Chapter twenty-six
Nigeria, Abuja.
Morning came by so quickly for Khaleel. It didn't feel right to wake up that early, especially after that marvelously, incredibly tired night he had. Not that he would trade the moment he shared with Aamirah for anything, that is absolutely crazy. He will never do that. Not for anything in the world.
Every moment he spent with Aamirah feels exciting, new, beautiful. He just can't get over the love bubbling inside him, pleading to be released. He can't get over his enormous love for Aamirah. It is draining in the most loving way ever.
Now, as he watch her sleep with those long eyelashes cascading her face and thin beautiful lips that he so craves to feel on his, he placed a kiss on her forehead feeling the smile take place on his face.
He is her peace!! Ya Allah! He will never get over this. He will never get enough of loving Aamirah. It's insane.
Khaleel gently slipped out of bed and had a quick shower. When he checked the time, he almost fell down, it is already one o'clock and he has to meet up with Batool for Raina's checkup appointment by one. He promised her he will be there as early as possible.
When he turned to leave, Aamirah stirred in bed. He closed the door and walked back to her.
"Your leaving?" She asked sleep dazed.
"Yes. Raina has an appointment with the doctor and I have to be there.."
Then, it all dawned on Aamirah. Khaleel is not hers alone. He is Batool's and Raina's too. She nod her head ignoring the pang of pain in her chest. This is simply draining.. very, very draining for her already shattered heart.
"I'll check up on you later. Faridah is here with you.." he pulled her in a hug so hard she found it difficult to stop the tears from spilling. She clutched onto him crying. Crying because she will miss him, crying because for two days he will not be with her.
"You'll be fine Mimi. Call me anytime okay?"
She nod her head pulling back. Obviously she wouldn't call him anytime.. what if he is with Batool and.. and.. Ya Allah! This is excruciatingly painful.
When he wiped away her face with his thumb and kissed her forehead, he left as quickly as possible. He stopped by the mosque, prayed before driving to meet Batool and Raina who were all dressed waiting for him.
Immediately his eyes fell on Batool he knew, without a doubt she had cried. Over and over until his heart squeezed and his breathing notched a bit. His lungs felt tight. So tight for his Batool is in so much pain because of him.
"Dada!" Raina giggled when Khaleel picked her up. He nuzzled her into his embrace inhaling her baby scent.
"Welcome home" Batool had said and that was it. No kiss or hug or even a good glance.. this is not good.
"We are late already. Let's just go!"
Khaleel sighed moving out of the way so she could pass and get to the car. He watched as she buckled Raina in her car seat and get inside the passenger's seat. It was a dampening sad ride to the hospital which Batool had exhausted spending time on her phone and scrolling through her feeds as if it was the most important thing on earth. She had completely shun Khaleel out only answering his questions with yes or no.
When they arrived at the hospital, the nurse had informed them about the switch of appointment since they were late. Batool walked to the waiting room with Raina in hand. She had turned to him in a low voice and said, "We have to wait for an hour!"
"I am sorry"
"You don't get to do this Khaleel. You need to set your priorities straight and keep to your promise.."
Before he could reply, she hand Raina over to him and stood up. "Where are you going?"
"Outside. I need space" then she left. Leaving behind a sulking Raina who was extremely worried about her Maama.
Khaleel leaned on the cold chair hugging Raina who eventually calmed down. When his phone rang, and the caller ID said Ya Maamah, his heart fell in the pit of his stomach. Did Batool report him to Ya Maamah? Ya Allah! He doesn't need Ya Maamah on his case. He already has to deal with balancing out this whole two wives deal.
He picked up regardless, "Baba wants to see you"
Alhamdulilah. She has no idea. He thought.
"Oh, okay. I'll visit him tonight. Is everything okay?"
Ya Maamah chuckled. Her evil chuckle and Khaleel knew it's game over for him. "Ya Maamah! You told him? I wanted to tell him myself"
She laughed, "I did you a favor"
"What was his reaction?"
"Yaro Mai Mataa biyu (son with two wives)" she laughed "your in for a long talk Khaleel. Good luck! You'll need it"
"Sometimes I don't like you" he groaned patting Raina's back who is slowly drifting off to sleep on his chest.
"We both know you love me more than anyone in the whole wide world" he didn't argue with that. Rather, he ended the call glancing at the clock. They have forty five minutes to go and Batool is still not back from her 'walk'
Only Allah can save him now.
With Batool and Khaleel,
This time it will be very hard to just bounce back from this major fall out.
