Romeo and Hamlet (Overhaul X Sibling Reader) End
Spoiler warning
Angst warning~
It's been a few months since you've had a proper confrontation with Mirio without being seen as an uncaught thug under Overhaul's command.
I mean, yeah there's been times where you encounter the boy clad in his hero's uniform, chasing you down and failing to chase you down. A mask concealed your true identity to avoid risking yourself. The boy was extremely talented, but you were quite the slippery one.
The times you've desperately tried to go against your own statements never to connect with him again was countless, yet all of them were failed. You don't know whether that was good or bad. Maybe it was for the better of your sake and his, and seeing him would only tear your heart out from all of this teen angsty rebellious and forbidden romance bullshit.
So why bother?
It's destined for you to lose against him. Every villain and hero story just has a nice treatment to your kind— a villain kind— and that treatment would be chucking you out of your base, get your ass beaten by the hero, throwing you to prison and that's the end of it.
Under the moon lit evening, you stood still under a sketchy looking alley that by now isn't really sketchy for you. It was very usual for you to hang around this part around of the area, in fact, you knew it by the palm of your hand... Oh who am I to kid, it was the alley wherein you met him.
You can vividly remember the rain falling from the skies, your angry mutters, your dark thoughts, the coldness of your skin that was all washed away after the blue marble eyed boy— sunshine personified and upbeat guy took your hand that lifted you away from all of the negativity of the world when he gave you his handsome smile— his smile beyond value that you can gaze into for forever and you wouldn't even look away or grow weary of it.
You can't look at the sun the same after you met him; all you can see was him. Even eating cookies without him felt different. You would occasionally glance at the notification bar of your phone, hoping that he might've dropped you a message or two, but there was none.
You clenched your fists, just wanting to go back to your room and rest, not waiting for your business partner to bust their ass over the meeting spot to make you wait. And then there you thought you were assigned to the most easiest task there was, only assigned to deliver a batch of quirk enhancing drugs to thugs that were desperate and weak to use them... But you think that you'd rather be in the base, cleaning the walls after Overhaul or something... Or maybe you'd be the best man to babysit Eri than those sketchy people who Overhaul recruits to watch over the girl.
But you're stuck here.
"Overhaul said that if the client hasn't arrived around eight PM, the deal is off."
You glanced at your watch, only to see that an hour has passed.
8:30 PM... Good riddance.
You sighed in relief, before ridding the drug by hiding it in your coat and proceeding off the wretched ruins that were once functional. Kicking the stone forward was a procedure you repeated as you made your way out of the place, making confusing turns to avoid being followed.
What if I have never met the sunshine guy under the rain... What would happen?
Was it worth it to ponder with the possibilities that is impossible to happen? Yes, yes it is. But do you regret it? A little.
For one, if you have never met him then you wouldn't have this giddy feeling whenever he sends you a message... But of course, your meeting with him has a con; your relationship was seen as taboo and he doesn't even know who you really are.
For crying out loud, he's in love with the soft hearted, butter fingered, tongue twisted L/N Y/N... Or was he in love with you in the first place? Or were you just assuming things?
The Chisaki Y/N inside you was tamed, the tamest among the Shiee Hassaikai. The tamest and has most of the body counts... An attribute he— and the rest of the world will probably see as problematic. The Chisaki Y/N is his sworn enemy, the one he vowed to lock away from the rest of the world. The you that he didn't knew existed.
Your fingers made its way under your coat, feeling the cold tip of a throwing dagger pricking the tip of your finger as an obvious presence began to make itself known.
You were clad in your normal clothes, the sunglasses, dark coat, a hood, mouthguard and a black baseball cap was a little sketchy, but at least you aren't wearing your Shiee Hassaikai uniform and that irritating and ridiculous mask Overhaul requires his underlings to wear. You hated the wretched thing, it can go burn itself and fed its remains to Overhaul.
But that's not the case; the figure was starting to get closer. This is what he said when he started to walk pass you:
"It's a nice night for a walk! Would ya mind if I join you?"
Oh shit, it can't be.
"D-do what you wanna do," you effortlessly changed your voice, keeping your sight to your feet.
There are a lot of times where you wanted to meet him; you never knew he'd be the one running in to you this time. And within the corner of your eye, you see the glint of golden locks, and those beautiful and stupid blue eyes; marble eyes.
