Chapter thirty-seven

Nigeria, Abuja.



The most awful nightmare ever.

Batool.. Fateemah Batool.

Khaleel can vividly remember the day he fell in love with her.

She always came over to their house when they were younger to have some girls time with his sisters. Growing up, Batool only had her five brothers so Mama always invited Batool over to bond with his sisters and they bond so well.

It was during one of their sleepovers at the house..

He snuck out to play football at night even when Mama forbade him. Hassan said it was okay since they are grown ups now.. he said being fifteen is being able to do what you want.

Khaleel agreed with him of course.

That night when he decided to go back home, he realized he forgot to pick the house key. They locked him out! All alone in the middle of the night! There was no way he could scream for help if not Mama will know he snuck out and that will be the end of his adulthood.

He decided to stay outside all night.

Anything to escape Mama's anger.

That was when he saw her.. she had fallen asleep in the kitchen waiting up for him because she saw him sneaking out. Eventually, she woke up from her uncomfortable nap and saw him outside so she quietly opened the door.

That was the moment he fell in love with Batool.

Not because she rescued him from Mama or literally saved his life but because she looked so beautiful and cute in her pyjamas standing there waiting up for him.

She cared! Right from day one.

Ever since then, it was Batool and Khaleel. It has always been. Even Mama shiped them so hard that when Khaleel realised she wouldn't be there to attend his wedding, it broke his heart.

Now she is gone.

His Batool is gone.

Ya Rabeel Aalameen!

He paced up and down in the room.

This is insane.

She will never leave him.. right?

He quickly performed ablution and bowed down in Sujood. Maybe she just needs space and he needs to turn to His Lord. His Creator.

He prayed until his legs hurt.

Part of him wants to reach out to Aamirah and see how she is doing at their home but another part assured him she will be fine. Thank God Faridah willingly left Ya Maamah's house to stay with Aamirah when he asked.

He let out a deep breath laying on the empty bed.

The room feels so quiet without Raina's blabbers and so cold with Batool's warmth.

That was when he realized sitting around is not for him!

Letting Batool go so easily is stupid.

He needs Batool in his life!

Khaleel got up from bed and grabbed his car keys. A quick glance at his phone announced the time is twelve forty pm. Ya Maamah will skin him alive but he has to do this.

Without wasting another second, Khaleel drove to his sister's house restlessly.

For sure Batool will be over at Ya Maamah's.

When he arrived, the security guard grumpily pulled the gate open for him. No doubt they were already asleep but that's not the top of his concern. He let out a deep breath when he saw Batool's car.. alhamdulilah.

The hard part will be convincing Ya Maamah to help him talk to Batool. He thought ringing the bell.

It wasn't until he almost gave up that Ya Maamah pulled the door open sleepily.

She glared at him, "Leave my house Ibraheem!"

Ibraheem? He is in a deep mess.

"Ya Maamah.."

"I won't say it twice. Leave my house!" She bellowed harshly.

"Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi raji'un.. Ya Maamah please hear me out.. Ya Mamaah.." he voice cracked. His chest feels heavy.. so heavy.

"You are not a child Khaleel. Go home and come back tomorrow! She left the house for a reason"

"She didn't hear me out wallahi"

Ya Maamah sighed closing her eyes. "Khaleel don't test my patience. Leave or I'll get Captain on the phone right now!"

That did it because he took a step backwards..

If Ya Maamah doesn't kill him already then her husband will.

Captain has always been hard on Khaleel since day one not because he hates him but because that's how he is.

Harsh and loving in his own way!


"Call me when you get home" she closed the door on his face.

He felt the headache crawling on his head.

This is bad.

This is awful.

This cannot be the end of Batool and Khaleel.

This will certainly not be the end.


She could barely sleep that night. Aamirah tossed and turned in bed until the morning sun shine through the curtains, a sign of a brand new day. That's when she pushed herself up from bed and took a long bath. Her thoughts has been invaded by a certain someone. Again! She let out a deep breath staring at her reflection in the mirror.

She is starting to look like herself.. like the old Aamirah not the broken one.

She looks chubbier and her eyes are bright like they used to be. Even her skin feels different without the gashes of the leather belt meeting her body all day long. She shivered at the memories. He had beaten her almost to the point where she did not think she will survive.

But she did.

She survived.

Aamirah moved away from the mirror and quickly dress up in a navy blue brocade gown. It fits her perfectly in all the right places. She took a deep breath feeling the headache form on her head.

That's what she gets for not sleeping the previous night..

That's what she gets for letting Khaleel invade her thoughts.

For loving someone who will never love her back.

She sighed deeply staring at the phone for the hundredth time. Khaleel never called or sent a text. He didn't even check up on her!

But then again.. what was she expecting?

He is not for her!

Aamirah blinked back the tears before standing up. She decided to make breakfast before Faridah wakes up from sleep. She found some eggs, sausages and packaged sliced fries so she set to work. Last night, before Khaleel left, he gave her his atm card to go grocery shopping with Faridah the next day. He even promised to send the driver to take them.

When Faridah finally woke up, she talked Aamirah's ear off up until Aamirah became comfortable with her. She feels like a younger sister to her... Faridah with her ray of sunshine personality.

"Maybe he forgot to send the driver.. call him!" Faridah said when the sat around for over an hour waiting for the driver.

It is almost Dhur time.

"Okay" she replied before leaving for her room where the phone is buried deep under the covers. She called Khaleel immediately ignoring the tingles running down her spine.

Is this what it feels like to be in love?

Ya Allah!

He answered on the final ring. "Assalamualaikum"

"Wa'alaikum Salaam. Good morning"

"Good morning Mimi. How are you?"

