Chapter forty-four

Nigeria, Abuja.


Aamirah could not take it in all at once. While Khaleel settled Talha's payments and collected the address, she escaped to the bathroom.

She had a long bath, thinking about everything the private investigator had said. She was lost, so lost. All she could was make up scenarios about how her conversation with her mother will go.. how will she bare standing before her mother only to see her eyes, blank, unmoving, blind.

It is all too much.. too much to think of so she dipped lower inside the hot bath and let the water surround her body and mindset.

Until Khaleel knocked on the door concerned. He called out, "Aamirah, are you okay?"

Her lips wobbled slightly at the pureness and concern from his voice.


She inhaled deeply. Khaleel is making this ten times harder to think straight. All she can think when he is around is him. She is utterly, insanely consumed by him and she wants all of him. The problem is how.. how is she suppose to do that?

"Mimi, I'm coming in"

She bit her lip hard. "I'm not clothed"

"Then come out, please"

She slowly pulled up from the bath and wore the bathrobe on her body. Then she proceeded to tidy up the bathroom and perform ablution. Khaleel patiently waited by the door. He was there.. even when she pulled the door open, she found him there standing worriedly.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" He asked running his eyes over her concerned.

"I didn't hurt myself Khaleel.." she replied moving closer to him. "It's just a lot.. can you hold me please?"

Relief washed down his body. Suddenly, he gripped her in a hug kissing her fastly, hungrily, sweetly. He didn't let go until he was sure Aamirah was fuzzy from his overpowering love. That's when he got control of himself and moved away.

"I was going to visit Baba, do you want to come along?"

Aamirah nod her head eagerly. She definitely needs the change of environment to think clearly and breath properly.

"Alright, let's pray Dhur first"

While she changed into a lilac bubu gown, Khaleel performed ablution and laid the prayer mat. They prayed together, as one before finally going out the doors. Aamirah breathe deeply entering the car and leaning on the seat. The car is cozy with a tinge of sweetness. When he pulled out, she watched out the window captivated by the beauty of her surroundings.

Subhanalilah! Allah is truly magnificent!! Everything is mesmerizing up from the sky to the ground.

It was until Khaleel pulled into a different environment, not Baba's house, that's when she looked at him flabbergasted.

"I'm very sure Baba is at home.. not here" she said laughing lowly.

"Mimi, we need to eat" he chuckled parking under the shade before turning off the car. That is when she realized indeed this is a restaurant. A posh, beautiful restaurant that has her drooling at every interior designing and category of good looking food. She did not hesitate to eat when Khaleel ordered for them.

"Now, let's visit Baba" Khaleel said when they buckled in the car after their very lavish meal. They didn't talk after that. Only the recitation of the Qur'an playing from the radio.

When the arrived, they met Batool, Aunty Kulthum and Raina with Baba in his living room. Everyone froze, until Raina ran to her father breaking the little ice in the living room.


Khaleel picked up his daughter, "Hello my sweet Raina.." he moved closer and sat on the carpet before Baba. "Good evening Baba, good evening Aunty Kul"

They all exchanged pleasantries, including Aamirah who sat far away on the carpet nervously.

"Is this some sort of family meeting?" Baba joked.

"Baaba.. we didn't plan this" Batool replied. "I had no idea they were coming to visit"

"If you say so" Baba replied smiling. They talked for awhile, mostly about everything that's been going on with Ya Zeezee's kids well being and new home that's yet to be found. Midway through their conversation, Aunty Kulthum excused herself to lay in the room because she has a migraine leaving only Batool, Aamirah, Khaleel, Baba and little Raina.

"Habibty guess you have to change her clothes, it's kind of wet" Khaleel said to Batool.

"Oh, okay, Raina come with me" she picked her up perching her on her hip, "Aamirah do you mind helping me with her bag? It's right behind you"

She quickly retrieved it politely handing it to Batool who looked like she wanted to ask more. And she did.. "Can you please give me a hand? I'm sure Khaleel and Baba will take so long talking.."

"Okay" Aamirah simply replied standing up and following Batool to one of the rooms. She watched as she changed Raina's dress expertly before putting on a kids YouTube video for her. Aamirah was extremely uncomfortable. Ever since she accidentally overhead Ya Aisha and Batool talking about her possibly 'charming' Khaleel.. she has kept her distance.

"I've been wanting to talk to you Aamirah but I never found the chance.." Batool started closing Raina's cute Dora the explorer bag.

"How are you doing by the way? I really hope your fine.."

Aamirah bit her lip, out of habit. "Fine, Alhamdulilah"

Batool inhaled deeply. "Aamirah, your not comfortable with me anymore and I can see that. Allah knows I've tried my very best to be good to you.. not once, did I want to come off as a mean, heartless and controlling person.. but something has changed"

Suddenly, her throat tightened up. She can feel the tears threatening to fall remembering all the harsh words Ya Aisha and Batool had said about her.