"Great! Not to annoy you, but I really need to ask what I young guy like you is doing out here alone and—"
"Are you belittling me?" You halted, he does the same.
"No, no!" Mirio insisted, waving his hands with a sheepish grin. "Sorry if I come out as rude, but I just thought you were familiar and I can't help but to worry about you. Not that I'm belittling you, but you know that dangerous people roam around these parts of the area, right?"
Oh Mirio... You're still the same.
"I... I'm sorry." You sighed. "It's been a long day and all my coworkers and boss—" a cult of dumb asses. "They've been treating me like complete garbage just because I'm the youngest and the Boss' sibling. I hate them." You have no idea how widely you smiled under that mask of yours.
Even you spoke Ill of the others, you managed to smile. And for a moment, your real voice almost slipping out.
"That's rough..." Mirio sighed. You still looked down, but oh how desperate you were to just stare at those marble fucking eyes of his. "So what's your name? I'm Mirio Togata, nice to meet you!"
You paused for a moment. "Kirigiri Tenko, nice to meet you, too Togata." You halted and faced the boy for the first time. He still hasn't changed.
"Cool! Do you like marbles? I like marbles!" He said.
"That's a weird conversation starter, don't you think?" Marbles, does he care about you to mention these to mere strangers? Well, you are a stranger to him, technically, seeing and realizing that all you ever did was to build the L/N Y/N in your foundation of lies to present yourself to him. Even right now, as Kirigiri Tenko.
"I like marbles. When I met my best friend for the first time, they said that my eyes looked like marbles. So I love marbles more, because of them!"
Ahh, how could you forget about that marble eyes comment? In that moment, your head just stopped processing and your mind lurked into the most chaotic evil place in your head that prompted you to blurt that out loud.
"I guess... Marbles are cool. I like them." You replied. The boy is really a sack of ham, isn't he? The boy's awkward, but damn he tries his best to make those people comfortable around him. "Hey... So where's that friend of yours you're saying? They seem interesting... I mean, that's the first that I heard about eyes looking like marbles... And I take it that you like that compliment?"
"Oh, um... They're gone. N-not gone as in dead—" he sheepishly chuckled. "They moved away and yeah, I like that compliment. They have a special place in my heart and I never got the chance to say that I love them." He looked so daze when he said that, as if it wasn't meant to slip out. But it did, but it doesn't seem to bother him.
You came to a halt. He does the same.
"It's been nice talking to you. But I must go." You turned away from him, waving without facing him as you walked an opposite direction from him. Away, and away, and away.
"Oh... Goodbye! Have a good night!"
You wish you can kiss him like that one time, or maybe hug him. Hell, shaking hands with him would be enough for you... But alas.
Somehow, your feet had their mind in their own, as it didn't lead you to the Shiee Hassaikai base... It was at the hide out of the league of villains.
It's been a few days since the last encounter with them. The last time, a lackey was dead and one of their comrades fell to their death. You don't really much about them, but surely they fought with the League and based on what they said, they seem to think that being enslaved by the Shiee Hassaikai wasn't the best way to go. And they're right.
You pulled your mouth guard down, before heaving a sigh. You knocked on the 'door' before one of them opens. It was the Spinner guy.
"Hey, aren't you—"
"Who is it?" A raspy voice asked. You immediately recognised it as the leader's. You glanced over the girl's shoulder to see the leader.
"I'm Chisaki Y/N." You simply answered. "I am affiliated with the Hassaikai."
"They are a threat to our association! Let me finish them!" Spinner tried to intervene, when Tomura held his hand up.
"What are YOU doing here?" Tomura rasped, accusingly pointing at you and you can only feel cautious whenever he moved his hand.
"I wish to join the league and be the spy. " You straightforwardly answered. Both the villains were naturally rational, as they suspiciously eyed you.
"How do we know you can be trusted? For all we know, you might be a spy sent by your brother!" Tomura insists.
"Here." You handed him the quirk cancelling injections. He just glanced at it, before glancing up at you. "Feel free to inject me with it. Hell, strip me off my clothes and try to see if I have any hidden weapons. I'm serious, I want to join the League. Let me be the spy. Use me against the Hassaikai."