"Fine Alhamdulilah.. and you?"

He didn't respond so soon, "Alhamdulilah. Is everything okay?"

"Faridah and I have been waiting. The driver.."

Khaleel gasped. "Subhanalilah! I totally forgot. Urm, the driver is with me, I'm on my way to Kaduna"


"Tell Faridah to get an Uber for you. Use my card!"



Her heart quickened. "Yes?"

"Get something for yourself"

She bit her lip. "Thank you"

"It's my duty"

She smiled.

"Bye, Safe trip"

"Thank you Mimi. Text me when you get back home"

"Inshallah" she hung up.

One thing disturbed her the whole trip to the grocery shop and mall all the way back home..

What is Khaleel doing in Kaduna?



Khaleel barely slept that night. When he closes his eyes, all he can see is Batool walking away from him and Mama's death all over. Over and over until he wakes up gasping for air and sense of living. He was awake all morning staying all alone in the quiet house.. the eerily quiet house.

When he finally got dressed and drank a cup of coffee, he decided to wait around so Batool can have her space and clear her mind.

It was around twelve pm that he decided to rush over to Ya Maamah's house. He had enough of waiting. He needs Batool and Raina to come home to him.

The moment he rang the bell, the maid pulled it open greeting him. "Sannu. Where is Ya Maamah?"

"Hajiya is in the kitchen" she replied and Khaleel nod his head moving towards the kitchen.

He met her giving out orders dressed elegantly in her purple and silver lace. The kitchen is a chaos everyone is running up and down cooking, cleaning and burning incense around the house. That's when it dawned on him, Captain is coming home today!

Ya Maamah turned to him, "Wait in my room"

He nod his head walking upstairs to her room. He didn't see any sign of Batool or Raina or even Ya Maamah's kids. Maybe they left for Ya Aisha's house or something.. he thought waiting for his sister to finally grace him with her presence.

She did eventually.

Almost twenty minutes later.

"What is it Khaleel?" She asked exhaling deeply.

"Good morning Ya Maamah"

"We both know your not here to greet me" she replied bitterly.

"Ya Maamah don't do this to me, for Allah's sake listen to me.."

"You can't justify your actions. What did I tell you about hurting Batool?" She closed the door and sat by the bed opposite him.

"Khaleel I said this over and over again, take care of your wives. Take care of Batool but what did you do? The exact opposite!"

His heart race wildly.

If there is one thing he can't stand on earth is Ya Maamah's anger towards him.

By Allah he can't stand it.

"You are taking Batool for granted"

He almost fell from the couch.


"Do you think if Captain brings a woman today as his wife that I will stay and give him a listening ear?" She asked. "Wallahi I will leave immediately! I am not some trash that he will take for granted.. I love him so I will come back for him and make peace but at first, I will leave Khaleel. Wallahi I will leave cause I need to get away and think.. think everything through and accept the fact that it happened and everything happens for a reason"

The tears wash his face shamelessly.

"Batool has been patient with you. She didn't even question your actions or put up a fight rather she stood by you. She stayed because she loves you but trust me when I say this that she is hurting.."

"Your not a woman so you won't understand this. Sharing your husband with someone else is hard. It takes a lot of patience and faith in Allah. If your taqwa, believe in Allah is strong enough then you will learn to stay in your home. You will learn to build a relationship with your co-wife and live in peace. Batool has that, Alhamdulilah, but the devil can plant a bad thought in her mind because after all she is a human being. Only you can save her from that. Be with her and assure her it's okay. Love her like you always did, maybe even more cause she deserves this. She is strong Khaleel, if you lose Batool then I'm sorry, you've lost everything.."

His heart broke.

Pieces by pieces.

What was wrong with him?

Taking out his frustration on Batool because Aamirah refused to love him back?

Aoozubillahi Minna shaydani Raheem.

"Subhanalilah, Ya Maamah I ruined my own marriage" he broke down completely.

"Your not a child Khaleel. Get up!"

"Are you disowning me?"

She chuckled, "Grown man like you with two wives"

"Ya Maamaaaah. Not this again.. Please. I don't even know if Batool wants me anymore"

Ya Maamah rolled her eyes standing up. "Then go find out. It's up to you Khaleel.. shoo! I have to get ready my husband will be home soon"

He wiped off his tears. "Where is she?"


He gasped. "Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi raji'un! Back home?"

"Yes, I told her to go"

He gasped again, "Ya Maamah! Why will you do that?!"

"Because she needs her family and they have a right to know her husband got married again.."

His eyes widened.. of course Batool never told her family about his marriage!

Ya Rabbi!

"Ya Maamah her brothers will skin me alive"

"Whatever they do, you deserve it!"

"Then prepare for me funeral"

She smacked his head. "Don't let me tell Baba what you did.."

He gasped again, "I'm sorry. I'll get going. Thank you for everything, May Allah bless you and grant you Al-Jannah. I love you always Ya Maamah. Thank you" he hugged her.

"Ameen. I love you too but promise me something.."

He pulled back.

"If Batool doesn't want to come back then you won't force her to"

He gasped again.

What is up with Ya Maamah and shattering his soul today?

"Ya Mamaah.."

"Promise me!"

He sighed. "I promise"

With that he left for Kaduna eating the snacks Ya Maamah packaged for him.


Your comments made me SO happyyyy and motivated me SOOO much to write this🥺❤️

Thank you for commenting your thoughts and being a part of this journey.


enough of me...

How do you think Khaleel can manage his household and make both women happy??🤔

That's if Batool comes back and Aamirah stays🤭


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