Chapter ten

Sudan, Khartoum.

Happy late birthday bebe TeemahGujbawu 💗


Khaleel let out a shivering sigh shifting his weight from one leg to another. His hands were crossed against his chest as he watched her close trying to come up with the best possible way to break the news to her when she is so adamant on her decision. Mission impossible.. Absolutely impossible!

"If you can't tell me why then I am sorry nothing is changing my mind" she replied averting his piercing gaze. What is up with him and that look?

He said nothing, instead he pinched the bridge of his nose watching her as if he was thinking or simply trying to unravel all her secrets. This look.. She hates the look, it got on her last nerves, always.

"Excuse me" she tried walking pass him but he was quick to block her way. There is absolutely no way she can over power him, he is tall, so tall she had to look up so she saw right through his eye balls. Obviously he was much more stronger than her with his muscles body obstructing her view

"Why are you doing this?" She asked irritated.

"Don't go, trust me."

Trust him?  She scoffed. after all she heard there is no way she can trust him.


He let his arms fall beside him, "Just trust me" and with that he turned on his heels and walked away.

Aamirah wanted to scream because of how irritated she was. He is always doing that, toying with her mind and making decisions for her. Why is it so hard for him to talk to her and communicate with her?

"Ugh. Allah help me" she groaned walking to the vanity table behind her. she is not wearing any makeup just a swap of mascara to her eyes and lip palm to her pink full lips. Smothering down the black straight gown she is wearing and adjusting the pink cape, she sat down on the bed.

Is she doing the right thing by going? She can remember the worry lines that appeared on his forehead when he heard she was going out and how he banged inside the room telling her not to go without giving her any legit information.

Something gnawed in her, fear of the unknown. Maybe she should just bail out on him last minute but that will just give Khaleel more reasons to make decisions for her

The door flew open and Myra grin cheekily at her. "He is here"

Too late. No time to think Mimi.

She didn't know why she was getting nervous, it is just Hassan. The Hassan she has been friends with for the past one month, the Hassan she laughed along with and listened to his jokes all night long.

"You look fab! Thank God Mummy traveled. Freedom.." Myra sang dramatically and Aamirah laughed.

Alhamdulilah for that cause she has no idea how she will start explaining to aunty Kulthum who Hassan is.

"Imaam and I are going for ice cream while Adda JamJam is with, you know who is the gazebo" she said as the walk down the stairs, that's when she noticed she was dolled in an off shoulder top and jeans.

"Obviously. are they finally dating now?"

Myra shrugged. "This two? Only Allah knows. They are so secrative and confusing"

Aamirah chuckled agreeing. She met Khaleel sitting on the couch working on his laptop. When their eyes locked for a second, she suddenly felt guilty.

"Ya Khaleel we are leaving" Myra announced grabbing her bag that was on the dinning table.

"Remember be back by ten" was all he said before turning his attention to his laptop dismissing Aamirah. It was almost as if she was invisible.. But she wasn't.

She swallowed a big lump in her throat before walking out the door with Myra beside her.

Meanwhile, Khaleel couldn't believe she walked away, just like that! Even after telling her not to go, she left. dropping his laptop beside him, he walked to the window and watch her walk inside his car. Slowly, just like that, they drove off

His buzzing phone bought him out of his thoughts as he unwillingly answer the phone, "Assalam Alaikum darling"

"Urm, waa'alaikum salaam. Can we talk later?"

She paused and he knew she was trying to figure out what was wrong. they always talked at this hour of the night everyday but right now he has a lot on his plate. "Oh, urm, okay. Should I stay up?"

"Yes" he ended the call exhaling deeply.

If only he didn't know Hassan then he will be at peace, but the man and his cunning ways. Things can flip easily, it's just a matter of time.


"I am having a bad feeling about this" Myra whispered curled on the couch like a baby. She watched as her cousin pace up and down with his eyes firmly placed on the wall clock above the television.

"InshaAllah it's just our imaginations" Jameelah said glancing at Kabeer who was sitting opposite her. He smiled at her and just like that her mind turned into a pile of lust.

What was she saying?


He winked at her and a smile crept onto her face, glaring at him she turned her attention to Khaleel who was talking.

"It's past eleven, do you think we should take any legal action?"

"You can't report a person to be missing unless you are sure the person is missing" Kabeer replied.

"I don't see her here with us man"

They went silent. "I am scared" Myra confessed that's when Khaleel sat down beside her.

"InshaAllah everything will be fine. Why don't you go and sleep"

"No, I'll wait for her"

They stayed in the living room for half an hour, waiting.

"It's aunty" Kabeer inform when his phone started ringing. "Waa'alaikum salaam, yes... I'm on my way, it's nothing.. Go to sleep.. Alright.. Naji"

"She is waiting up for me, God this woman will not be the death of me. A grown man cannot stay out late again?" He groans standing up.

"It's late, you should go" JamJam replied yawning.

"I have to go before she reports me missing. InshaAllah she will be home soon, call me if anything arise" he bid them goodbye and walk out.

Jameelah stood up, "I'll close the door" the two could care less as she walk out to meet him leaning by his car.

"My regards to aunty and kisses to Nina" she said referring to his step mom and sister.

"Not fair, Nina gets your kisses always"

She narrowed her eyes at him biting her lip to stop the smile from carving but it wasn't enough. "Don't start"

He moved closer until he was standing so close to her "you don't play fair Jamm, goodnight wifey" and then he was gone.

Grinning creepily, she walked back inside the house but when she saw how gloomy and worried her cousin looked everything came crashing down on her.

Aamirah is still not home and it's midnight.

Ya Rabb!

"Assalam Alaikum.." It felt like her heart stopped beating for a while and then it started beating again. Fast.

JamJam lunged on Aamirah who had tears rolling down her eyes

"I am going to murder you roommate" she mumbled hugging her tightly

"What happened?"

Aamirah chuckled wiping away her tears, "we lost track of time and on our way back his car broke down, we had to wait for one of his friend to pick us up" she explained


"Why? Did Khaleel tell you otherwise?" She questioned looking at him as he stand beside Jameelah, Myra is long asleep on the couch.

"We were so worried, we are getting you a phone first thing tomorrow morning"

"JamJam I am fine and so sleepy"

"I'll walk Myra to her room and join you in a bit"

Aamirah nod her head and walk up the stairs pass Khaleel.

When she was locked in the bathroom all alone she burst out into tears,

She couldn't believe this.


Khaleel changed for the night and settled on his bed, he was so exhausted to his wits and just to think that tomorrow is a working days adds to his stress.

His eyes were dropping when he remembered Batool. Ya Rabb, he promised he will call her back but he has been so caught up in Aamirah not being home that he has forgotten.

Sitting up, he grabbed his phone and dialled her number.

It went straight to voicemail

She had fallen asleep.

Waiting for him..


Can I get someone to ask WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!

I don't even know.. What happened between Hassan and Aamirah😨?

What is up with Mimi hating on our Khaleel😶?

JamJam and Kabeer.. nawa oo for this love🙊😂

And Batool.. Sighs.

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A/N: you guys i read thirteen reasons why, the novel countless times and now, finally, I am watching the series and I go... Aw, Urm, okay, i can't even. 😖

The series is on point but I'm just like.. you totally ruined my imagination and now i am just in between, so i have to go with, I will rather read the book.

Don't ruin my imagination😩


PS: I can't stop watching the series.. It's freaking addictive!

Okay bye❤

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