What's mine (Overhaul Vs. Reader)

Despite being the legitimate grandchild of the head Yakuza, you didn't inherited the leadership.

It was inherited by a random trash can he found by the dumpster.

That boy, I tell you, is full of himself. You have no idea how he got himself as the leader of the association, that was suppose to be yours.

Why didn't you inherited it? You don't know, but you have assumptions.

Was it because you accidentally killed his daughter? That whore had it coming, and you can't even feel remorse for her death.

Grandpops seems to be reluctant to keep you, but he did. That thing is, he never bothered to glance at your direction.

He always found himself looking away when you speak to him, his replies were short and dismissive.

You know, for a man whose being looked up as the father figure of the association, he can't even spare a glance to look at his legitimate grandchild.

A lonely, isolated grandchild who he often blamed for the death of her daughter when the child's quirk manifested and accidentally killed her. And they didn't even felt remorse.

Is it their fault that they can't feel remorse for the person whom they accidentally killed because she attacked her first? s it their fault that they can't feel remorse for the person whom they accidentally killed because she had the intention to kill them? Her own daughter? To rid herself from this burden?

You yearned for attention all your life. No, you're not narcissistic. Just touch deprived, loveless. You tried your best to get along with everybody, yet they seem to be more attached to Kai when he came.

Your friend Hari was always there for you, comforting you in your every troubles. He was so kind that you can't seem to draw your eyes away from him. You caught feelings for the boy. But then Kai came, you found Hari slipping away from your fingertips.

"Hey! It's no fair!" Hari's five year old self whined, as he watched you hit the ball with the croquet mallet and immediately got it in the targets in one try. "How are you good with these?"

You shrugged, enjoying his attention. "Practice, I guess."

"Hey," he glanced up. "Isn't that the new kid?" You hummed in confusion, glancing to where he was pointing. Kai...

Before you can respond, Hari was bolting before Kai, dropping the mallet beside you.

"H-Hari wait—"

"I'll catch up with you later! You can practice croquet if you'd like! Be perfecter at it!" Your fingers slipped off the mallet's handle, dropping it to your feet. You can't even bother to feel the pain, because the emotional pain of another possible abandonment your witnessing.

He just suddenly ditched you. Just like that. Just because Kai was there.

Everyone pays attention to Kai.

And after Grandpops fell into a coma, you expected to inherit the association, be the head of the association even... But Kai, Overhaul, whatever he calls himself, proclaimed that he will be the leader.

A lot of the members agreed for him to be the leader, praising him.

You just can't get it. You were better than he is, why can't they notice you instead?

You are the legitimate grandchild of Pops, you are the best at handling guns, you are better in terms of leading a group than him.

You are better than he is.

And yet here they were, swooning over Kai, kissing his ass.


What hurts you the most is that your one true love seems to favour him over you.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

You are sick of all the attention being his, while they barely spare a glance at you despite you did everything at your best.

You spent your life watching by the sidelines, as he gets praised, worshipped even.

A dream without an action is just a wish.

That's what he said. Yet look at him, he isn't even doing his own works. He lets his underlings do all of his dirty deeds.

If the king doesn't move, you can't expect the underlings to follow.

You have a similar slogan as his, but yours was different. Similar goal, different actions.

Restore the Yakuza to its former glory.

You were willing to get your hands dirty, he did not. That was the clear difference between the two of you.

They were willingly kissing his ass, while who strive to be the best. With, or without their help. One way or another.

But you can't do everything alone.

You were well aware for that. It pains you to be alone, you just want to have someone who is proud of you. A friend, a lover, a sibling, a parent figure, an enemy who recognises your goals... Anything will do.

"Why can't they spare a glance at me?"

You tried to fix your relationship with your grandfather. You often attempted to converse with him, get him to talk about his prime, how he met his wife, his interest... But he doesn't seem to be interested. He was more interested to dodge your attempts. Maybe he doesn't even recognize your attempts. He was too busy avoiding you, wallowing in his own grief's.

"Grandpops! I found your old photos while I was cleaning! I'm sorry for snopping around, but this particular photo is just so interesting!" You held an photograph of him with other people.

He glanced over his shoulders, and just nods at you. "It was a meeting back then." is what he said, before he tended to Kai.

And you had no choice but to leave him alone.

And now he's dead. Well, technically he isn't dead yet. Just in a coma.

