The one that got away Pt. 4 (Nemoto Shin X Reader)
This is the last part of the One-shot regarding Sin Nemoto because good news! He is officially getting his solo book in X reader!
Thank you for the votes, the support and comments! I hope to do his character justice!
Now onwards!
Some year in college...
The bespectacled blonde hastily clasps the cold collection of keys from the pocket of his jacket, while he attempts to silently enter the apartment he shares with his other half. It's within the dead of the night and he didn't want to disturb the peaceful slumbers of those who dozed off, especially Y/N. The moment he enters through the door, darkness greeted him. Reaching for the light switch, he bathes the whole place in light. He squints his eyes, his vision unaccustomed to darkness.
He sighs, lazily plopping himself on the couch. He instantly regrets, feeling that small noises such as this might wake you up. He didn't want to do that, he knew about your sleeping problems and you barely had rest. He knew your struggles but he didn't let that stop him from attempting to let you rest. He begged you thousands of time, heck, in desperation he even straddled you to your side of the bed. He can say the same thing for himself, he barely slept a wink last night from late night data dumping.
He never thought he'd be attending the library in the dead of the night, but there he was, burning every single braincells he had left to study for upcoming tests. Shin somehow knew college will be worse than high school and he hates that he's right. As he slowly dozed off the couch, the telephone rings for a moment. He took his glasses off, setting it aside as he warily glances over the telephone with narrowed eyes.
It was great in the middle of the night, who would call at this time? Shin didn't want to answer it, it was already late! For all he knows it was just teenagers with nothing better to do. He stayed at his place, just lying his back on the couch, too lazy to move to the bedroom to sleep with his beloved Y/N. Not that he doesn't want to, but he doubts that he'll be able to walk in the bedroom without causing a sound equivalent to world war two noises. The persistent ring of the telephone seems to get louder and louder every passing moment. He uses one of the cushions to cover his ears, lightly groaning as it persistently rang. He just hoped it won't wake you up.
The ringing stops (much to Shin's pleasure) and the recorder of the phone went off.
"This is Y/N—!"
"—And this is Shin."
"— And we're currently unavailable. Please leave your message after be beep!"
There was silence on the other line for a moment, until feminine vocals rang from the other line as she anxiously cleared her throat. "H-hey you guys... It's been awhile. Sorry I wasn't able to reach you guys sooner, I was busy with university and stuffs." She sounded different on the other line, perhaps it was the bad reception. But if you listen carefully, one can hear the sadness in her voice. "Not gonna lie, I high-key miss you guys."
Nemoto rose from the depths of the soft comforts of the couch after recognising the voice, his hair dishevelled from scratching his head in attempt to alert his systems. He squints at the telephone as there was another pause from the other line. Rubbing his face, he walks towards the telephone, dragging a chair behind him. He sets the chair by the table where the telephone was seated on.
"I hope you guys are doing fine, I can say the same thing for myself... Just struggling through mountains of homework like any university student does, but I'm doing great... I lied, I'm not okay. Everything's a mess and life teamed up with bad luck to fuck me over." There was a sob from the other line. "And here I thought I'd make new friends here but all they did was to drag me around in their sorority groups."
Shin's pick up the phone and yawns. "Hey Snappy, Four Eyes here." He greets, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Surely it wouldn't hurt to have a late night talk with his best friend, it's not like he didn't stayed up late with Y/N and Heather during high school stuck in their landlines to talk. "What's wrong?"
"Oh," she sniffles in other line. He assumed she tried to compose herself the moment she heard him speak... As if nothing happened "What are you doing up this late?"
Shin raised a brow and rolls his eyes. This girl is such a hypocrite. "I just came from the library to study and I just arrived home. I could be saying the same thing to you, Heather. What are you doing up late at night?" He was tired, yet he maintained his sarcastic smart ass veneer.
"Yeah... Just finished studying too. So how are you guys holding up?"
"We're okay, Y/N's sleep schedule is unpredictable and weird, but they're currently asleep. They fainted in the bathroom while they were taking a bath due to their lack of sleep. I just hope it won't escalate into something worse. I was extremely worried when they fainted" He can practically feel Heather wincing from the other side of the line. "How are you? I heard life isn't treating you that great, I'm sorry Snappy."
"I'm kinda... Sorta okay I guess. I think I'm just being overdramatic, don't mind me. Little ol' me who seems to look for attention by whining's," Nemoto pursues his lips in a thin line, holding the telephone to his ear.
"That's not true, Heather. Everyone needs comfort in everything they feel no matter how minor the situation is, but it it is greatly affecting a person." Shin quotes Heather's old lecture she told him during high school. It's a miracle he still remembered that during his sleepy predicament. But then again, he found himself taking notes whenever she would ramble on about tips on how overcome emotional predicaments. "Come on, tell me what happened." Shin has a lot of experience of listening, offering his shoulder for his best friend and significant other. He always knew when to listen to them and he would give them advices if they ever asked him.