"Aamirah, what is it? If I've wronged you in any way, then I'm sorry"

She batted back her tears.

"You've been nothing but nice to me Adda Batool, thank you and I'm sorry"

"Don't apologise to me Aamirah"

That is when she lost it, she broke down into tears because Batool's kindness is overwhelming.

"I married your husband!"

Batool glanced at Raina who is drifting off to sleep. "Technically speaking, he is our husband now"

Aamirah hugged her knees to her chest slightly shivering from the tears brimming her face.

"Khaleel is not okay.. he hasn't been for a long time" Batool said, "When his mother died, he fell into depression. Did he tell you that?"

Aamirah wipe off her tears slightly nodding her head.

"He has battled with depression and anxiety for long and now Ya Zeezee's death opens up old wounds. He is currently on medications, I want him to go for therapy since he doesn't like talking to me or anyone else but he is proving stubborn.." she inhaled.

"The thing is, you can only learn to heal him or leave him, Aamirah. That is your choice but I am pleading with you, as Khaleel's wife, do not hurt him. If you want to hurt him, this is your chance. At least when you do it now, he can heal utterly.."

Heal Khaleel.

Batool is telling her how to heal him.

How to be with her husband.

How to live with her husband, Khaleel.

"Okay.." she replied straight up mostly because she has no idea what to say to Batool.

"Good" Batool hummed turning off her phone since Raina has already fallen asleep. She inhaled, sharply.

"If we are going to be co-wifes till eternity.. I guess you have to know all what it took for me and Khaleel to be here"

Aamirah furrowed her eyebrows confused. "I don't understand.."

"Growing up, I've known Khaleel all my life. Our mothers were best of friends and very close. I'm the only female in my family so I was always with Khaleel's sisters. Until my cousin moved in with us when her parents died.. I was in SS1 when Ya Khadi moved in with us.."

Aamirah listened, intensely.

"We got close, very close. Half a year later, Khaleel's mom died and they moved to Abuja. Ya Khadi and I moved to Abuja too with them because Khaleel was.. losing it. I can clearly remember the day Ya Maamah called me, she was crying so hard, she asked me to please save her brother because he only heard me out. So out of care for Khaleel, Mama let me and Ya Khadi move to Abuja to live with Khaleel's family.

Then, we met Hassan and Hussain. Khaleel's best friends. We all grew up together along the way.. Hassan fell in love with Ya Khadi and it got.. toxic"

Aamirah gasped in realisation.

All of a sudden, it makes sense to her. So much sense.

"Your Ya Khadi is Hassan's.. Khadi?!"

Batool inhaled deeply blinking back her tears. "Yesss.." she paused shortly. "Khaleel, Hassan and Hussain went to University while Ya Khadi and I finished secondary school there. So basically, Ya Maamah and Ya Zeezee raised all of us along with Baba. Some things happen.. Khaleel met some guys and he.. was involved with drugs and.. it was then Hassan confessed his love for Ya Khadi.. she didn't feel the same though. He kept pressuring her.. time and time she will say no. It was scary at a point. I told Khaleel about it but he couldn't really do much cause he was mentally ill. I was so scared. Imagine just starting university and your neighbor stalks you and your cousin sister everywhere.. every single place!"

Aamirah moved closer to her. "What happened to Ya Khadi?"

"We told Ya Maamah who reported to Baba.. Baba asked us to go back to Kaduna to spend our holiday there while he talks to Hassan's parents. We both couldn't make it cause..Hassan kidnapped Ya Khadi"

"Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi raji'un!" Aamirah gasped.

"He took her..for two good months. We found her after searching for long.. Ya Khadi.. Ya Khadi was miserably raped and tattered"

No Wonder..

Khaleel had warned her about Hassan. He warned her to stay away from him because he knows what he is capable of.

"Because his parents are wealthy people, they left the country and started all over again. While we dealt with a depressed, broken, pregnant Ya Khadi"

Aamirah could not control her tears, she cried along with Batool because she understands what Ya Khadi went through. She has been there. She knows how it feels to be snatched of your dignity. To be pregnant for your rapist. To be emotionally and physically drained because of one heartless man.

"So every pain you feel, I've felt it before Aamirah. Not necessary physically but emotionally. Ya Khadi was my best friend and she had to go through all of that.."

"Did.. did.. Hassan rape her?" Aamirah stammered scared to hear her reply.

"No" Batool whispered through her tears. "His friends, those who coaxed Khaleel into doing drugs did that. Apparently, they helped him kidnap her and raped her.. repeatedly"

"Subhanalilah. Adda Batool.. I am so sorry to hear that.. this is awful. Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi raji'un. Why is it so easy for men to do this and get away with it?! How hard is it for someone to get you can't take anything away from anyone without their permission. What was Ya Khadi's fault in this? Because she refused to like Hassan back or what?! What was my fault?!.. because I was alone without my mother or because my opinion doesn't matter?! Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi raji'un.. Adda Batool this world is scary.."