You tried to rekindle that friendship with Chronostasis, Hari, Chrono, whatever he calls himself. You tried starting small talks with him, but he often brushed you aside.

"Hey! Hari!" You caught up to Hari, as he cleans his gun. "I heard Kai letting you take a break. I was wondering—!"

"I'm busy. Maybe next time."

You were just so sick about the cold shoulders being given to you. It feels torturous. You hate it. It's sickening. You want to end it, but you can't find a way.

"Oooh! Headshot in first try! You're actually good at this, Y/N!" Sakaki praised, as he watches you shoot a thug from a far distance.

"Have you seen Overhaul? His quirk is so cool!" Setsuno praised. "I bet he can kill people with a single flick! Cooler than a headshot!"

Soon, all the praise for Kai piled, as you stood there. You clutched your gun, deciding to drop it before you can do something you'll regret, and left them swooning over Kai.

You glanced by your shoulders, seeing how Chrono gazed at him. Even he was wearing a mask, you can sense his gaze on Kai.

He's making him more than just smile.

You stood by your grandpops bedroom door, where he was confined in.

It was your first time to decide to view him. You were afraid, because he might just consider you a nuisance even if he is brain-dead.

Before you can settle your hand on the knob, you heard someone in the room. You set your ears by the door, and listened.

"Being the leader can be quite stressful... But I know that you can trust me with it. I'll do my best."

Of course it's Kai.

"I'm sorry for doing this... I know you could've given me the leadership when you passed away... But I have no choice—..."

Were you hearing things? You learned your ear by the door, and eavesdropped.

"I know you disapprove my ways, but it's the only choice I have. I had to get you out of the way and this is the safest thing I thought of."

Being filled with new found confidence, you bit your lip in pure euphoria.

Oh, how you imagine what the Yakuzas reaction would be. They'd be discouraged to know that they're current leader killed the former father figure of this association.

Swiftly, you swung the door open, which caused Overhaul to look up at you. You falsely reacted sheepishly, as he just watched you with scrutiny. Wait until he hears what you have to say.

"I'm sorry, I didn't knew there'd be people here." You falsely apologized.

"Whatever, just don't do it again." He clicks his tongue at you.

You leaned by the doorway, watching him in amusement as he subtly fidget in nervousness.

"So how does it feel?" You asked, the arrogance dripping in your voice. "You know, being the leader and all? Are you stressed?" You asked, as your sudden statement sent panic in his eyes.

"Such a shame Pops had to become like this... But no matter, you're the leader now. And he trusts you a lot." You stated. "You're ambitious, you're willing to get everything. Even if it's to kill—"

"What do you want?" You chuckled in amusement.

"Clever boy, no wonder grandfather favours you over me, his legitimate grandchild," You feigned a sigh. "Even if I'm better than you are..."

"How much did you heard?" His voice trembled in fear.

"Just enough to hear the important facts." You shrugged. "It'll be such a shame if the others find ou—"

"What do you want?"

You enjoy the leverage you're holding over him. No wonder he feels wonderful when he's dominant.

"Oh, I don't know," you played the choosy ingénue, as you tapped the door frame with your nails. "The place as leader?"

"I can't let you—!"

"Oh well," you shrugged. "I guess I'll just have to inform the others—"


"What is it, Kai?"

Asserting dominance was delightful, you feel powerful because of it. Having Kai like this, desperately pleading... You enjoyed the sight of him begging.


It was enjoyable to see him swallow his pride, to watch him beg like this. It might turn you on, but you have no fucks about that.

"I can't hear you, Kai. What was it?" You cooed.

"Don't— don't tell them," he pleaded.

"Tell them what?" You mocked. "That you killed the father figure of the Yakuza, just for you to take his throne in advance?"

He was glaring at you, but he can't do anything. He can kill you there and now, but he knew you were skilled. Skilled that he is.

"That's right," you gushed. "I suppose I'm the new leader now?"

He glares at you. Oh how the attention was sweet, you can already imagine the reaction of the others.

"Kneel," you smirked, as hesitantly complied. Oh how you can't wait to exploit his weakness. You never knew how wonderful his words were impactful towards this.

The sight on him kneeling made you quiver in joy. And no, you're not into that kink, you just enjoy the sight of his pride crumbling into pieces.

Oh this should be fun.

Andddd that's part one! Thanks to Tordoholic for helping me with this shot, I already owe you a lot!

I might get the part 2 done sooner or later, so stay tuned!

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