If feels different. So different. When they returned back from the hospital, Batool had immediately walked inside the kitchen and started preparing dinner leaving Raina and Khaleel to watch endless Cbeebies. When Khaleel tried to help her in the kitchen, just like old times, she told him it wasn't necessary and without any choice he let her be.
After Maghreeb prayers, as they sat down to eat dinner quietly, he said, "I'm visiting Baba"
Batool didn't even look up from her plate. "Okay"
"Can we talk?"
She sighed blinking away the tears in her eyes. Pushing away the plate of food, she stood up, "I'm sleepy. Can we talk tomorrow?"
"Sure. I love you" she laughed nervously then walked upstairs without acknowledging his love. He suddenly felt full even though he barely ate five good spoons of his food so he drove over to his parents house to talk with his father who was awaiting his presence.
It always feels weird. Even after all this years it feels lonely walking inside the house and not seeing his mother. His beloved mother who he had lost to death years ago. He had completely forgotten Ya Zeezee and her kids are still in the house so he was surprised to see her, with a bulging stomach sitting with Baba in his living room.
"Assalamualaikum" he walked inside the living room.
"Wa'alaikum Salaam.."
"Khaleeluuu!!!" Ya Zeezee shriek hugging him. He laughed hugging his sister who looks extremely pale and worn out. The guilt was there. Has he been so caught up with the events in his life that he forgot Ya Zeezee is back home due to a huge fallout in her marriage? Ya Allah!
"Ya Zeezee! I missed you"
She pulled away, "Don't even lie. You've been in town for how many weeks and your just coming to visit?"
"I'm sorry, it's been a lot. How are you doing?"
She smiled nodding her head and right then Khaleel understood the sign language. Not here. Not when Baba is staring at them.
He walked over to his father who had been giving him a look with a sly smile on his face. Khaleel collapsed on the carpet as a sign of respect for his father who is sitting on the couch.
"Baba! Stop looking at me like that. Ya Allah!" He groan while Ya Zeezee laughed.
"I'll leave you guys to it.." she walked out closing the door behind her.
"Welcome home Ibraheem Khaleel.." Baba said and Khaleel nervously laughed. The last time he got the talk was when Raina came into his life.
"Thank you Baba. I hope I meet you in good health"
"Alhamdulilah. How are things going for you?" He sighed. Then before he could reply, his father said,
"I don't know how you plan on doing this but I pray it works out for you. Do you know what your mother will say if she was here?"
He has no idea so he looked at his father who spoke with so much wisdom and love for his late wife "She will say the only reason you have this much people who are willingly surrounding themselves with you is because you deserve so much love for the love she felt when you came into our lives"
Khaleel felt the knot in his throat. Ya Rabeel Aalameen he misses Mama. So much.
"You deserve this much love and if this two give you this much love then you go for it Ibraheem.." he paused then after a while he continued, "Mind you though, just because you have people giving you love does not mean you take them for granted. It means you double the love they give and repay them with it. I'm sure your sister has told you the conditions of marrying two wives according to Islam.."
"Yes Baba!"
"Good. Your not a child Ibraheem. You know what you are doing and I want you to take care of them and do justice to them. You have to set your priorities right. Do not lag on your responsibilities. I am sure your mother and I did not raise a weak man, we raised a man who no matter what he will be able to do what's right and take accountability for his actions"
The tears roll down his face, "Inshallah Baba. Thank you so much for raising me in the best way possible. I am so grateful for you and Mama"
"May Allah bless you Ibraheem. I am sure your mother is proud of you.."
Khaleel nod his head muttering Ameen. Then, on a lighter note, Baba said, "why are you crying? Big man with two wives!"
Khaleel laughed out loud. Now he knows where Ya Maamah gets her sense of humor. She is just like Baba.
"It's just hard. Is it always this hard? I mean I just want a happy family and I want them to get along and I do not want to hurt anyone"
"I don't know Ibraheem that's why I stuck to one wife throughout my life.." they both laughed. "But you just keep trying and like I said set out your priorities and follow them. It will work out Inshallah"
"Baba put me in your prayers. I need it wallahi"
"Your always in my prayers"
"Thank you. May Allah grant you long life and prosperity"
"Ameen now since your back, I need you to have a talk with your sister. For some reason Zeezee doesn't like talking about her bottled up feelings with me"
Khaleel cleared his throat, "Baba she doesn't want to worry you and you know how Ya Zeezee is, she hates taking about her feelings"
"It's not healthy. I want you to try and talk to her about it"
"Okay Baba"
When they both prayed Isha'i, Khaleel bid goodbye to his father and sister promising to visit the next day so he can talk with Ya Zeezee. He knew Batool wasn't asleep when he walked inside the room late at night. The light was switched off and one side of the bed was occupied so he took a quick bath and changed into his pyjamas.
