Chapter nineteen.

Sudan, Khartoum.


It feels like he didn't sleep at all. His head is pounding, really hard and his legs are starting to slip on their own. When he finally entered his room after offering fajr prayers in the mosque, he slumped on the bed exhausted.

He needs to sleep.

Even if it's for thirty minutes. He needs rest. When his encounter with Kabeer the previous day comes running in his mind, his heart fell in the pit of his stomach. Is he really doing this?


Ya Allah! He is losing his mind, slowly but surely.

He remembers what Ya Zeezee always advice him to do when he is in a complicated situation like this, 'follow your heart' simple.

He knows what his heart wants then why is he complicating things further?

The moment he woke up two hours later, it felt like he is a complete different human being. He felt stronger and less confused than he was. He knew what he wanted but there is no way, not even in his wildest dreams will he do anything without talking to Batool. Before everything she is his best friend! She deserves to know whatever that is disturbing him no matter how hurtful the truth can be.

He stared at the laptop intensely. After two rings, she answered the FaceTime and he was greeted by her face smiling widely. She is still in her shorts and one of his t-shirt, the little gesture made him beam. Weird what the sight of her do to him...

"Assalamualaikum, hey habibey" she beamed.

"Wa'alaikum salaam" he smiled.

This is harder than he though it will be. "What's wrong?" She asked concerned and he let out a visible sigh. This is Batool. His Batool! Obviously one look at him she will know something is wrong.

"Khaleel.." she called and it felt like his heart jumped out from his chest. They are back on the Khaleel terms.

"It's work.. Ya Allah!"

"What did I tell you about stressing yourself? Do all you can and leave the rest with Allah. You can't fix everything.. please" he heard that before,

You can't fix everything. You can't fix everything.

Subahana'Allah but what if he can?

"What if I can?" He voiced out his thoughts

Batool kept quiet "Then you help, is that not what you want? To help people as much as you can?"

"What if it's at your expense?"

This time she paused. For a really long time they both paused staring at each other until it was too much to handle

"I trust you"

just three words. How is he going to do this?

"It's going to be a contract, to get her out of the country.."

"What type of contract?" She asked confused and he realized he is just rambling without actually explaining.

"A marriage contract.." he whispered and Batool went Oh! Seriously just Oh? He expected a lot more than OH!

"That's explains our fall out and everything in between" she nod her head as if she just figured out the biggest mystery of the century. Her expression is natural, blank.

"It's not that!" He lied but got nothing. Instead she palmed her face heaving deep breaths in and out as if it is too much to handle, too much to comprehend.

"Fateemah.." he called, he almost never calls her Fateemah, not until he wishes to be romantic or to tease her but this time it is to get her attention. To somehow make everything okay

"Just.." she looked up speechless, he heard some shuffling from the bed and after a short silence, a soft sigh erupted from the bed beside Batool.

"You'll wake her up.." she warned "I have to get ready for work and I really can't risk her waking up now"

He nod his head understanding, they honestly both need the excuse.

"We will talk about this when you come home, your coming on Monday right?"

He nod his head again, the pained look on her face burns his soul. He can't believe he is causing pain to Batool, that is unbelievable.

"Bye, remember what Ya Zeezee always tells us. When it's complicating and confusing-" he didn't let her finish.

"Follow you heart" she hung up on him quickly.


When he showed up in the gazebo were Aamirah is sitting alone staring into space he knew, this is the right thing to do. This is what his heart wants. He is definitely on the right track with Batool's answer and every hesitation in between, he is sure without a doubt that his conversation with Batool is not over. Infact there is more to come, many bumps and hills to pass but somehow, InshaAllah they will get there.

Aamirah feigned a smile at him replying his salaam. A big blanket is wrapped around her legs, today she is wearing her dark blue hijab.

"If I could grant you one wish what will it be?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.

Seriously is this a joke?

"It's getting old" she mumbled not interested.

"What if it's not? What if I am here to grant you your wish?"

It felt as if time stopped, her eyes were now trained on him waiting for him to say more but instead he sat down opposite her and placed his hands on his lap as if nervous or scared of her reaction..

