Chapter twenty-three

Nigeria, Abuja.

Around six o'clock in the morning, when Khaleel hailed a cab and went back home, he met Batool in their room crying hysterically laying on the bed. When he locked the door behind him, all hell broke lose. She is on full attack mode as she sat up and glared at him viciously with murderous eyes.

"A Baby Khaleel? Baby?! Really?! Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi rajiun"

He can feel the stress rolling on his shoulders, his eyes begging for sleep but he can't, not with Aamirah in the hospital and Batool breathing down his neck.

"After everything we've been through together! Ya Allah! Ya Rahman! You know the hell I went through to be here with you. You know how hard I worked for our relationship to work out, you know everything we had to go through just for this? I don't deserve this Khaleel..." She cried out burying her swollen face in her hand.

"Is this because.." she gasped looking up at him through her wet eyelashes, "because of my condition, because.."

"Fateemah Please!" He caught her midway sitting on the bed opposite her. "I love you no matter what, I promise"

"This is not love Khaleel.."

The moment his finger brushed her hand she flinched moving away immediately. They stayed in silent. Her crying into her hands until she could no longer take it. When she reached to grab a tissue paper from the bedside drawer, Khaleel went on his knees beside her, she pulled her hand away from him.

"Don't touch me. I need space please"

That did it.

He broke down, crying. Actual tears rolling down his cheek tormenting her already broken heart. For Khaleel to cry this is real business.

"Wallahi'l Azeem I can't do this alone Fateemah. I need you, Please. I don't know what to do, how to fix this.."

She looked away wiping away her tears which is of no use since they came rushing, in full blown motion.

"You lied to me. Why didn't you tell me about it.."

Taking her hands in his, he held on to them tightly needing assurance desperately. "Because I just found out"

She pulled her hands away forcefully as a big ugly sob escape her mouth. Just found out?! She is losing her mind. Ya Allah heal her. She is practically losing her mind.

"I am sorry for being so dependent on you but right now I can't be a husband to you Batool, I need my best friend, billahil Azeem I can't do this without you.." he plead with her "it feels like Mama's death all over again" this time, he caught her attention as her head swiped so fast to meet his eyes. She wrapped her hands around his neck hugging him tightly, feeling his tears on her skin, wishing he never uttered those words.

"It's not fair, don't say that. DanAllah Khaleel don't say that, I can't lose you"

"Batool she was raped. It's her rapist child she miscarried.."

Her heart stilled before she pulled away slowly hoping she misheard him, somehow even though she heard him loud and clear. "Remember Ya Khadi? Yes. She was raped, multiple times and I couldn't do anything.."

This time, she really did break down fully. "Why didn't you tell me? Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi rajiun"

"Because I feel ashamed of myself, I wasn't there when I promised her I will help her. I.. Batool I failed her"

She hates hearing this much sadness laced in voice, she doesn't need him saying more because that will just break her heart more so she quickly covered his lips in a kiss. A kiss so hard, he almost fell backwards. A kiss so full of love and affection he wants to cry out of appreciation.

"I'm going to say this once and you better listen.." she breathe pulling away, wiping away his tears she said, "I love you and this can only work if you trust me and talk to me. Please habibiey.. please"

"I love you too"

She smiled hugging him closer, needing to feel his heart beat on her body. "I'm sorry for everything, for judging you and jumping to conclusions. She is also your wife, you have every right to.." she paused biting her lips.

"And you remember that I'll always love you no matter what Batool and I'm sorry for not telling you"

"She will be fine, it won't be easy but I promise you I'll help her. After Ya Khadi-"

"It's not your fault Fateemah. Drop it!"

She nod her head even though deep down she knows, she will always find herself at fault. Always.

It's just that guilt she can ever wash away,

That tiny piece that hurts her till date.

With Ya Khadi, she is definitely at fault. Even if it's a little bit.


Khaleel watched her from the couch were he sat, after a well deserved nap, he freshened up and decided to wait for Batool who is busy giving out orders on what to do in her absence. His heart race wildly and the love for his Batool enlarge with each breath he inhaled. He cannot believe this woman, Ya Rabbil Aalameen.. He can't believe Batool is this real and amazing.

No woman will do what she is doing. As a matter of fact, if it was any other woman, she might accuse him of lying to her but Batool, she believed him without a second thought. She is suppose to be resting, since she is on her annual leave but right now, he dragged her into his problem. Because he is selfish and weak and he needs someone to keep him and check. He needs Batool.

Placing a kiss on Raina, she turned around and grabbed her handbag before walking towards him. "Shall we?"

Khaleel nod his head afraid to open his mouth, afraid he will break down some more if he opens his mouth. While Batool asses him, carefully and gently, she laced their hands together and smiled at him. "It will be fine inshallah, I'm here with you"

He nod his head walking out the house with her in tow. When he moved to drive, Batool stopped him, "I'll drive.." he didn't even argue with her, rather he jumped inside the passenger seat and pressed his head on the dashboard feeling overly nervous. Nervous because he is meeting Aamirah for the first time after her miscarriage. Nervous because he doesn't know how much they broke her. Nervous because it will be extremely hard to fix Aamirah.. again

"Okay Habibiey as much as I love having you alive, you need to visit Ya Maamah" Batool brought him out of his thoughts as he leaned on the seat looking at her drive freely.