When he laid on the other side of bed, he sent a quick message to Aamirah apologizing for not checking up on her and wishing her goodnight then he turned to his Batoolie, who he needs to clear things out with.
"Batool.." he called out and she stiffened.
"Habibty please can we talk?"
"Fateemah please"
More silence.
"I'm sorry for hurting you. I didn't mean to.."
Absolute silence.
"I love you so much Batool and sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you and your love. I wish you will give me a chance to prove myself worthy of your love.."
She adjusted the pillow beneath her head still backing him.
"Khaleel we will talk about this tomorrow" she replied hoarsely
"Wallahi I can't sleep knowing your angry at me. Let's just talk it out now"
Sighing, she turned to face him with bloodshot eyes. His heart broke at the sight of her. He laid on the bed and moved closer to her, so close he can feel her heartbeat. "Hey"
She chuckled, "Hi"
"I'm sorry"
It happened so quickly. She had wrapped her hands around him and placed a kiss on his lips so quick it almost didn't happen. "Tomorrow!"
Defeated, he echoed, "Tomorrow!"
Aamirah has been lonely throughout her life but this has got to be the most loneliest she has ever been. She misses Khaleel, so much. When she finally got herself out of bed, she bathed and changed into a coffee brown skirt and white blouse. Then, she spent all day getting to know Faridah and more about Khaleel's family. It was exciting. Especially when Faridah told her about Mama Rabi.
The day went by quickly. By evening Aamirah has been anticipating his call or his visit. She checked her time countless time hoping to see a message from him but she found none. Of course he had forgotten about her. What was she thinking? That Khaleel's world revolves around only her and he will constantly find himself thinking about her when he is with his beautiful, gorgeous, fair wife. The mother of his beautiful, beautiful daughter.. Ya Allahu! How naive does he think she is?
When Faridah announced dinner was ready, Aamirah felt extremely guilty for not helping her in the kitchen. The least she could do was force down the potatoes and celery sauce. Faridah stayed with her up until ten o'clock in the night, when she couldn't get her eyes to stay open, she bid her goodnight and left for her room leaving Aamirah in the dark, empty living room.
She can't believe Khaleel stood her up like that.
Why would he promise to visit her when he knows it's impossible?
Why will he let her get her hopes hight?
She curled up on the couch and cried. She cried really hard for her stupid heart still craves his presence even after what he did to her. She misses him, badly. Just the thought of sleeping tonight without her peace makes her stomach tighten so hard she can barely breathe without a deep breathtaking sob.
She feels tired. Drained. Both physically and emotionally.
Ya Azza wajjal see her through this. Grant her the ability to get through this test. Grant her the power to get through this night without Khaleel. Her own peace.
Aamirah knows there is absolutely no way she can sleep in the room because every little thing reminds her of him and the previous night so she curled up on the couch and watch her phone beep indicating a message from Khaleel.
Oh so now he remembers her existence?
She didn't want to check it but her curiosity got the best of her so she opened the message and by Allah she regrets reading it because then her sob increased rapidly.
Assalamualaikum Aamirah. I am deeply sorry I couldn't make it today. Hope you sleep well and I cannot wait to be with you again. Less than two days to go Inshallah. May Allah be with you forever and always.
Love, your forever peace. Xx
Less than two days to go...
Less than two days to go..
Ya Rabeel Aalameen!! She can't do this. Not at all. Without any choice left, Aamirah stood up and performed ablution. She prayed wishing Khaleel was here with her. She prayed for her sanity. She prayed for her mother, her beloved sister, for Batool, for Raina and all her Muslim brothers and sisters. Lastly she prayed for Allah's forgiveness for all her shortcomings and guidance in all her affairs.
She prayed for the innocent souls she miscarried. She cried for that all the miserable nights they took her virginity over and over until she could no longer feels her legs and her hand felt so cold and numb.
Ya Azeez restore her broken, shattered pieces. Somehow..
Assalamualaikum dear readers,
Here I am thinking about how I should be reading for my exams instead of me to that, I am sitting comfortably (without any care in the world) typing because Ya Allah.. AAMIRAH AND KHALEEL DON'T WANT TO LEAVE MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!😩
I hope you felt the emotions while reading this chapter because I did.
Keep me in your dua's please. Ma'assalam💜 Also.. vote, comment and share. I'm sacrificing a lot over here!!! (Including watching Grown-ish☹️)
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