"Aren't you supposed to be asleep now? Don't you have lectures to attend tomorrow? Exams?" Heather attempts to swerve the conversation. "It's late and I don't wan to burden you... I'm sorry I called late and--"
"Snappy," Shin firmly asserted, rubbing his eyes to remain alert. "I don't care about my studies if I need to put my best friend first. Please, it's unhealthy to bottle emotions. I'll be your shoulder to cry on like you were my shoulder to cry on."
There was a pause in the other line, then a sigh. "Stubborn as always..." Heather yawns. "Okay... So you know that I joined a sorority group, right?"
"Mhmmm, go on," Nemoto encourages with a nod, even if she doesn't see him.
"They're all bitches but I didn't assume their whole personalities. So there's this one girl who has a boyfriend... This guy is as skinny as a twig and a major pushover for letting his girlfriend step all over him. So you know the scholarship deal, right?"
"Right," Nemoto nods, knowing how it works since he is a scholar himself.
"So this guy spent all his money to please his girlfriend to the point of draining his savings. He's a good guy, high grades, smart boy who gets involved in the wrong group of people. He and I would bump into halls talk for a bit and be off in our own ways. Sometimes he'd help in math because you know I'm a total retard in math. He's really a nice guy and he told me everything he went through during his childhood and has major abandonment issue. I feel bad because his girlfriend would talk behind his back, saying he is such an idiot for swooning over her." Heather spoke with a lump in her throat. "Then one day I just walked to the sorority house to discover the girl eloping with someone else, leaving the poor guy behind... Then a few weeks later, I heard he attempted to commit suicide." The cries she attempted to conceal her high pitched whimper from the other line.Shin would do anything to comfort her, she would usually calm down when one would trace patterns on her skin while holding her close but he couldn't do it when they were in separate worlds.
"Shhh, it's okay... Breathe, you'll be okay..."
"The fact that I had the capability to keep him safe and I couldn't even do it right! I'm so useless-" she chokes on the other side of the line, sobbing as she kept the handset away from her loud cries.
"You're not useless. You tried your best and it's okay, it's not your fault. If it was someone's fault, it would be the girlfriend that abandoned him,"
"Heather, it's not your fault, okay?" Nemoto reassured, firmly pressing.
"I-i-it's not?" Heather recoils from her sobs, hiccuping from the other side of the line.
"It's not." There was silence on the other side of the line, until Heather spoke once more.
"Thank you, Shin... It honestly made me feel a lot better." He heard her blow her nose and cough from the other line.
"Anytime. Y/N and I will always be there for each other, remember?" Shin conceals his yawn. "We're only one call away."
"Thank you, really. it's just been difficult not making friends here in uni... The first thing I'll do tomorrow is to quit the sorority house." She sighs, followed by a yawn. "I think we should end the late night talk, it's late and I don't want to be the reason why you're late for class."
"Oh sure. Good night, Snappy. Remember that We're here for you if you need someone to talk to." Shin reminds the brunette, rubbing his eyes.
"I'll keep that in mind. Nighty night, Four eyes. Bye bye..."
There was a long beep in the other line, before Shin Nemoto finally puts the handset back. He ventures towards the light switch, turning it off before he went towards the bedroom to stealthily creep towards your sleeping figure. Once he was comfortably resting beside you, he didn't hesitate to envelope your figure with his warmth, as he began to doze off with a yawn. He buries his nose behind your ear, inhaling your scent as his consciousness soon subsided.
Some year in college...
Dialing a specific phone number, Heather knew the exact number at the back of her hand, as she barely glances at the landline phone whilst she scribbles feverishly against a piece of paper with rushed spidery handwriting. As the phone rang, she resumed to strain her wrist by endlessly moving her pencil against the messy paper filled with chicken scratch.
"Hello?" Said the voice from the other side of the line, the sleepiness in their voice hinted as they yawned.
"Hey Y/N!" Heather cheerfully asks, her hands abruptly stopped scribbling along the messy paper. "So it's semester break, do you have any plans?"
"Heather wh—" they yawned from the other line, but she heard a certain male from the other line as well, although she never heard what he said. "Yeah, semester break... Shin and I planned to go home in (hometown) for a little while, why you ask?"
"Okay, now you know Veronica, right?" Heather puts her phone on her shoulder, and squeezes it between her ear while she reached for a card under her piled of paperwork.
"Yeah, why are you mentioning your older sister?" The sleep subsided from their voice, but they sounded tired nontheless.
"Yeah, she's getting married."
There was silence on the other side of the line for a moment, that's when Heather knew she should take the handheld device away from her ear to avoid causing damages.
"Y/N our neighbors would get mad—" Heather hears the distressed man from the other side of the line, although his voice was faint, she can still make out who it was.
"OH MY GOD, I KNOW!" Y/N responded with glee and excitement. They sighed from the other of the line. If Heather could described it, sounded like nostalgia "It was just like yesterday when we were chasing spiders in your backyard and use it to scare you... Now she's getting married?"
Heather chuckles. "Yep, time does fly by. Oh and by the way, y'all are invited. Help me stress about helping my sister's wedding as well."