"Come with me?"

She laughed glancing at him, "Nope. Your in this alone, sorry"

"Fair enough"

"So two rules: One, be strong, please. Victims of rape need love and support so you need to be strong habibiey.."

Khaleel sighed.

"I'm not saying your can't break down habibiey, you can. Just not in front of her okay?"

"And the second rule?"

Batool sighed heavily driving inside the hospital, "keep trying. It won't be easy you know, she is traumatized"

"Okay Doctor!"

She frowned parking the car before facing him"I'm I using my doctor tone?"

Laughing he leaned and kissed her forehead before unlocking the door. "yes but I love when you use your doctor tone on me, It's sounds so-"

"Khaleel!" She gasped blushing before getting out from the car. While he laughed, she ignored him walking side by side inside the hospital.. the moment they found the room Aamirah is admitted to, Khaleel stilled feeling the increase of his heartbeat.

"Do you want to go first? I can wait.." Batool suggest nervously

"You promised you'll be with me"

"I know.. it's just.. let's go" she conclude discarding any thought of Khaleel holding another woman apart from her. When she was sure her feelings of jealousy won't get in the way of helping Aamirah, who is a victim of rape not her husband's other wife, she pushed the door open gently.

Her eyes fell on Aamirah, who is laying on the bed with tears streaming down her face. She made the first move knowing Khaleel will need a minute or two to get his act together. When their eyes locked, Aamirah looked away shamefully drowning in her wallow of sorrow.

"Assalamualaikum Aamirah. I know we got off on a rough start and if you will be more comfortable just see me as a doctor who is trying to help not anyone else" Batool said sitting on the chair beside her bed.

Aamirah clenched her eyes shut. When she spoke, it is almost as if the voice belongs to someone else other than her. Her throat feels raw and sore from all the crying she has been doing all day long, every since she regaining consciousness and the doctor broke the news to her.

"I, I, just want to, be alone"

Batool nod her head standing up, "I understand. May Allah grant you quick recovery"

When she moved towards the door, she whispered to Khaleel, "I'll wait outside, remember what I said?"

He nod his head and when he heard the click of the door, meaning Batool has exited the room probably to try and beat herself over it, he moved to Aamirah.

"Did you tell her?" Aamirah asked facing him, when he didn't reply, she broke down into more tears.

"I had to, she.."

"You have no right!" She breathe harshly "no right! You have no right to tell me story!" She paused "I know I am disgusting and I have been forced, so many times to do what I don't want, with my own body but I don't expect you of all people to snatch my right, this is my story Khaleel"

"That was never my intention. Batool is my wife.."

"She might be your wife but I don't know her! You can't go around telling people that I have been raped when I don't want anyone to know. Especially not Batool.."

"She can help you Aamirah.."

She caught him off angrily, "I don't want her help. I trusted you Khaleel.." she cried sitting up and hugging her knees to her chest. "I trusted you, I let you touch me, I-I"

"Aamirah I'm sorry but you have to understand Batool and I were having issues and I told her because.."

"This is my story. Not yours Khaleel"

"I wasn't trying to tell your story. I never told anyone, not even Batool until things got out of hand earlier today so I told her bits of what I know"

Her body shook vibrantly as the sobs escape her mouth. When she looked at him, he felt the tears brim his eyes but he blinked them back. "What will happen if things get out of hand again, with someone else, how I'm I suppose to trust you?!"

"You're being very unfair right now, I already told her and there is no way I can take it back"

Standing up, he pushed the chair forcefully, "I am sorry this happened to you, I am sorry you feel this way and your going through this. But don't you get it? I am with you Mimi. I'm on your side and so is Batool!"

When she heaved a deep breath, she said, "I want to be alone.."

Without saying another word he walked out from the room feeling all sorts of emotions rush over him. He didn't even spare Batool, who is sitting patiently in the waiting room a glance before storming out of the hospital.

Ya Muhaymin!!

He has never felt this type of feeling, not ever since Batool.

Is this.. love?

This, him never giving up on Aamirah. Him needing to be close to her, aching, itching to be with her and help her through everything she is feeling.

The need.. the intense deep burning need to feel her close to him. Ya Rabbil Aalameen..

This, is love!

Assalamualaikum. Huuurlooo!! This chapter just flowed because why not, I mean 17K reads!! Thank you lovelies💜 nagode sosai soasai!!!

Do you think Aamirah's anger is justified? Or is she being too harsh on Khaleel?

And Batool.. one beautiful word for her pleaseee😭❤️

Khaleel ya yi falling a rigiyan soyayyan Mimi😂 hihihi

Vote, comment and share. Love y'all soooo much.

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