"It will be a marriage contract, you and me. It's just to get you home safe and sound, to leave this country and go back to Nigeria. To your mother.."

Aamirah broke down into tears. She hugged her knees to her chest crying hard, so hard her shoulders slump up and down robotically.

Khaleel dropped the documents on the center table and she looked up at him.

"I've already signed it, take your time" he stood up to leave but she stopped him by calling out his name, he turned around looking at her quizzically.

"Thank you" she cried and he smiled.

It feels like his heart is bursting from happiness. Ya Allah! Just the smile on her face makes him want to cry from joy. Why didn't he do this sooner?

When he walked inside Aunty Kuthum's room, his heart skipped a beat. JamJam is oiling her mother's hair who looked at Khaleel's worried face. She watched him intently noticing that something is wrong, without a doubt.

"Khaleel are you okay?" She asked when he sat down on the soft rug in her bedroom.

He took a deep, nervous, shaky breath.

If he tells Aunty Kuthum things will be much more easier. He can't even imagine his sisters reaction when they find out.. Ya Maamah will shred him and skin him alive. He shivered at that

Later he will worry about Ya Maamah.

"Aunty Kul, it's just.." he stammered feeling JamJam's hard gaze on him anticipating his words. "I am marrying Aamirah"

JamJam burst out into a contangious laughter lessening the tension in the room. she shook her head amused, "God! What happened to your sense of humor?"

"Jameelah!" Aunty Kulthum warn knowing Khaleel is serious, he looked dead serious but somehow that is oblivious to JamJam at the moment.

"It's just funny, woah! I haven't laughed in a long time, thanks for that joke" she smiled combing her mom's soft, long hair. She muttered under her breath, "he said he is marrying Aamirah.. gosh, this man is so funny. How cute"

"I already signed the contract, it's to get her out of the country. Basically, we are married" he continued and the comb fell out from Jameelah's hand.

As if she was possessed, she started laughing again. "Tell me your joking"

"Jameelah!" Aunty Kuthum warn but JamJam is having none of it..

"What about Batool? Ya Allah! Are you insane? No answer me, are you insane?" She yelled, "wait.. are you drunk?!" She frowned

"Jameelah excuse us.." aunty Kulthum ordered.

JamJam stood up, "You can't do this to Batool! You can't do this!" She cried out

"I already spoke with my wife.."

This time JamJam hit him with a throw pillow "Shut up! Obviously Batool won't say anything. Do you know why? Because she loves you. She can die for you and you know that! Your not allowed to take advantage of her love!!"

His stomach tighten up at that..take advantage of her love for him? Subahana'Allah that's just absolute nonsense! Ridiculous! As if he will ever take his Batool for granted.

"How can you even think of taking a second wife? After everything the girl has been through, you know what it took for you guys to be in this stage of your relationship and yet..." She paused when her eyes fell on Aamirah.

Tears were streaming down her face, so fast she could barely keep up.

"I swear... I didn't know, inna lilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun.." she cried guilty holding on to her chest in pain. It felt like she has just been stabbed in the heart with a silver, new, shinning knife. How could he? How dare he?!

Her breathing is coming out in shallow pants as she clutch harder to her chest.

Khaleel quickly stood up shocked. He called, "Aamirah..." he tried but she cut him off.

"You are married?" She questioned dreading his answer even though she heard their conversation. She heard everything but somehow she hopes it's a lie

"Yes! Yes he is! Happily married with a child!!" Jameelah spat harshly before stomping out of the room bumping Mimi's shoulder on her way out

She couldn't handle the guilty expression on his face or aunty Kulthum order for them to both calm down so she ran out of the room in tears.

There goes the last piece of her..

The last Piece of Aamirah.

Hahaha go on, hate on me😂💔 Khaleelu is also a father.. who saw that coming?

Team Batool or Team Aamirah?

Sorry for the long wait, my phone has been acting up so I had to type with my tab which took longer than expected. Also because I am working on something HUGE!! I'll let you guys know soon.. EEEKKKK💃

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Love y'all

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