"It's all the victims fault, that's the mentality of the society. Where was she? Why was she there? What was she wearing? Stupid, stupid, insane, outrageous questions!"

"It's a lifetime of pain for us.." Aamirah mused quietly. "I will never get over my pain, I can only learn to live with it"

"That's the sad reality. The pain of a rape victim can't be erased or forgotten.. it will always be with you but remember.. you are stronger than this and you are safe, Aamirah. I promise you that"

"And Ya Khadi?"

Batool sob loudly. "Hassan returned twice and in that moment, we stopped him from seeing Ya Khadi. He always accused Khaleel of taking away his Khadi from him"

It makes sense now. Hassan always accused Khaleel of taking away his lover when in all honesty he broke Ya Khadi. He broke her. So hard.

"Why didn't you get justice for Ya Khadi?"

"She refused. That's another thing that comes with being a victim of rape or any sexual assault, you become scared of the world and everything it comes with. The baggage, the society, mindset of the people, the worthless piece of men looking for a reason to exploit you again and damage you for eternity. She was scared. She worried about how the world will look at her. What they will say about her and my mother who raised her. She would rather live with the pain than let the world know about this injustice and give them the right to criticize her. I wish she let us do something but the only thing we owe her is respect for her wishes.."

Aamirah nod her head sadly.

"Ya Rabbi! The society we live in is awful. It pained me, for so long. Sometimes, I think about how everything would have turned out if Ya Khadi told her story or actually let us track those awful excuse of men and make them pay for it. The people will talk so much. So loud. They will always find faults in her, the poor victim, the poor girl not the rapist's fault. It's disgusting how some people think.."

Aamirah inhaled deeply, she understands truly the responsibility that comes with saying your story as a rape victim..

"I want to get justice for myself someday.. I wonder how many people will be touched or saved by my story. How many girls will be aware of what the world has turned to and how to speak out. If only I said something sooner.. maybe I wouldn't be here.."

Batool placed her hand on hers, comfortingly.

"Aamirah, you are brave for deciding that. So brave. May Allah make it easy for you"

"Ameen" she replied feeling very much relieved. Like a weight has been lifted off her shoulder. That's how she feels talking to Batool. Batool always knows the answer.. always knows the right thing to say.

"Ya Khadi.. she.."

"Yes Aamirah, she died" Batool confirm her suspicious.

"Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi raji'un.. May Allah grant her Jannah"

"Ameeen. But she didn't leave us completely broken.. she left an angel for us, a sweet piece of her, the light to brighten our lives and bring a smile to our faces. The little, sweet, sweet touch we needed.. oh, and she fits, so perfectly"

Aamirah gasped, shocked.


"Baby Ruqayya Raina. Ya Khadi always loved the name"

Before she could stop herself, she immediately turned to coo at Raina's beauty and sweetness. Never in her life did she think Raina is not Batool's daughter. The way she loves, cares, hugs, look and kiss her is every way a mother would. Even Khaleel has taken Raina as his own and he loves her, oh, so much more that she can imagine.

"She's sweet, just like her name"

Before Batool could reply, they heard the knock on the door followed by a slight push revealing a very shocked, baffled, confused and worried Khaleel. He stared at them both, with tear stricken faces and so much pain mixed with something he can't decipher.

" everything okay?" He asked leaning on the door, flabbergasted.

Batool laughed wiping off her tears. "Yes, are you done talking to Baba?"

Khaleel nod his head. "It's almost time for Maghreeb so he is performing ablution"

"Ohh, that's right, I didn't realize time has passed that much" Batool said checking the time on her phone.

"If Baba sees both of you with tear stricken faces, he will think I'm not doing a very good job..."

They both laughed at him but Khaleel was beyond lost as to what they were discussing earlier that had them crying, so hard.

"Should I be worried?"

Aamirah giggled wiping away her own tears. "No"

"Your being nosy, Habibiey"

After a quick glance at them, he sighed, "Okay, I'm sorry. Let me check on Baba.. have a nice talk with less tears, please" he left the room feeling over blessed and happy.

Is this how it feels to have your house under control?

Or to love, so many, with equal amount level of love in his heart?

Or to have a home, with two Queens, a princess, happiness, love, healing and smiles.

If that's what it feels like..

Then he wants this, forever.

Assalamualaikum babes🙋

Imagine Khaleel's shock when he saw both of them with tear stricken faces.. hahahaha..😂 hold my ❤️.

Guys I know.. we've cried so hard on this book.. trust me, we have completed our pieces.. Alhamdulilah. More sweetness to come your way!!!

Let me dig my inner Faisal and Ammarh 😍😍. Lol.

Vote, comment & share. Also, make sure you are following me on Instagram (ammarhhh) I'll keep you updated there.

W so many love,

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