Chapter forty

Dedicated to my scolio forever ekram_xx ❤️

Nigeria, Abuja.


He was our only option.

My uncle the rapist.

At this point, he is just my rapist. And that's all he will ever be!


Khaleel let out a deep breath. He turned sideways to find Aamirah deep asleep. She must have slept off when he started reading the second letter, the Hide and Seek.

Something about reading Aamirah's letters makes everything seem so real. He can remember one night before the private investigator came, Aamirah had told him who her rapist is but he found it hard to believe. She said it so quickly but he heard. He heard and denied to process what she said. Instead, he walked to the living room and pulled open his laptop where he wrote, Piece Number One. And then, he stopped because he was overly being chased by his own demons.

He looked down at her, then without warning, the tears left his eyes and fell on her face. Drop by drop. Heavily. He can't believe this.

Aamirah was constantly raped by her Uncle.

The one who was suppose to be her protector!

Ya Rabbi! This is unbelievably hard to digest in.

Suddenly, the deep, raw emotions returned. He stared at her with pure concern and love. So much love he is worried it's unhealthy. But it feels right. So right.. He is in love with Aamirah and there is no two ways about that. It's the real, raw truth.

Finally getting a grip of himself, he kissed her forehead before slowly ripping himself from the bed. He picked up the letters and stacked them away. That's enough for now, he simply cannot read on! There is already too much heaviness on his heart after seeing how much she is going through.

He decided to make a cup of coffee just to get his emotions straight. Aamirah is still sleeping comfortably even when he returned to the room, the sleeping pills immediately shut her eyes close before he could even register what was going on. But she needs this! It's the only way she can rest.

By the time he prayed Zuhr, he decided to get some work done from home. Jameelah was able to schedule a meeting for him through the zoom app. He was met with a lot of papers to sign, files to go through, cases to solve and problems to fix. It was a lot reminding him how much Sudan needs him.

"What do we do about the boy?" JamJam asked sipping her coffee. Khaleel took a deep breath trying to gather his thoughts and collect himself. The story about the young boy who found his way to the NGO is still traumatizing him.

"Get a private investigator on this case. We need to find his parents" he replied eyeing his empty cup of coffee. He needs a refill and something to eat cause he is starving.


"We had some donations, I don't know how to divide the money into necessary issues" Maleek said looking through some files before him.

"Wow, okay.. let's," he paused when the door to the room opened slowly and Aamirah walked out sleep dazed. Their eyes locked but before he could say more, Maleek brought him out of his trance. He quickly turned his attention to his ongoing meeting while Aamirah sat on the couch far away from him. Her knees are pressed to her chest while she watched him silently.

"Hafsat has a list of things we need to look into immediately. Why don't you email that to me first. Then maybe prepare a rough draft of the expenses and send it to me, I'll also compile some over here and we will see how it goes.." he said.

"Okay Sir. I'll work on it soon and get back to you Inshallah"

"Thank you Maleek" he sighed deeply. "Alright, anything else? I think we've covered everything right? It's been almost two hours now"

JamJam looked around some documents before her while Maleek did the same. "No, that's okay for now. I'm just going to email some documents for you to sign"


"Not to rush you or anything but Mr Yusuf wants to know when you both can meet. About the new project" Maleek said.

Khaleel can feel the headache crawling on his head. He has a lot on his plate. So much to worry and think of plus this new project he has been working on forever is moving closer.

"I'll get back to you on that soon" he simply replied. "Thank you so much for running this in my absence. I really appreciate your work and efforts"

JamJam rolled her eyes, "It's our work besides you need this break"

He feigned a smile on his face. If only JamJam knows how much has been going on over here she won't refer to this as a break. More like an unstoppable treadmill.

"Thank you" he logged off before shutting his laptop.

Aamirah is still there waiting, staring at him with an unexplained expression in her eyes. He leaned back on the couch and that was all it took for her to move closer and hug him tightly.

Khaleel exhaled deeply. He can feel her heartbeat against his chest beating so wildly, crazily, in fear. His hands embrace her caressing her softly, teasingly, assuring her it will be okay.

"I slept good, no nightmares" she said lowly.

"Alhamdulilah. But you can't rely on sleeping pills Mimi"

"But.. it's the only way I can sleep"

"We will get there" he kissed her forehead briefly.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and she nod her head.

"Let me order something, what do you want to eat?"

Aamirah moved back a little so he could access his phone that's on the center table. "Anything" she replied watching him order online.

It was peaceful while it lasted.

When he finished ordering the food, Aamirah decided to ask about the letters making him to freeze. In one place. Unmoving. Unthinking. Just.. freezing right there.

"Khaleel.. I need you to know"

He blinked back to reality watching the tears in her eyes. "I don't care, Aamirah"

"This is me!" The tears spill from her eyes uncontrollably.