"They appear to resent their roots. And based on what I know, they grew up with Chisaki." Tomura whispered to himself, probably not intending to do so. He glanced up at you. You can only stare back.
"So? Am I in?" You asked. Tomura only gave you a doubting look, but his thoughts seems to settle when he let out a hum.
"Prove your loyalty to us first. Then you're in."
You waited until Tomura and the others left. You wanted to face him alone, one last time. Maybe you can do something right for him for once. After all, this will surely be the last time you'll hopefully see him. And you decided to bid your farewell in the most memorable way possible.
Everything you almost never saw in Kai slowly manifested itself in front of you. The fear, the weakness, the exhaustion. He looked defeated. He is strong himself, but without the Shiee Hassaikai... Without you on his side, he was nothing. He strive too high, and look how broken he ended up in the end. The high and mighty has got nothing to spit after this.
And when he saw you, another look was presented upon his features: he looked hopeful. He felt as if someone has come to aide him. However, you weren't here for him.
"Hello, big brother." You knelt by his side, before examining what they have done to his arms.
"What happened to Chrono? The others?" He asked, almost hopefully. He has that look in his eyes as if you were going to repair what he had lost. After all, you have the same quirk. "Quickly, use your quirk in me to restore my—!"
"L/N! Come along, now. Backup's coming!" You glanced from your shoulder to see Mister Compress waving you over.
"Y-Y/N— you're with them?" He lowly said, almost like a whimper of a little child. You can only glance at Overhaul and give him a slightly crooked smile. "H-how? Why? We're siblings!"
"Unfortunately—" you stood up, before removing your glove and discarding your mask. That mask, a remnant of your past. The mask that kept your silence, the mask that practically had a collar attached to it. You tossed it aside, shattering the material. "I am not by your side from the very start. I'm just here to say goodbye."
"You're nothing. From the start. A try hard who thinks that you can restore the Yakuza to its formal glory," you spat, stomping your foot just beside his head. The man flinched at you asserting your dominance. You clutched his collar, pulling him close, your forehead touching his. "You're no Yakuza. You're just another one of those street thugs who wanted to be better. Desperate, weak and useless." You spoke, words dripping with venom. You aggressively shoved him back, before smiling at him. A sweet, tender smile that was meant to rub salt in his wounds. You puckered your lips, before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Adieu, dear brother!" You bowed with a theatrical flare. The statement sounded sweet, too sweet for a bitter farewell and a reveal for your betrayal. You turned and wave back at him. He just watched in utter betrayal, and had nothing to do but to just stare and think about all the things he has done to you.
"I hope we meet again!" He looks at you, your voice too sweet as you talked, and it soon dropped to a more menacing flare. "And if we do, I'll make sure to drag you in hell with me."
You sighed, putting a medical mouth guard on and putting your shades on, before stepping into the light to escort a specific stretcher in an ambulance before taking your seat beside the stretcher.
There he was, bloodstained and exhausted. All you can do was to run your fingers along his forehead and to soften his golden locks away.
"I'm sorry he did this to you, Mirio." You sighed. "No worries, we took care of him. And I'll make sure he'll never lay a hand in you again... If he has one anyways." You saw how Overhaul damaged him out there, and you saw him persevered. Quirk or no quirk, he fought til all the fight in his veins vanished.
"I wish I can face you as— me, Chisaki Y/N. But then again, it's not like the universe can dictate who I am. I'm L/N Y/N. Your L/N Y/N. Your... Tough cookie." You shed a tear, before wiping it away. "God damnit, Marble eyes. If you don't make it, I'm going to kill you." You sobbed.
"Even if I am not by your side, please keep that spirit in you. Be yourself. Be the number one hero that all can look up to." You hiccuped. "You're my hero... And please, don't look for me." You tugged your mouth guard down, before planting a kiss on his lips and you swore that he stirred in the slightest bit possible.
Once the ambulance pulled over, you fastened your mouth guard around your face before wheeling the stretcher out, being helped out by other nurses that spotted you. Once you reached his room, you soon slipped out.
"Good bye... Marble eyes."
So this is the end of the series. Poor bb Mirio, I love him. It's not as detailed as I want to, but I guess it'll do :)
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote!
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