"Are you kidding? Hell yeah I am helping! As long as I get the biggest slice of cake!" They screamed from the other side of the line. "So Shin and I finished packing yesterday, we'd arrive in (hometown) tomorrow."
"Really?" Heather twirls her finger around the telephone wire, gazing upon the bulletin board where she kept the pictures of her friends and family. She smiles out of nostalgia before speaking. "I think I'd arrive by... Three or two days later. I am totes pump to finally see you guys!"
"Oh and Y/N?"
"Weren't you the one who keeps all the phone numbers of our old classmates?" Heather asked.
"Oh yeah! I left it back at (hometown) because Four eyes told me that they'd be a waste of space. Why?" She nodded, taking note of that.
"I'm in charged of inviting guests and I really want to invite our old classmates in Veronica's wedding."
"Oh! Sure thing!"
After a brief catch-up, the two best friends concluded the call with a promise to meet Heather in the airport once she arrived.
"You guys!" Heather sprints towards your direction to catch both Shin and Y/N in her bone crushing hug. You grunted upon the impact, but disregarded the pain as your joy to see her overpowered it. With a gummy smile, you returned the hug along with Shin. "It's been forEVER since I last saw you guys! I miss you guys!"
Shin didn't expect that strength coming from the petite brunette with no muscles. Despite her petite figure, he never knew where she receives her strength from. He couldn't practically breathe at the way she squeezed them, crushing the air out his lungs. Frantically tapping Heather's shoulder, he breathlessly spoke;
"Snappy, I can't breathe—"
"Oh! Sorry!" She sets them free, leaning her figure towards them whilst she watches Shin catch his breathe.
As the high school friends chatted along the way out of the airport, you couldn't but to smile. It was like nothing had changed at all. Despite having different schools, different cities, it was true when you said distances wouldn't make you guys strangers. You were just so happy to see your friends back together again you could help but to see yourselves wearing your old high school uniforms.
"Damn, Snappy why the hell are your bags heavy?" Shin grunts as he loaded the smallest luggage Heather carried with her into the backseat.
"Be careful with that, they're my cameras and gears. If anything happened to my babies I will commit mass genocide and you're going to die first." Heather threatens, her gaze dark as she helped you lift her bigger luggage and loaded in the trunk of the car.
"Sure, sure whatever." The bespectacled male rolls his eyes, before closing the trunk by pressing his weight on it.
"I call on shotgun!" Heather giggles, before booking it towards the front seat of the car.
"Hey, no fair," Shin defensively slings his broad arm around your shoulder. "I get to sit by my doll, I'm always their navigator." He childishly glares at the brunette, in which Heather returns it with a challenging gaze.
"Navigator, you say? You failed your driving lessons twice for some reas—"
"How about letting me decide?" You butted in, slipping away from Shin's arms. "Or maybe settling this by some old rock, papers, or scissors?"
"Fine!" The blonde male and brunette agreed in unison, before facing each other, sheer determination evident in their eyes as they indulged in some competitive rock, papers, and scissors.
You INSTANTLY knew who won after Heather screamed in his face with in a floating manner, like a mad women who has gone out of the mental asylum, she scurried into the front seat before blowing a raspberry at his direction. You just laughed at Shin's reaction, when he pouts and pockets his hands into his pants as he mumbled under his breathe. He begrudgingly sits on the backseat, snapping his seatbelt in an unnecessarily aggressive manner.
"Ha! I won!" Heather gloats some more, going out of her way to direct her sight towards the mopping Shin.
"Waaaay to show maturity," he simply comments, rolling his eyes.
"Okay, whatever you two—" you clipped your seatbelt and secured yourself in place, before keyying the engine. Before you can drive off, you glanced over the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of your boyfriend sticking his tongue out on Heather's direction. You shook your head but proceeded to ask him a question. "Are you okay my sweet, darling four eyes?" You asked, voiced laced with saccharin.
Heather fires a glance towards your direction, eye brows furrowed together in disgust. Shin, however, looked back at you through the rear view mirror. Sensing Heather disgust, he played along.
"Well I am doing quite exquisite my beloved sweetheart, why did you asked?" Shin smirks, winking at you through the mirror.
"Oh, MY GOD." Heather exclaims, turning to Shin and Y/N. "GET A ROOM!"
"Stay out of this Heather, the adult are talking." Shin comments, before sending another string of pet names in your direction.
"I can't believe I'm third wheeling right now it's just like back in high school!" She crossed her arms with a pout. "Oh my god, Y/N, drive!"
"Okay, okay," you laughed at her, before driving off the parking lot. "Geez Heather don't be salty just because you're single."
"Excuse me—!"
Shin couldn't help but to smile at the little sight. He was glad distance never made her a stranger, for she is also a main part of his life. Without her, he wouldn't have Y/N. He is thankful for that he's wrong for once. He's thankful at the fact you proved him wrong and the fact there would be someone who he will trust and cherish.
There was no doubt people all around him are liars, but at least he has his lover and best friend on his side. Falling and failing life wouldn't feel so bad if they're falling with him.
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