didn't look so convinced.

"Don't worry daddy, I pray for Maama everyday. She will be okay" Zeezee whispered hugging her father.

"Thank you love. Maama will be okay. She is going to be fine InshaAllah" Khaleel replied trying to mask away his fear. Saying the words out loud to Zeezee makes everything seem so real. The reality is that it's either Batool succeeds or fails and for the sake of his sanity, he hopes she succeeds.

After the cake was finally baked, the girls all gathered around the television watching a movie while Khaleel excused himself to check on Batool. He knows this pregnancy has been extremely hard on her and every day is more terrifying than the last because with her condition, things can change in a blink of an eye so they have all been on their toes hoping for things to go smoothly.

He met Batool sitting on the bed with the lights on, her hand is curled around her stomach protectively. When she looked up, he knew without a doubt that she has been crying so he raced towards her.

"Habibty, what is it?"

Batool inhaled sharply, "We need to go Khaleel. Right now"

"Alright, let's go, I'll get the hospital bag and the girls in the car"

She blew a hot breath before getting her veil and moving after Khaleel who is already racing downstairs to get the girls in the car.

"Maama! Maaama your awake!" Zeezee yelled excitedly walking to hug Batool.

"Hey my Zee!"

Khaleel grabbed his car keys. "Maama and I are going to the hospital we will drop you girls at Aunty Maamah's house. Raina can you get your sisters in the car?"

Raina stood up, "Okay Daddy" she answered getting Zainab's veil and helping her siblings inside the car. When they all buckled up, Khaleel drove to Ya Maamah's house hastily watching Batool for any sign of pain but she is calm. As calm as she calm be.

He can remember when Aamirah was giving birth to Zainab, she was in so much pain even he felt it but Batool is surprisingly calm looking out the window with a serene expression.

"Alright, Raina tell Aunty Maamah we are going to the hospital and I'll call her later. Take care of your sisters, okay?"

Raina nod her head getting out of the car, they all walked to the passengers seat hugging Batool one by one.

"I love you Maama" Raina whispered.

"I love you my sweet Raina. Take care of your sisters"

"Okay.. come home soon"

Batool kissed her head moving to hug the twins next. Ummusalmah and Ummukulthum.

"I love you Maama" they chorus.

"I love you too my shinning stars"

Zainab, who is the most emotional and youngest was wailing so hard Batool unintentionally joined her letting the tears wash her face too. It was hard for everyone to watch, including Khaleel who can't help but feel Batool is secretly saying her goodbyes to the girls. He swallowed the bad thoughts back.. positive thoughts only!

"Don't cry Zeezee, it's okay, Maama will come home to you, okay?"

"Oh-kay" she cried, "I love you Maama, I promise I'll let you sleep for ages! I won't disturb you and I won't tease my sisters, I'll even let Daddy have his boring meetings without yelling on the top of my voice. I'll also finish my homework and wash my plate after eating, I'll do everything Maama, I promise.. please come home"

Batool laughed amidst tears, she held onto Zainab closer feeling the love overpower her. Among all the children Zainab is the hardest to deal with and easiest to love.

"Okay my outgoing, outspoken, strong reckon of force baby! I hope you keep your promise when I come home"

Zainab nod her head as her lips wobble, "I love you"

"I love you too my baby girl. Be good to Aunty Maama.. okay?"

She nod her head hugging her one last time before running inside the house with her sisters. Khaleel was quick to drive to the hospital while caressing Batool's hand comfortingly, glancing at her so often.

"It's okay habibiey. I'll be fine"

Khaleel kissed her hand, "I love you Batoolie"

The pain caught her short of words. The next three hours was terrifying for Khaleel, even after Batool's mother who is in town arrived and Ya Maamah and Aamirah were by his side, it didn't help that much. He was frantically trying to get a hold of Batool who is slipping away from his reach. Further and further away.

Aamirah let out a shaky breath, she didn't want to think the worst of things so she paced up and down until she heard the shrill of baby coming from the room. That's when the tears spilled from her eyes– tears of joy wash her face. Especially when Khaleel announced it is a healthy baby boy. She couldn't stop smiling.

"How is she doing?"

Khaleel beamed looking all sorts of exhaustion and happiness. "Fine, Alhamdulilah. She's doing good!"

"Alhamdulilah" Aamirah echoed. "Four girls, one boy, how do you feel daddy?" She teased.

"Fulfilled my love. I am beyond blessed, alhamdulilah. Two beautiful Queens, four princesses and a prince"

Aamirah could not stop grinning even when she finally met Batool and hugged her so hard. "You did it Maama! Allah ya raya prince. Oh this boy has no idea the amount of love he is getting!"

Batool laughed. "Ameen. He has no idea!"

"He is our golden boy!"

Batool laughed nodding her head. "I'm glad to have you in my life Mimi, now I know no matter what happens my baby boy is going to live the best life because you will always be there with him till the end of time"

The tears sting her eyes. She doesn't deserve Batool. She doesn't deserve her love. In the minute, she promised herself she will love Batool's son more than she has ever loved.

Batool loves her daughters just like her own, she has been there for them since birth. She watched them grow, pull them closer and installed her beautiful values into them. She was there when they took their first steps, when they fell and bruised their knees and when they laughed displaying their teeth.

Batool loved them so hard and now that she has finally been blessed with her own– Aamirah will love him, be with him and stick with him till the end of time. She will love on him, oh so hard, so strong, the boy won't even know who his biological mother is because of the overpowering pure love.

Khaleel once told her, there is nothing like co-wife rules in his house. There should only be love. The only language they should speak in their growing kingdom and she hundred percent agrees.

She would never want her children to grow up in a disorganized house full of hatred and jealousy, that's just absurd so she is choosing the easy way out. Love. The whole of it.

"Get some rest Maama. You need it" Aamirah finally said when Batool let out a yawn. She stepped out bumping into Khaleel who is cradling the baby boy in his hand rocking back and forth, their eyes locked sending million shivers down her spine down to her toes. Khaleel moved close, so close she can feel his breathe fanning her face. She looked down at the boy caressing his cheek softly. He looks like Batool– a whole like her and Raina.

"Zainab will throw a big fit when she finds out it's a boy" Khaleel finally said breaking the comfortable silence.

"She will get over it" Aamirah replied. "They will love him, so much. Just wait until they see how cute he is. Ya Rabbi– I forget how small they are"

Khaleel laughed. "Mummy, are you hinting for round three?"

Aamirah glared at him. "Absolutely not. Khaleel, don't start with your tease"

His laughter erupted through the empty hallway of the hospital. Suddenly he leaned in and kissed her oh, so quickly Aamirah did not see that coming.

"I love you, Aamirah, down to the pieces that made you up"

The tears glaze her eyes. "I love you Khaleel. Thank you for mending my pieces. All of it"

In the second, Aamirah realized that without Khaleel, she would never be here. Living, breathing, loving and looking forward to another day.

Once upon a time, she was a lost case but now, she is a woman of full pieces. A woman full of love. A woman full of joy. A woman full of blessings upon blessings. For that she whispered Alhamdulilah under her breath.

Alhamdulilah, for Khaleel.

Her Ibraheem Khaleel.

Assalamualaikum babessss 🙋
Today is Friday, don't forget to read Suratul Kahf.

Oh– and also, Ask me a question..
uploading a Q/A soon along with the final Author's Note. (BRB crying already😭)

Love, Ammarh. 💓💓💓💓💓

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