"No, my love. This was you"

"Do you think Ya Ashraf will forgive me?"

"For what?"

She took a sharp breath, "For never telling him"

Khaleel was silent. What if something like this happens to one of his sisters, God forbid, and they never tell him, will he forgive them? Just thinking about it makes him heartbroken.

"I think.. he will forgive you Mimi" he answered truthfully. "But he will never forgive himself. The guilt will always be there cause he is your brother"

She nod her head slowly crying some more. "In that case, I'm glad he is not here"

Khaleel has no idea how to respond to that so he kissed her forehead and hold her tighter while they wait for their food to arrived. They stayed in silence until he felt Aamirah's breath steady and he realised she has fallen asleep again.

He sat there for so long.

Thinking about how his life took this crazy turn.

Thinking about how he can heal Aamirah.

Or how he can make Batool happier.

And manage being the man in this..

It was a lot so he gave up and fell asleep.

One step at a time.


"Tell me!" Khaleel demand removing his phone from the charger.

"Your going to drop Batool at the airport and you will be back soon" Aamirah answered hugging her knees to her chest.

"How long will it take?"

Her heart beat fast against her ribcage, "About two hours"

"What happens if you get scared?"

"I'll call you"

"Or what?"

She took a deep breath, "Or read the Qur'an"

He smiled nodding his head before moving closer until he is standing right in front of her. Aamirah quickly hug him feeling the tears leave her eyes. She knows Khaleel has to do this, because he is not hers alone. He is Batool's too. And he always will be. As much as she is scared to be left home alone, she will never let Batool suffer because of her. Impossible.

"I'll come home to you" he murmured in her ear.



She inhaled back her tears, "Okay"

But he stayed back for awhile. When she pulled her eyes open, she met him staring at her so long and hard with emotions breezing in his eyes. Then, he leaned in, slowly and slowly, building up the anticipation. The excitement and finally, their lips locked. Only for a split second. Before Aamirah can register what that was, Khaleel has already left the house.

All alone for her.

She gently pulled herself up from bed and locked the house. She crosschecked all the windows and made sure it is securely closed. Everything to make her feel safe and secure.

Two hours.

Just two hours...

She decided to pull out her notepad and write.

The rest of her pieces.


Part thirteen: A FRIEND.

Dearest, sweet Ya Ashraf,

Yes, I'm sweet talking you cause what I'm about to say will sound so careless and stupid of me but here it goes...

When I met Khaleel, I also met another guy,

Hassan Marwan.

Hassan was just a stranger...

A broken stranger, just like me.

We started our friendship off jokes, then more jokes and jokes before it took a big turn.

Hassan is a broken, depressed man.

One night, he asked me to go out with him for dinner.

I was against it at first but my feelings were a mess.

I had feelings for Khaleel but I did not want to come in terms with my feelings so Hassan was my escape. Besides, he was just a friend. Nothing more.

We went out despite Khaleel being against it and that night,

He talked to me, a lot.

He told me about Khadi.

A girl he is so in love with. He told me little about her and how Khaleel snatched Khadi from him. I was flabbergasted. It sounded so not like Khaleel but then again, what do I know about the guy?!

On our way back, the car broke down and my phone was dead.

I was so scared, beyond scared.. especially when Hassan started rambling about Khadi so hard while clutching the steering wheel harder.

That was when I realized,

Hassan is mentally ill.

He is not just broken like me,

He is worse.

He is damaged beyond control and only Khadi can save him.

I wish she can just get back together with him and save him because he is drowning, woefully.

And no one can save him.

Except Khadi...

That was the end of our friendship, but the beginning of chapter two..

Of my broken pieces.



Ya Ashraf,

I am crying so hard as I write this.

After my little meeting with Hassan, I became so clouded by emotions. I had strong feelings.. unknown at that moment.

My emotions were fuzzy, I needed help, real, professional help. I was losing my mind, slowly. I was in a very dark place for such a long time. I didn't feel human, I felt like an object, or a robot waiting to crash down any minute later.

I needed someone who could understand me. Someone to talk to so, i decided to meet up with Hassan again.

How stupid of me of course because there is no way two broken, disturbed, traumatised people can help each other. One of us has to be sober and in control of his emotions so that when one is falling into abyss of darkness, the other one will pull him up.

So it was a complete mess.

I just needed someone to talk to but Hassan turned everything into him. He also needed a therapist and unfortunately I'm not much of that.

I told him so much about how I was feeling. I told him I was falling so hard and I needed someone to rescue me. He told me he feels the same also. Then as usual, he started talking about Khadi but I wasn't really paying attention. My demons were overpowering my mind and soul.

He told me that Khaleel won't help. That he never helps emotionally. And that he let's go when it gets intense for him. I was terrified. Obviously Khaleel will let me go because I'm much work.

He told me that Khaleel let him go... And that's why he is this way.

It was a lot.

I had enough so I left.

He offered to drop me off but I declined since he obviously has a lot of issues to solve with Khaleel. I don't want to be the cause of another feud or to cause more drama so I left.

Subhanalilah... This is so hard to write but I need to tell you.. to get over this fear.

I was just few streets away from home,

Just a couple more steps but he jumped from a car and pulled me inside.

I thrashed.. I tried yelling but he forcefully closed my mouth and pushed me inside the car.

Just like that, my nightmare came true.

All my fear turned reality because he found me!

He found me.

How stupid of me to think he won't find me!!!

I can remember the look of satisfaction in his eyes when he caged me in his hold, the disgusting feel of his breath on my neck, the disgusting touch of his hands tracing down my body and definitely irritating words of, "Obey me!"

He loves the word.



"Home sweet home" he sang before my anxiety got the best for me.

I passed out.

But the last thing I remember is the feel of his hand slowly making their way in between my thighs.




Khaleel glanced at his wife worriedly. It's a little bit passed six am when he arrived to pick her up along with Raina and Siddiqa, her nanny. She won't stop moving in her seat and twitching with her hands and to make matters worse she barely said more than five words.

For that, he is beyond worried.

Batool held Raina closer to her body gently placing a kiss on the sleeping girl. She let out a deep breath.

"What is it?" Khaleel asked pulling inside Ya Maamah's house.

"Nothing" was Batool's short reply. He waited for Siddiqa to get down from the car along with Raina's bags. Then, he took a deep breath turning to face her completely. He entwined their hands together..

"Don't lie to me Habibty"

She inhaled deeply.

"Are you nervous?"

Batool let out a short laughter. "Of course not, I'm beyond prepared for this. I'm so excited to learn more and meet other experienced doctors. Hopefully, I'll gain more knowledge and be the best in my field"

Khaleel smiled at her words. "Your already the best doctor ever, what are you aiming for woman?"

They both laughed.

"Now, truly tell me what's wrong"

She looked down at Raina again before brushing her eyebrow in the right direction.

"I've been anxious all night. I don't know why... Astagfirullah but I feel like something bad will happen" she inhaled deeply. "Raina is turning two soon"

Khaleel nod his head leaning down to kiss Raina softly, she stirred a little before snoring cutely. "Everything will be fine Inshallah. My baby is getting so big MashaAllah!"

"Do you think I should go with her? I don't want to leave my baby" her lips wobbled slightly.

Khaleel looked at her, "What is this about? She will be fine with Ya Maamah. We don't want her traveling unnecessarily, it will be stressful for her"


"You okay Habibty?"

She blinked away her tears before nodding her head and getting down. Khaleel followed her inside the house where they met Ya Maamah waiting in the living room, the house is quiet probably because everyone is asleep so she collected Raina gently.

"My sweet baby needs her beauty sleep" Ya Maamah cooed at Raina when they exchanged pleasantries.

"Thank you sweetest Ya Maamah" Batool said briefly hugging her.

"Don't thank me Batool. Raina is also my daughter" Ya Maamah said "Alright get going or you'll miss your flight"

Batool leaned in and kissed Raina again before bidding Ya Maamah goodbye alongside with Khaleel. They made their way to the airport and throughout the ride Batool was laughing and reminiscing about old good days while Khaleel laughed some more. Weird since few minutes ago it seems like she was going to have a nervous breakdown.

"You used to be romantic" Batool rolled her eyes.

"I'm I not romantic now?" Khaleel asked puzzled as they drive closer to the airport.

"Not exactly..."

"Okay Doctor Batool, I promise to be more romantic and I'll be the best husband ever Inshallahu Rabbi. I'm working on my skills, trust me if I start, you will be amazed"

Batool laughed so hard. "Alright love"

Silence envelope them as he pulled into a parking space. They sat for a short while until Batool started talking again, "I love you Khaleel"

Oh, there it is, his heat beating so hard from the jitters. The jitters Batool gives him always and forever. "I love you too Fateemah. Always"

"Even when I'm far away?"

He moved closer until their is only little space between them, "Even if your gone"

He snatched her breath away.


Assalamualaikum babesss🙋

I probably say this so much but it's because I am genuinely grateful for everyone reading and supporting me for so long. Guys, THANK YOU FOR 70K READS.


I never thought Pieces of Aamirah will get this far and it will always feel surreal to me.

So many more to come,

So many pieces to join,

So many tears to shed,

Healing to do and Love to feel.

Inshallah.. we will get there.

Vote, comment and share❤️

Love always and forever,

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